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Does Baking Soda Help Heartburn

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Potential Side Effects Of Using Baking Soda For Heartburn

Every persons body reacts to treatment differently, so youll need to consider the potential side effects of using sodium bicarbonate before incorporating it into your heartburn treatment solutions.

  • Stomach cramps
  • Increased risk of kidney disease

Keep in mind, these side effects typically occur only in patients who use baking soda in large doses on a regular basis. Talk to your doctor if you notice symptoms after using baking soda for heartburn relief.

Using Baking Soda For Heartburn Treatment

Helen Sanders

As a common illness, heartburn affects millions of people around the world annually. The condition can affect people periodically or chronically, with some people suffering from heartburn even two or three times a week. What should you know about heartburn and the most effective ways to treat it homeopathically?

Baking Soda In Tablet Form As A Natural Remedy For Heartburn

This form is recommended for relieving occasional symptoms of hyperacidity. In other words, its a natural remedy for . Each medication has its own instructions and restrictions. However, the regular dose is one tablet completely dissolved in a cup of water.

  • Drink it an hour after meals or when you start feeling discomfort.
  • If your symptoms persist or get worse over the course of 14 days, you need to stop taking baking soda and talk to your doctor.

Read Use Baking Soda to Whiten Clothes

What Is The Quickest Heartburn Remedy

Over-the-counter , like , , or Rolaids, which work by neutralizing stomach acid, are a good option for fast, short-term relief of mild heartburn. However, antacids, along with other over-the-counter medications like H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors , are not meant to be used for long-term support.

How Much Baking Soda Is Too Much

Baking Soda for Heartburn: How Effective is It?

Adults who are not pregnant can mix about half a teaspoon of baking soda with at least half a cup of water to relieve temporary indigestion.

However, the recommend using OTC indigestion products, such as Tums, rather than making at-home remedies. This lowers the risk of overdosing.

When it is not possible to purchase an OTC product, using baking soda is a potential short-term alternative. However, it is important to speak with a doctor before trying this.

People who are pregnant, who take other medications, or who have underlying health conditions should talk with a doctor before taking even a small dose of baking soda.

People should not use sodium bicarbonate for longer than 2 weeks at a time. If their symptoms persist for longer than this, it may indicate an underlying condition that requires medical treatment.

Baking soda contains sodium, which, in high amounts, can affect the heart.

One 2016 case study notes that overdosing on baking soda has caused heart for some individuals.

There have also been cases of baking soda overdoses causing cardiac arrest. This occurs when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood, which can be fatal.

However, although scientists know that taking too much baking soda is harmful for the cardiovascular system, it is unclear whether or not it raises the risk of a heart attack.

People with cardiovascular disease and those who need to avoid salt for medical reasons should avoid using baking soda or sodium bicarbonate.

Natural Remedy: Use Baking Soda

You may find relief from infrequent heartburn with sodium bicarbonate, otherwise known as baking soda. Simply mix ½ teaspoon with four ounces of water to help neutralize the acid. Note this contains sodium and should not be used if you are on a sodium-restricted diet. Check with your doctor if you are taking any prescriptions drugs, are pregnant or have a chronic health condition before using baking soda to relieve heartburn.

Baking Soda And Heartburn

Baking soda has an alkaline pH, and it is a common remedy for the relief of heartburn and acid reflux. It neutralizes the excess stomach acid that causes symptoms.

The Canadian Society of Intestinal Research remind people that baking soda is a temporary solution to acid reflux. They advise people that sodium bicarbonate is available from a pharmacy in the form of tablets and effervescent powder.

However, they add: If you are in a pinch, a half teaspoon of baking soda mixed in at least 125 milliliters , or half a cup of water may provide a quick relief of symptoms.

If you are using an OTC or prescription medication, follow the instructions on the package.

Doctors only recommend using baking soda temporarily, when symptoms first appear. This is because other problems may develop if the body becomes too alkaline. Baking soda is also a salt, and too much salt can lead to further problems.

As with other medications, it is essential to talk to a doctor about suitable dosages of sodium bicarbonate.

Children under 6 years old should only use sodium bicarbonate if a doctor prescribes it.

for acid reflux, including lifestyle changes, prescription and OTC medications, and surgical interventions.

Baking Soda For Heartburn: How Effective Is It

December 28, 20206 min read

If youve ever experienced the radiating discomfort of heartburn, youve probably spent some time online looking for effective treatments, over-the-counter medications, and home remedies to help. During your research, you may have come across a surprising solution you can probably find in your pantry right this moment: baking soda for heartburn. 

Does baking soda help heartburn? And how does it work? In this post, well take a look at this home remedy, discuss how effective baking soda for acid reflux really is, and go over other ways you can manage your symptoms.

Use the links below to skip ahead to the section that best answers your query, or read through for a comprehensive take on the topic.

Is It Ok To Take Baking Soda For Heartburn

  • Sodium bicarbonate is a form of sodium. You should not use this method of treatment if you are on a low sodium diet.
  • Baking soda can negatively interact with certain medications and supplements.
  • Pregnant women should not use baking soda as an antacid.
  • Children under the age of 6 shouldnt take antacids unless approved by a doctor.
  • Taking on a full stomach will cause further distention of the abdomen and will most likely increase the risk of having acid reflux as the gas produced from neutralizing the stomach acid is belched. The gas will let the stomach content reflux through the lower esophageal sphincter into the esophagus

Heartburn Relief: Simple Remedies To Put Out The Fire

Megan Hazel, PA-C

  • The terms heartburn and acid reflux are often used interchangeably, but heartburn is actually a symptom of acid reflux.
  • Pay attention to the foods that trigger heartburn for you and eliminate them from your diet.

If you experience occasional heartburn, there are simple things you can do to identify the cause, and ways to prevent the burn.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Low Stomach Acid

Drink apple cider vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar can increase stomach acid levels because its acidic properties introduce more acid into the digestive tract. Other than increasing stomach acid levels, raw apple cider vinegar has been associated with reducing symptoms from acid reflux, diabetes, and high blood sugar.

Heartburn Relief Home Remedies For Heartburn

Heartburn is a common conditioni and can strike at any time. Thankfully, there are many ways to relieve heartburn symptoms when they flare up. Chewing an antacid such as TUMS® is a first line option, particularly when you need fast relief. However, home remedies and changing lifestyle habits can help, too dampening down the painful sensation you feel in your chest and throat.

Baking Soda And Water For Heartburn

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Heartburn (Acid Reflux ...

Before to start using baking soda, we must consider how to take it.

For this purpose, it will be mixed with the water.

This because dissolved bicarbonate is safer, in this case.

Its a matter of distribution and the alkaline effect that baking powder triggers.

As were about to read , a complete dissolution of baking soda in water is one of the most important requirements when preparing a recipe for the short-term relief of heartburn.

Unless otherwise specified, we refer to cold water, meaning the normal temperature .

However, and well point out later, warm water is also a good means to introduce baking soda.

Warm water does have some good properties by itself, and in this case, we can couple it with baking soda .

But the most relevant point to consider is the right dosage.

May Improve Exercise Performance

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a popular supplement among athletes.

Some studies show that baking soda can help you perform at your peak for longer, especially during anaerobic exercises or high intensity training and sprinting .

During high intensity exercise, your muscle cells start producing lactic acid, which is responsible for the burning feeling you get during exercise. Lactic acid also lowers the pH inside your cells, which may cause your muscles to tire.

Baking soda has a high pH, which may help delay fatigue, allowing you to exercise at your peak longer .

For example, one study found that people who took baking soda exercised for an average of 4.5 minutes longer than people who didnt take baking soda .

One study recommends taking 300 mg of baking soda per 33.8 ounces of water 12 hours before exercising (


Additionally, baking soda may help soothe itching from sunburns. Some people claim it can be more effective when combined with other ingredients like cornstarch and oatmeal .

To make a baking soda bath, add 12 cups of baking soda to a lukewarm bath. Make sure the affected area is soaked thoroughly.

For more specific areas, you can create a paste with baking soda and a bit of water. Apply a thick layer of paste to the affected area.

People with chronic kidney disease slowly lose function of their kidneys.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before ingesting baking soda.


Why Baking Soda Works For Acid Reflux

The key to baking sodas ability to treat acid reflux lies in its active ingredient: sodium bicarbonate. OTC antacids like Alka-Seltzer contain sodium bicarbonate, which is what makes them work.

Your pancreas naturally produces sodium bicarbonate to protect your intestines. Baking soda is thought to mimic the effects of this process. As an absorbable antacid, sodium bicarbonate quickly neutralizes stomach acid and temporarily relieves symptoms of acid reflux.

Caution: The sudden decrease in stomach acidity can cause acid rebound . Relief may only be temporary, and your symptoms of acid reflux may return even worse than before.

The same type of baking soda you use to bake or to absorb smells from your fridge can neutralize stomach acid. Its also cheaper in that form, compared to OTC medications.

For people who dont like the taste of baking soda, there are OTC and prescription tablets. Most of them dissolve easily in water. See the instructions on the box for the recommended dosage.

Some of these other forms include:

  • capsules
  • granules
  • solutions

Alka-Seltzer is the most common brand-name OTC medication that contains sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is also used in some medications with the PPI omeprazole to make omeprazole more effective, rather than being used for immediate relief of symptoms.

How To Produce Alkaline Water

If you do not have it at home, you can get baking soda at pretty much any grocery store in the baking supplies section. I found it online on .

Once you have the baking soda, you need to dilute it. It would be impossible to properly swallow it as a powder. Plus, it can be irritating in its pure form.

The Mayo Clinic mixing between 0.5 and 1.5 teaspoons of baking soda in a small glass of still water. Just enough so that you can dissolve the baking soda and swallow it. Stir until the baking soda is dissolved. It will not dissolve well. Use room temperature water instead of cold water; this works slightly better. It is fine if you do not get it all dissolved. Once youve mixed your solution, youve made alkaline water!

I recommend gargling with it before swallowing. It will help to neutralize reflux that might have reached the airways. You might say: Wait, what? Reflux in the airways, what is that? I dont have that. The thing is, most people do not even know that some problems they have; like hoarseness, cough, and asthma, can be caused by airway reflux.

What Are The Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Chances are, youve felt it: that sensation of burning in your chest and throat after eating a big meal. Its called heartburn, and its quite uncomfortable. Hearburn occurs when acid from your stomach backs up into your esophagus.

This can lead to:

  • Burping
  • Nausea

Now, this backward acidic flow happens when your lower esophageal sphincter becomes too relaxed. As a result, it doesnt fully seal your stomach acid off from your esophagus lining. Over time, the presence of stomach acid in your esophagus causes a burning sensation to occur.1

Can You Use Baking Powder For Heartburn

Doctors will accept baking powder as a fast-acting treatment for heartburn.

The powders’ alkaline base neutralises stomach acids venturing up the throat and provides comparable relief to over-the-counter medications.

People can administer the powder via effervescent tablets or mix half a teaspoon with half a cup of water.

Avoid Food And Drink Triggers

Some heartburn triggers are common while others will vary for each individual.

  • Drinking alcohol before, during, or after meals can worsen heartburn because alcohol weakens the LES muscle. In addition, drinking alcohol can result in eating more than you intended and making poorer food choices.
  • Avoid foods and beverages that weaken the LES muscle. These foods include chocolate, peppermint, caffeinated beverages, carbonated beverages, alcohol, fatty foods, and greasy or fried foods.
  • Avoid foods and beverages that may irritate the esophagus. These include citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes and tomato-based products, chili peppers, and black pepper.
  • Create a heartburn-friendly diet by keeping a food diary to record which foods are safer for you and which are more likely to trigger heartburn. You may be able to enjoy some foods occasionally or in smaller amounts, while you will find others need to be avoided most of the time.

How Is Severe Heartburn Treated If Over

When over-the-counter treatments don’t seem to help, talk to your doctor about using prescription-strength acid-suppressing therapies for a short period of time. Prescription-strength H2 blockers can reduce the amount of acid in the stomach while PPIs can block it altogether. However, PPIs are not without side effects, and it’s important to only take them for only short courses.

How Baking Soda Works To Help Heartburn

Baking soda for heartburn

When you are using baking soda to aid heartburn it basically acts as a baking soda antacid mixture, to make this mixture you will mix it the baking soda with water and this combination makes a water that is alkaline.

When I say alkaline on the pH scale everything above pH 7 is alkaline, on the pH scale neutral is 7 with everything lower being acidic as the number drops more acidic and everything above 7 being alkaline and more alkaline as the number climbs higher. This mixture of the baking soda and water is about a pH of 8-9. For reference below I have some examples to give you a better idea of pH levels in foods.

pH 1 Lemon Juice

pH 2 Vinegar, Orange Juice

pH 3 Soda, Cheese

pH 8 Almonds, Cabbage

pH 9 Celery, Olive Oil

When you consume foods/drinks that are more on the lower end of this scale you will likely be more prone to having heartburn symptoms due to their higher acidity. Though if you make yourself some water and add baking soda you will have a drink that is about a pH of 8 which will help neutralize the acid in the esophagus and balance the stomach acid and will help alleviate the heartburn.

Take Time To Eat Slowly

Many reflux and heartburn symptoms begin after meals, and eating too muchviii and too quicklyix are classic heartburn catalysts. Having five or six small meals a day is better than several large ones.viii Take time to enjoy your food, chewing slowly and eating it in a relaxed manner to head off heartburn.

Important Note Dont Use Baking Powder Instead Of Baking Soda

Some people think baking powder is the same as baking soda and this is wrong. Baking powder for heartburn simply doesnt work. The reason for this is because baking powder contains acidic salts on top of the baking soda base.

This means that when mixed with water it wont make it any more alkaline which is the point of adding it to the water in the first place. It therefore makes it effectively worthless for treating the heartburn. So, make sure to use baking soda NOT baking powder.

Unproven Or Disproved Home Remedies

Fans of apple cider vinegar theorize that heartburn occurs because there isn’t enough stomach acid. They think taking apple cider vinegar brings the stomach acid level up, allowing the stomach to digest food properly and causing heartburn to subside. However, this is the opposite of what medical experts believe. Doctors recommend taking antacids and medications to reduce stomach acid and control acid reflux symptoms.

There are no published clinical trials that support using apple cider vinegar for heartburn, and one master’s degree thesis found no difference in using vinegar or a placebo for heartburn.

Taking apple cider vinegar undiluted could irritate your mouth and esophagus and erode your tooth enamel as it is very acidic. Dilute it with water if you plan to use it, such as 1-3 teaspoons of vinegar to a cup of water. Vinegar may interact with other medications you are taking at the same time. Instead of relieving heartburn, the vinegar may actually make it worse. If you are considering using apple cider vinegar as a treatment for heartburn, it is important that you talk to your doctor first.

Heartburn Doctor Discussion Guide

Clean Fruits And Veggies

Many people worry about on foods. Pesticides are used to prevent crops from damage by insects, germs, rodents, and weeds.

Peeling fruit is the best way to remove pesticides. However, it also means you dont get the important nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, found in the skins of many fruits.

Interestingly, recent research has found that soaking fruits and veggies in a baking soda wash is the most effective way to remove pesticides without peeling them.

One study found that soaking apples in a solution of baking soda and water for 1215 minutes removed nearly all of the pesticides .

Please note that this method doesnt remove pesticides that have penetrated the skin of the fruit. More research is needed to see if this works for other types of produce.

Baking soda is a handy alternative to commercial silver polishes.

For this you will need:

  • an aluminum baking pan or baking dish lined with aluminum foil
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar

Add the baking soda to the aluminum baking pan and slowly pour in the vinegar. Next, pour in the boiling water and then place the silver in the baking pan.

Almost immediately, the tarnish should begin to disappear, and you can remove most silverware from the pan within thirty seconds. However, heavily tarnished silverware may need to sit in the mixture for up to 1 minute.

Be Careful What You Drink

Alcohol, coffee and whole milk can all lead to heartburn, as can peppermint tea. Sodas and carbonated drinks may relax the LES and make your stomach acid more acidic, increasing your risk of heartburn. Highly acidic citrus juices such as orange and grapefruit can also cause acid reflux and heartburn in some people.xiii

In Rare Cases Of Indigestion Baking Soda May Be A Peril

Baking soda, like aspirin, bandages and rubbing alcohol, has been a staple in medicine cabinets for more than a century. Over that time, billions of doses of sodium bicarbonate have followed holiday feasts, spicy foods or samplings of unusual recipes into the digestive systems of the nation.

Few people report adverse effects from the common household chemical. But ingesting it has been associated with scattered cases of stomachs bursting, presumably because of carbon dioxide gas the compound releases into the digestive organ when it is unusually full.

“I nearly died after taking this stuff,” said William Graves, who suffered a rupture through the wall of his stomach in 1979 after taking baking soda mixed in water for indigestion after a big meal. The 64-year-old resident of Bethesda, Md., who is editor of National Geographic Magazine, said that only emergency surgery saved his life and that six more operations were needed to repair the damage. Rupture of Stomach

He said the incident occurred while he was on vacation after an evening when he consumed two vodka martinis, a bowl of chili with corn chips on the side, a salad, corn bread, a glass of red wine, cookies and an after-dinner brandy. Soon after going to bed, he awakened with indigestion and mixed a teaspoon of baking soda with a small amount of water. Less than a minute after drinking it, he said, he collapsed in agony when a two-and-a-half-inch rupture occurred in the inner curve of his stomach.

Home Remedy For Heartburn

Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux. Reflux is a gastric fluid which flows back up from the stomach into our esophagus.

During reflux, gastric acids and digestive enzymes damage the mucus membranes of the esophagus. They cause inflammation. The nerves in the esophagus become more sensitive to pain. The result of all this is heartburn. The medical term is gastroesophageal reflux disease .

To treat this painful sensation we have to reduce the acidity in the esophagus. Less acidity means less pain!

So how do we do that?

Well, we can swallow something that neutralizes the acidity. That is quite easy. We swallow something that is alkaline.

Alkaline – you might remember that word from chemistry class. Here is a quick refresher:

The acidity in acid reflux is measured using the pH scale. Readings that measure below a pH of 7 are acidic. Anything with a pH greater than 7 is alkaline.

The pH-Scale

Alkaline and acidic are opposites. They neutralize each other.

Over-the-counter antacids work by the same principle. They contain highly alkaline substances that reduce the acidity in the stomach and esophagus. Swallowing those antacids gives quick relief from heartburn.

However, many people are concerned about the potential side effects of artificial antacids and prefer something homemade. Many antacids contain aluminum, which is suspected to promote the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

In other words: Baking soda is our built-in anti-heartburn mechanism!

Baking Soda Health Benefits

You Never Would Have Thought That Baking Soda Can Help ...

Baking soda has many benefits, which make it one of the most used products.

We can group such benefits for health into two main categories.

The first one is directly related to human health.

The other is related to hygiene and the improvement of sanitary conditions.

Among the first category, well see extensively how baking soda can help in the case of heartburn and acid reflux.

Its a short-term measure, but effective.

In addition, baking soda has been proven effective in calming indigestion.

You can use effectively baking soda also to treat insect bites and stings. However, please always remember that the pH of the skin is slightly acidic. This means that baking soda is not good for health in general. But under some circumstances, it can help a lot.

The mouth can also experience several benefits: a toothpaste containing baking soda has a better effect in whitening, and it can also freshen the breath.

For more specific and serious conditions, it has been observed that baking soda helps fighting cancer. To be honest, theres a lot of buzz around the topic. It needs all our attention and interest for sure. Anyway, we want to post below a famous video made by Dr. Sircus about pH medicine, in order for you to better understand the great potential of baking soda as a whole.

Finally, kidneys can experience good help by baking soda.

For what concerns the second category of benefits, baking soda is a great product when it comes to controlling odors.

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