Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Ibs Hurt Your Back

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Ibs Pain At The Lower Left Abdomen :

How to cure chronic neck pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, IBS, etc. & how I fixed mine NATURALLY! TMS

Some studies refer to the left iliac region as the most common IBS pain location. And if your IBS pain occurs at this location it usually relieved by defecation.

Left lower abdomen IBS pain is more common with IBS-Constipation .

But IBS pain at the left lower abdomen can be confused with a variety of other conditions like:

  • Chronic constipation: some people have chronic constipation. And it is different from IBS-C Chronic constipation describes patients with long term constipation without abdominal pain or pain that is not fulfilling the criteria of IBS pain.
  • IBD.
  • Right ovarian or Right fallopian tube problems .
  • Inguinal Hernia.

Common Causes Of Lower Back Pain

About 80% of adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lives, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

Lower back pain is usually an acute condition that may occur due to overuse or an injury or sprain. However, some people may experience chronic back pain that lasts for 12 weeks or longer.

Some of the most common causes of lower back pain include:

Living With Ibs Personal Stories

I am a 38 year old woman, working in the big corporate world. I have been suffering for over two years with social anxiety and now IBS. I am seriously considering quitting my job as the sudden spasms accompanied by severe pain are starting to impinge on my performance in the workplace. I cancel client lunches, avoid promotions, and travel as little as possible. But how much longer will the Execs put up with this?

I give many thanks to the Gastro specialist who spent over an hour with me in his office today, educating me on my condition that now has a name. It is specialists like him that give people like me hope.

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Other Symptoms May Accompany Ibs

Persons treated for IBS commonly report upper gastrointestinal symptoms. About 25% to 50% report

  • Heartburn
  • Early feeling of fullness
  • Nausea
  • Low back pain
  • Headache

Symptoms sometimes seem contradictory, such as alternating diarrhea and constipation. It may help to keep a Symptom Diary so your doctor can see how your symptoms change over time and in relation to diet, stress, and other factors.Get the Symptom Diary

Abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel produce the symptoms of IBS. A dysregulation between the brain, the gut, and the central nervous system causes the bowel to become irritated, or overly sensitive to stimuli. Symptoms may occur even in response to normal events.

How Can Ibs Be So Painful When Nothing Irregular Shows Up On Tests


The answer is that IBS is a condition where the symptoms relate to alterations in normal gastrointestinal function that is, dysregulation of brain and gut affecting both pain signals and motility .

The aim of this publication is to explain this relationship between the brain and the gut in order to help those affected understand why and how pain in IBS occurs, and how it can be confidently managed.

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How Is Abdominal Pain Diagnosed

The cause of abdominal pain is diagnosed based on your symptom history, a physical examination, and testing, if needed. Your doctor is likely to ask you questions about the characteristics of your pain, and whether you have any underlying physical or mental health conditions that could be contributing to your abdominal pain.

Questions from your doctor may address the following aspects of your abdominal pain:

  • Where its located
  • Whether its dull, stabbing, burning, or cramping
  • Whether it comes and goes
  • When you experience or notice it most
  • Whether it radiates outward to other areas of your body
  • How long youve had it
  • Whether any activities or actions seem to make it worse or better

Your doctor may also ask about your overall health history, any recent injuries, and whether you might be pregnant.

  • Blood, urine, or stool tests
  • X-ray of the abdomen
  • Computerized tomography scan of the abdomen
  • Barium enema
  • Endoscopic procedures
  • Electrocardiogram

Finding Back Pain Relief

The best way to tackle back and side pain will depend on what is causing it.

Keep track of your symptoms in a diary and see if they correlate to constipation, bloating, or gas pain. If so, these IBS symptoms are the ones you need to address.

If you think a backache is coming from gas pain specifically, simethicone is the most common anti-gas medicine, and it works by breaking up the bubbles of gas making them easier to pass. You can find it under the brand name Gas-X, with an extra strength version available for those terrible days.

You can also buy Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief which contains simethicone as well as the usual loperamide. Peppermint oil capsules and anti-spasmodic medications such as Librax may be helpful to calm gut spasms.

Physical Activity

It may seem counter-intuitive but exercise, or at least gentle movement, is recommended for most back aches as people who rest too much take longer to recover from back problems.

You can follow a simple routine of stretches and exercise for your back to increase your muscle strength and flexibility. Losing weight will help to decrease the strain placed on your spine and walking, pilates and yoga are also recommended.

Yoga may be the first thing to try as many people recommend it for both back pain and IBS: the gentle stretches can relieve tired and tense muscles and strengthen your abdominal area, the breathing exercises can calm frazzled nerves, and the various poses can help to release trapped gas.


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Overeating And Back Pain

Dumping large amounts of food in your stomach puts enormous strain on the digestion.

The tell-tale signs of digestive distress as a result of overeating are stomach aches, bloating and indigestion.

As the stomach bloats and expands it puts stress on the spine and back muscles causing discomfort and pain.

But you can easily remedy the problem with a simple lifestyle change.

Rather than sitting down to 3 heavy meals a day or binge eating at the down town all you can eat buffet…

You can still eat as much as by eating smaller quantities frequently throughout the day.

Your digestion will thank you for it as its better able to cope with smaller quantities of food and liquid.

How Quickly Does A Central Agent Have Effect On The Pain

What does having IBS feel like?

There are two levels to taking one of these agents. At the first level the medication increases the brains ability to down-regulate nerve signals through the gate control mechanism, closing the gate to reduce pain. Within four to six weeks the pain is generally 3050% better.

The second level is the neurogenesis, and that can take six months to a year or more. This is important to help prevent the pain from coming back, or relapsing.

The two effects are the physiologic effect of the pain control through the gating mechanism, and the neuroplastic effect through the brain to regrow those nerves that have been damaged by the chronic pain.

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Ibs Pain Relief: 8 Most Effective Tips From A Doctor With Ibs

MD, Assistant lecturer of internal medicine, Gastro-enterology, & Hepatology.IBS sufferer, Gut health enthusiast, and writer.

Your health matters, my content is not a substitute for the medical advice by your doctor. #Stay_Safe


Today I will share with you a mix of what I learned about IBS pain relief techniques.

These techniques helped me to control my IBS attacks 90% of the time.

This is an IN-DEPTH guide combined with disease-experience and research-based data. From a gut doctor who has IBS.

Also, this guide is evidence-based, helping you to put realistic expectations Away from lots of crap found on the internet.

To be more specific, I only focused on IBS pain relief. Soon, I will publish in-depth guides for treating IBS diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and gas.

I divided this guide into 2 main parts:

  • Part 1: Quick IBS pain relief tips that you can start with NOW.
  • Part 2: Strategic tips for long term pain relief that you can start today and win the benefits later.

A Pain That Is Not Related To Meals:

IBS pain usually becomes worse after meals. If the pain is of the same intensity regardless of your meals it may suggest conditions other than IBS.

Example: Severe abdominal colic and diarrhea that occurring several times even hours after your last meal may suggest Gastroenteritis an infection of your intestine by a bacteria or other intestinal pathogens.

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How Can Natural Remedies Help Me

If we are sure the back pain is directly related to IBS, we should focus on the intestines which are under some sort of stress.

  • Silicol gel: Silicol gel acts as a protective barrier for the digestive tract, soothing and calming the tissues of the intestine.
  • Molkosan: L+ lactic acid in fermented whey works synergistically to create an environment to support the good bacteria in our gut. If any bacteria overrun this organ, the gut wall becomes irritated and the symptoms of IBS will worsen.

Relieving Stomach And Back Pain

Pin on IBS Hospital

Understanding the link between your gastric issues and back pain is the first step to relief. If you think your lower back pain may be due to IBS or excess gas rather than an injury or spinal issue, seek remedies or treatments that target both symptoms back pain and stomach cramps simultaneously.

“To relieve the lower back stress,” says Shanta Retelny, “you can stretch your back muscles during the day by getting up and moving more, getting a standing desk or eliminating certain foods that are irritating your bowel.”

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health also offers a variety of solutions for both IBS pain and lower back pain. Promising approaches for IBS relief include hypnotherapy, herbal medicine, peppermint oil, probiotics and acupuncture, while exercise, spinal manipulation, acupuncture, massage and yoga are recommended as effective treatments for lower back pain.

Both Shanta Retelny and Dr. Low Dog emphasize the importance of lifestyle changes in relieving IBS , both recommending nutritional strategies for people with IBS. Says Shanta Retelny: “See a registered dietitian or nutritionist who specializes in gastrointestinal health for a diet low in fermentable carbohydrates for a short-term elimination plan.”

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Pain Unrelated To Bowel Movements

The official diagnostic criteria for IBS specifies that abdominal pain and cramping related to bowel movements. Although many patients will tell you that that is not always the case, in IBS there is a sense that their pain and cramping is related to their diarrhea or constipation symptoms.

Any persistent pain symptoms should be brought to the attention of your physician. If you already have an IBS diagnosis but suspect that your pain is not typical of IBS, tell your doctor immediately.

An Introduction To Ibs And Back Pain

Back pain is not a symptom that is usually linked to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but it can occur when the small and large intestines take up a large area: over three quarters of the abdomen.

Abdominal pain in IBS may be felt both at the front of your body or your back. Pain associated with the abdominal organs can often be experienced away from the area affected. This is known as referred pain and is one explanation why the pain of IBS can be felt in your back.

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What Prevail Causes Of Lower Pain In The Back

Usual causes of low back pain consist of lumbar pressure, nerve inflammation, back radiculopathy, bony infringement, as well as problems of the bone and joints. Each of these is examined below.

Back stress : A back strain is a stretch injury to the ligaments, ligaments, and/or muscle mass of the lower back. The stretching incident lead to tiny rips of varying levels in these cells. Back strain is taken into consideration one of the most common causes of lower back pain. Can You Get Lower Back Pain With Ibs

The injury can take place as a result of overuse, inappropriate use, or injury. Soft-tissue injury is commonly classified as acute if it has been present for days to weeks. If the pressure lasts longer than 3 months, it is described as chronic. Back strain frequently occurs in people in their 40s, yet it can occur at any type of age. The problem is defined by localized pain in the lower back location with start after an event that mechanically emphasized the back cells. The seriousness of the injury ranges from moderate to serious, depending on the level of pressure and also resulting convulsion of the muscular tissues of the lower back.

The medical diagnosis of back pressure is based upon the history of injury, the location of the pain, as well as exclusion of nerves injury. Usually, X-ray screening is only handy to leave out bone problems.

What Causes Ibs Pain

The Link Between IBS, Back Pain, Shoulder and Neck Pain.

You can think about IBS pain in two ways. First, pain may be caused or worsened by the physical and social factors associated with IBS . Second, pain may be caused by how IBS affects the pain signaling function of the nervous system between the brain and the gut.âAbdominal IBS pain is typically referred to as a type of visceral pain. Unlike somatic pain, which is felt by the skin, muscles, bone, and soft tissues, visceral pain is felt around the internal organs, including the stomach and intestines.

It is important for people with IBS to understand that while pain is felt in different areas of the body, it is actually processed in the brain.ââ

Research into IBS shows that pain may be caused by oversensitive nerves in the gut. These nerves send signals to the brain, telling it to overreact to physical stimuli or tell the brain that normal digestion sensations are ‘painful.’

Millions of nerves and neurons run between the gut and the brain, along a neural highway called the gut-brain axis. This means that the brain can feel what’s happening in the gut and that the gut can feel what’s happening in the brain .

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Effectively Relieving Ibs Back Pain

Typically caused by bloating, constipation and/or gas, IBS back pain can often be alleviated through regular exercise and physical activities including, for example, Tai Chi and Yoga. All of these activities do, by the way, also reduce stress and thereby effectively reduce the chance of stress-related IBS symptoms being triggered in the first place.

Exercises to Relieve IBS Back Pain

Associated with an array of health benefits, regular exercise should be part of your weekly/daily routine whether you are affected by IBS or not.

If you are affected by IBS and suffer with IBS back pain, walking, swimming and running are among the best types of exercise you can do to relieve both upper and lower back pain, especially if it is caused by constipation. Yoga and Tai Chi routines can be particularly effective in relieving lower back pain.

Other Ways of Relieving IBS Back Pain

If other health issues prevent you from participating in regular physical activities/exercise routines, there are varying other ways to bring relief, including:

Depending on your overall health and the nature and severity of your IBS symptoms, it may be advisable to consult your GP before attempting any of these activities/treatment options.

Leg Pain Can Have A Ton Of Causes Ranging From So Very Benign To Life Threateningand One Of Those Possible Causes Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Having pain in your leg and wondering if this is related to your irritable bowel syndrome?

Your one burning question is: Can IBS cause leg pain?

Yes! The underpinnings of IBS are fascinating, and this underpinning helps explain the leg pain, says Pejman Katiraei, DO, FAAP, an integrative physician whose many areas of specialty include adult and pediatric IBS.

To start, we must recognize that people with IBS have inflammation in their intestines. Inflammation means that there is increased immune activity in a part of the body.

An example of this would be the redness that occurs around a cut in your skin, or the swelling of a sprained ankle.

People with IBS have inflammation in their intestines, continues Dr. Katiraei.

This inflammation typically involves a specific type of immune cell called mast cells.

A doctor may give an endoscopy to a person with IBS, but tell that patient that all is normal because pathologists are not able to see the mast cells via standard biopsy analysis.

The problem is there, says Dr. Katiraei, but it goes unseen. This is why people with IBS are often told that nothing is wrong.

But Dr. Katiraei continues, If doctors used very sensitive tools like electron microscopes or very specialized immune stains, they will find these changes in the intestines.

In the bowel, sitting right next to these mast cells are nerve cells that take information from the intestines to the spinal cord.

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Is This Ibs The Answer: Yes

Recurring abdominal pain at least once a week in the last three months. The pain is associated with at least two of these criteria:

  • The pain is related to bowel movements

  • The bowel movements occur more or less often than usual

  • The stool is different than usual

  • When making an IBS diagnosis with this criteria, doctors also include the length of time a person has had symptoms before IBS was diagnosed – in this case at least six months.

    What Are Ibs Symptoms

    Is Adrenal Fatigue and IBS Affecting Your Digestion?
    • Excess gas.
    • Mucus in your poop .

    Women with IBS may find that symptoms flare up during their periods. These symptoms often happen again and again, which can make you feel stressed or upset. As you learn management techniques and gain control over flare-ups, youll start to feel better, physically and mentally.

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