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Does Peppermint Tea Help With Constipation

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S On How To Use Peppermint Oil For Constipation In Adults

Is Heather’s Tummy Tea Peppermint Tea For IBS Right for Your Symptoms?

Essential oils, the compound rich oils from different plants, have been used for centuries for treating a variety of health problems. For health uses, these oils are made into tinctures, where a small amount of essential oils are mixed with a solution or carrier oil. It is crucial to know that whilst there are a lot of useful essential oil uses, the pure oil oral consumption could be a little bit toxic and pose health risks. This is true when undiluted and pure oils are used externally without a solution or carrier. Nevertheless, if blended into a tincture, essential oils could lessen a wide range of health symptoms.

Among popular essential oils used nowadays, peppermint oil is one of the most effective herbal oils due to its ability to calm and numb. In the previous article on WikiYeah, we have introduced methods to use peppermint oil for headaches and migraine. Now, we turn into sharing to you a topic of how to use peppermint oil for constipation. Peppermint oil, in fact, has persisted throughout the history for different uses, from headaches to cold and flu symptoms. Thanks to the menthol content in peppermint, which is reckoned as a potent decongestant, using it is good for sinus and respiratory problems. However, today, peppermint is known as a flavoring for mints and candies and in a lot of foods, despite it is popular in alternative medicine where the health related benefits of peppermint tincture and tea are still resorted for a wide range of ailments.

Using Tea To Help With Digestion

Many people enjoy a cup of tea after a rich meal, or when theyre suffering from persistent stomach troubles. Tea can be a great way to aid the body as it digests, and is is a tasty, healthful alternative to other sugary or alcoholic drinks. If youre looking for a tea to help with digestion, there are a wide variety of flavors to choose from! While tea may not be able to cure more serious illnesses, it can provide much-needed relief when youre in gastrointestinal distress. Whether youre suffering from persistent stomach troubles or are just seeking relief after a heavy meal, tea can be a great way to aid digestion and soothe the stomach.

Tea For Constipation Relief 10 Best Herbal Solutions

Constipation is defined as stools that are difficult to pass, are particularly hard and dry, cause straining or occur less than once every three days on average. Relief comes in many forms. Most elect a trip to the drugstore where various laxatives exist that can help to combat a quick case of a clogged colon. Still, others turn to fiber supplements in the alternative; relying on a bulking boost of psyllium to provide constipation relief. However, others turn instead to alternative options like drinking herbal tea for constipation, for example.

Home remedies for constipation are plentiful and include everything from prunes to vegetable oil for fast acting remedies. Some home remedies can prove very useful for an acute case of constipation, while others are little more than hokey handed down wives tales that will do little to remedy a rambunctiously irregular digestive tract. One home remedy that often goes forgotten is herbal tea. And, while the hot beverage may not be the first thing that comes to the minds of many at the first signs of a plugged up posterior, tea for constipation is an old, effective and easy traditional remedy. We have compiled the best ten of these to consider as an alternative option for constipation clearing.

10.Clove Tea: Use this strong natural remedy in small doses as its punch is as powerful as its pungent aroma. Clove tea can provide a suitable home remedy for constipation and is known for its calming and soothing effects on the digestive tract.

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Distribution And History Of Cultivation

Peppermint is found growing wild throughout Europe, North America and Australia along stream banks and in moist wastelands, and is also cultivated under a number of varieties, strains, or chemotypes . It has a long history of cultivation in northern and southern temperate regions along stream banks and in other moist areas. It was believed to be cultivated in ancient Egypt, although the record of cultivation was known to be near London in 1750. In the late 1600s and early 1700s it was first recognized as a distinct species by John Ray, a botanist. The peppermint of commerce today is obtained mostly from cultivation in Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, northern Europe, and the United States . The United States is the leading producer of peppermint oil, especially in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wisconsin, and Indiana .

Mint leaves have been used in medicine for several thousand years, according to records from the Greek, Roman, and ancient Egyptian eras . The origin of peppermint cultivation is disputed, though there is some evidence that it was cultivated in ancient Egypt. Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder wrote of its uses by the Greeks and Romans. Peppermint was first recognized as a distinct species by botanist John Ray in his Synopsis Stirpium Britannicorum , and his Historia Plantarum . It became official in the London Pharmacopoeia in 1721 . Today, peppermint leaf and/or its oil are official in the national pharmacopoeias of Austria, France,

S.C. Taneja, S. Chandra, in, 2012

Peppermint And Irritable Bowel Syndrome Pain Relief

10 Herbal Teas for Relieving Constipation and Make You ...

Famous botanist, Carolus Linnaeus, was the first to describe peppermint, a sterile hybrid of spearmint and watermint, when he collected it in England in 1753, but people used peppermint as a medicine for centuries before this. Alternative medicine practitioners have implemented peppermint with a number of beneficial results, including as a digestive aid, and it is only relatively recently that researchers have begun to study its potential for use in mainstream medicine.

The effectiveness of peppermint in relieving various symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome has been well-documented and covered in previous issues of The Inside Tract®.1,2 Researchers have attributed peppermints relief of IBS symptoms, such as constipation and bloating, mainly to its antispasmodic properties. The menthol contained in peppermint has a relaxing effect on the intestinal smooth muscle. Similarly, in a recent study on peppermint in the form of an enteric-coated supplement for the treatment of IBS-associated pain, researchers found that peppermint had a pain-relieving effect for most IBS participants in the study, again attributed to its antispasmodic effect.

Though considered safe for normal usage, large doses of peppermint can have negative effects and sometimes interfere with the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and medications. As with any treatment, it is important to talk with your doctor about what is best for you.

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Benefits Of Drinking Mint Tea

People have been infusing and drinking many different types of plants for centuries. Several herbal teas are commonly used in traditional medicine around the globe to help ease, nausea, indigestion, constipation, headaches and to aid restful sleep.

Both peppermint and spearmint are types of mint that are native to both Europe and Asia, which have long been valued for their special medicinal properties and cooling effects.

It has been known for generations that drinking mint tea benefits your digestion and one of the most popular remedies for an upset stomach is to sip on a freshly brewed cup of peppermint tea.

Let’s take a closer look at 9 mint tea benefits and why you should always have some in your kitchen cupboard:

How Much Tea Is Recommended To Consume

Different teas have a different set of instructions. So whatever tea you purchase, make sure to read the instructions provided by the manufacturer. However, most of the teas can be taken one to two cups every day. If there are no instructions on how much to drink, kindly see your doctor for a better recommendation.

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How To Drink Peppermint Tea

Brew peppermint tea using a tea bag, dried leaves, or crushed fresh mint. The water should be hot but not boiling, and the tea should steep for 5 to 7 minutes for full flavor. Start with fresh or dried peppermint leaves. You need about 1 tablespoon crushed, fresh leaves, or 1 teaspoon or tea bag of dried leaves per cup of fresh water.

Peppermint gives the impression of sweetness, making sugar unnecessary, though you may want to add some to taste. . You can blend peppermint with other herbs when you make your herbal tea. It’s delicious with lavender, another stress reducer; ginger, a digestion aid; and fennel seeds, a main ingredient in detox tea.

Green Tea For Relieving Constipation:

Heather’s Tummy Tea Peppermint: For IBS Relief of Pain, Spasms, Cramps

Green Tea is another well tried and tested option for constipation. The tea has an amazingly positive effects over metabolism. It enhances the digestion of food in our body. This thus relieves constipation in our body and helps in clearing the stomach off the waste. This tea is also the most recommended weight loss remedy. Most people start their day with a cup of green tea so that they have a comforting bowel movements.


  • 1 tea spoon of green tea leaves or 1 bag of green tea.
  • 1 cup of water
  • honey-optional
  • Method:

    Boil a cup of water. Add a tea spoon of green tea or a bag of green tea. You may add honey for some sweet taste. Do not add too much of honey as it kills the purpose of having green tea.

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    Home Remedies For Constipation Relief

    Dietary changes, drinking water, exercise, and taking supplements are among the natural ways to relieve symptoms of constipation. Identifying the factors contributing to constipation can help you decide which remedies are best. A combination of the following remedies may be necessary to treat the problem.

    Best Teas To Ease Up Your Constipation

    By Jessica

    Tea is a time-honored remedy to ease digestive issuesespecially the herbal kind, which is known to stimulate your digestive system to relieve constipation.

    Typically, constipation occurs when an individual has less than three bowel movements across a week. As a result, your stool may become dry, hard, and tough to pass. Still, a few people may feel jammed if they are unable to have a bowel movement each day.

    Therefore, to organically treat your digestive problems, we have examined numerous types of teas, and their effects on the bowels movement to offer you the best natural cure for your uneasiness.

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    Overcoming Our Own Inhibitions For Expansion

    Peppermint and spearmint planting stock was imported from the USA, and multiplied by tissue culture at the biotechnology laboratory of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India. The company was very possessive of the imported quality stock and was reluctant to pass it on . I was able to overcome this inhibition, which was getting in the way of expanding the program on a commercial scale. Being from the area, I was well versed and could identify distillers that could be relied upon. Inclusion of such distillers was also a necessity to minimize capital investment by the company. At the same time, company investment was also required to keep distillers under control; in establishing new distillation units, distillers were given a subtle message that the company could erect mint distillation units in their areas and create competition for them if they dishonoured contracts. Thus the competition was turned into cooperation by involving outside distillers who got normal distillation charges from the company and the assured procurement and procurement prices.

    Mariana Galata, Soheil Mahmoud, in, 2012

    Does Peppermint Tea Help With Constipation

    7 Herbal Teas That Can Help Ease Constipation

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

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    Chamomile Tea Good For Constipation

    Chamomile tea is usually made from German chamomile, a bushy shrub. It has historically been used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, stomach cramps, indigestion, diarrhea, gas and colic, according to the University of Illinois-Chicago.

    Today, chamomile is widely regarded in the natural health community as a dietary supplement for gastrointestinal conditions including constipation. According to the NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health , the health effects of chamomile have not been well studied in people, including whether chamomile tea is good for constipation.

    There is some research showing that combinations of herbs including chamomile may help stomach trouble, NCCIH says. “But chamomile alone has not been shown to be helpful for these conditions,” says NCCIH. Many of the studies using chamomile look at stomach problems in general, while a few zero in on constipation.

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    Treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Peppermint oil plays a very important role in the symptomatic treatment of an irritable bowel syndrome, where it soothes the gut muscles and alleviates gastric cramps, bloating and regulates digestion.

    Peppermint oil is currently known as one of the most successful methods for relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

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    Prunes Figs And Raisins

    Eating prunes have been the standard home remedy for constipation, says Leann Poston, MD, the assistant dean at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine and a contributor for Ikon Health. Besides their fiber content, they contain sorbitol, which seems to have a laxative effect.;

    Dried plums or prunes have always been on the list for keeping bowel movements regular. Eating prunes or drinking prune juice is not just for senior citizens. A six-ounce glass of prune juice every morning could be the remedy to end constipation. If you dont like prunes, eating raisins or figs will provide a similar function. Dried fruit has more fiber than drinking prune juice, but both have a natural laxative quality.

    Dandelion Tea Is One Of The Best Teas For Constipation

    White Rice & Peppermint Tummy Tea for IBS

    Dandelions belong to a large genus of flowering plants of the Asteraceae family. Its name comes from the French dent de lion, which means lions tooth.

    This is owing to the toothed shape of the leaves that surround the bottom of the plants stem. It can grow to heights of up to 30 centimetres , eventually developing easily recognisable miniature yellow flowers called ray florets.

    When made into a Herbal Tea, it can relieve mild digestive symptoms including bloating and, perhaps most importantly here, constipation. The reason is its ability to stimulate the liver to produce bile, which then indirectly helps bowel movement.

    It also serves as a diuretic in the body, adding more water to the digestive system and, in turn, your stools.

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    Suffering From Constipation Consume These 5 Drinks To Get Instant Relief

    Written By: Gopi Karelia | Edited By: Sonia Bhaskar | February 02, 2018 11:51 AM | Food

    The 2015 hit movie Piku highlighted the struggle of Pikus father Bhaskor Banerjee to deal with chronic constipation. It is something that 22% of Indias adult population suffers from. According to a recent survey by healthcare firm Abbott, constipation is emerging to be one of the most common medical problems in India after common cold and cough. People with irregular diet patterns, increasing consumption of junk foods, low intake of water and unhealthy lifestyle habits are more likely to suffer from infrequent bowel movement or face tremendous difficulty in passing stool, experts point out. Various lifestyle disorders like diabetes and hypertension are also associated with symptoms of constipation, the survey noted.

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    The study succeeds in highlighting the issue existing around constipation. One of the key aspects being how people neglect the problem and delay seeking medical help. In fact, constipation can be completely avoided by leading a healthy life style, eating right, embracing physical exercises, having ample of water to keep body hydrated. However, anyone can face the issue but it should be managed or treated early to avoid complications later on, Medicare Hospital coloproctologist Kushal Mital said.

    Here are some drinks that may help you rectify the bowel movement:

    • Water
    • Lemon Juice
    • Coffee
    • Mint or Ginger Tea

    What To Know About Tea That Makes You Poop

    Today, we can find many teas which are sold as constipation treatments. Some of them are senna tea and cascara tea. They are useful for short-term solution because they are not daily consumed teas. Usually, those teas contain herbs that come with laxative properties that are only allowed for adults. In addition, you also have to be careful to take herbal teas that come with ingredients which sound strange. Anyway, you have to choose tea which makes you poop carefully.

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    Peppermint Tea For Constipation Relief

    Constipation is a serious problem if you cant go to the toilet for a longer time. I had this problem and I am sure you experienced it at least once in your life as well.

    It is really unpleasant and gives us worries. Peppermint tea for constipation is recommendable since peppermint is an herb appropriate to use in general digestion problems.

    It is a medicinal plant that has a mint flavor with many medicinal properties.

    I have peppermint in my garden and it is one of my favorite teas in the winter. Tea from peppermint can help you when having constipation, want to know how?

    Can Dandelion Have The Opposite Effect

    16 Surprising Peppermint Tea Benefits

    Youll be pleased to know that, similar to Liquorice Tea, there is no evidence to suggest that Dandelion Tea contributes to constipation. Yet it might cause digestive upsets in other areas such as stomach aches, acid reflux and, occasionally, diarrhoea.

    People have reported cases of allergic reactions, too, so be wary if you have a history of hypersensitivity to this plant.

    The flip side is that Dandelion Tea improves liver health due to its diuretic qualities – a function that likewise treats gallstones. Then there is the possibility, according to a 2011 study, of it increasing your endurance during periods of moderate exercise.

    Perhaps most remarkable of all, research published in Oncotarget showed the anti-cancer potential of Dandelion Root Tea.

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