Sunday, April 28, 2024

How To Get Rid Of Gassy Bloated Stomach

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Can You Bloat In Your Upper Stomach

How to fix a Bloated Stomach naturally in 4 minutes

Upper stomach bloating is not healthy or expected, but it is widespread.

Upper stomach bloat causes a very uncomfortable sensation that makes us feel full even if weve only eaten a small amount of food.

Some popular foods that can cause bloating are cabbage, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and bran cereals.

If your stomach and gut arent functioning correctly, it is challenging for your body to digest these high-fiber foods.

Additionally, people that are lactose intolerant often struggle with bloating in the upper stomach area.

You Might Want To Try Another Cpap Mask

If you sleep with your mouth wide open or if you have a habit of taking big gulps of air in your sleep, you might want to try a full face mask instead of a nasal mask. This could put you in the habit of keeping your mouth closed when you sleep and it will cover both of your respiratory tracts, so that excess air doesnt get trapped in your esophagus. Also, if the mask is too tight, lose, or is causing pain and chaffing it could be a sign that either your CPAP mask doesnt fit correctly or that you need a new, fresh mask. You could try adjusting the straps of your mask, but if that doesnt help, it is probably a safe bet to pick up a new one. Our you can try a chin strap that will hold your mouth closed, to prevent you from swallowing air.

Just To Be Super Clear: What Are The Symptoms Of Gas

Since you probably have a hunch, lets start here. When you have a meal or snack, your food passes through your gastrointestinal tract. Your GI tract is made up of your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine , and anus, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases explains.

Since you take in air as you eat, drink, talk, chew gum, and all of that fun stuff, that air has to pass through your GI tract as well. As it goes through your body, gas can cause a series of not-so-pleasant symptoms, including:

  • Burping
  • Abdominal pain

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Change The Pressure Settings On Your Cpap Machine

Perhaps one of the most common reasons why you are experiencing CPAP related stomach bloating is because the pressure on your CPAP machine is either too high usually its too high or too low. In this case, you want to speak with your physician about adjusting the CPAP pressure. Additionally, your CPAP machine could accidentally be set to the wrong pressure setting all you have to do is change it back. So, make sure that the pressure settings are correct on your CPAP machine.

Hold Off On Drinking Alcohol

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Alcohol can directly damage the digestive tract and research has also found it to mess with the good bacteria in your gut. But more importantly for when you’re trying to reduce bloating in 24 hours or less, alcohol inhibits digestion, as well.

“Alcohol inhibits digestion and causes dehydration, causing the digestive tract to slow downwhich results in constipation,” says Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN. When you drink alcohol, your body switches to processing the alcohol out of your system first before digesting any food, which can leave you with a bloated stomach. It may be tough, but avoid the hard stuff while you’re trying detox.

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Prevention And Relief From Abdominal Bloating

  • Avoid consuming gas-producing foods like cabbage, beans, and carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid swallowing air while eating or drinking.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not eat more than your stomach can take.
  • Treat constipation as it is one of the main culprits behind stomach bloating.
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Practise yoga mudras that can help ease digestion and gas problems such as Vayu mudra.

Most cases of abdominal bloating are not of much concern. But in some cases, stomach bloating can have severe side effects on your health and can even be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical condition.

Which Supplements Help With Bloating

If the foods and teas above along with movement arent cutting it, you may want to consider the following supplements.

Prebiotics and probiotics reduce bloating

As previously discussed, prebiotics are food for the good bacteria in your gut. This is important to help them grow and outnumber the bad bacteria, like the ones that cause gas. Probiotics are good bacteria that help digest and absorb your food among MANY other things.

Digestive enzymes help your body naturally reduce bloating

Your body requires enzymes to fully digest the food you consume. Some people lack one or more digestive enzymes for a variety of reasons. Enzyme production also naturally declines as we age, so digestive enzyme supplements can be extremely helpful when it comes to bloating.

Fiber packs a bunch in reducing your bloat

If youre backed up, eating often leads to bloating since theres only so much food and waste your body can hold. This is why its important to get plenty of fiber in your diet. High fiber fruits and veggies include spinach, artichoke, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, onions, sweet potatoes, raspberries, and avocado. If you don’t feel like eating much, a fiber supplement or a delicious collagen fiber snack bar might be better options for you.

Keep in mind that fiber works by drawing fluid into your digestive tract, which can also make you feel bloated. So its important to go slow. If the addition of fiber causes discomfort or further bloating, give it a rest.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Gas

Commons symptoms of gas include:

  • Knotted feeling in the abdomen
  • Sharp cramps
  • Sodas and other carbonated beverages
  • Fiber supplements containing psyllium husk
  • Artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols including sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, aspartame and others

In addition to diet, there are a number of medical conditions that can cause gas pains. These include:

Dont Multitask While Eating

How To Get Rid Of A Bloated Stomach – Get Rid Of Bloating Fast.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, more Americans than ever are eating in front of their phones and TVs. Distracted eating often results in a higher intake of calories. Faster eating, which we tend to do while distracted, also introduces more air into the digestive system, causing you guessed it bloating.

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Behaviors Food Choices And Activity

Eating behaviors and other habits such as gum chewing, gulping foods and drinking with eating can cause us to swallow air. Bulky foods such as lettuce, cabbage, and dense breads not chewed into small enough pieces increase swallowed air.

Typically, swallowed air contains oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. It tends to not have a foul smell, but it does contribute to the discomfort associated with gas.

People vary widely in how sensitive they are to gas production. Keeping a food record to document incidences of gas in relation to foods eaten can shed light on whether food or behavior may be aggravating the situation.

Treatment For Gas Gas Pains And Bloating

If your gas and gas pains are caused by an underlying condition, treatment for that condition may provide relief. Usually, gas can be treated through lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and over-the-counter medications.

Dietary Considerations

Not everyone has the same reaction to all foods. Keeping a food diary can help you determine which foods cause increases in gas and bloating. Eliminating or reducing certain foods may be necessary to reduce your symptoms.

High-Fiber Foods

Foods that can cause gas due to high fiber include whole wheat, bran, prunes, peaches, apples, pears, asparagus, artichokes, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions, and beans. You may try avoiding high-fiber foods for a week or two and gradually start to eat them again. You should visit with a doctor or dietitian to make sure youâre getting enough fiber.


Some people do not easily digest lactose, the sugar found in dairy products. Reducing or eliminating dairy products could help you reduce symptoms of gas and bloating. There are often lactose-free options for some products like milk.

Artificial Sweeteners

You may try eliminating sugar substitutes or trying a different type.

Fatty/Fried Food

Fat in your digestive tract can slow-down digestion, allowing food to ferment longer and produce gas. Reducing fat in your diet may help lessen symptoms.

Carbonated Beverages
Fiber Supplements

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Who Knew Dehydration Would Trigger Your Bloat

Dehydration forces your body to retain water and swell. And its a common phenomenon. In fact, it is estimated that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Whats worse is that sometimes getting rid of excess water can be more difficult than releasing gas. Dehydration can even cause your face to bloat. No, thank you!

Replace Sodas With Water

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Fizzy, carbonated drinks contain gas that can build up in the stomach. The carbon dioxide that makes soda and similar beverages fizzy can also cause bubbling and bloating in the stomach.

Sugars or artificial sweeteners in the diet can also cause gas and bloating. Drinking water eliminates these issues and helps to treat constipation as well.

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Only Drink Water Or Tea

When people are bloated, they tend to skimp on water because they think it will make their bloating worse. Since water retention is the body’s way of holding onto fluid so it doesn’t dehydrate, the opposite is true. Drinking lots of water signals the body that it no longer needs to hold onto every last drop to stay hydrated. “Fluids, specifically water, are absolutely key for optimal digestion,” says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, registered dietitian and founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition.

Document What You Eat

Since many foods may affect people’s digestive systems differently, keeping a food journal to write down what you ate and how you felt a few hours later can be useful. If a particular food is irritating your stomach or causing gas, bloating or water retention, consider an elimination diet. Remove a specific food in question from your diet for a few weeks and track how you feel and if symptoms subside. Then, document how you feel after you add that food back into your diet.

Four food categories, which fall under the acronym FODMAP, can cause gas and stomach bloating. FODMAP stands for fermentable , oligosaccharides , disaccharides and polyols . Monitor and adjust your intake of these foods if they irritate your stomach.

Read more:Which Foods Don’t Cause Gas?

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The Causes Of Gas And Bloating

Gas and bloating are caused by a variety of different things. One of the most common causes is overindulging in food or drink. If you have a food intolerance, you may also get extra gassy. Eating high-fiber foods, like beans and green vegetables, can contribute to bloating because those foods do a number on the digestive system. The little bubbles in fizzy beverages can add air to your stomach and give you gas as well. Even something as simple as swallowing air when you eat too fast can make you feel gassy.

Commit To Keeping Your Fiber Intake In Check

How To Get Rid of Abdominal Gas and Bloating? â Dr.Berg

Fiber is a key part of a healthy diet and digestive system. It bulks up your stool, which helps you stay regular instead of getting constipated. But on the flip side, having too much fiber can make you gassy as the bacteria in your colon works to break this tough nutrient down, Dr. Farhadi says.

If you find that youre always in pain after you eat a salad with both broccoli and Brussels sprouts, its really best to avoid those foods until you feel betterand to try to space out when you eat them in the future.

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Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Gas Pain Fast

  • Home remedies to get rid of gas include taking probiotics, exercising, using peppermint oil capsules, and applying heat.
  • Gas happens when partially digested foods ferment in your large intestine and produce air bubbles, which come out as gas.
  • Yoga poses like child’s pose and seated twist can also help you relieve gas.
  • This article was medically reviewed by Rudolph Bedford, MD, a gastroenterologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

Gas is a normal part of how your digestive system functions. In fact, most people pass gas around 14 times per day. But in some cases, too much gas can build up in your intestines and you may experience bloating or have stomach cramping.

Most of the time, gas will clear up without treatment, but if you’re looking for faster relief there are several methods you can try at home to ease your symptoms. Here are some of the science-backed methods to relieve gas.

Use Cucumber To Magically Wipe Away Your Bloat

In the beauty world, cucumbers are often used to help reduce puffiness around your eyes. They do the same thing for your belly when consumed, thanks to a synergistic combination of nutrients, including caffeic acid , vitamin C, silica, and water.

Some nutrients are found in the skin, while others are in the flesh. To get the full benefits, its important to consume both parts. Consider slowly snacking on fresh cucumber slices. Cucumbers can also be juiced or added to smoothies.

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What About The Symptoms Of Gas Pain In Particular

So, about that last symptom on the list up there. For the most part, your GI tract is efficient at getting rid of gas, Kyle Staller, M.D., M.P.H., a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, tells SELF. Sometimes you might not even notice it, or it might make its presence known with a harmless burp or fart. But other times, gas can cause spasms and distension in your GI tract during the digestive process, which can be pretty painful, Jamile Wakim-Fleming, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Cleveland Clinic, tells SELF.

Pain can obviously come in a lot of different forms. Gas pain in particular, however, can include abdominal cramps and the feeling of knots in your stomach, the Mayo Clinic explains. Depending on the location, it can even be easy to mistake gas pain for other health conditions. For instance, Johns Hopkins Medicine says gas pain that shows up on your right side might feel similar to gallstones or appendicitis.

Get More Comfortable Wearing Your Cpap Mask

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Sometimes wearing a CPAP mask can make individuals feel a little bit claustrophobic. Dont worry, this is common, especially if you get a little nervous every time a pair of elevator doors close. If this is the case, you might be experiencing aerophagia as a result of hyperventilation. Basically, all of your nervous, rapid breathing is causing an excess amount of air to build up. There are a number of ways to feel more relaxed while wearing a CPAP mask, so that you dont feel like ripping it off your face in your sleep. You could practice getting used to wearing the CPAP mask by wearing it around the house in the daytime, you can meditate, or you can get a lighter weight CPAP mask apparatus. For instance, the Quattro Air Mask System is the lightest full face mask on the market and is perfect for those individuals who have claustrophobia. If your claustrophobia is especially bad, there are more extreme measures, like undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy with a specialized sleep therapist.

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Take A Warm Bath Soaking And Relaxing

The heat of the bath can provide relief for a sore abdomen. Relaxation can reduce stress levels, which may allow the GI tract to function more effectively and help reduce bloating.

Quick fixes are not always effective for some causes of bloating. However, people who have frequent bloating may find that certain lifestyle changes can tackle the causes and reduce bloating over time.

People can use these simple steps to try to prevent bloating in the long-term:

Take Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Certain over-the-counter products may also help with bloating, such as supplemental enzymes that can help break down indigestible carbohydrates.

Notable ones include:

  • Lactase: An enzyme that breaks down lactose, which is useful for people with lactose intolerance.
  • Beano: Contains the enzyme alpha-galactosidase, which can help break down indigestible carbohydrates from various foods.

In many cases, these types of supplements can provide almost immediate relief.

If youre interested in trying a digestive enzyme supplement, a wide .


Many over-the-counter products can help fight bloating and other digestive problems. These are usually digestive enzymes that help break down certain food components.

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Remedies And Treatments For Bloated Stomachs

While stomach bloating will often resolve on its own, the following measures may help reduce bloating or address its underlying causes:

Exercise and Posture

Physical exercise can help reduce bloating and clear gas from the body. Posture adjustment can also help. The body retains more gas when you are lying on your back, so try to stay active throughout the day.

Over-the-Counter Medication

Both simethicone and activated charcoal are marketed as gas-reducers. The two have proven ineffective and/or inconsistent when used on their own in clinical trials. However, there is some evidence to suggest that they may work when combined or when used with magnesium oxide or loperamide .


The use of probiotics to help with digestive issues is common but little studied. Still, there is some evidence that using probiotics can help reduce stomach bloating. The formula in VSL#3 proved to reduce bloating in both adults and children in clinical studies.

Digestive Enzymes

One common cause of stomach bloating is the inability to digest certain foods. Most digestive enzyme supplements are effective only for people who cannot produce enzymes for medical reasons. However, over-the-counter enzymes have proven to help with the digestion of two commonly problematic foods: dairy and legumes .

If you have a hard time digesting the sugars in these foods, you might benefit from lactase supplements for dairy or alpha-galactosidase supplements for legumes.

Herbal Remedies


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