Sunday, May 5, 2024

What Can You Take For Heartburn While Pregnant

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Is It Safe To Use Pepto

Is it okay to take Pepcid AC for heartburn while pregnant?

There is very little research into the effects of Pepto-Bismol on breastmilk or breastfed infants.

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it may be better to avoid Pepto-Bismol when breastfeeding, as it is possible that breast milk can absorb salicylate.

Many people experience an upset stomach, heartburn, or diarrhea during pregnancy. Persistent diarrhea can interfere with a persons ability to absorb nutrients from food, which may affect the developing baby.

Certain medications may be safe to use while pregnant, as long as a person does so under a doctors care and instructions. Medicines that may be safe can include specific antacids, acid reducers, and proton-pump inhibitors.

It is essential for people to remember that recommendations about various medications are subject to change based on new research, including the information given here.

Due to the ever-changing picture, people should always talk to their doctor before taking any medication while pregnant.

What Typically Causes Heartburn For Pregnant Women

As mentioned above, the causes of heartburn are complex and not wholly understood, may be related to the pattern of relaxation on the lower oesophageal sphincter .

There are a number of everyday recommendations typically given to people who experience heartburn and wish to avoid or alleviate symptoms, including:

  • Eat smaller meals
  • Sleep in a more upright position
  • Avoid food 2-3 hours before bed, especially acidic and spicy food
  • Drink fluids mostly between meals instead of during the meal

Get Zantac 75 When Theres No Pepcid

If you run out of Pepcid and you cant get anymore, Zantac 75 is an option. This is another heartburn medication that works on neutralizing the acid in the stomach. It doesnt work on blocking the acid production in the way that the above medication does.

You can get the Zantac 75 without a prescription in both liquid and tablet form. It can be effective for on the spot heartburn relief, but its not the best option. It is one of those for the longer term benefits.

Zantac 75 can also help to relief stomach pains and coughs. It also helps to limit the production of ulcers in the stomach by keeping the acid levels neutral.

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Try Out Tagamet For Longer Term Relief

Another option for longer term relief is a medication called Tagamet. This works in the same way as Zantac 75 and Pepcid, by blocking some acid production but mostly neutralizing the acid that is in the stomach. It is a longer term relief than the likes of TUMS and Maalox.

The benefit is that Tagamet as a category B rating. This is important for doctors as it means that it hasnt shown any signs of causing an unborn baby problems. It is more favorable than Prilosec, which has a category C rating.

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Feeding Your Growing Appetite

What Is The Best Heartburn Medicine To Take While Pregnant ...

Are you in the Hunger Zone? With weeks of nausea and food aversions behind you, you may be more than ready to make up for lost eating time move over crackers, hello four-course meals!

But before you dig into that all-you-can-eat buffet at lunchtime, heres something you might want to consider. The grazing approach that was your mealtime MO during those queasy months is still the best way to feed yourself and your baby now that foods no longer a four-letter word.

Not only does it help fend off pesky second-trimester tummy troubles, like the heartburn and indigestion that are sure to set in by your second trip to the buffet, but it also ensures that babys getting a steady supply of calories when she needs it the most.

In fact, studies show that moms who eat at least five small meals and snacks a day are more likely to carry to term. So bring on the grub when pregnancy hunger hits, and lots of it just bring it on a little at a time.

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If You’re Taking Prescription Medicines

Speak to your GP if you’re taking medicine for another condition, such as antidepressants, and you think it may be making your indigestion worse. They may be able to prescribe an alternative medicine.

Never stop taking a prescribed medicine unless you’re advised to do so by your GP or another qualified healthcare professional who’s responsible for your care.

How To Treat Your Cold And Flu While Pregnant

Having the cold and flu while pregnant is the worst. What medications can you safely take?

You know that unpasteurized brie is a no-go during pregnancy, and those double martinis and oysters on the half shell are strictly verboten. But what about cold and flu medications? When you inevitably come down with a hacking cough, myriad aches and pains, and a serious case of the sniffles, what can you take? Here, our guide to navigating cold and flu season with a baby on board.

Get the vaccine

The good news is the vaccine is safe throughout pregnancy. Be sure, however, to request the injection, which is made from an inactivated virus, and not the nasal-spray vaccine, as thats made from a live virus and not recommended for use by pregnant women.

While it can be impossible to ward off illness , you can take steps to protect yourself. Get plenty of rest and wash your hands often throughout the day. If a lot of your colleagues are still coming in sick, ask if you can work from home.

Know what youre dealing withYoure sneezing, coughing and aching all over. Is it a cold or the flu?

A cold is a mild respiratory illness, and the symptoms tend to appear gradually. With influenza, the symptoms come on quite suddenly. You could have a high fever for three or four days and extreme tiredness for several weeks. In contrast, fever and extreme exhaustion are less common with a cold.

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What Can I Eat That Wont Give Me Heartburn While Pregnant

The good news is you can eat a lot of things that wont cause heartburn symptoms while pregnant. The important question really is, says Dr. Johnson, what should you not eat if you have GERD? There is actually a relatively short list of foods to avoid, including alcohol, chocolate, citrus juices, tomato-based products, peppermint, coffee, and fatty foods.

Listen To What Your Body Is Telling You

Pregnancy Tips : How to Avoid Heartburn While Pregnant

What you can eat during pregnancy is largely dependent on how certain foods make you feel. In your first trimester, you likely had aversions and foods that induced nausea just by looking at them. Now, certain foods may trigger heartburn. Fat, caffeine, chocolate, and citrus fruits are all common foods that cause heartburn during pregnancy. Know your triggers and stay away from them.

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Natural Remedies For Pregnancy Heartburn

Diet and lifestyle modifications are the primarytreatments for GERD during pregnancy. Try the following steps to manage acid reflux during pregnancy:

  • Eat frequent, small meals instead of large meals.
  • Wait three hours after eating before lying down.
  • Limit weight gain to therecommended amount for your pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .
  • Elevate the head of your bed about 8 inches. This can be done with a wedge pillow or blocks under the headboard posts.
  • Avoid bending over or stooping as much as possible, especially on a full stomach.
  • Avoid foods that relax the lower esophageal sphincter, such as caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and fatty foods.
  • Avoid spicy foods and instead eat bland foods, like yogurt, to help with GERD. Just make sure to consume low- or nonfat dairy to avoid triggering symptoms.
  • Try chewing gum. It can stimulate the salivary glands and clear acid buildup in the esophagus.
  • Things To Look In A Probiotic Supplement During Pregnancy

    • Pregnant women should always consult their doctor or obstetrician and determine the safety of a probiotic supplement before they start taking it. Women suffering from immune deficiency conditions or having any known allergies should avoid probiotic supplements.
    • The probiotic strain Saccharomyces has not been studies for its safety during pregnancy, so it is best to avoid a probiotic supplement that includes this strain.
    • It is best to choose a probiotic supplement from a reputed brand and purchase it from reliable sources to ensure its quality, purity and originality.
    • It is best to opt for a supplement that is hypoallergenic formula, GMO free and doesnt contain any synthetic fillers and additives. Vegetarians can opt for non-gelatin probiotics.
    • Opting for a time-release probiotic formula ensures that the microorganisms survive the stomach acids and make it alive to the intestine.
    • Majority of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness so, it is best to choose an easy-to-swallow supplement that doesnt have any strong smell or taste.
    • A shelf-stable probiotic cuts out the hassles of storing the supplement in the refrigerator after every use. Shelf-stable formulas also work better and have higher level of efficiency.

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    Opt For A Glass Of Cold Milk

    There is nothing better for heartburn during pregnancy than a glass of milk. This is the number one medication prescribed by doctors because it is effective, healthy, and natural. You will likely already have it in the house.

    You dont even need to have cows milk. Even soya and almond milk will do the trick. What you want is something thats cold and neutral against the acidic levels in your stomach and esophagus. While balancing the acid, you will get more calcium in your diet to support your growing baby.

    Do watch out for the amount of milk you drink. It does have natural sugars and some fats, so you dont want to replace every drink you have with it. Just one glass should be enough for immediate relief. The downside is that it doesnt offer the long-term effects.

    Dont add chocolate to your milk to make it taste better. Chocolate is one of the worst offenders for causing heartburn during pregnancy.

    What Is Heartburn During Pregnancy

    What Can You Take For Acid Reflux While Pregnant?

    Heartburn is a common issue for pregnant women which involves acidic stomach contents being regurgitated back up the individuals oesophagus, which can cause burning in the throat and chest. Symptoms are often worse immediately after eating or while lying down.

    The reasons for the increase in heartburn in pregnancy are complicated and not completely understood, with multiple factors potentially at play:

  • It has been thought that the expanding uterus places pressure on the lower oesophageal sphincter , causing it to relax and allow stomach contents to flow up into it
  • The surge in the pregnancy hormones oestrogen and progesterone may affect the pattern of relaxation on the lower oesophageal sphincter, allowing acid reflux
  • Delayed emptying of the stomach may also play a role in acid reflux
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    Diarrhea During Third Trimester

    Diarrhea during third trimester is very common during pregnancy. It may occur right before your labor or a few weeks before labor. Diarrhea may be a sign that the labor is near. However, you should not expect premature birth if you experience diarrhea a few weeks before the due date.

    But experiencing diarrhea during the third trimester does not mean that your baby is coming at that very moment. There is no need to be alarmed as you must also be aware of other labor signs. May be, this is just a way your body is preparing for the labor that may start at some point.

    Watch Video: Is Diarrhea a Sign of Early Pregnancy ?

    How Many Tums Chews Can I Take While Pregnant

    Kimberly Langdon, MD, OB/GYN says Tums works best when taken frequently on the order of every 4 hours because it neutralizes the acid rather than preventing it from being released. With that in mind, Langdon says expecting mothers can take a maximum of two tablets every 46 hours as needed for heartburn.

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    Can Acid Reflux During Pregnancy Hurt My Unborn Baby

    Dr. Johnson assures that simple reflux on its own is not harmful to fetuses. It is only when there is a drastic effect on nutritional input that GERD during pregnancy could become a problem. If symptoms are preventing you from eating the recommended number of calories, it is important to contact your healthcare provider immediately.

    Talk To Your Doctor About Alginates

    Pregnancy Heartburn: Causes, Symptoms, and Foods that Help

    Antacids are the most commonly bought heartburn medicine/ medications, but you can get some that also have alginates. These medications help to line the esophagus to eliminate the pain and discomfort that you feel, giving you immediate relief.

    At the same time, they create a barrier over the top of your stomach acid. This foamy barrier stops the acid from getting through, preventing the reason for the heartburn in the first place. Its a long-term option.

    If you suffer from bad acid reflux during the night, you will want to discuss these as an option during pregnancy with your doctor. They can give the lining throughout the night to help you sleep and then you stick to immediate or other options during the day.

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    Diarrhea In Early Pregnancy

    Although diarrhea isnât a , its possible that you may experience diarrhea or other digestive issues in your first trimester.

    Early on in your pregnancy, your body starts going through lots of changes, and these can affect your bowel movements, leading to either hard or loose stools. For example, as levels of the hormone progesterone increase, this can cause your digestive system to slow down, often leading to constipation.

    Changes to your diet and nutrition as part of your pregnancy may result in changes in your bowels, too. For instance, if youâre eating more fiber now or taking prenatal vitamins, these changes can affect the frequency and consistency of your bowel movements.

    For some people, consuming more fiber-rich foods â such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains â can help with constipation, but for others such a sudden change in diet can cause gas, cramping, and even diarrhea.

    Drinking more water can help with constipation, and can help replenish the fluids lost by having diarrhea. Talk to your healthcare provider if youâre having trouble with any digestive issues such as bloating or diarrhea in early pregnancy.

    If youâre in the early stages of pregnancy and wondering when your little one is due, use our Due Date Calculator to get an estimate.

    Use Stress Management Options

    If you havent already tried psychotherapy as a treatment for your IBS-D, your pregnancy may be just the thing to get you motivated. This may be particularly essential if you experience anxiety or depression alongside your IBS, as research has shown that these combos increase the risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

    Two types of therapycognitive behavioral therapy and have been shown to be effective in reducing IBS symptoms. The major advantage of these treatments is that you do not have to worry about any negative effects on your baby.

    Other mind/body approaches offer additional options. may not only be of benefit for your IBS symptoms, but it may also help to ease discomfort during labor and delivery. is also a wonderful option for offsetting the effects of external stress on your body.

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    Estimation Of Due Date

    Due date estimation basically follows two steps:

    • Determination of which time point is to be used as origin for gestational age, as described in the section above.
    • Adding the estimated gestational age at childbirth to the above time point. Childbirth on average occurs at a gestational age of 280 days , which is therefore often used as a standard estimation for individual pregnancies. However, alternative durations as well as more individualized methods have also been suggested.

    Naegeles rule is a standard way of calculating the due date for a pregnancy when assuming a gestational age of 280 days at childbirth. The rule estimates the expected date of delivery by adding a year, subtracting three months, and adding seven days to the origin of gestational age. Alternatively there are mobile apps, which essentially always give consistent estimations compared to each other and correct for leap year, while pregnancy wheels made of paper can differ from each other by 7 days and generally do not correct for leap year.

    Furthermore, actual childbirth has only a certain probability of occurring within the limits of the estimated due date. A study of singleton live births came to the result that childbirth has a standard deviation of 14 days when gestational age is estimated by first trimester ultrasound, and 16 days when estimated directly by last menstrual period.

    What Does Gerd Feel Like During Pregnancy

    5 Ways To Reduce Heartburn During Pregnancy

    GERD can wear many hats and feel different in each individual, says Dr. Garza. Some may experience an intense burning sensation in the chest and throat, while for others it is a sharp pain just below and slightly to the left of the sternum. Some will have a sour taste or frequent regurgitation or burping. Often, symptoms are worse after meals, and this may make eating challenging, notes Dr. Ross.

    Because the symptoms can be wide-ranging and different for each person, it is important to know what symptoms are concerning. Rarely, GERD can cause severe esophageal irritation that leads to pain or difficulty with swallowing, or even bleeding. Passing dark or black stool would be concerning for the development of bleeding and should prompt an immediate discussion with your physician/obstetrician, says Dr. Garza. He also cautions that GERD does not typically cause shortness of breath, pain with breathing, nor chest pain with exertion. Any of these symptoms could be signs of a more worrisome complication of pregnancy, especially the development of a blood clot, and would indicate that medical advice is necessary.

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