Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How To Relieve Heartburn And Indigestion

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How To Get Heartburn And Indigestion Relief

For general healthful digestion and also to minimize the acid reflux, ensure that you get a lot of fiber from various non-citrus fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. Drink enough fluids to aid your own body absorb lubricate food waste, significant nutrients, and also follow low fat approaches when cooking. Attempt drinking chamomile right after dinner or just before bedtime, because it is thought to really have a relaxing influence on the gut. Frequent smaller meals also can help reduce indigestion and heartburn episodes. Make sure you eat your snacks and meals in a peaceful, relaxed feeling where there is little or no distractions and noise. Do not lie down straight away after having a meal. Read more about heartburn and indigestion relief.

How Is Gerd Diagnosed

Usually your provider can tell if you have simple acid reflux by talking with you about your symptoms and medical history. You and your provider can talk about controlling your symptoms through diet and medications.

If these strategies dont help, your provider may ask you to get tested for GERD. Tests for GERD include:

Connection Between Acid Reflux And Headaches

Heartburn, or acid reflux, is a common problem. More than 60 million Americans experience at least once a month, and more than 15 million people feel it daily. If you have regular heartburn that doesnt go away, or continues in spite of treatment with acid reflux remedies, you could have a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The roughly one in five adults in America who have GERD may brush the condition off as simple indigestion, but it can develop into more serious issues. It may also be the cause of other problems you are having, like headaches.

Find out how GERD is linked to headaches, and what you can do to treat them.

30 and 50 percent of people with chronic headaches or migraines also have GERD. Researchers are still trying to pinpoint which comes first, and whether GERD and headaches exist together, or if one causes the other.

Theories about why gastrointestinal disorders and headaches are linked include increased sensitivity to pain in the body, specifically in the parasympathetic system. This is the part of the autonomic nervous system that senses and functions without you thinking about it.

Autonomic nervous system malfunction has been linked to both and , and could contribute to the development of either or both conditions. Food allergies, medications, and even serotonin levels are also common threads between both headache and reflux, and could play a role in connection between the two.

Is It Just Heartburn Or Gerd

Frequent heartburn can be a major issue. If you experience heartburn two or more times a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease . 

In this chronic condition, frequent exposure to stomach acid irritates and damages the esophagus. Over time, that can lead to problems such as difficulty swallowing. An estimated 40 percent of Americans report symptoms of GERD but the condition can significantly improve with lifestyle changes.  

If you’ve tried home remedies and lifestyle adjustments and still have frequent heartburn, consult with your family doctor or a gastroenterologist. There are multiple treatments that can help, including medications and minimally invasive surgery for acid reflux.

Relief From Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Does Mustard Help With Heartburn

15 natural remedies for heartburn & severe acid reflux heartburn is something that most adults will experience during their lifetime it is characterized by an uncomfortable burning sensation right behind the breastbone that often times creeps up the throat, and is a symptom more so than a disease it is caused by acid reflux, which occurs. Relief from heartburn and acid reflux. Heartburn is uncomfortable, producing a burning sensation in the chest and throat it can also occur at inconvenient times, like when dining out with friends learn some ways to provide quick.

Dont Sleep On Your Right Side

Several studies show that sleeping on your right side may worsen reflux symptoms at night .

The reason is not entirely clear, but is possibly explained by anatomy.

The esophagus enters the right side of the stomach. As a result, the lower esophageal sphincter sits above the level of stomach acid when you sleep on your left side .

When you lay on your right side, stomach acid covers the lower esophageal sphincter. This increases the risk of acid leaking through it and causing reflux.

Obviously, this recommendation may not be practical, since most people change their position while they sleep.

Yet resting on your left side might make you more comfortable as you fall asleep.


Mix Baking Soda With Water

You might have a heartburn remedy at hand in your kitchen without even knowing it. Baking soda can calm some episodes of heartburn by neutralizing your stomach acid.

To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it slowly. In fact, you should drink everything slowly when you have heartburn.

help relieve nausea, so some believe it may be worth trying for heartburn, too.

Consider adding grated or diced ginger root to your favorite stir-fry recipes, soups, and other foods. To make ginger tea, steep raw ginger root, dried ginger root, or ginger tea bags in boiling water.

Its probably best to avoid ginger ale, though. Carbonated beverages are a common heartburn trigger, and most brands of ginger ale are made with artificial flavoring rather than the real thing.

Chew Your Food Properly

Our elders always told us to chew our food thoroughly before ingesting it. Turns out, it indeed is a great piece of advice. Our stomach has to work really hard to break the food down when we dont chew properly. This not only makes the process of absorption of nutrients difficult but also hinders the entire digestive process thus paving the way for indigestion and consequently acidity.

On the other hand, you eliminate the possibility of acidity to a large extent when you chew your food well and allow it to reach your stomach and intestines in a much more digestible form. Also, take care to finish your meals 2-3 hours before bedtime so your stomach gets ample time to carry out the digestive process and empty itself.

Administer Apple Cider Vinegar

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While you have acid boiling and burning in your stomach and esophagus, it might seem counter-productive to add more acid to your already struggling system, but apple cider vinegar can make you feel so much better.

Sometimes acid reflux can be caused by a lack of acid or lowered amounts of acid in your system. Adding a bit of acidic apple cider vinegar can stop these problems before they occur.

Required Ingredients:

  • Combine the apple cider vinegar with the water and drink before a meal.
  • You can repeat before each meal or even 3-4 times throughout the day.

Notes: If you notice that your acid reflux is worsening, discontinue this home remedy.

Chewing Gum: Good Or Bad

Helen West, RD

People have been chewing gum in various forms for thousands of years.

Original gums were made from the sap of trees, such as spruce or Manilkara chicle.

However, most modern chewing gums are made from synthetic rubbers.

This article explores the health benefits and potential risks of chewing gum.

Southern Cross Medical Library

The purpose of the Southern Cross Medical Library is to provide information of a general nature to help you better understand certain medical conditions. Always seek specific medical advice for treatment appropriate to you. This information is not intended to relate specifically to insurance or healthcare services provided by Southern Cross. For more articles go to the Medical Library index page.

Eat Smaller Portions At Regular Intervals

A large meal often triggers acidity more often than not. What happens if when your stomach is full, there is a greater chance that the stomach acids can be pushed back up the oesophagus which will trigger reflux, indigestion, stomach spasms and discomfort. Instead, eat smaller portions but at regular intervals to prevent acidity. This is a good tip also because staying hungry for too long or having long time gaps between your meals can also cause acidity.

Elevate Your Upper Body

How to treat heartburn naturally , acid reflux remedies ...

Lying down can make heartburn worse. When it comes time for bed, adjust your sleeping surface to raise your upper body.

According to the Mayo Clinic, lifting your head with extra pillows isnt usually enough. Instead, the goal is to elevate your body from the waist up.

If you have an adjustable bed, set it at a suitable angle to provide relief. If your bed isnt adjustable, you can change the angle of your sleeping surface by using a wedge pillow.

What Causes Acid Reflux

There may be several reasons why youre experiencing acid reflux, and all of them have to do with the LES valve weakening or loosening.

All of the following can contribute to the loosening and weakening of the LES:

  • Smoking
  • Increased abdominal pressure from obesity or pregnancy
  • A stomach hernia

Chronic acid reflux with GERD is more than acid reflux from time to time. Its a frequent, even daily, ordeal.

Some people experience acid reflux after eating or drinking:

  • Spicy foods, which include minty foods
  • Acidic fruits and fruit juices, such as citrus and tomatoes
  • Coffee, chocolate, and other sources of caffeine
  • Fast food and fried foods
  • Carbonated beverages, such as soda and tonic water
  • Alcoholic drinks

A Week’s Worth of Acid Reflux-Friendly Breakfast Ideas

Avoid Tight Fitting Clothes

Things cinched tightly about your waist or middle can worsen heartburn. If you have super tight jeans on, when you sit down, the waistband is going to sink into your abdomen region. Same goes for tight belts-and even shirts can be a problem for some. This is because all of the above puts extra pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter, which make it more likely stomach contents, will push through and youll experience reflux.

Top 15 Heartburn Remedies

Just because heartburn is common doesnt mean you have to suffer with it. Left untreated, frequent acid reflux can develop into more serious health problems. Here are the top 15 heartburn remedies…

Despite humorous commercials touting heartburn remedies with funny words like plop-plop and fizz-fizz, heartburn is no joke. More than 60 million Americans suffer from it at least occasionally, according to the American College of Gastroenterology.Heartburn, also known as acid , occurs when acidic stomach juices flow backward into the esophagus, irritating the esophageal lining. The resulting pain can be uncomfortable, annoying or excruciating. It can hurt as much as a heart attack, says Paige Hastings, a certified nurse practitioner at The Little Clinic in Nashville, Tenn.But not everyone has such pain; you could also feel a bitter or acidic taste in the back of your throat or the awful sensation of food or liquid washing back into your mouth and down the gullet.In fact, frequent heartburn and food sticking in the throat are signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease .Untreated, these problems can lead more serious problems, including strictures , , cancer and , explains Patricia Raymond, MD, a gastroenterologist based in Virginia Beach, Va.

What Are The Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Common symptoms include a burning feeling in the chest, a sensation of a lump in the throat, belching and bloating, and regurgitation into the mouth of highly acidic, partially digested food from the stomach. Reflux can also affect the respiratory tract, resulting in hoarseness, wheezing, postnasal drip, cough or asthma.

But persistent acid reflux is more than just annoying. If it occurs too often and persists for too long, it can erode the lining of the esophagus and increase the risk of developing a deadly cancer called esophageal adenocarcinoma.

How To Relieve Heartburn And Indigestion

Both heartburn and indigestion treatment options neutralise stomach acid, reduce the production of stomach acid, or form a physical barrier to help prevent stomach acid from moving into the oesophagus.

Medications for heartburn and indigestion include

  • Antacids that work by neutralising the acid produced by your stomach
  • Alginates that form a raft to block acid from travelling back into the oesophagus
  • H2-antagonists and proton-pump inhibitors that work to stop the production of acid in your stomach

Other ways you can help relieve or prevent heartburn and indigestion include:

  • Avoiding or limiting food and drinks that can trigger symptoms
  • Eating smaller meals
  • Waiting 2 to 3 hours after eating or drinking before lying down


What Should You Know About Heartburn

Heartburn is a symptom that feels like a burning in your chest, and is a symptom of acid reflux .

Do most people get heartburn?

Heartburn is more common during . Most people get heartburn after meals, but can also awaken people while they are sleeping. People also may experience heartburn after eating specific foods or drinking certain .

What can heartburn be a sign or symptom of?

  • persistent or .

How can you tell if you are having a heart attack or heartburn?

  • If you think that you are having a attack, call 911 immediately to save your life.
  • A heart attack and heartburn can have the same symptoms, for example, be the same, for example, heartburn is a symptom of another disease or condition, for example, chest pain, shortness of breath, and and .
  • Heart attack signs and symptoms that are not the same as in heartburn include, for example, , , and while heartburn symptoms include problems swallowing, persistant sore throat, , or reflux laryngitis.

How can you get rid of heartburn?

Heartburn can be relieved and cured for many people with lifestyle changes, for example,

  • eat a healthy ,
  • with your head elevated with pillow.
  • , prescription, and surgery may be necessary to cure heartburn.

Home Remedies For Heartburn

Tags: Digestive Health & Disorders ,

That unpleasant feeling of your last meal coming back into your throat. That uncomfortable, even painful, burning sensation in your chest. Heartburn has returned. 

Heartburn is the feeling you get when the contents of your stomach back up into the esophagus toward the mouth. It’s common to experience it from time to time. 

The Most Common Digestive Disorder In America

Pin on Pregnancy

Almost everyone experiences occasional acid reflux when stomach acid manages to make its way up into the esophagus. However, if this happens frequently and causes uncomfortable symptoms or complications, you could receive a GERD diagnosis. Symptoms of GERD can include:

  • Heartburn
  • Dental erosions

As the most common digestive disorder in the United States, GERD affects an astonishingly large portion of Americans. Up to 40 percent experience symptoms once a month and 20 percent experience them once a week. That growing problem has been a boon for pharmaceutical companies, as Americans spend over $13 billion on acid-stopping medications each year. In 2010, sales of esomeprazole, a PPI prescribed to manage GERD, among other conditions, alone exceeded $5 billion in sales.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease causes uncomfortable, painful symptomsbut the health risks of the drugs used to treat it can be even more distressing. Check out this article for tips on how to cure GERD without PPIs, H2 blockers, and other medication.

Aside from an uncomfortable and frequent burning sensation, GERD also carries some long-term complications. Unlike the stomach, the esophagus doesnt have a protective layer to prevent acid damage. As a result, GERD can lead to:

  • Scarring
  • Ulceration
  • Cancer of the esophagus

In addition, research demonstrates a strong link between GERD and irritable bowel syndrome , which is now the second-leading cause of missed work in the nation.

When To See A Doctor

Even though indigestion is a common problem, some bouts shouldnt be ignored. Frequent indigestion is often a symptom of a chronic digestive problem like acid reflux, gastritis, and even stomach cancer. Therefore, see a doctor if indigestion continues for more than two weeks, or if you experience severe pain or other symptoms such as:

  • weight loss

When To Seek Care For Heartburn

Dont ignore heartburn. Stomach acid can damage your esophagus and increase your risk of cancer. Sometimes natural remedies and over-the-counter medications are not enough to reduce your symptoms of heartburn, and prescription medications may be necessary.

An Everyday Online visit is a convenient option for diagnosis and treatment of heartburn, as well as to help determine if your heartburn symptoms point to acid reflux or  .

Schedule a virtual visit with a general practice doctor if lifestyle changes and medicines are not helping, if you have heartburn three to four times per week, or if you have other symptoms such as food getting stuck in your throat, vomiting or unintentional weight loss.

If you have more severe symptoms, such as chest pain, dark-colored vomit, black stools, persistent vomiting, or feel like you are choking, seek care in the Emergency Room right away.  

Eat An Apple Or Banana

Bananas and apples contain high amounts of natural antacids that will help to soothe your heartburn and indigestion. Ripened apples and bananas can easily soothe your burning and inflammation, and help to prevent the heartburn and indigestion from happening in the first place.

Not to mention, the added vitamins and fiber will be great for your diet.

Required Ingredients:

  • One ripened banana or apple


  • Eat one of the selected fruits each day, preferably before a larger meal or foods that may trigger your heartburn or indigestion.

Natural Remedies For Indigestion That Really Work

Indigestion is a common problem that can be caused or made worse by certain foods, eating too quickly and stress. Natural treatments are often more gentle than over-the-counter preparations, which can contain ingredients that irritate the stomach lining. Natural remedies can help to control indigestion and promote a healthy digestive system. Here are three natural remedies for indigestion that really work.

How Is The Cause Of Indigestion Diagnosed

In addition to a physical exam and questions about your symptoms, a doctor may perform the following tests:

  • Blood tests

Some of the above medications are available in over-the-counter strengths.

A combination of antibiotics and acid blockers may be prescribed for up to several months if the underlying cause is related to Helicobacter pylori .

If the underlying cause is found to be gastroparesis, pro-motility drugs such as may be prescribed.

If the underlying cause of indigestion is found to be related to or anxiety, may be prescribed for a short time.

If the underlying cause is found to be a medication you are currently taking, do not abruptly stop the medication. Work with your health-care professional to find alternatives that will not worsen your indigestion.

It the underlying cause is caused entirely or partially by lifestyle, medications listed above may help reduce symptoms, but changes in lifestyle will produce the best results .

Aim For A Healthy Weight

While heartburn can happen to anyone, GERD seems to be most prevalent in adults who are overweight or .

Excess weight especially in the abdominal area puts more pressure on the . As a result, youre at an increased risk of stomach acids working back into the esophagus and causing heartburn.

If youre overweight, the Mayo Clinic suggests a steady weight loss plan of 1 or 2 pounds per week. On the flip side, if youre already considered to be at a healthy weight, then make sure you maintain it with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Spend Some Time In The Sun

Surprised? Spending time outdoors can actually boost your digestive process.  Sun rays help the body produce vitamin D which further balances the production of over200 antimicrobial body chemicals that fight stomach irregularities and helps treat acid reflux. So, make sure to get your dose of sunlight and vitamin D.

Safety And Side Effects

27 Home Remedies for Relieving Heartburn Fast

While the risk of trying ACV for GERD is low, there are some potential side effects, especially if you have GERD. After all, apple cider vinegar is corrosive.

Drinking straight apple cider vinegar or large quantities of diluted ACV is never recommended. You should also not have APV when trying to heal an ulcer.

Even diluted ACV can cause:

  • Throat irritation, including the urge to cough or clear the throat
  • Tissue burning in the mouth, esophagus, or stomach
  • Tooth enamel erosion, which can promote cavities 

You should talk to your doctor about:

  • Medication interactions like diabetes medications, laxatives, diuretics, blood thinners, and heart disease medicines
  • The delay in your stomachs ability to empty, sometimes caused by ACV

What Causes Gerd It Isnt What You Think

Too much stomach acid is not the driving cause of GERD. Dont get me wrong; I agree that hydrochloric acid in the esophagus is bad news. Stomach acid itself is a good thing, but only when it stays in the stomach. When it escapes upwards into the esophagus, something has gone awry.

However, instead of trying to figure out why acid isnt properly staying in the stomach, pharmaceutical companies blame GERD on too much stomach acid and make billions from selling acid-suppressing drugs like PPIs, H2 blockers, and antacids. Meanwhile, the problem of why gastric acid reaches the esophagus is never addressed. That creates a lifelong dependency on medication for millions of Americans, which is incredibly profitable for the pharmaceutical industry.

Maintain A Healthy Body Weight

An analysis of the medical literature led by Dr. Jesper Lagergren of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found that GERD affected about 22 percent of people who were classified as obese, compared with about 14 percent of those who were not obese. After you eat, a muscular sphincter at the bottom of the esophagus opens to let food enter the stomach, and then closes to keep it from reversing direction. An oversized abdomen can put excess pressure on this sphincter and may prevent it from closing when it should, allowing contents from the acidic stomach to leach into the esophagus.

Gaviscon Dual Action To The Rescue

Gaviscon Dual Action works in two ways to effectively relieve the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion:

  • The antacid the antacid in Gaviscon Dual Action neutralises excess stomach acid to relieve the pain and discomfort of indigestion.
  • The raft the alginate in Gaviscon Dual Action forms a thick layer on top of your stomach contents. The raft then acts as a physical barrier that helps keep your stomach contents where they belong in your stomach and not in your oesophagus where they can cause discomfort and burning pain.
  • Gaviscon Dual Action Liquid starts to soothe from 4 minutes!*

    However, if you are ever concerned about your symptoms, always seek medical advice. Likewise see a healthcare professional if your symptoms become frequent or get worse.

    *Strugala V, et al. J Int Med Res 2010.

    Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.


    Other Health Benefits Of Gum

    In addition to the benefits above, chewing gum has been linked to other benefits.

    These include:

    • Prevents ear infections in children: Some studies have suggested that gum containing xylitol could prevent middle ear infections in children (
    • ).

    Bottom Line:

    Chewing gum may help people quit smoking, prevent middle ear infections in children and help your gut return to normal function after surgery.

    When Can I Expect The Heartburn To End During Pregnancy

    Unfortunately, heartburn is a symptom you’re likely to experience throughout your entire pregnancy if you have it at all.

    In fact, even if you escaped indigestion early on in your pregnancy, there’s a good chance you’ll have a surge starting around the second or third trimesters, when your uterus takes over your abdominal cavity and forces your stomach upwards.

    Fortunately, the burn should clear up as soon as you give birth.

    Administer A Gingerroot Tea

    Ginger is a well-known home remedy for several stomach issues and ailments, ranging from nausea and including heartburn and indigestion. Fresh ginger root works best, but dried or powdered ginger root can help just as well.

    Required Ingredients:

    • 3 quarter slices of fresh ginger root
    • 2 cups of hot water


    • Add the ginger root to the hot water and allow to simmer, covered, for at least 30 minutes.
    • Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
    • Either remove or keep the ginger slices in the water and pour a cup of the tea.
    • Drink at least 20 minutes before your meal.
    • Repeat when necessary.

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