Monday, April 29, 2024

Can Adults Take Children’s Probiotics

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Infants are first introduced to probiotic bacteria when they pass through the vaginal canal during childbirth. The gut flora of a child greatly depends on the gut flora of the motherin fact, the mother passes her gut microbiome to her child. If the mother is on antibiotics or has an imbalanced level of beneficial to harmful bacteria, chances are her children will also have the same imbalance. This is one of the reasons why giving probiotic supplements to children is very essential. If a child is born through C-section, he or she will not be introduced to good gut flora and will be in need of probiotic supplements.

Your body is home to billions of organisms like bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Most of these organisms are harmless and many help your body work properly they form whats called the human microbiome.

Probiotics are some of the helpful good bacteria that make up your microbiome, explains Dr. Drass.

How Does My Child Take Probiotics

Gummies or chews are usually taken once or twice daily. Powdered probiotics are normally taken as 1-2 sachets daily, mixed into cool food or drinks. Liquid drops are usually taken on a teaspoon or mixed into cool food or drinks, once daily. Heating probiotics by adding them to warm foods or drinks may reduce how effective they are. Always follow the directions given.

Are Probiotics Safe For Your Child

Probiotics naturally occur in a healthy human intestine and probiotic supplements are generally considered safe by the FDA. All you are doing by taking a probiotic supplement is adding more good bacteria to your gut. Therefore, probiotics are considered safe for kids. However, some probiotics may be more suitable for children than others. Make sure to read the product instructions for more information.

When you choose a probiotic for your child, look for the following:

  • Contains human bacterial strains
  • Shown to be safe and effective in clinical studies
  • Labeled as safe for infants and/or children

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Frequent Colds And Coughs

Recurring colds in children are usually an indication of a weak immune system. To boost the gut health and in turn the immunity of your kid, consider having probiotics added to their food sources as part of a balanced, healthy diet.

Depending on their age, use the prescribed dosage of the probiotic to boost their immune system.

Probiotics: Good Bacteria In The Gut

A tasteless probiotic powder for children. Suitable for all ages, but ...

Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in a healthy human intestine. These probiotic bacteria support many important processes in the body, including healthy digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, and even cognition and mood.

When the natural and healthy balance of these beneficial bacteria shifts, health issues can develop. Digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhea, more frequent illnesses, food intolerances, allergies, and even migraines are linked to an imbalance in gut bacteria.

Infants first come in contact with bacteria during the birth process. The mothers breast milk also provides important probiotic bacteria. Developing a healthy gut microbiome in the early years of life lays the foundation for health and wellbeing, even years later.

Unfortunately, todays external factors such as C-sections, lack of breastfeeding, and heavy antibiotic use by mother and child can disrupt the healthy bacterial balance in the infants gut microbiome. This can lead to digestive issues in infants such as colic, food intolerances, a weakened immune system, and the emergence of allergies later in life.

Developing a healthy intestinal flora promotes a strong immune system and influences whether someone is prone to digestive issues, infections, allergies, skin conditions such as eczema and other chronic conditions.

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Two In Natren’s Three

Bifido Factor® is step two in Natren’s three-step custom probiotic system. This Bifidobacterium bifidum probiotic product provides support for the large intestine. The large intestine serves as the body’s waste management and disposal system. It needs specific flora to help it maintain a healthy balance, which the Bifidobacterium bifidum bacteria strain provides. Bifidobacteria prefer to reside along the walls of the large intestine. Bifido bacteria are the second most prolific group of bacteria found in a healthy human being. Japanese researchers claim that bifido bacteria are the most beneficial bacteria to human health. Natren founder and probiotic expert Natasha Trevev has spent over a decade studying bifido bacteria and lactobacilli and their applications to human health with the internationally acclaimed researcher and author Dr. Jeremija Lj. Resic, Ph.D.

Natren’s Bifidobacterium bifidum Malyoth super strain is one of the most beneficial probiotics of the Bifidobacterium genus, and has been available as a probiotic supplement in the marketplace for almost three decades, since Natren was the first probiotic company to introduce a single strain bifido bacteria product to the U.S.

  • Production of lactic and acetic acids, which can lower the pH of the large intestine and aid digestion *
  • Colon function*
  • Large intestine health*
  • Repopulation of the colon with beneficial bacteria essential for good health*

Natren Healthy Start System®

Should Children Take Probiotics: Is It Healthy

Probiotics are often recommended for adults, but are they suitable for children? Can kids take probiotics? If they should, which strain of bacteria is best for them? Well explore all of these questions in this article.

Key Takeaways

  • Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide a benefit to the host when consumed in adequate amounts.
  • Childrens probiotics often come in either a pill form or as chewable tablets.
  • The type of bacterial strains in the probiotics matter!
  • Studies suggest that probiotics can treat excessive infant crying, treat acute gastroenteritis, prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea and prevent infections.

Bacteria and yeast are often viewed in a negative light however, there are different types. Bad bacteria cause disease and infections while good bacteria and yeast are essential to our body and are needed for the regulation of various functions. For example, they play a crucial role in maintaining overall gut health.

Unfortunately, our body doesnt naturally produce these bacteria and yeast, so we need to supplement them by taking probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are good for your body. They often come in a pill form, which your children can take with water, or as a chewable tablet.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization in 2002, probiotics are live microorganisms that provide a benefit to the host when administered in adequate amounts.

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Probiotics Are Safe For Kids

As a parent, the first question you ask before giving your child anything is, Is it safe? For probiotics, the answer is yes.

Probiotics have been proven safe for both infants and children, and they are unlikely to cause significant side effects. Even the most vulnerable of babies, preterm neonates, have been shown to benefit from probiotic supplementation.

A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis involving more than 12,000 preterm infants found that a combination of Lacto/Bifido blend probiotics plus prebiotics were associated with lower rates of mortality, necrotizing enterocolitis , and NEC-related mortality .

The only case where probiotics may pose a slightly higher risk of side effects is with critically ill infants and children . In these cases, ask your pediatrician whether probiotics are right for your child. Otherwise, high-quality studies have shown that probiotics are safe and effective in pediatric populations, from age zero to 18 .

Probiotics are also safe for pregnant women, and pregnant women who take probiotics have been shown to have :

  • Lower infant mortality
  • Lower rates of necrotizing enterocolitis
  • Longer pregnancies, so more time for babies to develop properly.

Are There Probiotics For Colic

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There is just one recommended probiotic strain called Lactobacillus Reuteri, which has evidence in relation to helping babies and young children suffering from colic . This probiotic is found in the supplement:

Research has shown that this probiotic may increase the effectiveness of colic treatments, decrease colic symptoms, reduce daily crying and unsettled times . The evidence is strongest for breastfed babies and there needs to be more research for formula-fed babies.

There is not strong enough evidence that probiotics can prevent colic before it starts.

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The Meaghers Verdict On Children’s Probiotics

In conclusion, probiotics do not harm children, and they are necessary for children as they boost their immune and digestive systems. Caregivers should not replace any medications with probiotics.

Before administering any probiotic for children, it’s advisable to seek a paediatrician’s advice to help you identify the best strains that will suit your family and always keep the probiotics safe and out of children’s reach to avoid misuse.

As with any medicinal supplement, always ensure that you do thorough research before buying any probiotic products. Ask your GP or pharmacist to help you determine which products are suitable for your health.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Child’s Probiotic Requirements

We’re hopeful this guide has given food for thought on ensuring the best course of action when considering a healthy, balanced diet to improve your child’s overall gut health – and illustrating how the effects of probiotics can form a strong aide in that mission.

If youd like to ask our team about choosing the right dose of probiotics for your child or any other family health-related questions, please contact us today. We would be delighted to help you make a more informed decision on the best way forward for your child’s health and happiness!

Probiotics May Work Differently For Kids

Different probiotic strains perform different functions in the body. Up until birth, your child has no microorganisms in their gut. Its only during birth that the gut is populated with bacteria and other microorganisms. As a result, children at different points in their development may need different probiotic strains. Research in this field is still evolving. Before starting your child on probiotics, you may want to speak with their pediatrician.

Some probiotics are formulated specifically for children, whereas others might be more suitable for adults. The main differences are the amount of active bacteria, the number of strains, and the specific strains included in the formulation.

Most importantly, a high-quality probiotic should be formulated to address specific health outcomes. For example, a probiotic designed to help alleviate antibiotic-associated diarrhea is different from one that will support gut barrier function. It is best to choose a probiotic that addresses your kids needs, and that is formulated to be safe for children.

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How To Identify The Best Kids Probiotics

Probiotics for kids may be administered within cold food such as:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetable products that are fermented
  • Dairy products like cheese that are fermented

You also have the option of upgrading the kids’ dietary intake with the right supplements, such as Bio-Kult for infants or Revive Active Junior for older kids.

To ensure you get the best for your kid, look out for

  • Live cultures – Ensure the probiotics are not expired.
  • A range of bacteria strains – Probiotics with various strains yields better results than those with a single strain.
  • Size – The probiotic should be big enough to form a colony, and it’s possible to measure this using the colony-forming units or CFUs. Get a probiotic that is suitable for the kids’ size and age.
  • Form – Since probiotics are available in different forms, including powder, chewable tablets, and liquids, go for the form most suitable for your child.
  • Safe – Ensure the probiotics you choose are safe for children. Consult your child’s doctor on the daily probiotic dosage that is right for your kid. Children with other conditions such as autism can also have probiotics administered, but you need to know the correct strain for such kids.

Does My Child Need A Daily Probiotic

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If your child is well and happily eating a healthy and varied diet of mostly unprocessed foods , they may not need a daily probiotic supplement.

For instance, probiotics are found naturally in many different foods, starting with breast milk. So if youre pregnant or breastfeeding, make sure your own microbiome is in good shape so you can pass those healthy bacteria on to your child.

Once your little one starts on solid foods, these are great sources of probiotics:

Basically, if live cultures are mentioned on the label, youre on the right track.

If youre dealing with a picky eater, try mixing foods high in probiotics into other foods that your child likes, like a smoothie, juice, or porridge. Otherwise, try ready-made products like probiotics-filled drinkable yogurt, which comes in kid-friendly variations like vanilla, mango, or berry flavor. Be sure to read the label before you buy though. Watch out for ready-made products that contain very low levels of probiotics and a lot of added sugar or other sweeteners.

Note that fresh fruit and vegetables are also very important, as they contain prebiotics. These provide food for the good bacteria in your system.

If your little ones system is out of whack, youre struggling to get enough healthy food into them, or theyve recently been on a course of antibiotics, a probiotic supplement can help bring their little body back into balance.

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Bottom Line: Almost All Little Ones Can Take Probiotics Safely

Along with encouraging healthy choices in your childs diet, making sure they get enough sleep, and minimizing environmental stressors, taking probiotics can be a foundational part of your childs wellness. Probiotics have been shown to be both safe and effective for nearly all children ages 0-18, even babies. There are also many texture and flavor options for kids probiotics that can make taking them fun for children to regularly take.

If you have further questions or concerns about giving your child probiotics, speak with your pediatrician or reach out to us at the Ruscio Institute for Functional Medicine to speak with one of our healthcare professionals.

Are Probiotics Safe For Children

Though it is unclear if probiotics benefit children, it’s clear they typically won’t cause harm in healthy children. However, Dr. Sanghavi recommends parents wait until a child is over 1 year of age before giving probiotics. “Currently, there just isn’t enough safety data on probiotics for infants,” she says.

Children who are seriously ill or who have a compromised immune system should consult a physician before taking probiotics. Some studies suggest that children with a central line or port should also avoid probiotics. In children with these medical devices, there have been reported cases of sepsis. If your child has a port or central line, always talk to your physician before using probiotics.

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Probiotics For Asthmatic Children

Its estimated that 1 in 11 children suffer with asthma14. Some probiotics have been researched in asthmatics and shown to have beneficial effects, but research into the gut-lung axis is still in its infancy.

In addition to their benefits for immune health , L. acidophilus Rosell 52, B. infantis Rosell 33 and B. bifidum Rosell 71 were shown in a clinical trial with 78 children to reduce wheezing-like symptoms. Symptoms were reduced after 3 months and disappeared after 6 months. This result was still maintained at 9 months15. Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis® has also been shown to significantly reduce bronchial airway inflammation in 43 asthmatic children16. Finally, there is evidence for Bifidobacterium breve M-16V® in reducing the frequency of wheezing and noisy breathing in infants17. You can find more information here: Probiotic Potential for Asthma.

Healthcare professionals can find more information on the Probiotic Professionals site: Probiotics for Asthma

Probiotics And Kids: Should You Give Your Child Probiotics

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Probiotics are considered safe for children and may help relieve constipation, colic, acid reflux, prevent and alleviate antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and may help prevent allergies and skin conditions like eczema. Probiotics may also help support a healthy gut from a young age.

Probiotics are among the most frequently used dietary supplements in the U.S, but are they something you should be giving your child? Is it safe to use? And at what age can you start giving your child probiotics?

In this blog post, well help you make sense of probiotics for kids, how they work, their benefits, and when to start.

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How To Choose A Kids Probiotic

When it comes to choosing the best probiotic for your child, youll want to choose a kids probiotic in much the same way youd choose one for an adult. The best probiotics often have a variety of species in every dose and have a potency in the many billions of live cultures.

A number of probiotic strains and species have been studied in both kids and adults to treat or address particular health concerns or diseases. But there are literally thousands of them, most of which have not been compared to each other in clinical trials. Experts agree that ensuring variety is a lot more important than including one particular bacteria or fungal strain over another.

Many probiotic supplements also contain prebiotics. Prebiotics are types of fiber that feed beneficial bacteria . Examples of prebiotics that you might see on the label include inulin, chicory, oat fiber, apple or pear pectin, and any word that has the suffix -oligosaccharides in it. Prebiotics help strengthen the bacteria in your gut, so its good to look for probiotics that include them.

You can talk to a healthcare professional to ask if theres a brand that they recommend most.

Side Effects Of Probiotics On Children

Probiotics are live and active microorganisms, mainly bacteria, which are similar to those that exist naturally in the human digestive tract. Often referred to as friendly bacteria, probiotics may help to encourage digestion and regularity, as well as replenish bacterial flora after a course of antibiotics. Side effects of probiotics in children are similar to those in adults, although they may be more dangerous in children. You should always consult your childs pediatrician before feeding them food containing probiotics.

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