Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Soy Milk Cause Diarrhea

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Soy Milk Side Effects In Toddlers

Because cows milk offers vital nutrients, fat and protein, it often seems like the best beverage option when compared to sugary, caffeinated drinks. However, sometimes intolerance to cows milk can develop, making it necessary to locate a milk alternative. Although soy milk can often be a good replacement, it isn’t without its own side effects.

A Guide To Soy Allergy And Intolerance

Elizabeth Arbogasts third child, Julia, was a fussy baby. She had colic and was often crying. Nothing would soothe her. Julias apparent discomfort usually occurred shortly after each breast-feeding, which prompted Arbogast to pay more attention to what she had eaten before the infant nursed.

Whenever I had coffee with soy milk in it or ate Tofutti Cuties , Julia was really cranky and seemed to be in pain, Arbogast recalls.

In addition, Julias bowel movements werent normal; they were runny and full of mucous. At Julias two-month check up, Arbogast mentioned her babys symptoms to the pediatrician. Test results, combined with Arbogasts suspicions about soy, led the pediatrician to advise Arbogast to eliminate soy from her diet.

Within two weeks, Julias symptoms had resolved, Arbogast says. She was a very happy and easy baby after that.

What Is A Soy Allergy

Allergy to soy is common particularly among infants and young children. A soy allergy is an allergy to the soybean plant, in addition to foods like soybean oil and soy milk that are made from soybeans. 

If your child has a soy allergy, their immune system mistakenly treats soy proteins as harmful invaders. This prompts your childs immune defenses which can lead to various symptoms that can range from mild to severe.

There are two main types of soy allergies: IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated soy allergies.

When your child has an IgE-mediated soy allergy, their immune system makes unique antibodies called IgE antibodies to soy proteins to help fight them. These IgE antibodies generate symptoms of an allergic reaction whenever your child eats a food containing soy. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can occur within seconds to hours after they eat soy. 

Non-IgE-mediated soy allergies also involve the immune system, but they dont include IgE antibodies. Non-IgE-mediated soy allergies typically cause gastrointestinal symptoms hours to days after your child eats soy.

There are different types of non-IgE-mediated soy allergies. These include food-protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome , Food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis , and eosinophilic esophagitis .

Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome is a rare type of food allergy that typically affects babies. FPIES is commonly triggered by a reaction to milk, soy, oats and rice. 

Side Effects Of Soy Milk You Really Need To Know Right Now

Most of us are ignorant about soy milk side effects. However, it’s time for the veil to be lifted. All those of you gulping down one soy product after another believing it’s healthy and safe for your body need to pause and listen. Soy milk has side effects!

Most of us are ignorant about soy milk side effects. However, its time for the veil to be lifted. All those of you gulping down one soy product after another believing its healthy and safe for your body need to pause and listen. Soy milk has side effects!

Weve always known soy beans to be healthy beans loaded with ample amounts of vitamins, proteins and fiber. So whats this about soy milk side effects? Can a nutrient provider prove deleterious? There are scores of lactose intolerant people across the globe who are advised to switch to drinking soy milk because of their inability to drink cows milk. Moreover, vegans depend on soy for a large portion of their protein intake. If soy milk is detrimental, would they be given this advice? Moreover, what about all the soy health products available in health stores? Are soy milk dangers just a fad or is there some truth to it? Lets find out!

Side Effects of Soy MilkStudies reveal that only one side of the soy coin has been revealed. Food companies and drug manufacturing companies have been touting the benefits of soy for decades together. However, they have conveniently ignored the existent soy milk risks.

What Are The Side Effects Of Oat Milk

11 Foods That Cause Gas, Constipation, Diarrhea, and ...

Oat milk is made from whole grain oats. Though the list is short, there are a few side effect of oats and that you should be aware of:

  • Doesnt contain much nutritional value Compared to cows milk, oat milk doesnt have enough calcium. Most surprisingly, a major portion of the nutrients gets eliminated on the way to the final product. As a result, manufactured oat milks are fortified with vitamins and minerals to increase nutritional value, however homemade oat milk will lack the nutrient enrichment.
  • May contain gluten Oats themselves are gluten free. Sometimes they get cross contaminated with wheat on shared harvesting or packaging equipment. Therefore, the oat used for making the milk is no longer gluten-free and may cause sensitivities to flare up.
  • More calories Remember that unsweetened oat milk has a higher number of calories compared to unsweetened coconut, soy, almond, or rice milk. The amount is minimal but noteworthy, so take it into account when closely monitoring caloric intake.
  • Quite expensive Oat milk is more expensive than cows milk. A quart of oat milk can range from $3, therefore a gallon can set you back almost $10, now thats a big investment!

Side Effects Of Almond Milk And Who Should Avoid It

Due to the presence of proteins, calcium, minerals, and vitamins almond milk has gained a lot of importance since ages. It is prepared by finely blending almonds in water to get a nutty and creamy beverage. It is mostly preferred by people who have lactose intolerance or are allergic to soy milk. Apart from being a beverage, it is also being used for cooking and baking. However, not everyone would find drinking almond milk effective due to its side effects. Some of them are mentioned below.

Soy Milk Doesnt Cause Digestive Issues For Most People

For the vast majority of us who dont have soy allergies or intolerance, drinking soy milk is perfectly healthy. Do you know that soy protein is one of the only plant-based sources of all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It also digests easily.

A quick Google will show there are many conflicting reports about whether soy milk is healthy or not. Some are very alarmist and say that soy milk should never be consumed. Those opinions are misinformed, in my opinion.

Just look to Japan and China, the countries that first invented soy milk. I have lived and worked in China from 2014 through 2018, and can tell you that soy milk is very popular here.

How many Chinese and Japanese people have you seen with bloated and overweight midsections? Not too many, am I right? That is pretty strong anecdotal evidence that drinking soy milk doesnt usually cause bloating or other digestive problems. More likely, only on an individual basis.

If you have found your way to this article, its possible but unlikely that you are one of the unlucky who have soy sensitivity. With proper testing you should be able to determine if thats the case, and adjust your diet accordingly.

If you do have soy sensitivity, please leave a comment below. What has your experience been like and what advice can you offer? Thanks.

Milk And Other Dairy Products

If you find that you have loose stool after drinking milk or eating dairy products, you may have lactose intolerance.

Many people dont know they have lactose intolerance. It tends to run in families and can develop later in life.

Lactose intolerance means that your body doesnt have the enzymes to break down certain sugars in dairy.

Instead of breaking it down, your body disposes of these sugars very quickly, often in the form of diarrhea.

There are plenty of substitutes for cows milk on the market, including:

  • lactose-free dairy milk
  • cashew milk


Lactose intolerance is a common cause of chronic diarrhea. If you have this condition, avoiding dairy products should clear up diarrhea.

#2 It Isnt As Healthy As You Think

Of course not all men milk is created equally. Some almond milks are definitely more healthy than others, but many of the almond milks I see in the store contain a lot of additives and all of them are indeed highly processed. You cannot just go out there and crack open an almond to drink milk from it.

A lot of the almond milks on the market have nutrients added to them, such as minerals that are not actually from almonds. And anyway this is not much different from supplementing with vitamins taken out of a bottle, which there been a lot of studies on showing that absorption is not nearly as effective compared to when getting vitamins from a natural source.

You also have to consider the sugar content of almond milk. Unsweetened almond milk is the best choice, because it has zero sugar and this could potentially be the problem. But I know a lot of people are going to want to buy the unsweetened kind due to the Well Unsweetened taste.

And dont confuse unsweetened with original. The original almond milks are indeed sweetened.

Soy Allergy Or Sensitivity

Many adverse reactions to soy are not true allergies. A soy intolerance or sensitivity is characterized by a delayed reaction caused by antibodies known as immunoglobulin G . With this type of reaction, symptoms show up anywhere from several hours to three days after eating soy. The symptoms are sometimes similar to an allergy but can also be much broader.

According to Pamela J. Compart, MD, a Maryland-based developmental pediatrician and co-author of The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook, symptoms of a food sensitivity can include fatigue, food cravings, stomachaches, headaches, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD symptoms , and autism symptoms .

The notion that a food sensitivity can cause these kinds of symptoms is quite controversial, according to Spector. Theres very little good evidence-based data to support these associations, he says.

Compart is aware of the lack of data. She says she was a skeptic herself until she witnessed first hand in her clinical practice how powerful food sensitivities can be.

Many children with ADHD and autism are sensitive to the proteins in wheat and milk and benefit tremendously from a gluten-free, casein-free diet. Compart has found that many of these children are also sensitive to soy.

About 60 percent of children with autism spectrum disorders are sensitive to soy, she estimates. Along with casein and gluten, soy is one of the top three offending foods in terms of food sensitivities.

Why Do You Get Diarrhea After Drinking Milk

1. Lactose Intolerance

When there is a shortage of lactase, a kind of enzyme that is responsible for digesting lactose in your system, you will have lactose intolerance. Individuals who are lactose intolerant are unable to digest lactose in milk, so they typically develop diarrhea after drinking it. While the condition is not considered life-threatening, it can cause very unpleasant symptoms which usually appear 15 minutes to 2 hours after drinking milk or consuming other foods that contain lactose. Other common symptoms of lactose intolerance include:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Gas

2. Milk Allergy

A milk allergy occurs when you have a reaction to a milk protein, either whey or casein. Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms of milk allergy. While milk from any mammal can cause the condition, cows milk is the most common culprit. Signs and symptoms typically surface between five minutes to three hours after eating or drinking food containing milk.

Immediate symptoms can include:

Except from diarrhea, symptoms that develop after more time has passed include:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Skin rash, commonly around mouth

3. The Difference Between Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, it means you have difficulty digesting the sugar in milk. It is a digestive system problem.

Which Foods And Liquids May I Eat And Drink

Most people can tolerate the foods and liquids listed below. If any of them make your symptoms worse, stop eating or drinking them until you feel better. If you are lactose intolerant, avoid milk products.

  • Dairy:
  • Skim or low-fat milk or evaporated milk
  • Soy milk or buttermilk
  • Low-fat, part-skim, and aged cheese
  • Yogurt, low-fat ice cream, or sherbert
  • Grains:
  • White or refined flour breads, bagels, pasta, and crackers
  • Cold or hot cereals made from white or refined flour such as puffed rice, cornflakes, or cream of wheat
  • White rice
  • Fruit juice without pulp, except prune juice
  • Canned fruit in juice or light syrup
  • Lettuce and most well-cooked vegetables without seeds or skins
  • Strained vegetable juice
  • Tender, well-cooked meat, poultry, or fish
  • Well-cooked eggs or soy foods
  • Smooth nut butters
  • Fats:
  • Oil, butter, or margarine, or mayonnaise
  • Cream cheese or salad dressings
  • Liquids:
  • For infants, breast milk or formula
  • Oral rehydration solution
  • Decaffeinated coffee or caffeine-free teas
  • Soft drinks without caffeine
  • Can Soy Milk Cause Diarrhea In Toddlers

    Can Milk Cause Diarrhea?

    Dr. Nour BaltagiRead More

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    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

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    Do Not Eat Goose Or Rabbit Meat Immediately After Eating Eggs

    Eating eggs with rabbits, goose, and other meat can be harmful. In the Compendium of Materia Medicas a specialist said, eggs and rabbit meat can cause diarrhea.

    Thats because rabbit meat tastes sweet, sour, and cold, while the egg is sweet and cold. Both of them contain some bioactive substances. When they eat together, they will react, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and cause diarrhea.

    How Can You Tell If Your Child Has A Food Intolerance

    Food intolerances generally take place in your childs digestive system and can cause unpleasant GI symptoms including gas, bloating, diarrhea and stomach cramps.

    While food intolerances are uncomfortable, theyre typically not dangerous in the way that food allergies are.

    Symptoms of food intolerance can vary by child, the type of food that causes the reaction, and the amount of the food eaten.

    If your child has an intolerance to soy and they eat a small amount, they may not experience any symptoms. However, if they eat a large amount of soy, they may experience severe GI discomfort.

    The symptoms of food intolerance are often delayed and can appear anywhere from two hours up to two days after your child has eaten the food theyre intolerant of.

    Many people may have an intolerance to many different foods, however, the three most common food intolerances are:

    • Lactose- the sugar found in milk
    • Casein- a protein found in milk
    • Gluten-a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley.

    Distinguishing a food intolerance from a food allergy is difficult as many of the symptoms of food intolerance are shared with food allergies and other conditions of the GI system.

    Symptoms of food intolerance in children include:

    • Colic or irritability
    • Eczema
    • Refusing the breast if breastfed

    Can Oat Milk Upset Your Stomach

    Yes, oat milk causes upset stomach resulting from sugar and fiber not breaking down easily in your stomach. As it is carried through the large intestine, symptoms of intestinal gas, bloating, flatulence, burping, and stomach pain can occur. 

    Furthermore, any toppings, mix-in or other ingredients included with the oat milk may not mesh well together. As the combination of foods digests, the interaction may upset your stomach.

    Soluble fiber, mainly in the form of beta-glucan, present in oat milk is a kind of carbohydrate present in the whole grain. Although they provide you with many health benefits, soluble fiber can upset your stomach. 

    The soluble fiber absorbs excess water, turns it into gel-like substance, and resulting in an effect that slows the digestion process. As such, you can experience bloating, gas, and stomach cramps.

    If you are intolerant or allergic to oats, you can experience other kinds of digestive problems such as vomiting, nausea, and severe stomach pain. Keep in your mind that if you are intolerant, oat milk irritates your digestive system and even causes symptoms that may not surface for a few hours.

    Soy Milk And Thyroid Function

    Goitrogens present in soy milk are substances that are said to have the ability to suppress the functioning of the thyroid gland. They are believed to interfere with the iodine uptake and conduce to enlargement of the thyroid gland. This has been noticed in animal research, however, the exact connection between thyroid and soy has not been understood well. Nevertheless, it is better to be safe than sorry.

    Determining If Almonds Are The Cause Can Be Difficult

    If almond milk is a current part of your diet and you are experiencing diarrhea, you might be thinking that there is very little chance that this could be the cause because this unwanted side effect is not something you get relatively soon after drinking it, which you might expect. However, determining if almond milk is the cause is a little more complicated.

    Almond milk could cause diarrhea later down the road. It could take a while Even over a day after you drink it. This all depends on the reason for your intolerance and this makes it much more difficult to find out what to place the blame on.

    A really good way for determining the cause is the symbol of elimination diet, which was mentioned in the beginning when I was talking about a story I read from a woman that was trying to get to the bottom of this.

    With the elimination diet you simply want to slowly start eliminating foods and seeing if the diarrhea goes away. But of course this is easier said than done Since I just mentioned that you could drink almond milk one day and potentially not get diarrhea from it until the next. Ian there is also the possibility that a combination of nutrients or the cause of your diarrhea, which just makes things all the more complicated.

    Avoiding Soy In Your Diet

    Simple avoidance is the primary method for treating a soy allergy, but avoidance isnt always easy.

    Soy is in many processed foods canned tuna, baked goods, cereals, infant formulas, margarine, and many more and is often in vitamins, supplements, over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, lotions and cosmetics. As Arbogast said, It seems like soy is in everything!

    To complicate matters further, soy goes by many other names: diglyceride, edamame, glycine max, hydrolyzed vegetable protein , lecithin, miso, monoglyceride, monosodium glutamate , natto, tamari, tempeh, tofu, vegetable oil, vitamin E and yuba.

    FALCPA has helped clarify the confusion somewhat. Since January 1, 2006, food manufacturers are required to clearly state on food labels if soy, or any one of the other eight most common allergens, is one of the ingredients.

    However, even with the new law in place, its still important to read labels carefully. The law doesnt apply to non-food items like cosmetics and medicine. And according to the FDA, FALCPA doesnt require food manufacturers or retailers to re-label or remove products with the old labeling as long as they were labeled before January 1, 2006. As a result the FDA warns shoppers of . . . a transition period of undetermined length during which it is likely that consumers will see packaged food on store shelves and in consumers homes without the revised allergen labeling.

    Does Oat Milk Make You Gain Weight

    The simple answer to this question is, no. Consuming oat milk wont make you gain weight because it doesnt contain nutrients required by your body to put on excess weight. 

    The major point of contention would be the amount of sugar added to store bought oat milk. Purchasing flavored or sweetened oat milk can be detrimental to your weight loss goals.

    Oat milk is relatively low in calories along with sugar and fat. In fact, oat milk can help you shed a few pounds if you are on a weight loss regime.

    But it has enough fiber and protein making it suitable for your body to lose a few pounds. A single cup of oat milk contains plenty of essential vitamins such as A, B12, and D along with minerals like iron. 

    Oat milk contains more calcium with almost no fat compared to cows milk. Calcium strengthens the bones, and because oat milk is low in calories, sugar, and fat but rich in fiber and protein, it can make your body lose some weight rather than gaining.

    Back To That Coffee Cup

    7 Foods to Relieve Diarrhea

    A good way to drink coffee would be to have it black, with heavy cream , full-fat coconut milk, or unsweetened nut milk. For a healthy coffee creamer, check out this recipe with options for creaminess, sweetness, or additional flavor depending on how you take your java.

    Well cheers to you and your health!


    For more information about soy, check out these resources:

    Tips For Boiling Eggs

    Put the eggs in cold water, turn the heat to the minimum immediately after boiling, turn off the fire after four or five minutes, and stew the eggs with the remaining heat. The egg is cooked in this way, the egg white is tender, and the yolk is moist. So it tastes more delicious.

    Sam Perera

    Sam Perera, Founder of Stethostalk, is a food safety follower and organic food lover. He has completed the PLANT-BASED NUTRITION Cornell Certificate Program, Cornell University, US. Before this, he worked for a few years in IT services. A dedicated follower of nature, he believes in healing with natural foods. In his free time, he loves Gardening, Blogging, and traveling.

    Eating Raw Eggs Is Easy To Cause Diarrhea

    Egg protein contains avidin. That will affect the absorption of biotin in food. The high levels of avidin can cause symptoms like anorexia, general weakness, muscle pain, skin inflammation, eyebrow lifting, and so on.

    Eggs contain antitrypsin, which affects the digestion and absorption of egg protein. These two substances do not decompose in raw eggs. So they affect the digestion and absorption of protein.

    In egg formation, bacteria will pass through the holes in the shell and enter the egg. Therefore the raw egg cant kill the bacteria, and raw eggs will cause diarrhea. So, eggs need to boil at a high temperature before eating, and do not eat raw eggs.

    The protein structure of the raw egg is compact. And a large part of it can not absorb into the human body. Only the cooked protein becomes soft, and the human gastrointestinal tract can digest and absorb it.

    Raw eggs have a special fishy smell, which can cause central nervous inhibition, reduce the secretion of saliva, gastric juice, intestinal juice, and other digestive fluids, resulting in loss of appetite and indigestion.

    Incorporating Almond Milk Safely Into Your Diet

    When incorporating almond milk safely into your diet, I think the best approach to take is to start off slowly. Start off by just drinking the smallest amount for a couple of days and see if you have any side effects to it. If not, start drinking more until you get to the desired amount.

    If you do have digestive problems or other side effects, then stop and see if they go away. If they do go away, and the side effects werent too bad, you may want to run the test again just to make sure. And if you are still experiencing problems then you may want to try the unsweetened almond milk if you are up for the bad taste.

    All in all, almond milk is a good alternative, I would say one of the better alternatives, to dairy milk. Sure, it may not be quite as healthy as people think and some people may get diarrhea from it, but overall it is a good choice and I personally am very happy I switched over to almond milk when I did several years ago.

    Anyways I hope you enjoyed the short post and found it informative. If you like to, please share to help spread the word.

    And if you have any questions or comments, just leave them down below and Ill get back to you as soon as I can

    May Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    Chinese and Japanese men who have moved to western countries and adopted a western diet are seen to increase prostate cancer risk. This risk is lower in men from these countries who continue to consume a traditional diet including soy-based products despite being in the West. It is assumed that high amounts of soy in a traditional Asian diet provide these men with enough soy isoflavones, specifically genistein and daidzein. These isoflavones collect in prostate tissue and act as a protective layer against prostate cancer .

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