Sunday, April 28, 2024

Does H Pylori Cause Ibs

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How Do You Treat H Pylori

How H-pylori causes GERD and IBS

If you have a confirmed case of H. pylori and experience uncomfortable symptoms, your provider can provide treatments to get rid of the infection, cure the ulcers, and reduce your risk of developing further complications.

Your provider could prescribe a combination of two antibiotics together with medication that reduces your stomach acid in order to allow the antibiotics to work most effectively.

If you have active ulcers, the team suggests that you avoid spicy foods, alcohol, and smoking as these can inhibit your healing process.

To learn more about H. pylori and treatments that can help, call the office or use the online booking tool to make an appointment today.

How To Overcome Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Does your digestive system growl at you for no apparent reason?
  • Does your gut feel like its going round and round like a washing machine?
  • Do you experience bloating, gas and abdominal pain?
  • Are you struggling with loose or runny stools and do they have a nasty smell?
  • Are you going to the toilet less then once per day?
  • Has your doctor told you that you have irritable bowels?

If so, you have the symptoms cluster thats known as irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS by the medical system.

Ill be a little bit cheeky and suggest to you that IBS doesnt actually exist.

Hmmmm how can that be?

Well, Ive been helping people with digestive symptoms for almost a decade and Im very grateful to have had the opportunity to assist some 2,000 or so folk from around the world.

In most of cases Ive seen, so-called IBS is caused by a simple imbalance:

First, there is too much bad stuff in your digestive system:

  • Too many bad foods being eaten
  • Too many bad bugs like H. pylori, Candida and parasites living in your gut
  • Too many bad toxins from the foods and bugs!

Second, there isnt enough good stuff in your digestive system:

  • Not enough good, nutritious foods being eaten
  • Not enough good bugs in your gut
  • Not enough digestive secretions: stomach acid, digestive enzymes or bile

Are Your Symptoms From H Pylori

Helicobacter pylori symptoms are most often seen in the most chronically ill patients even though those problems dont seem to be in any way related to classic;Symptoms of H Pylori Bacteria. So what;ARE;your chances of having the H pylori bacteria?

Actually, there is an easy formula. Generally the older you get, you increase your chance of acquiring the H pylori bacteria by 1% each year. Therefore, if you are 20 years old, there is a 20% chance that you have it. If you are 50 years old, there is a 50% chance and so on.

Often a VARIETY of;problems will clear up;when the H-pylori bacteria is eradicated. So, if you are now wondering if;YOUR;problems could be from the H pylori bacteria, I can help you to find out if you have H Pylori infection with an easy;In-Home H pylori Test Kit.;So, how is it possible to do an in;In-Home;laboratory test for the H pylori Bacteria?

H pylori Resources

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Signs + Symptoms Of H Pylori

One of the first tell tale signs of an H. Pylori infection is the display of upper GI symptoms.;;

If you suffer from stomach pain, reflux, heartburn, excessive belching, or a feeling like food is sitting in your stomach, then youll want to take note.

Other symptoms could include:

  • a dull burning pain in your stomach, usually a few hours after eating and at night
  • bloating
  • tar colored stools, indicating a bleeding ulcer

H Pylori And Long Term Health Problems

H Pylori and Stomach Ulcers

H Pylori disrupts the digestive process so it can lead to inflammation throughout the gut and gastrointestinal permeability.; This state of leaky gut can also cause iron-deficient anemia, irritable bowel symptoms with fluctuating diarrhea and constipation and ulcerative colitis.

Since gut health is intimately related to brain health, an H Pylori infection can lead to depression, anxiety and trouble concentrating .;;Altered digestion also increases food sensitivities and autoimmune reactions.; This can lead to any number of autoimmune conditions that are so prevalent in our society today.

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What Are The Symptoms Of H Pylori

Most people have the bacteria for years without knowing it because they dont have any symptoms. Experts dont know why.

You may have redness and swelling in your stomach lining. This is called gastritis. ;

You may get sores or peptic ulcers in your stomach or the first part of your small intestine . Ulcer symptoms may include belly or abdominal pain, which can:

  • Be a dull pain that doesnt go away

  • Happen 2 to 3 hours after you eat

  • Come and go for several days or weeks

  • Happen in the middle of the night when your stomach is empty

  • Go away when you eat or take medicines that reduce your stomach acid level

Other symptoms of an ulcer may include:

  • Weight loss

The symptoms of ulcers may look like other health problems. Always see your healthcare provider to be sure.

Treating Infections In The Right Order

If your stool test or GI Map reveals that other infections are present along with h. pylori, the best practice is to address h. pylori first. You always want to deal with the root cause first.

Because the stomach-acid lowering effects of h. pylori can cause other infections, the root cause needs to be addressed first. Then the overgrowths will be easier to clear.

H. pylori could be the reason some people struggle to clear stubborn SIBO or candida overgrowths.

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Fgids Autoimmune Diseases And Atopy

In two large studies of UK primary care patients, an association with autoimmune diseases and atopy was examined. A significantly higher prevalence of autoimmune disorders, particularly rheumatological autoimmune disorders, was more frequent in those with FD, constipation and multiple FGIDs . This association was not explained by differences in age or gender. In this same group, atopic conditions were also found in excess among all FGID groups considered when compared with controls . This association may be explained by a shared genetic susceptibility, or common disruption of the microbiome and similar immunological disorders in these conditions . A study from the USA showed similar findings, in that adults with atopic symptoms report a high prevalence of IBS, suggesting a link between atopy and IBS . In a study of endoscopy all-comers in London, UK, duodenal eosinophilia was significantly commoner in patients with a history of allergy , and patients with PDS were significantly more likely to report a history of allergy than those without upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms , also supporting an important link between allergy and FGIDs . Whether symptoms of FGIDs wax and wane with the severity of these associated conditions is yet to be determined.

The Hazards Of An Hpylori Infection:

H Pylori Diet

H.Pylori is a very sophisticated microorganism that has incredible adaptive advantages that give it the ability to survive the stomachs harsh environment.; It produces an enzyme called urease which breaks down the urea in the stomach into carbon dioxide and ammonia.; This causes belching and halitosis for the individual and it neutralizes the acidifying effects of hydrochloric acid .

Hydrochloric acid is necessary for creating an acidic environment in the stomach to digest protein and ionize minerals.; This also helps to stimulate bile release from the gallbladder to effectively metabolize fat in the small intestine.; Without these key functions working optimally we become at risk for anemia, thyroid problems, osteoporosis and auto-immunity .

The secretion of mucous protects the stomach lining from irritation by food stuffs and microorganisms.; H Pylori reduces the stomachs ability to produce mucous and irritates the stomach lining.; This creates a silent level of inflammation until the irritation become so severe that enough pain receptors fire off.; This is the pathogenesis of stomach ulcers.

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Causes Of Peptic Ulcer

When the delicate balance between acid and the protective forces is interrupted, ulcers may form. This imbalance may be the result of having too much acid in the stomach, but this is relatively uncommon. Most of the time the imbalance is a result of a disruption of the protective mucus layer. Once this layer has been damaged the stomach acid and pepsin can eat away at the delicate tissues underneath. This can produce a crater-like hole known as an ulcer. Therefore, an ulcer is simply the result of the body digesting itself in a weakened area. While acid is generally the final cause of the injury, it is now recognized that there are important factors that permit acid to cause damage.

There are two types of ulcers. Most ulcers are related to acid and pepsin found in the stomach juices and are called peptic ulcers. A small percentage of ulcers are caused by cancer and are called malignant ulcers. Ulcers are also named by location. Those that occur in the stomach are called gastric ulcers. Those that occur in the first part of the intestines are called duodenal ulcers. Finally, ulcers found in the food pipe, or esophagus, are named esophageal ulcers. These may be associated with hiatal hernias and caused by acid and digestive enzymes splashing upward into the lower esophagus.

Replace Good Foods And Nutrients

When you remove bad foods, its important to replace them with better alternatives . These foods will nourish your gut and enable it to heal.

My book, The H. Pylori Diet, teaches you exactly how to do this. It teaches you which foods to avoid, and how to replace them.

The book will help you even if you do not have H. pylori, because the diet and nutrition principles crossover to situations where you have other bad bugs.

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How You Get H Pylori

As I stated earlier, H. pylori is a common bacteria found in many people around the world and most commonly it is passed from person to person.

H. pylori can be passed from person to person by saliva but it can also be passed from contaminated food or water.;;

Some other examples of how it can be passed:

  • eating from the same utensils
  • eating foods that were contaminated by a persons unwashed hands

The most common route? Acquiring H. pylori from your mother in infancy .

If you didnt get it from your mother, then catching it from someone else in your adult years is quite possible. The likelihood of infection is equal to a persons age .

Heres the bad news: H. pylori can take root when youre under immense stress.;;

When youre under stress, this reduces your immune functioning, which makes it hard for your body to fight off H. pylori when it enters your digestive system.

Even more proof that theres a strong connection between your mind and gut!

If your immune functioning is poor, H. pylori will easily take hold and make a home in your stomach.

What does an H. Pylori infection feel like? Lets cover that next.

How Low Stomach Acid Causes Gerd Reflux Or Heartburn

Can Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) cause IBS?

If you suffer from GERD and dont get relief from acid lowering medications I advise looking into h. pylori as a root cause.

Reflux and GERD are caused by a loose lower esophageal sphincter that lets stomach acid escape and flow up through the esophagus. Abundant stomach acid signals the LES sphincter to remain tightly shut.

The tight seal can loosen when stomach acid is low. As it opens, stomach acid escapes the stomach and back-flows into the esophagus.

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The Gut Microbiomestomach Duodenum And Colon

Although originally the acid environment of the stomach was considered a hostile environment for bacteria, except for acid-adapted Helicobacter species, recent studies categorizing resident microbiota have shown surprising results, with a plethora of other bacteria at this site . The role of the gastric microbiome is influenced by atrophy, and loss of acid can also influence colonic microbiota, with colonization of the colon by significantly higher levels of members of two oropharyngeal genera, Veillonella and Lactobacillus . The study of the influence of gastric microbiota in FGIDs is nascent, apart from the role of H. pylori in FD , which is discussed in the next section.

Studies of the duodenal microbiome are also largely lacking, but PCR investigations of duodenal brush samples in patients with all types of IBS have shown that there is a reduction of the numbers of Bifidobacterium catenulatum in both duodenal mucosa and faecal microbiota . It was also shown that Pseudomonas aeruginosa was predominant in numbers and frequency in IBS . It is unknown whether or not these microbial differences contribute to the pathophysiological changes or are an epiphenomenon in these patients. Larger studies on well-characterized patients with FD and IBS may provide answers as to the role of duodenal microbiota.

  • 1.

    In animal studies it has been shown that the colonic microbiome alters visceral pain responses, intestinal permeability and brain function and behaviour.

  • Things You Can Do To Ease Gastritis

    If you think the cause of your gastritis is repeated use of NSAID painkillers, try switching to a different painkiller that’s not in the NSAID class, such as paracetamol.

    You may want to talk to a GP about this.

    Also consider:

    • eating smaller, more frequent meals
    • avoiding foods that can irritate the stomach, such as spicy, acidic or fried foods
    • avoiding or cutting down on alcohol

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    The Most Common Symptoms :

    Abdominal Pain

    Constant bad breath

    Mild nausea

    Other issues that can be caused by a H Pylori infection include pernicious anemia which is a B12 deficiency .; Your stomach produces a protein called intrinsic factor which allows the small intestine to absorb B12.; H Pylori affects the stomachs ability to produce intrinsic factor which causes this problem.; The major symptoms associated with pernicious anemia are constant fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin, swollen tongue and nausea.

    Treatment For Helicobacter Pylori

    Three Ways H. pylori Causes Bloating

    If your testing reveals you have a helicobacter pylori infection, the good news is that its relatively simple to eradicate this bacteria. The exact treatment method for you will depend on your unique situation and any other medical conditions you have, which well work through when you come to see us for a consultation and testing. In general, however, treatment involves medication interventions that will eradicate the bacteria and lifestyle interventions that will help you feel better as you get rid of the infection.

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    What Should I Know About Testing

    These tests are one way of understanding the health of your digestive tract. There can be many reasons for the symptoms youre experiencing, and h pylori are only one possibility. Its also possible to have both an h pylori infection and another issue at play at the same time.

    At Batash Medical, we specialize in gastroenterology and endoscopic weight loss services, and Dr. Steven Batash MD has years of experience diagnosing and effectively;treating gastrointestinal issues like h pylori infections. Were committed to helping you discover the root cause of your pain and discomfort and then treating it effectively.

    What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    We have been working over the last several months updating and expanding our about websites. Here is the content for our most recent work

    What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome ?

    Irritable bowel syndrome is one of a spectrum of common functional gastrointestinal disorders. Symptoms of IBS can include constipation, diarrhea, alternating diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, urgency, bloating, straining at stools, and a sense of incomplete evacuation. The Rome III definition for IBS, which is widely accepted in the medical community, is recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least three days per month for at least a three month period, with at least two of the following symptoms also present: improvement of the pain or discomfort with defecation, a change in frequency of stools, and/or a change also in the form or appearance of stool.

    The symptoms of IBS are usually long term, and, although they can cause daily gastrointestinal symptoms, are frequently episodic, meaning that they do not occur on a daily or regular basis. Symptoms may be triggered by specific foods or by stress but often no specific triggers can be identified

    IBS is much more common in women than men; and the onset of idiopathic IBS symptoms is usually in the teens or young adulthood. Symptoms of IBS can occur as a result of intestinal infection or can be precipitated by major life events.

    What causes IBS?

    A. ;; Altered gastrointestinal motility

    B. ;; The brain-gut connection

    D. ;; Genetic pre-disposition

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    What Is Blastocystis Hominis

    Blastocystis hominis, or Blasto, is a microscopic single-cell organism that commonly lives in the digestive tract. It is most commonly contracted through contaminated food or water sources. While there are many protozoans that normally live in the gastrointestinal tract and are harmless or even helpful, others can cause disease.

    Symptoms of Blastocystis hominis can include bloating, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, variable bowel habits, abdominal pain, hives, and fatigue. Blastocystis can also cause carbohydrate intolerance.

    Additionally, this pathogen is notorious for causing multiple food sensitivities. A true food sensitivity, like celiac disease, usually results in a resolution of symptoms once the triggering food is removed, but Blastocystis hominis-infected people will have multiple food sensitivities and will keep getting more. Interestingly, the Blastocystis Research Foundation reports that people with Blastocystis hominis often find that they are sensitive to gluten, dairy, soy, sugars, starches, grains, caffeine, fruit, and carbonated beverages, and removing these foods can keep symptoms at bay. Histamine sensitivity may also be related to this infection. I was personally able to add back almost every food after addressing Blastocystis hominis. I often wonder how many individuals who arent benefiting from the most popular Hashimotos diets actually have Blastocystis hominis.

    Furthermore, there are multiple studies implicating Blastos role in IBS and hives .

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