Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Improve Gut Microbiome

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What Might The Fallout Look Like From A Nursing Shortage

Improving Gut Microbiome | How to improve gut bacteria?

Unlike many other fields that face employer shortages, there is no way to minimize the demand for healthcare. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities will always need qualified nurses. Unfortunately, that also means a shortage creates several challenges, such as:

  • Nurse burnout. Burnout is both a cause and symptom of the nursing shortage. Understaffed nursing units increase the pressure and stress on nurses. The mental and physical toll of this pressure can quickly lead to burnout.
  • Longer wait times for care. Patients have to wait longer when healthcare facilities dont have the nursing staff they need. When seeing more patients, nurses are often rushed and stressed. That can lower patient satisfaction and negatively affect patient outcomes.
  • Medication errors and fatalities. Patient care and safety are improved when theres an appropriate number of nurses on staff. Errors in medication and other care delivery are more likely when facilities are understaffed. These errors can have serious consequences.

Exercise For Both You And Your Microbes

Regular physical activity is not only good for your heart, but it is also good for your gut, too. Studies recently showed that some of the lactate produced during exercise can impact certain gut microbes â although we donât yet know how and why. Start slow if you havenât had regular physical activity as part of your daily life. If you start on New Yearâs, by Valentineâs Day you could be walking daily, or doing some time of activity that you like, to help your heart, mind and gut.

How Is The Gut Microbiome Connected To Your Entire Body

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the best solution you could think of was to just, as they say, “trust your gut?” Well, your body trusts your gut a lot, and that’s because your gut microbiome is connected to your digestive system, says Dr. Niket Sonpal, a New York-based internist, gastroenterologist, and adjunct professor at Touro College.

” is a determining factor in how your metabolism functions and how many calories you can intake, what nutrients you extract from those calories, and how those nutrients are converted into things your body needs to function,” Sonpal explains. The gut microbiome can also “cause fiber to turn into fatty acids,” he adds, “which can cause diabetes type 2 and obesity if left to accumulate in the liver.”

In addition to your gut microbiome controlling your body’s digestion, one of its main functions is to regulate your immune system in the gut. LaValle explains that when antibodies become overactive to an environmental or food allergens, your body becomes less focused on taking care of other parts of the immune system, which can lead to autoimmunity, when organisms attack healthy cells and tissue.

“A dysregulated immune system is also a source of a tremendous amount of inflammation in the body, which can cause pain throughout the body and damage to the intestines themselves as well as many other parts of the body, such as the lining of the arteries,” LaValle says.

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Microbiome Diversity Is Probably Not Achievable By Swallowing A Whole Range Of Supplements

While taking a probiotic may be like planting a seed, taking a prebiotic is like nurturing it by giving it the nourishment it needs. But again, this approach comes up against the same limitations as taking a probiotic alone.

Verdict: “Prebiotics do not increase the diversity of the microbiome,” says Whelan. “They will increase specific bacteria, but they won’t increase the number of different types of bacteria.”

Mixing it up

So microbiome diversity is probably not achievable by swallowing a whole range of supplements. But there are ways to improve diversity by focusing on the foods you eat.

“Have a look at the people around you,” says Whelan. “You’ll find some people will have the same lunch every day. And in the evening, three or four different main dishes, and they will eat that for a whole year bar going out occasionally.”

Even if your habitual diet is balanced, with plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and so on, having a predictable routine is not likely to do much good for a diverse microbiome.

Eating the same few meals all the time may not be the best for beneficial gut microbes – scientists say variety is key

“Dietary diversity is about challenging the concept of constantly eating the same thing,” says Whelan. “For example, if you have fish regularly, make sure it isn’t always salmon. Make sure you have wholegrains regularly, but not just wholegrain bread.”

Fermented foods

Whelan agrees that some people may be taking fermentation too far.

How To Diverse Your Microbiome

10 Ways To Improve The Gut Microbiome

Research shows that the more diverse and richer your gut microbiome, the lower your risk of disease and allergies. By having a diverse microbiome with trillions of healthy microbes working together, it can benefit multiple areas of your health. A healthy gut flora doesnt just include good bacteria but a diverse range of microbes. ;

A rich and diverse gut consists of lots of different bacterial species as well as plenty of individual bacteria from each species. Its the combination of rich and diverse that allows your gut to thrive. Low gut microbiome diversity is associated with several diseases such as obesity, inflammation, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

To diversify your microbiome, you need to eat a diverse range of foods. Over the years, food diversity in the American diet has decreased while eating highly processed foods has become increased. With the overuse of antibiotics that can wipe out a significant number of bacteria in your gut, its no surprise that microbiome diversity has become a problem.

One way to increase your microbiome diversity is by eating a more plant-based diet. A healthy plant-based diet can help increase your microbiome diversity as it tends to be naturally high in fiber, prebiotic and probiotic foods.

Related: Plant-Based Nutrition for Gut Fortitude and Overall Wellness

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Improve Gut Microbiome And Mitochondrial Function

Mitochondria have many functions, including energy production, maintaining cell cycle and growth, apoptosis , regulation of cellular metabolism, steroid synthesis, calcium storage and signaling, signaling through reactive oxygen species, and hormonal signaling.

The most important function they perform is the production of metabolic energy in eukaryotic cells. They break down carbohydrates and fatty acids through the process of oxidative phosphorylation in order to produce adenosine triphosphate , the energy currency of life. Much of this process takes place in a mitochondrions inner membrane.

More specifically, the process of cellular respiration is where energy is derived from glucose. ATP is the bodys currency for energy. The first step in the process of energy production therefore is changing glucose to pyruvate to produce ATP. With aerobic respiration, which is the type of cellular respiration that occurs in human cells, oxygen is present and the pyruvate then produces more ATP. If there is no oxygen and respiration is anaerobic, no extra ATP is created.

So what happens if the mitochondria are not functioning properly? ATP production is reduced meaning the energy needed for all of the bodys processes is reduced. That can become quite a challenging situation for health and wellness.

Or do we need to support the mitochondria throughout the entire system so that tissue responds better to therapy?

Easy On The Painkillers For Your Gut Flora

Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory are painkillers that can alter the gut microbiome and lead to an upset stomach.

Better known as NSAIDs, these medications are among the most commonly prescribed. They are used to treat pain by targeting inflammation, and are especially popular because they help relieve menstrual pain.

However, even though they can produce short-term relief, chronic use can damage your gut lining and make your gut microbes sad. They irritate your intestinal lining, causing inflammation and even bleeding too both of which are detrimental to this organ and your microbiome.

TIPSome of these painkillers, like ibuprofen, can be bought at your shop, others prescribed by your doctor.

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What Is The Gut Microbiome

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The gut microbiome or gut flora refers to all the microorganisms that inhabit the digestive tract in humans and animals. These microorganisms may include bacteria, viruses, protozoa, archaea, and eukaryotes among other microscopic organisms. These organisms form asymbio tic relationship with the body and are present in various sitesthroughout the digestive tract. Studies suggest that there is an equal number;of human cells and microbial cells in the human body.

If Youre Stressed So Is Your Gut

How To Improve Gut Microbiome?

Stress negatively impacts many aspects of our health including physical, mental, and even gut health.

Your microbiome doesnt just affect your intestines, it influences other organs, including your brain. If youre feeling stressed out, your microbes can feel it too. It can even decrease the abundance of important probiotic bacteria like Lactobacillus.

Keeping beneficial bacteria at healthy levels can even improve your resilience to adversity. Thats because your gut microbes influence stress levels and mood hormones. Alleviate your stress by avoiding unnecessarily demanding situations, and try some techniques like breathing exercises and meditation.

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Re Analysis Of Previous Datasets For Comparison

Samples from Kushugulova et al. and Forslund et al. were previously mapped to the IGC gene catalog and the mOTU marker genes; these abundances . The Kushugulova samples were tested for significantly differential abundances between MetS cases and controls using the MannWhitney U test, then controlling that a MetS status predictor still significantly improves fit package) of the rank-transformed abundances when added to a linear model already incorporating metformin status as a predictor, thereby controlling for confounding influence of metformin treatment status. Analogously, the Forslund samples were tested for significantly differential abundances between metformin-treated and untreated patients using the MannWhitney U test, then controlling that a metformin status predictor still significantly improves fit package) of the rank-transformed abundances when added to a linear model already incorporating MetS status as a predictor, thereby controlling for confounding influence of MetS status. The validation dataset was analyzed exactly as the main study dataset, as described above.

Microbiomes And Our Diet

The microbiota that lives inside our body are dependent on multiple factors including the environment they live in, the medication we consume from time to time, our family genes and most importantly the diet that we consume. Combined together, all these factors eventually result in creating a unique microbiome for every person.

Photo byDose Juice on Unsplash

Speaking of diet, the type of food you eat has a huge say in how the microbes grow within your gut. Food with high dietary fiber often affects the quantity and type of microbiomes negatively. This is because dietary fiber can only be broken by enzymes released by the microbiota, and this process of fermenting down the fiber releases short-chain fatty acids that lower the colons pH and hampers the growth of the microbiomes.

On the other hand, foods having indigestible carbohydrates and fiber like resistant starches, inulin, gums and pectins feed the beneficial microbiota, create a growing atmosphere and help them to expand the microbiomes colony within the gut.

Taking these factors in mind, below are some recommended diet plans and suggestions on what to eat and what to avoid. Following these suggestions might help you to increase the overall quantity of helpful microbiomes in your body and improve your overall health:

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Cut Out Sugar And Avoid Processed Foods

Youre sweet enough already! Fast digesting sugars, otherwise known as Monnosaccarides, are digested so quickly that your little microbes dont get a chance to take a bite out of them! If you eat too many simple sugars too regularly, you run the risk of literally starving your microbiome to death. Additionally, hungry microbes will resort to munching away at the lining in your intestine, which can lead to inflammation. Try to alter your diet to include more foods with complex sugars, to ensure a happy and healthy microbiome. Heres a list of some sweet foods that will keep both you and your gut happy!

  • Honey
  • Mango
  • Sweet Potatoes

Also make sure you keep out an eye for dreaded hidden sources of monosaccharides. Sugar can sneak into foods you would never expect them to be. Keep an eye on sugar levels in things like smoothies, nut butters, protein bars, salad dressings and even in a gut-favourite yogurt!

The Link Between Your Gut Microbiome And Your Health

10 Ways To Improve The Gut Microbiome

Learn about this emerging field of study and what steps you can take to keep your gut microbiome balanced.

In recent years, you may have heard digestive experts talk about the gut-brain connection or your gut health, but whats all the fuss about? Emerging research is shedding light on the inner workings of the gastrointestinal tract, called the gut microbiome, and how it can affect your whole body in ways that may not seem connected at all.

The gut microbiome includes bacteria, microorganisms, fungi, and viruses that are present in the gastrointestinal tract. It plays a role in absorption of key nutrients and minerals, says Jaquel Patterson, ND, MBA, a naturopathic doctor and medical director of Fairfield Family Health in Connecticut. The gut microbiome also plays a key role in good health and in disease progression.

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Ways To Balance Out Your Gut Microbiome

The amount of bacterial cells in your body outnumber the human cells.;Yes, you read that correctly — we are more bacteria than we are human. That means those teeny tiny, single-celled beings;can have the ability to make or break our overall health and wellbeing.

So, let’s get to know our bacterial cells.

To start, the vast majority of them;live in our gut, specifically in a section of the large intestine known as the cecum. Here we find;what is called the;”gut microbiome,” a 2-5 poundcollection of bacteria, archaea, and fungi that reside there, full-time.;This gut microbiome isnt merely an aid to digestion; it plays a pivotal role in our immune system, cardiovascular system, ability to avoid certain diseases , and even our brain function. Without the microbiome, it would be very difficult to function on a daily basis.

Babies begin their lives with very simple gut microbiomes. But as we grow — and are introduced to new foods and environments — so does the diversity of;our;microbiome. A diverse microbiome is a healthy one, and one that will keep your mind and body in order. I wanted to make sure that I had a healthy gut microbiome, so I dug into the research and found the best ways to keep things running smoothly. The following is a list of some easy ways to diversify and improve your gut microbiome!;

Ways To Strengthen Your Microbiome

Tags: Microbiome, Nutrition, Pre & Probiotics

The microbiome consists of TRILLIONS of living microbes inside your gut. These little;mood;elevators;work around the clock producing happy-chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine. Making sure that you have a diverse and thriving microbiome can help not only with your mental health, but can prevent things like the urge to over-eat, and can help regulate your digestive system.

Below, we have compiled a list of ways you can ensure that you have a happy and healthy microbiome!

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Gut Bacteria And Your Brain

Your brain sends messages all over your body. Researchers believe your gut may talk back. Studies show that the balance of bacteria in the gut microbiome may affect your emotions and the way your brain processes information from your senses, like sights, sounds, flavors, or textures.;Scientists suspect that changes in that balance may play a role in conditions like autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, and depression, as well as chronic pain.;

The Human Microbiome: How It Works + A Diet For Gut Health

10 Ways to Improve the Microbiome

By Jillian Levy, CHHC

Most people think of bacteria within the body as a cause of getting sick or developing certain diseases, but did you know that at all times there are actually billions of beneficial bacteria present within all of us? In fact, bacteria make up our microbiome, an integral internal ecosystem that benefits our gut health and the immune system.

Recently, the scientific community has really come to embrace the important role that bacteria have in fostering a strong immune system and keeping us healthy. Not only are all bacteria not detrimental to our health, but some are actually crucial for boosting immunity, keeping our digestive systems running smoothly, our hormone levels balanced and our brains working properly.

So what is the microbiome, why is it so important and how can we protect it? Lets find out.

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No Dodgy Kebabs On The Microbiome Diet Menu

Greasy, processed food goes hand-in-hand with a boozy night out. Put them together and you have a recipe for digestive mayhem.

Weve all been there and eaten something which just didnt agree with our gut. Bacteria is a common cause of food poisoning with symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, and incapacitating stomach cramps. In severe cases, it can be deadly. Thats why proper food handling and hygiene in restaurants is critical.

So its worth considering the possibility that your dodgy Saturday night takeaway may be a culprit in temporary digestive discomfort. When pathogens invade, they rapidly multiply and produce toxins. In turn, the gut lining reacts with inflammation. So if you are heading out to paint the town red, line your stomach before you go out and dont eat that dodgy takeaway.

What Are The Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut Microbiome

Having an unhealthy gut microbiome affects your health in various ways. Scientists and researchers have drawn a direct correlation between gut health and diabetes, obesity, and other chronic conditions. Having bad gut health results in many diseases in the body both local and systemic in nature. They are as follows-

1. Upset stomach: bloating constipation and diarrhea are the most notable symptoms of bad gut health. This is caused by the inability of the body to digest that process food. 2. Sugar cravings: if the gut balance is disrupted, it causes excessive sugar cravings. 3. Unintentional weight changes: since bad gut health disrupts the digestive system hindering the absorption of nutrients, it causes unintended changes in weight. 4. Sleep fluctuations: since serotonin is produced in the gut, an unhealthy gut disrupts sleep patterns and has been linked to fibromyalgia. 5. Autoimmune diseases: imbalance in the gut causes systemic inflammation which prompts the immune system to attack healthy parts of the body instead of malicious invaders causing autoimmune diseases.

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