Friday, July 26, 2024

Can You Take Probiotics And Antacids Together

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Probiotics And Gerd Medications: Antacids Ppis And Other Acid Reducers

Antacids, Probiotics, & Osteoporosis

Probiotics are one of the hottest topics in medicine and health nowadays. Recent research links the disturbance in your gut microbiota to various health problem.

Some recent studies suggest the use of probiotics in patients with Acid reflux. There is no large scale clinical trials investigating the role of probiotics in GERD. However, Small scale studies showed promising results.

Probiotics can potentially decrease gastric acidity and improve stomach motility . This, in turn, will result in improvement in the symptoms of acid reflux.

Today, we will explain the interactions between Probiotics and GERD medications such as antacids, Proton Pump Inhibitors , and others.

Amoxicillin And Its Role As An Antibiotic In Killing Good Bacteria

There are few classes of bacteria that amoxicillin doesnt attack. From opportunistic bacteria such as H. Influenzae to the digestive-focused Helicobacter pylori, it searches and destroys the cultures that cause some of the worst symptoms of food poisoning, meningitis and strep throat. When paired with clavulanic acid, it is particularly effective in breaking down stubborn respiratory tract infections. And while all of this makes it highly useful, it also means that some good bacteria will get pulled down in the crossfire.

Therefore, it is worth considering whether amoxicillin and probiotics can be choreographed in such a way that you get the benefits of the former with no side-effects .

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Probiotics Contain Good Gut Bacteria

Probiotics are foods, typically yoghurts and yoghurt drinks, that contain good gut bacteria: live microorganisms that can recolonise the gut or improve your gut health.

To be called a probiotic, they must be able to resist stomach acid and digestive processes, and then be able adhere to the gut walls and grow, while not causing any issues for the gut wall. They must also be tested for safety and efficacy in controlled trials.

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To be called a probiotic, the dose of microorganisms needs to be sufficient to help restore the good bacteria, by elbowing out the bad bacteria.

Most yoghurts contain good bacteria but not all can survive the acidity of the stomach acid or the bacteria wont grow in the bowel, so there is no probiotic benefit.

For probiotics to exert these beneficial effects, they not only have to make it to the large bowel, but once there they need the right fuel to help them grow well. Thats where prebiotics come into play but more on them shortly.

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Are Probiotics Safe For Kids Heres What You Need To Know

You may have passed them in the health food aisle at your local grocery store or seen a reference to them in your favorite healthy living blog probiotics.

Many adults use these supplements to help regulate their digestive systems. Some claim that probiotics can help with conditions like eczema and even yeast infections.

But probiotics dont always work the same for children.

Probiotics are useful for keeping your digestive tract healthy, says Dr. Joy Drass, pediatrician at Geisinger Port Matilda. But its important to know which probiotics you can give to your child, since they may not work the same way they do in adults.

What Are The Most Common Types Of Probiotic Bacteria

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Though there are many types of bacteria that can be considered probiotics, there are two specific types of bacteria that are common probiotics found in stores. These include:

  • Bifidobacterium.

Probiotics are also made up of good yeast. The most common type of yeast found in probiotics is:

  • Saccharomyces boulardii.

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How To Take Antacids

Most commercial antacids come with some instructions. It is important to heed the contraindications and not exceed the recommended daily dose.

The need for these antacids is highly individual and regular use should only be as directed by a physician. A common recommendation is to take the antacids after meals and at bedtime. In practice, most users learn to take the antacid when they have symptoms, e.g., heartburn. A useful technique is to anticipate the timing of symptoms, such as after spicy foods or at bedtime, and take the antacid before.

Medications That Can Impact Your Gut Health

We are what we eat. But did you know that the medications we take can also have a significant impact on our gut health?

The term gut is synonymous with the digestive tractprimarily the stomach, small and large intestines. Our gut serves as host to approximately 1,000 unique species of bacteria, both good and bad, that regulate the immune system, aid in food digestion, produce certain key nutrients and protect us from toxins and pathogens. To maintain proper gut health, we need to maintain the proper balance of bacteria. But many of the common medications we use can upset that balance.

A healthy gut is dependent upon a diversity of bacteria, explains research assistant professor Sunil Thomas, PhD, who specializes in gastroenterology and infectious disease at , part of Main Line Health and located on the campus of . Diversity is the key word here. Many of the common medications we use, such as antibiotics, kill bad bacteria, which is good. Unfortunately, they also kill good bacteriaor normal gut florawhich is bad. You need to be mindful of the medications youre ingesting, and work closely with your physician to ensure appropriate usage.

Some medications you should be mindful of and that can affect gut health include:

In addition to being more aware of how medications can affect our gut health, Dr. Thomas reminds us of the significant impact our lifestyle can have.

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Can Probiotics Make You Feel Tired

In the scientific community, the discussion about whether or not probiotics can make you feel tired started in June 2018. This year, a paper was published in the journal Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology describing patients who received probiotic treatment and went through a condition called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and D-Lactic acidosis. These conditions led to brain fogginess in these patients, which feels pretty much the same as tiredness and fatigue.

Brain Fogginess and Tiredness Probiotic Research

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D-Lactate was reported to be behind thesefindings. It is a molecule synthesized by certain bacteria as a result offermentation, and unlike L-Lactate , thisvariant of lactate is not quickly metabolized by the liver. Thus, when producedmassively by these bacteria, it is likely to be accumulated.

The thing about D-Lactate accumulation inthe body is that this is lactic acid, and increases the acidity in the bloodand the tissues. After a while, D-Lactic acidosis reaches the brain and blocksnerve connections in the brain, causing the sensation of brain fog and makingpatients feel tired.

However, as mentioned before, there is anongoing debate, and this is not the only scientific article covering the topic.As we will see further, other authors are against the notion that probioticswill cause D-Lactic acidosis, and have criticized and commented upon thefindings of the study published in 2018.

Timing The Dosing Of Your Probiotics

Best Probiotics To Take With Antibiotics

When I have a client on an antibiotic regimen, I typically suggest that to minimize the killing of the probiotic species, to take the antibiotics and the probiotics at least five hours apart. I have found that clinically to work well*. Unfortunately, there is very little research on this unique issue.

However, research does illustrate that starting probiotics at the start of an antibiotic regimen vs. waiting until later does minimize potential adverse side effects from the antibiotic regimen*. The time of day is not typically a big issue, but youll want to keep in mind what times your antibiotic will be dosed as that will dictate the times you can optimally take your probiotic!

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What Should You Do If Probiotics Arent Working

Read the label: If you experience minor side effects like bloating, nausea or gas, check the ingredients to see whether the label contains any ingredients you might be allergic to. Many probiotics contain lactose, which can irritate the gut, especially in adults. This is also important for people who are lactose intolerant or vegan.

Try a different brand: Probiotics vary widely in quality and composition. Perhaps the probiotic you are taking just isnt strong enough or doesnt contain the specific strains to make you feel better. Consider looking for a high quality, multispecies and multistrain probiotic that fits your needs.

Seek out a qualified healthcare practitioner: If youve tried several probiotics and none are working, it might be time to seek out a healthcare practitioner with expertise in gut health to help you get to the root cause of your symptoms.

What Causes Acid Reflux

Most people believe that their reflux problem is due to too much stomach acid. After all, surely its all that acid thats causing the burning sensation?

But in many cases, the opposite is true.

Consider the fact that the number of people with heartburn increases with age, and studies have shown that stomach acid secretion actually declines with age.

Whats more, when stomach acid is measured in people suffering from acid reflux, its more often low than high. Very few people tend to have excess stomach acid. But because Western medicine is designed to treat the symptom, not the cause, sufferers simply reach for their antacids.

Taking antacids for a problem that isnt caused by excess acid can potentially make low stomach acid worse.

You dont have to have excess acid in your stomach to have heartburn. Any amount of acid can cause heartburn because the delicate lining of the stomach isnt protected against it.

Heartburn and GERD are often caused by too little stomach acid, which may be caused by an imbalance in your gut microbiome.

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Can You Take Probiotics And Antacids Together

Probiotics are safe to take with antacids such as Tums, Milk of magnesia, Gaviscon, Maalox, and Pepto-Bismol. No evidence suggests interactions between antacids and probiotics, However, its better to take them 30-60 minutes apart to make sure that they dont affect each other.

As a gastroenterologist, I advise many patients to take the probiotic one hour before meals. And to take the antacids just before meals.

Again, Probiotics are not considered a medication by the FDA and other health authorities. No Thorough studies about the possible interactions between Probiotics are present at the current time.

The response may vary from one person to another. Always consult your doctor or pharmacist. Ask him about the best options and the best time to take probiotics according your medications.

Can You Take Probiotics And H2 Blockers At The Same Time

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The same rule goes for H2-blockers such as Famotidine. Probiotics are generally safe to take with H2-blockers. You can take Probiotics at the same time or 30 to 60 minutes apart.

Always consult your doctor about your medications.

Can you take Probiotics with H. Pylori Medications?

The only concern about Probiotics is antibiotics and antifungal medications. Antibiotics and antifungals can kill the living bacteria contained in your Probiotics.

Taking H. Pylori eradication regiments that contain antibiotics should be under medical supervision. Ask your doctor about the best time to take probiotics with H. pylori treatment.

You have to take H. pylori antibiotics and your probiotic at least 2-3 hours apart. This is to prevent the antibiotics from Deactivating the live bacteria inside your probiotic.

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Side Effects And Interactions

Probiotics usually dont cause major side effects in healthy individuals.

However, you may experience minor symptoms, such as gas and bloating. These often improve with time, but taking your probiotic at night may reduce daytime symptoms.

If you take a probiotic to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea, you may wonder whether the antibiotic will kill the bacteria in your probiotic. However, strains designed to help prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea wont be affected (

Faq: Digestive Health & Nausea

Many people experience digestive issues at some time in their life, whether its heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea or constipation. For some people, these can be a frequent or chronic problem. If you suffer from frequent indigestion and nausea, heartburn or bowel irregularities, see your doctor. These can be symptoms of a more serious health problem. Your doctor may recommend over the counter products to manage your issues. There are formulas available to help you get relief from minor digestive problems.

  • Diarrhea can occur for many reasons. Causes of diarrhea can include:

  • Bacteria, viruses or parasites
  • Digestive tract problems, including Crohns disease, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Medicines, such as antibiotics, cancer medications or antacids containing magnesium
  • Side effects of surgery of the appendix, gallbladder, large or small intestine, pancreas, liver, spleen or stomach
  • Diarrhea is not typically a sign of early pregnancy. However, if you make sudden changes to your diet during pregnancy, you may have an upset stomach or diarrhea. Diarrhea in early pregnancy may also be caused by hormonal changes. Late in pregnancy, diarrhea may be a sign that labor is near.

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    Then He Said In My 25 Years In Nutrition Ive Never Heard Of Side Effects With Probiotics

    Ronda told him, Well, it sure happened to me!

    Rondas been doing great ever since the whole incident and is elated to be herself again. But she learned a hard lesson. Harmless probiotics deserve respect for their power and impact on the human system.

    From now on, shell ALWAYS follow directions when it comes to over-the-counter remedies. And especially probiotics!

    The good news is that if probiotics can cause this much change in someone whos healthy, they can also make a significant difference in anyone whos not.

    Along with improving health in your stomach and intestines, as well as reducing inflammation and infection throughout your body, they can also relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

    But be aware, theyre not to be taken lightly. Experts say that since each individual is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all for probiotic supplementation.

    Remember: In general terms, up to 10 billion CFUs daily. Start gently. Watch for out-of-the-ordinary symptoms. A specific strain may not be right for you, or a specific combination. Take several days or a couple weeks to test the effects of partial doses, raising the dose a little each day as long as you have no negative symptoms. Include your doctor in the process.

    This story isnt to scare you away from using a preparation that can help you become stronger and more But rather to alert you to possible risks if you use probiotics without supervision or awareness of potential side effects.

    Can Probiotics Cause Diarrhea Yes But

    When to Take Probiotics (and Other Gut Supplements)

    As we have shown, probiotics can induce diarrhea. However, once you get past the adjustment phase, it becomes a nonissue. While probiotics and diarrhea are inextricably linked, the former is a long-term solution for smoother stools. In other words, probiotics reduce diarrhea far more than they induce it.

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    Can I Take Probiotics And Antacids Together

    Probiotics and antacids both work in your gut. Antacids can help improve some digestion issues, whereas adding probiotics to your diet in the form of food or supplements is often recommended for gut health. So can you actually take probiotics and antacids together? Here’s what you need to know.

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    What Are Probiotics And Probiotic

    According to the World Health Organisations technical definition, Probiotics are live microorganisms, typically bacteria or yeast, that give us health benefits when ingested in sufficient amounts. The most common species that we see in our supplement probiotics are strains of bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. They typically help maintain or restore a healthy balance of bacteria to our digestive tract and have many proven health benefits, including: > boosting our immune system > preventing and treating UTIs > reducing symptoms of IBS and IBD

    And while most people look to a supplement to boost their probiotic intake, there are also food-based sources available. Some of the more common probiotic-rich foods include: > Kefir

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    Are Probiotics Effective For Acid Reflux

    If you suffer from a burning feeling in your chest or throat after eating, you may have acid reflux. And youre not alone.

    According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Digestive Diseases, over 25 million people suffer from reflux symptoms daily.

    In fact, the reflux medication Nexium is the second-highest selling drug behind Lipitor.

    Unfortunately, the ready availability of over-the-counter antacids means most people self-medicate without trying to solve the cause of their problem, or even seeing a doctor.

    What Do We Know About Probiotic

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    Probiotics are living micro-organisms . They are not a conventional medication, because they are living organisms.

    Unlike classical pharmaceutical medications, Probiotics are not considered drugs. The FDA categorizes probiotics as food supplements .

    Currently, the FDA doesnt apply its strict regulations on probiotics. However, probiotics are generally considered safe to take. But no guarantee for their quality and efficacy except the manufacturer reputation.

    A summary of our current knowledge about Probiotic interactions with other medications:

    • You can take probiotics together with most of the medications because they act locally inside your gut.
    • The most common group of medications that can affect probiotics is antibiotics.
    • Antibiotics can kill the living probiotic bacteria. So, Most manufacturers advise taking probiotics and antibiotics at least 2 hours apart.
    • Some probiotics contain fungi. Taking systemic antifungal medications can de-activate your fungi-containing probiotics.
    • Dont use probiotics if you are on medications that affect your immunity such as cancer chemotherapy and drugs used for autoimmune diseases.
    • We couldnt find any studies discussing the direct interactions between probiotics and GERD medications such as PPI , antacids .
    • However, Probiotics are not-contraindicated to use with such medications.
    • But the question we are going to answer today is when to take probiotics with antacids, PPIs, and other GERD medications.

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