Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What Toxin Causes Leaky Gut

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What Causes Leaky Gut The 19 Hidden And Little Known Reasons

For many people, it can be difficult to try and find the root cause of their Leaky Gut Syndrome . . .

This makes treatment a frustrating event that can seem to go around in circles. But, many people don’t know that the root cause of their Leaky Gut Syndrome could be a variety of health issues.

We’re going to cover the symptoms of Leaky Gut, along with 19 science-backed causes next . . .

Leaky Gut Fix #1: Reduce Inflammation

Leaky gut syndrome is often driven by and accompanied by significant amounts of inflammation. Therefore, it is important to remove any elements from your diet that can be triggering inflammation. These trigger foods vary from person to person so a personalized approach is necessary here. We recommend working with a qualified practitioner who can help you figure out which foods and dietary choices are causing inflammation for you.

Additionally, with stool testing, individuals may find that they have certain strains of opportunistic bacteria, yeast, fungi, or parasites present. To cut inflammation, these issues must be addressed. Generally, we recommend herbs and botanicals to help eradicate these pests causing inflammation. However, this cant be overlooked as it is pinnacle in any treatment plan.

How Does Leaky Gut Occur

The walls of our intestines are built to allow water and nutrients to pass through to our bloodstream. However, at the same time, bacteria and toxins enter the bloodstream, where they can be harmful. It is also worth noting that even though people usually talk about guts or intestines in general terms when discussing leaky gut syndrome, the loosening of our guts lining largely happens in the small intestine.

The Gaps Diet: An Evidence

Nizam Khan Amy Richter, RD

The GAPS diet is a strict elimination diet that requires its followers to cut out:

  • grains
  • starchy vegetables
  • refined carbs

Its promoted as a natural treatment for people with conditions that affect the brain, such as autism.

However, its a controversial therapy that doctors, scientists and nutrition professionals have widely criticized for its restrictive regimen.

This article explores the features of the GAPS dietary protocol and examines whether theres any evidence behind its purported health benefits.

Individual Health May Play A Role

4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

Gluten does activate zonulin, but it doesnt affect everyone the same way.

Its clear that gluten can increase intestinal permeability in those with celiac disease and possibly in those with IBS. However, it appears that gluten does not increase intestinal permeability in people without these health conditions.


Gluten activates zonulin and increases intestinal permeability in people with celiac disease. Gluten does not increase intestinal permeability in people without these health conditions.

Tips To Support A Healthy Gut

Increasing the beneficial bacteria in your gut can improve your gut health overall, most likely preventing intestinal hyperpermeability. It also supports your overall health, so if something gets through, the body has the defences to protect itself.

1. Limit your sugar

Harmful bacteria thrive on sugar. It is their food of choice. Excessive sugar intake has been known to harm the gut barrier function.

2. Decrease your alcohol intake

Alcohol has been proven to be detrimental to the intestinal wall and destroy beneficial bacteria.

3. Limit the use of NSAID

It is known that long term use of these drugs is detrimental to the intestinal wall and increase gut permeability.

4. Eat fermented food

Fermented foods such as plain yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha are well known to contain probiotics. In moderation, these can improve your gut health environment.

5. Eat Plenty of high Fibre Foods

Gut Performance® has the right type of fibre, which acts as a prebiotic, to supply the beneficial bacteria with the sources they need to improve your gut health. Taking just one scoop daily will give you a significant boost to your fibre intake.

Let us know via our Gut Performance® Instagram page and #gutperformance how you prepare your daily Gut Performance® dose. We love to hear how Gut Performance® has taken your gut health to the next level.

Eat More Healthy Fats

N-butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid, helps feed the cells that line the gut and help them heal. Your gut bacteria can produce more n-butyrate if you feed them soluble fibers in fruits and vegetables. You also can get n-butyrate in the form of Ghee, which is clarified butter. Another source of healthy fat is coconut oil, which contains medium-chain fatty acids that are good for the gut!

Alcohol Abuse And Binge Drinking

Excessive alcohol usage and binge drinking can cause problems throughout your body. It’s a very serious but preventable health problem. Binge drinking is drinking consistently until your blood alcohol concentration is at or above 0.08 grams. 

Alcohol abuse and binge drinking can lead to significant alterations of your digestive tract’s mucosal lining due to functional and metabolic changes. Once this happens, your mucosal barrier will be unable to function as it should. Eventually, this damage can lead to ulcers and lesions in your stomach and intestines. It’ll also bring on chronic irritation that makes it very difficult to heal these ulcers and lesions. 

One study demonstrated this by taking 54 patients with alcohol abuse issues, and comparing their intestinal permeability to those of 30 non-alcohol-using controls. They found that the intestinal permeability was five times higher in the alcoholic patients than in the controls, and the alcoholic patients also had higher inflammation levels.

Solutions To Leaky Gut

In many cases, come from foodsensitivities that might not trigger full-blown allergic reactions but can still fuellow-grade inflammation thatdamages the gut wall over time.

The first step in rebalancing your gut health is identifying possible foods that might be causing inflammatory reactionsand eliminatingthem. Commonproblem foodsand food allergies include: 

  • Gluten 
  • Corn 
  • Eggs 
  • Sugarand other sweeteners 
  • Soy 

There are a variety of lab tests that can help you figure out which foods are the culprits.But beforeyoustart doing blood work labs, you could try whats called the Elimination Diet.  

An elimination diet consists of cutting out suspect foods for 2-3 weeks-to see whetherthosechanges reducedigestive symptoms.Keep in mind, your symptoms may worsen in the first few days of eliminating problem foods.Give yourself at least 2 weeks to reset your digestive system, eating healthier foods like green vegetables, high fiber foods, soups and drinks with plenty of fluids to help flush things out. After 2-3 weeks, you can begin to add each suspect food back to your diet, one at a time every few days, and monitor your reactions.Ifyour symptoms reappear,you know the most recently introduced food islikelycausing theproblem.

This Condition Is Not Typically Diagnosed But Could Be Affecting The Health Of Many People

This article has been archived. We will no longer be updating it. For our most up-to-date information, please visit our digestive health information here.

My body never completely bounced back after I had my first child15 years ago. I’ve told myself that my symptoms were part of being a busy mom: fatigue, digestive problems, joint pain, insomnia, low libido, even mild-grade depression. Many moms I know suffer the same ailments, or worse. They’ll subside at some point, I told myself. My health care provider tested me over the years for various medical conditionsfrom anemia and thyroid disorders to mononucleosis and Lyme disease. The tests always came out negative. “You just need to sleep more and manage your stress better,” he told me.

I found an answer four months ago when I went to see Willie Victor, a nutritionist in Mill Valley, California, whose practice is based on the healing properties of food. She asked me to keep a food diary and take a blood test for food allergies and sensitivities.

The results were shocking. It turns out I was “highly sensitive” to a number of foods that had been a regular part of my daily dietdairy, soy, sugar, caffeine and gluten.

10 signs you have a leaky gut:

According to Dr. Leo Galland, director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine, the following symptoms might be signs of leaky gut:

  • Chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Headaches, brain fog, memory loss
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Arthritis or joint pain
  • Do I Need A Supplement

    According to research published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, there is some evidence that can improve the function of your gut and even help reverse leaky gut, but long-term studies are still needed. There is not a single study to date suggesting that probiotics are harmful.

    Probiotic supplements are more like a fertilizer that communicates to your existing gut bacteria. It can regulate the pH and cross-talk to other bacteria, increasing short-chain fatty acids which is the food for the gut cells and help regulate inflammation and the immune system of the gut, says Dr. La Vella. Transitioning away from processed foods and toward whole foods is usually enough to keep your gut healthy.

    Herbal supplements may be helpful in certain situations, but arent necessarily a quick fix.

    I think of supplements as medications; there is always a risk and a benefit. I prefer to think about restoring ecosystem balance rather than supplementing to cover up a bad dietary or lifestyle choice, says Dr. La Vella.  

    The 5 Types Of Food To Avoid For Better Gut Health

    Studies have shown that certain foods can trigger inflammation that leads to a leaky gut. There are also foods that contain compounds known to stimulate chemicals that cause the tight junctions to loosen.

    There are also foods that help heal a leaky gut and promote gut health. Knowing what a leaky-gut diet consists of can help you heal any damage already done to your intestines as well as promote overall gut health.

    The worst foods you can eat if you have a leaky gut are those that increase inflammation or interfere with the digestion process. The most well-known culprits include:

    What Foods To Avoid If You Have Leaky Gut

    5 Early Warnings That Reveal A Leaky Gut

    Certain foods are helpful in encouraging the gut to heal. Others exacerbate the problem and can cause symptoms to worsen. Many people develop leaky gut symptoms after repeated exposure to foods known to cause inflammatory responses. After a lifetime of eating foods your body is sensitive to, intestinal damage can occur. Fortunately, this damage can be reduced through a change in diet.

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    Below are seven foods that you should avoid when you have leaky gut. Cutting out these foods from your diet and allowing your body to heal from the systemic damage caused by inflammation will help you to feel healthier overall and can reduce symptoms of many chronic diseases associated with poor gut health.

    Prescription & Over The Counter Medications

    Many prescription medications and even some over-the-counter drugs can cause intestinal distress and inflammation. Especially when taken long-term. Some commonly prescribed medications that can be problematic :

    • NSAIDs
    • Corticosteroids
    • Antacids

    Unfortunately, these are the same drugs frequently used to treat inflammatory gut conditions. Thus, they can make matters worse if the root cause of inflammation isnt determined and addressed.

    Its also worth noting that some medications can cause nutrient deficiencies, which can deprive your intestinal cells, alter your gut bacteria, inhibit your immune system, promote inflammation, and lead to dysfunction.

    What Is Leaky Gut Can Dietary Changes Help

    Although the science is still up in the air, the expression “leaky gut syndrome” is getting a lot of attention on blogs and alternative health sites. This unpleasant-sounding proposed digestive condition is also known as “increased intestinal permeability,” in which the lining of the intestines has become more porous.

    What Foods Should You Avoid If You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome

    If your doctor feels confident that you likely have leaky gut, they may recommend adjusting your diet to remove inflammatory foods that could impact gut flora, such as:

    • Processed foods
    • Foods that may trigger allergies or sensitivities, such as gluten or dairy
    • Alcohol

    Additionally, the doctor may also recommend a . Usually, this diet is recommended for people with IBS or even celiac disease, but it may help relieve some of the symptoms from leaky gut as well, especially since there is so much symptom overlap.

    Creating a diet rich in foods that aid the growth of beneficial gut bacteria is important as well. Some great options are vegetables , roots, fruit, sprouted seeds, fish, cultured dairy products and nuts .


    How Does It Affect You

    Its safe to say that having a leaky gut isnt an ideal situation. If you do have a leaky gut it is quite possibly an indicator of your stomach health. Leaky gut is often associated to be a cause or a symptom of some diseases like celiac disease and more. Studies have shown that those suffering from celiac disease and those who follow a gluten-free diet have shown reduced signs of intestinal permeability. A leaky gut can indicate various irregularities within your body, most of them relating to your stomach and digestion.

    While there isnt enough evidence to prove leaky gut as the direct cause for many diseases, there is a correlation between stomach health and a leaky gut. For instance, leaky gut can also point to gluten indigestion and other stomach-related irregularities. While medical science does its research regarding the existence of leaky gut, its safe to say that it can be avoided or controlled by maintaining a healthy diet and taking care of the overall health of ones stomach and food intake.

    What Is Leaky Gut 6 Leaky Gut Causes And How To Cure It

    If youve browsed the internet regarding digestive distress or gut health, chances are youve run across some form of gut health information. Today, research reveals that what goes on in our gut happens to impact our entire body. As Hippocrates said, all disease begins in the gut.

    One of the conditions that is showing up more frequently in research is leaky gut syndrome, also known as intestinal permeability. Leaky gut syndrome is a relatively new medical diagnosis that thousands of people have embraced as an explanation for a host of troubling symptoms.

    Is Leaky Gut Syndrome A Real Condition An Unbiased Look

    Becky Bell, MS, RD

    A phenomenon called leaky gut has gained quite a bit of attention lately, particularly among natural health enthusiasts.

    Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability, is a digestive condition in which bacteria and toxins are able to leak through the intestinal wall.

    Mainstream medical professionals do not recognize leaky gut as a real condition.

    However, there is quite a bit of scientific evidence that leaky gut does exist and may be associated with multiple health problems.

    This article takes a critical look at the evidence on leaky gut syndrome.

    How Does Leaky Gut Cause Food Sensitivities

    If undigested food molecules make it through your intestinal lining and into the bloodstream, your body will fight like hell to get rid of them. Once through the intestinal lining, these large food molecules travel via the bloodstream to the next line of defence – your liver. It is your livers job to clear out the waste in your bloodstream. When you have a leaky gut, your liver cant keep up with its normal toxic load and all of these extra macro food molecules.  So the really bad news is that these macro food molecules begin to circulate around your body, settling in various tissues of the body such as the brain, pancreas or even back to the epithelial cells of the small intestine .

    Now the immune system will start to make antibodies against these macro food molecules because it thinks they are foreign invaders. What were previously harmless foods, are now treated like bad guys and greeted with an inflammatory immune response every time they enter the body. This is how you develop food sensitivities. The immune system becomes super-stimulated and over-reactive to foods that are not normally seen as dangerous .

    Meditate And Get Enough Sleep

    Get to know about the leaky gut syndrome

    Stress management is also essential. Stress hormones wreak havoc on health and impair digestive function.

    Activities like meditation and yoga can help heal these junctions by reducing stress neurotransmitters and hormones and increasing the happy hormones dopamine and oxytocin.

    Take it a step further.

    Mindful eating is imperative. Eating in a calm, pleasant place and having gratitude for your food improves digestion.

    Dont forget adequate sleep. You need at least 7 hours of sleep per night to rest, restore, and repair your body.

    When Should I See A Doctor

    Improving your diet may help you feel better, but a leaky gut sometimes can have other causes, like infection or disease.

    In some cases, food sensitivities may be causing your symptoms. If you suspect you may have a food sensitivity, Dr. La Vella recommends working with a doctor to determine your sensitivity.

    It is very safe for anyone to adopt a whole foods diet and youll likely start feeling better within a few weeks, says Dr. La Vella. If you have ongoing symptoms and are still concerned after making these changes, talk to your doctor. There may be an underlying cause that needs to be treated.

    Get medical and nutritional support on your weight loss journey. Attend a free seminar to learn how Samaritan Weight Management Institute can help you feel your best.

    Learn more about probiotics and improving gut health.

    • Cells that form the lining of the intestines are called enterocytes. Permeability occurs when the junctions between these cells loosen and microorganisms and toxins can leak through.

    Leaky Gut Syndrome: 7 Signs You May Have It

    May 8, 2018

    If youve been around the natural health world very long, youve probably heard of a condition known as leaky gut syndrome. It sounds pretty gross, but its an important enough problem to consider. There are several leaky gut symptoms to be aware of, which is particularly important since leaky gut is associated with dozens of related conditions and diseases.

    As more Americans are affected by poor diet choices, chronic stress, toxic overload and bacterial imbalance, it appears that the prevalence of leaky gut has reached epidemic proportions. The medical profession is just now agreeing this condition may even exist, which is especially shocking to me because intestinal permeability has been discussed in the medical literature for over 100 years!

    Why should leaky gut syndrome concern you? Recently leaky gut has been called a danger signal for autoimmune disease. If youre wondering if you may be experiencing leaky gut, the first thing to do is access your symptoms. Keep in mind that its very common for people on a Standard American Diet to struggle with poor gut function and high levels of inflammation but just because digestive issues and autoimmune conditions are common doesnt make them normal!

    Food Sensitivity Or Antibodies Against Foods

    With an intact gut, the immune system should not be exposed to the gut content. Therefore there shouldnt be a lot of antibodies against foods. By inference, if you have a lot of antibodies against various foods, you likely have some intestinal permeability.

    While the logic here seems solid, clinical studies that would show a cause and effect relationship between leaky gut and food sensitivities are missing.

    On the plus side, you will likely benefit from knowing which foods you are allergic to, if any.

    Boost your immune system by optimizing your entire body with a gene-based approach to your health. Download our guide to find out how you can take your health into your own hands and create a regimen that is designed to keep your body as healthy as possible.

    Taking Care Of The Intestinal Microbiota

    The human gut contains the same number of bacteria as there are cells in the entire organism. With more than 400 different species of bacteria, were just beginning to understand the role of microbiota in health. Among other things, it promotes normal gastrointestinal function, provides protection against infection, regulates metabolism, and strengthens the immune system.

    In order to take care of the microbiota you should:

    • Remove toxin-ridden food from your diet
    • Maximize your digestive capacity by eating when youre hungry and leaving space between meals for your gastric juices to function normally
    • Eat fermentable fibers such as resistant starch, pectins, and fructans
    • Eat fermented goods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and any other quality probiotic
    • Treat the presence of intestinal pathogens such as parasites.

    Do You Have Leaky Gut

    Certainly, you know the signs of gastrointestinal distress gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and all their friends but leaky gut can exhibit symptoms that masquerade as other health problems, which can be confusing for you and, sometimes, confusing for doctors who dont look at a persons whole to make an accurate diagnosis.

    At Swetech Medical Center in Clinton Township, our doctors of osteopathy listen to the symptoms youre experiencing, but we also look at the rest of your body. Your medical history and present condition both influence your diagnosis, but we do not try to fit you into a box. Your health conditions may be common in the grand scheme of things, but the health issues youre suffering with daily are unique to you alone, and we respect your bodys uniqueness and needs.

     an appointment at Swetech Medical Center in Clinton Township to find out whether you are suffering from leaky gut and what can be done to get you back to normal. To ignore the health of your gut is to ignore the rest of your health and wellness. Let us help you find your equilibrium and feel your very best.

    What Is Intestinal Permeability

    The digestive system performs several very important functions in your body. In your digestive tract, your body breaks down food and absorbs nutrients into your bloodstream.

    Plus, the walls of your intestines act as an important barrier between your gut and the rest of your body. The intestinal wall serves as a gatekeeper, determining which substances pass through to the bloodstream and organs.

    The term intestinal permeability describes how easily substances pass through the intestinal wall. Its another word for leaky gut syndrome.

    Typically, there are tiny gaps between the cells in the small intestine. These gaps are called tight junctions.

    If theyre are damaged or become too loose, it causes the gut to become leaky. This allows substances and organisms in the gut to leak into the bloodstream.

    When bacteria and toxins leak into the bloodstream, it causes widespread inflammation in the body.

    Increased intestinal permeability has been associated with autoimmune conditions, including type 1 diabetes, Crohns disease, and inflammatory skin disorders (


    The immune system responds to substances it recognizes as harmful by causing inflammation. Inflammation is one of the bodys natural self-protection mechanism, though persistent inflammation can be associated with multiple chronic conditions.

    In individuals with a sensitivity to gluten, the protein is deemed a foreign invader by the body. This leads to inflammation.

    What Are The Risk Factors For Leaky Gut

    While experts do not yet definitely know what causes leaky gut syndrome, there are various risk factors that can disrupt the gut microbiota and contribute to increased intestinal permeability. Some examples are:

    • Diabetes
    • Stress

    With autoimmune disorders being a risk factor, the question of whether or not LGS is a cause or symptom of a disease like inflammatory bowel disease once again becomes relevant, since IBD is an autoimmune disorder.

    Is Leaky Gut A Real Condition A Look At The Evidence

    5 Best Foods to Heal An Irritated, Inflamed, Leaky Gut and ...

    Its safe to say you are interested in gut health. Thats why you are here, right?

    I suspect you want to find out more about leaky gut. Well, lets try and decipher the evidence that is currently out there without getting too technical.

    Leaky gutyou hear it being bantered about a lot. Its the new buzzword in gut health, particularly in the wellbeing niche. The truth is the average medical professional doesnt generally recognise leaky gut as a legitimate ailment.

    Lets look at the evidence and see who is right and who is wrong its not strictly black and white.

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