Friday, May 3, 2024

Why Does My Stomach Feel Tight And Bloated

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Bloating | How To Get Rid Of Bloating | Reduce Bloating

Bloating is rarely a sign of a serious medical problem. However, bloating that is chronic and doesn’t respond to changes in eating habits or OTC treatments sometimes is associated with certain diseases and conditions.

Bloating that is accompanied by abdominal pain, bloody stools, persistent diarrhea, or vomiting are especially concerning and can be a sign of any of a number of serious diseases and conditions, including;colon cancer, bowel obstruction, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome .

If you notice you’re frequently or constantly bloated or that you become bloated after eating certain foodsespecially those that contain wheat or dairymake an appointment to see your doctor. It will be helpful for them if you jot down when you’re most likely to experience bloating and under what circumstances.

Eat The Right Amount Of Fibre

Sometimes a low fibre diet is prescribed to people who suffer with bloating because of bowel problems.

Foods like lentils, beans, broccoli, asparagus, corn, wheat, potatoes, artificial sweeteners or too much fibre can cause bloating, says Mr Chophada. Keeping a food diary to see if any specific foods trigger your symptoms and trying an elimination diet can help.

Your gut bugs have a bit of a party when you feed them fibre, which can shake things up while your gut adjusts. So you might find yourself a little bloated or windy, adds The Gut Stuff; team. Try to increase your fibre intake by 5g per day per week over a few weeks to reduce the risk of bloating, advises the team.

If you love bread, here are some breads that may not make you bloat.

Possible Causes Of Bloating In Upper Abdomen

Abdominal bloating is a health condition in which the upper abdomen is gaseous, may be visibly swollen or distended, and feels uncomfortably full. Its a common complaint among both children and adults, and the symptoms can be difficult to live with. Moreover, it can also be accompanied by burping or belching, pain, excessive gas or flatulence,swallowing of air, and abdominal rumbling.

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Check For Certain Medical Conditions

Medical conditions which affect co-ordinated bowel movements including bowel inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome or even conditions like diabetes can result in bloating, says Mr Chophada.

Underlying digestive issues such as Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth , IBS or an unresolved gut infection, plus blood sugar imbalances that mean we make too much stress hormone can result in bloating, says Claire.

According to one studyprobiotics may be helpful in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, enteritis, bacterial infections, and various gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhoea. The same study found that probiotic microorganisms are also effective in the alleviation of lactose intolerance. However, more research is required. Taking probiotics can actually cause bloating at first, until your gut microbiota settle down, though they are worth persisting with. However, its arguably better to try to reduce bloating by eating certain foods, rather than taking pills. Many IBS sufferers have also had success with the Fodmap diet.

Reasons Why Your Dogs Stomach Is Hard And What To Do

The Real Reason Why Your Stomach Is Bloated And How To Fix ...

When your dogs stomach swells or hardens, there may be a serious cause for concern, or it may just be a case of your dog overheating. Its important to know the difference between something that can take care of itself versus something that can cause your dog serious harm.

The four main reasons why your dogs stomach may be hard are Gastric Dilation Volvulus , Peritonitis, Cushings Syndrome, and Ascites. Of course, there may be a few other reasons, but these are the most likely ones. By knowing the symptoms of stomach problems in dogs, you will know what to do in the event of something more serious happening.

Take note that when a dog has stomach swelling or hardness, your pooch may be in critical condition. Swelling in dogs can be fatal if the situation is not remedied promptly. Take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as you notice stomach swelling. A veterinarian is the best person to diagnose your dog because you do not want to misinterpret their symptoms and cause them more harm.

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Drinking Too Much Soda

Carbonated beverages, such as soda or sparkling water, are a common reason for bloating. The fizz in your favorite sodas can cause gas to get trapped in your stomach, which can lead to bloating and belching.

Try limiting the amount of soda you drink and switch to a healthier alternative. Water with cucumber or lemon can offer a flavorful drink with your meal, and black tea can provide the caffeine kick you may need in the early afternoon. If youre already feeling bloated, peppermint tea is a common remedy that can be used to help reduce the discomfort.

How To Treat Dog Bloat

You 100% cannot and should not attempt to treat dog bloat at home. There are no home remedies, medications, or supplements that are safe or effective to give a dog that is suffering from GDV/Bloat. The only correct way to treat bloat is to get your dog to the vet as soon as possible! Even if it turns out not to be a case of GDV, you will be happier for the peace of mind and relief veterinary evaluation can provide.

If your dog is suffering from GDV, no amount of Gas-X or any other at-home treatment will cure or help your dog. In fact, the struggle of trying to get oral medications into your dog when they have a twisted stomach will worsen their discomfort and distress, and also carries the risk that the medication will wind up in their lungs .

The time wasted trying to give at-home treatments will unnecessarily delay the proper veterinary evaluation and care needed to give your dog the best chance of survival.

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Abdominal Swelling And Bloating Symptoms

Abdominal bloating and swelling is described in many different ways.;Some people describe it more as a symptomas a feeling of indigestion or a tight abdomen, and some people define it more as a signthat they can visually see that their belly is distended or their clothes look too tight around the middle.

Depending on the cause, this symptom can come on suddenly or gradually.;It can be something that has recently appeared;or a symptom that comes and goes.

Eat At Regular Intervals


Many people experience bloating directly after a big meal. It is possible to avoid this by eating several smaller meals each day, which can help to keep the digestive system moving.

Swallowing food quickly can introduce air into the digestive tract. Drinking from a straw can also lead to people swallowing more air, which in turn leads to gas and bloating. People who have bloating should avoid using straws if possible and try eating slowly to avoid swallowing air during meals.

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Having A Food Intolerance

Typically, if someone is feels bloated, it is because of their food or water intake, but even if you havent eaten too much, you may have eaten the wrong thing. Certain food intolerances or sensitives to spicy or acidic foods can cause the gastrointestinal tract to have a more difficult time than usual.

An undiagnosed intolerance to foods can cause a lot of bloating, Hoffman said. The body is trying to break down the foods for the body to use, and a lot of gas can be the result of that work.

If you experience a lot of bloating, try keeping a food journal to track what you eat, when you notice bloating and the amount of discomfort you experience.

Why Do I Feel Bloated When I Havent Eaten

Bloating is the swollen feeling you get after you have eaten. This is because of excess gas production and disturbances of the muscles in the digestive system. The feeling is as if you are full.

People often find this sensation after 3 hours of having a meal. It is possible to feel bloated even when you havent eaten. Occasionally, even with little food in your stomach, you can perceive the over-eating. The stomach every so often can be expanded forward due to excessive gas collection. All in all, it makes you wonder Why do I feel bloated when I havent eaten?

Table of Content

  • 9 FAQs
  • Don’t Miss: Do Bananas Help With Bloating

    What You Can Do To Help Prevent Future Bloat / Gdv Episodes

    We do know that breed, family history, stress , and the frequency and amount you feed all play a role in GDV/Bloat. Unfortunately, we don’t know all of the factors that can contribute to the development of the condition in all dogs with absolute certainty. There is ongoing research into this subject and, ironically, one factor that was previously thought to decrease risk of GDV/Bloat feeding from an elevated bowl actually appears to increase it!

    If your dog has previously suffered from Bloat, there are steps you can take to help prevent another episode. The gastropexy surgery your dog will undergo should prevent the stomach from ever twisting again. Though it can still distend.

    The Outward Hound Slow Feeder Bowl encourages your pup to eat up to 10 times slower with its puzzle design. Its two-cup capacity and non-slip base make this a fun, interactive way for your dog to eat. The Green Interactive Feeder, which is made to look like a tuft of grass, turns your dog’s meal into a challenging, time-consuming game.

    Available at:

    Available at:

    To see the Green Interactive Feeder in action, check out Loki enjoying his:

    Available at:

    Please share your dog’s GDV/Bloat experience in this short anonymous survey.

    The information you share will help us help many more dogs. It will take 25 minutes.Thank you!

    What Causes Upper Abdominal Bloating

    Dlaczego mój odek jest napity?

    1. Gas-Inducing Foods

    When eating, food is digested in the stomach and enters the small intestines where the enzymes break down the proteins, sugars, carbohydrates and sugars for energy. Gas-inducing foods are more difficult to digest, and can cause gas to build up during the digestive process. The amount of gas that different foods cause may vary from person to person and some examples of gas-producing foods are fried and fatty foods, vegetables such as broccoli, and Brussel sprouts, beans, some fruits, eggs, breads and carbonated or alcoholic drinks.

    2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    A common disorder called irritable bowel syndrome , affects the large intestine causing upper abdominal bloating and pain. Symptoms can also include diarrhea or constipation, and the condition affects more women than men. Irritable bowel syndrome may also be associated with depression, stress, anxiety, or a previous intestinal infection. The treatment for IBS could include anti-diarrhea medications, fiber supplements, pain medication, and dietary restrictions on gas producing foods.

    3. Celiac Disease

    Celiac disease is caused by inflammation of the lining of the small intestine that inhibits the body’s ability to digest gluten. Celiac disease sometimes causes people to become malnourished, despite eating what is otherwise a healthy diet. Although the cause of this disease is unknown, the condition is often hereditary.

    4.;Lactose Intolerance

    5. Heartburn


    7. Pancreatic Cancer

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    Can Bloating Be Prevented

    To keep your digestive system working well, follow a healthy diet and eat at least 30g of fibre every day. Cut down on processed and fatty foods, and drink less alcohol. Drink plenty of water and take any medicines as directed by your doctor.

    Dont overeat, and try to eat more slowly. Eating regularly will help to prevent digestive problems.

    Regular exercise is also important for your gut because it strengthens the muscles in your tummy and stimulates the digestive system to push food through. It also helps with stress, which affects the nerves in the digestive system and can slow down digestion.

    Smoking is very bad for your digestion. If you smoke, try to quit now.

    Treatment Of A Bloated Stomach

    Treatment depends on the underlying cause of abdominal bloating. The following is the usually recomended treatment of each of the common causes of a bloated stomach.

  • Aerophagia – Behavioral modification is necessary to treat this condition .
  • Avoid chewing gum
  • Avoid hard candy
  • Avoid carbonated drinks
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;- Low dose antidepressants and antispasmodics are used to treat or manage irritable bowel syndrome. Recent meta-meta-analyses have indicated the benefit of antibiotics, probiotics, and anti-tumor necrosis factor agents in patients with IBS;.
  • Constipation Osmotic laxatives and plenty of fluids will be helpful. Certain fiber supplements like psyllium should be avoided as they can worsen bloating.
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth Bacterial infections are treated with a course of antibiotics. For example, an analysis of small bowel biopsies in elderly patients with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth revealed blunting of the intestinal villi, thinning of the mucosa and crypts, and increased intraepithelial lymphocytes. All of these symptoms;reversed with antibiotic treatment.
  • Malabsorption syndrome Nutrients that are;not absorbed well are;eliminated from the diet. For example, lactose is to be avoided in lactose intolerance and gluten in case of celiac disease. Alternatively, digestive enzymes can be taken for relief.
  • Intestinal obstruction Surgery is done urgently;to treat this condition.
  • Read Also: What To Take For Leaky Gut

    Stomach Gurgling And Bloating

    over a year ago


    XanderPhillips71 over a year ago

    Hi Janet. My name is Xander. I was just wandering the same thing because my cousin suffers from the exact same thing. What are your eating habits, what do you eat the most? Also it is very important to measure the amount of vegetables you eat, and to remind yourself you should not eat too much. I would like you to go to see your doctor about this concern, because bloated stomach;can be potentially dangerous. You should run blood tests, stool examination and full body examination just in case to check everything. Endoscopy is recommended. Let us know what you did please.;

    over a year ago

    Dawne over a year ago

    Excess Gas Can Build Up

    How To Get Rid Of Bloated Stomach | Reduce Stomach Bloating Instantly

    Gas is a normal part of digestion, but if it builds up in your intestines, it may cause bloating and pain. Gas happens when food that is not digested is broken down in your colon. This process produces methane and hydrogen, which you pass naturally as gas.

    If you do experience bloating due to gas, modifying your food intake may help. Here are some common drinks and foods that can cause bloating:

    • Foods high in fiber or fat
    • Fried and spicy dishes
    • Carbonated drinks, such as soda or beer
    • Lactose found in milk, cheese and yogurts

    Over-the-counter supplements can even trigger bloating.

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    Youre Swallowing Too Much Air

    Inadvertently swallowing too much air when you eat or drink, a condition known as aerophagia, may cause bloating and belching, Dr. Fisher says, So drinking through a straw or having carbonated beverages are things that tend to contribute to upper GI bloating.

    Eating too fast and chewing gum may also cause you to ingest too much air, adds Stefani Sassos, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian in the Good Housekeeping Institute. Try your best to slow down when you eat, properly chew your food, and make sure youre staying hydrated throughout the day, she says.

    Why Does Alcohol Cause Abdominal Bloating

    A lot of people wonder, Why does my stomach bloat after drinking alcohol? The truth is, not all people who drink alcohol get abdominal bloating.

    But those who often have health complications that are the result of impaired stomach functions have issues with digestive processes like the gastrointestinal tract, stomach lining, acid secretion, and relaxed sphincter muscles.

    Alcohol is a trigger for inflammatory bowel disease, research shows. Out of 129 patients evaluated, 39 had irritable bowel syndrome . In fact, 43% of patients with IBS claimed to have worsened the symptoms of the condition after drinking alcohol. The more they drank, the worse the symptoms became.

    The stomach must work properly for the body to digest the drinks normally. In other words, the autonomic nervous system should control the stomach muscles and digestive fluids. When something impairs the normal movement of food and drinks in the stomach , thats when people experience stomach bloating.

    Based on studies, alcoholic beverages are nervous system depressants. They slow down the entire system, which could have serious repercussions on the overall health, not just the stomach lining. Therefore, people can experience cramps, pains, and diarrhea.

    For those dealing with alcoholism in the DFW area, its best that you enroll in a medical alcohol detox in North Texas to manage your withdrawal symptoms. The sooner you get treatment, the higher the chances of overcoming your alcohol-induced bloating problem.

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    What Causes Wind In The Stomach

    We all carry a certain amount of gas in our digestive system.

    Chewing food, gulping down a drink and talking can all cause you to swallow air. Certain activities can further elevate this such as chewing gum, drinking fizzy drinks and smoking.9

    In addition, sometimes your body produces more than normal amounts of gas. This happens for various reasons and contributes to feeling bloated.

    Hard Stomach During Pregnancy

    Why is My Stomach Bloated?  Entirely Health

    Generally, you expect a hard stomach when youre pregnant. Your hard-feeling stomach is caused by the pressure of your uterus growing and putting pressure on your abdomen.

    The hardness of your stomach while pregnant can be more pronounced if you eat a low-fiber diet or drink a lot of carbonated beverages.

    If your experience severe pain along with your hard stomach, you should see your OB-GYN or seek immediate medical attention. Sometimes severe pain in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is an indicator of miscarriage.

    Although more common in the third trimester, in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, discomfort can come from labor contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions. Typically Braxton-Hicks contractions pass. If the contractions dont pass and become more persistent, it might be a sign that youre going into labor.

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