Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Do Carbs Give Me Heartburn

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Is Keto Diet A Good Option For Gerd Patients

Beer. Could it cause Acid Reflux?

Along those lines, a very low carbohydrate and high fat diet, like ketogenic diet, may be of great benefit to obese GERD patients. Keto diet may be particularly effective in reducing heartburn in overweight and insulin resistant individuals . GERD is also a chronic and progressive disease. Patients with stage 3 and 4 GERD are less likely to benefit from just diet and lifestyle changes. Advanced GERD is associated with abnormal anatomy , esophageal dysmotility and significant gastric emptying issues . Nissen fundoplication with hiatal hernia repair address these issues and provide a reliable and durable cure for advanced acid reflux disease.

What May Be Causing Horrible Heartburn On A Keto Diet

Heartburn can be caused by not only a variety of foods but different factors, as well. Some common foods that linked to heartburn that you may be eating on a ketogenic diet include:

  • Fried foods
  • Coffee and other caffeinated beverages
  • Acidic foods such as tomatoes
  • Spicy foods
  • Garlic and onions
  • Alcohol

Not a food, but a sudden diet change, such as starting a keto diet, can temporarily make reflux symptoms worse, although not long term.

Does Keto Cause Heartburn

Suffering from horrible heartburn on a keto diet can be a real drag. Suffering from heartburn period is a real drag regardless of the diet.;Maybe you’ve switched to a low carb or keto diet to help with heartburn or acid reflux, so what gives?

Low-carb and ketogenic diets have shown to be useful for relieving heartburn, or acid indigestion, which is a symptom of acid reflux. Science shows obesity, and high-carbohydrates, mainly sucrose, have a stronger association with an increased risk of GERD, not foods high in fat.

Read further to find out precisely what heartburn is, common causes of heartburn on a keto diet, and ways to manage the symptoms.

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What The Gluten Free Warrior Says:

Medicating esophageal reflux without addressing its origin is a bad idea.; The medicines mask the actual problem and create a laundry list of side effects in the process.; Food is the most common trigger for this problem and allergies and intolerances should be ruled out as a primary part of a doctors work up.

Foods That Cause Heartburn

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1. Onions

Ah yes, we know that painful, stinky onion burp from hell all too well. Onions, while nutritious, contain a fermentable fiber called fructooligosaccharides, which may relax the lower esophageal sphincter and increase reflux.

One study compared peoples symptoms after consuming a burger with raw onions compared to one without and found that the onion-eaters had significantly more heartburn. Cant imagine a burger without onions? We hear you. Just make sure to cook them well to break down those tough-on-the-gut fibers.

2. Booze

Yah, you saw that one coming. Much the same way a stiff drink relaxes you enough to help you kill it on the dancefloor, alcohol also relaxes that sphincter, triggering heartburn in the process.

While findings in this area are controversial and varied, many studies have found that drinking in excess may increase the risk of reflux, especially since excessive alcohol intake can directly damage the esophageal and gastric mucosal lining. Its not surprising, then, that in a survey of heartburn sufferers, as many as 67 percent of respondents felt that booze was to blame. Guess its time to volunteer to be the DD!

3. Peppermint

4. Chocolate

5. Salty Snacks

The research on salt and reflux is not really working in our favor. One study found that people who ate salted foods three times or more each week increased their risk of heartburn by up to 50 percent!

6. Fatty Meats

7. Full-Fat Dairy

8. Coffee

9. Bubbly Bevvies

10. Tomatoes

11. Citrus Juice

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The Specific Carb Diet

Elaine Gottschall, biochemist, cell biologist and author of “Breaking the Vicious Cycle,” has used her studies of the effect of food on the human body to create the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, a diet based on the principle that certain foods are easy to digest and bring balance to the digestive tract. Gottschall recommends monosaccharides from fruit, certain vegetables, honey and yogurt as opposed to the disaccharides and polysaccharides found in milk, table sugar, malt products and starchy foods. Gottschall recommends legumes in place of starch, after the digestive tract has been restored. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet was created with ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and gluten therapy-resistant celiac disease in mind, but the diet has also worked for those suffering from abdominal indigestion, which is the feeling of gas or bloating after meals.

The Real Reflux Triggers

Now that you know sugar is not directly causing or triggering your acid reflux, it is important to identify the foods that do cause trouble. Avoiding these known trigger foods will prevent reflux, without you having to cut out on the sugary treats you love.

High-Fat Foods:Studies have shown that unhealthy fats cause delayed stomach emptying, which results in increased acid production. Avoiding high-fat foods like butter, ice cream, fried foods, high-fat sauces and dressings, and high-fat cuts of meat will prevent the buildup of excess acid which can flow back into your esophagus.

It is actually the fat content of chocolate and cocoa that triggers reflux, rather than the sugar.

Coffee: Your morning cup of joe may be causing reflux by way of relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter between your stomach and esophagus. When this muscle is relaxed, stomach contents and acid can easily flow back into the esophagus.

Coffee does not cause reflux in everybody, so you can drink in moderation depending on the specific way it impacts you.

Citrus: Citrus juices trigger acid reflux because of the acidity of the fruit, although many people mistakenly think it is the sugar content.

Mint: While peppermint and spearmint are used to soothe digestive issues, they can also contribute to acid reflux. In certain individuals, mint can irritate the esophageal lining, leading to heartburn.

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Diet Changes For Gerd

Proper treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease always begins with a visit to a healthcare professional to obtain an accurate diagnosis. It is important to recognize that chronic reflux does not get better on its own. Over-the-counter remedies may provide short-term symptom relief, but can mask an underlying disease if used long-term.

Symptoms of GERD

Just about everyone has had heartburn that uncomfortable burning feeling in the chest after eating a heavy meal at some point in their life. But, while occasional heartburn is nothing to worry about, heartburn that occurs more than once a week, becomes more severe, or occurs at night and wakes you from sleep may indicate gastroesophageal reflux disease . And, a visit to the doctor is advised.

Treatment for GERD may include medications advised by your doctor and certain diet and lifestyle changes. A combination of approaches, and some trial and error, may be necessary.

Diet and lifestyle changes often begin with what to avoid. These include things that can trigger or worsen symptoms.

Examples of things to reduce or steer clear of in your diet include:

  • High fat foods
  • Alcohol
  • Citrus and tomato products

While no proven GERD diet exists, the following foods may help you ease or avoid symptoms.

What Is Heartburn On Keto

How to Completely Cure GERD and Heartburn

Heartburn is very common and simply put, is where stomach acids are forced back up into the oesophagus and creates a burning pain in the lower chest.

It can be very painful and uncomfortable, especially at night when you are trying to sleep.

When you first start on keto, your body has a healing process to go through and this can be challenging at times.

For a lot of people though, their heartburn worsens for the first few weeks of Keto before slowly petering out.

Plenty of people realise one day they have not been affected by heartburn on Keto for weeks and thank their lucky stars!

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Pass On Greasy Fatty Foods

Fried, greasy, and fatty foods can all cause heartburn and lead to reflux because they prevent the lower esophageal sphincter from fully tightening; this creates an opening for stomach acids to flow upward. Greasy, heavier foods are also harder to digest; so the stomach empties more slowly, which can trigger heartburn. And eating too much fried and high-fat foods increases your risk of obesity, which in turn increases the chances of experiencing uncomfortable acid reflux.

Foods That Are Usually Processed Into Yogurt Include

-Milk, concentrated and condensed

-Whey and whey derivatives

-Corn syrup and corn syrup solids

If youre not sure what was added to the yogurt or how it was processed, ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian who can review your medical history with you and help you figure out whether yogurt is right for you.

Yogurt should be part of an overall heartburn relief plan to prevent future attacks. You should avoid eating it before bedtime because that increases the likelihood of heartburn, no matter how healthy the yogurt might be!

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The Gerd Diet Is Low Carb

If undigested carbs are a key driver behind heartburn, it follows that any good GERD diet should be relatively low in carbohydrates. Decreasing the amount of carbs you eat means reducing the malabsorbed carbs left behind in your gut, which can help alleviate the increased gas and IAP associated with GERD. 00073-8/abstract” rel=”nofollow”>17)

Additional Dietary Modifications To Control Reflux


Beyond dietary choices, there are also many other simple lifestyle changes a GERD sufferer can make in their day-to-day life to reduce symptoms.

  • Chew Gum: Chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands. More saliva can dilute acid in the esophagus and encourage more swallowing.
  • Avoid Eating Immediately Before Bed: Your body produces more stomach acid every time you eat. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating before bed because being in a horizontal position causes stomach acid to settle closer to the esophagus. Additionally, it can be beneficial for many people with GERD to prop themselves up in bed for this same reason.
  • Keep Good Posture During and After a Meal: As stated, the position of your body can displace stomach acid. Even if you do not plan to go to bed anytime soon, it is still a good idea for those with GERD to sit or stand up straight following a meal. This helps ensure that pressure on the stomach or angled posture will not displace the additional acid created by eating.

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Eating Fatty Or Fried Foods

Fatty foods are slower to digest and spend longer in your stomach than other foods. This triggers your stomach to make more acid. To make matters worse, fatty foods have a relaxing effect on your LES, making it more likely that some of that extra acid can leak up into your esophagus and give you heartburn.

Scientific Review Of Fatty Foods & Acid Reflux

Research studies on this topic show;mixed results.

Some studies indicate that a low fat diet may be helpful for those with acid reflux. Others find that body weight;in combination with a high fat, calorie dense diet are to blame for reflux. While other;studies find no correlation!

While your body knows best when it comes to specific acid reflux triggers, lets dive into some of these studies

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Symptoms And Signs Of Carbohydrate Intolerance

Symptoms and signs of carbohydrate intolerance are similar in all disaccharidase deficiencies. A child who cannot tolerate lactose develops diarrhea after ingesting significant amounts of milk and may not gain weight. An affected adult may have watery diarrhea, bloating, excessive flatus, nausea, borborygmi, and abdominal cramps after ingesting lactose. The patient often recognizes early in life that dairy causes gastrointestinal problems and avoids eating dairy products. Symptoms typically require ingestion of more than the equivalent of 250 to 375 mL of milk. Diarrhea may be severe enough to purge other nutrients before they can be absorbed. Symptoms may be similar to and can be confused with irritable bowel syndrome Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by recurrent abdominal discomfort or pain with at least two of the following characteristics: relation to defecation, association with a change in frequency… read more.

When The Problem Is Acid Reflux Or Gerd

How I Fixed My Digestion (No More Bloating Or Heartburn)

If you don’t have one of the above conditions, it’s more likely your heartburn is caused by acid reflux. That’s when the muscular valve between your stomach and esophagus weakens or doesn’t close properly, and acid from your stomach washes back up toward your mouth. When you have acid reflux, you may also have a bitter or sour taste in the back of your throat. If you get heartburn often, your doctor may diagnose you with gastroesophageal reflux disease .

When you feel heartburn after eating, the cause may be more related to the size of the meal than to whether it contained wheat, says Dr. Gyawali. “The more full the stomach is, the more likely it is that stomach contents can come up,” he explains.

Heartburn can also be due to other ingredients in your meal. According to the American Gastroenterological Association, foods that are know to trigger heartburn include:

  • Fried or fatty foods

Read more:Fruits and Vegetables That Are Safe to Eat With GERD

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Alternatives To The Keto Diet When You Have Acid Reflux

Obesity plays a key role in increased acid reflux symptoms. If you have acid reflux and are overweight, losing weight is important. Even though some research suggests that the keto diet may be effective for both short- and long-term weight loss, most nutritionists agree that losing weight involves consistently choosing real foods and avoiding processed foods, especially those that are fat and sugar laden.

Fill your plate with mostly plant-based foods, complex carbohydrates, and lean protein for a proven strategy for weight loss. Long-lasting weight loss takes time and also involves lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, getting plenty of quality sleep, and exercising almost every day.

A quick-fix diet will rarely lead to lasting weight loss changes, and, like in the case of the keto diet, it may even make your reflux symptoms worse.

Foods That Help The Les

Plant proteins, such as those found in beans and lentils, are beneficial in aiding the LES — the lower esophageal sphincter. Consult a nutritionist if you have reflux and consider replacing starchy carbs and animal fats with starch-resistant legumes to help tone muscles that control the acid/alkaline between the esophagus and the stomach. Gottschall recommends adding legumes to your diet a few months after the digestive tract has been restored.

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What Are Ways To Manage Heartburn On Keto While Your Body Adjusts

There are a few ways that you can try to alleviate heartburn, and the success will depend on the cause to begin with.

Some ways that have helped people suffering from heartburn on keto include;

  • Avoiding acidic foods like tomatoes
  • Probiotics these are very useful to balance out bacterial issues in the gut
  • Over the counter antacids like Tums or Mylanta
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Dairy may be a culprit try a few days without dairy
  • Chia seed puddings, especially using coconut milk
  • Adding more salt to your diet
  • A teaspoon of bicarb soda with a small bit of water, drunk quickly

Most people find that if they have been long term heart burn sufferers, it becomes worse in the first week or two and then tends to settle down and completely disappear.

Try keeping a food log in My Fitness Pal and making note on which days you experience heart burn.

This will help you with matching up what foods may have caused your heartburn on keto.

Start with a very basic diet and introduce new foods slowly to see how your body reacts.

Foods That Relieve Heartburn Symptoms

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1. Gum

OK, technically not a food , but it seems that gum chewers may be onto something when it comes to heartburn prevention. Research has shown that chewing sugar-free bicarbonate gum can help increase saliva production and clear the esophagus of painful acids. We recommend keeping a pack handy in case any of the offending foods mentioned make it onto your plate .

2. Whole-Grain Bread

Yay! Another great reason to eat more carbs! It seems that unlike fatty meats and dairy, high-fiber foods may have a protective role in reducing the risk of reflux.One study found that participants who ate higher fiber bread were twice as likely to relieve their heartburn symptoms than those who ate lower fiber bread.

While the exact rationale for this association is largely unknown, its believed that fiber reduces nitrites in the stomach that otherwise play a role in relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter. Heres a little dietitian tip to help you get your 25-37 grams per day of fiber: When choosing a bread, look for one with at least 4 grams of fiber per serving.

3. Fruits and Vegetables

You know you dont need another reason to get your fruit and veggie fix, but hey, here it goes. In addition to providing a healthy dose of that reflux-reducing fiber, produce also is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which have a protective effect against reflux thanks to their antioxidant properties. Just be sure to avoid any of the higher acid veggies like oranges, lemons, citrus, and tomatoes.

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Low Stomach Acid Causes Bacterial Overgrowth

As I explain in the next article, one of the chief roles of stomach acid is to inhibit bacterial overgrowth. At a pH of 3 or less , most bacteria cant survive for more than 15 minutes. But when stomach acid is insufficient and the pH of the stomach rises above 5, bacteria begin to thrive. The gastrin knockout mouse, which is incapable of producing stomach acid, suffers from bacterial overgrowthas well as inflammation, damage and precancerous polyps in its intestines. It is also well documented that acid-suppressing drugs promote bacterial overgrowth. Long-term use of Prilosec, one of the most potent acid suppressing drugs, reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to near zero. In one trial, 30 people with GERD were treated with a high dose of Prilosec for at least 3 months. Eleven of the 30 Prilosec-treated people had developed significant bacterial overgrowth, compared with only one of the 10 people in the control group.

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