Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Do You Need Both Prebiotics And Probiotics

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What Do Probiotics Do

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: The Difference & Why You Need Both | Dr. Bill Rawls

Probiotics help to maintain a healthy balance in your body. Certain types of probiotics can help to aid digestion and improve some gastrointestinal health concerns.16

Natural good bacteria works to keep you healthy all the time, but supplementing might help address other concerns, especially after youve been ill.17

There are plenty of ways to include more probiotic foods into your diet. These might have probiotic on the label or include live-cultured or active cultures too.

Some probiotic food includes:

  • Fermented olives18
  • There are also probiotic supplements available, which can be taken as a capsule, tablet or powder.

    If youre thinking about taking a probiotic supplement, its worth talking to your doctor or a specialist. There are a lot of different probiotics on the market, and not all of them will be right for you.19

    Like when taking any new supplement, be aware of the potential side-effects and stop if you notice anything untoward.

    Generally, probiotics are thought to be safe to consume for people with healthy immune systems.

    The safety of probiotics is also under-researched, so we dont know exactly how many possible side effects there could be.

    However, if youre in good health, they could be a safe addition to your diet.20

    Should I Take A Probiotic Or Prebiotic

    Understanding the way the two different things work, it would seem as though the ideal way to use these two supplements is in combination with one another. Actually, not everyone is a good candidate for both. Probiotic use is very individualized, so it can be a good idea to have a chat with your doctor to work out which of the options will have the most benefits for you.

    One very good candidate for someone who should take probiotics is someone who has to take an antibiotic. Taking a probiotic while using antibiotics can be a good way to replenish your gut flora. Some research has also shown that probiotics can also be beneficial for gut health and beyond!

    There are some people who should probably avoid probiotics. Anyone with a weakened immune system or serious GI problems should check with their doctor or skip it, as adding more bacteria could cause you further issues.

    If you dont have any of these issues, then you can likely try a prebiotic to help to increase the absorption of certain minerals, reduce the number of harmful bacteria, and help you to feel more full and satiated after you eat.

    How Do You Get More Probiotics And Prebiotics In Your Diet

    A great place to start is to focus on your diet. Be sure youre eating diverse, colorful foods.

    • Probiotic foods: sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, pickled vegetables, kombucha
    • Prebiotic foods: legumes, oats, asparagus, berries, bananas, garlic, onions, yams, apple skins

    You can also incorporate a daily probiotic and prebiotic into your morning routine for a more targeted approach.

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    How Do They Make Me Healthier

    When prebiotics are fermented, they produce short-chain fatty acids like butyrate that help keep the colon healthy, maintain blood sugar balance, and even affect brain neuroplasticity, says Dr. Pedre. In other words, prebiotics are the fuel that probiotics use to regulate a well-functioning gut. As a dietary fiber, they help the microorganisms in our intestines grow, and theyre often taken to maximize a probiotics benefits. You don’t need to take a prebiotic for probiotics to work, but it can give the live bacteria a boost.

    Prebiotics can also help with common digestive issues like bloating and constipation, increase mineral bioavailability, and even promote satiety and weight loss. Some studies even posit that prebiotics can be beneficial for stress-related behaviors. The benefits of prebiotics arent limited to humanstheyre also given to calves, poultry, and even farmed fish to increase growth and reduce the rate of respiratory and gut disease.

    Wooden Spoon’s prebiotic powder uses herbs like burdock and elecampane.

    Prebiotics Vs Probiotics: Differences Benefits And Foods

    Can You Take Prebiotics And Probiotics At The Same Time

    ByMaddy Biddulphpublished 6 April 22

    Wondering what the difference is between prebiotics vs probiotics? We asked a gut health expert to explain

    Prebiotics vs probiotics: which are better for gastrointestinal health? A healthy gut plays a major role in our overall health and wellbeing, and taking prebiotics and probiotics either in food or supplement form is one way to boost the digestive system and keep it working efficiently.

    The gut microbiome consists of 100 trillion live bacterial microbes, both good and bad, that influence nutrient absorption, metabolism, immunity, mental health, how well we sleep and even whether or not we get spots. A Harvard Medical School study found that a healthy gut could potentially also prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases.

    Meanwhile, research from the University of Tsukuba in Japan suggests that a healthy gut can improve sleep quality. It found that gut bacteria might influence sleep patterns by helping to create important chemical messengers in the brain, such as mood-boosting serotonin and dopamine.

    Here, well take a closer look at prebiotics vs probiotics, what the key differences are between them, and how they can both benefit us.

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    They Have Antimicrobial Properties

    Since both probiotics and postbiotics work to fill the gut with an ecosystem that promotes the growth of good bacteria, it lessens the production of more harmful, infectious types.

    This creates an antimicrobial effect, as the combination of this and how postbiotics directly fight harmful bacteria all works to defend the body against infection.44

    Is It Possible To Get Too Many Prebiotics

    Actually, yes. This is one example where too much of a good thing may actually be too much, says Dr. Pedre. If you take too many prebiotics in the form of supplements , then you will very likely get bloated, gassy, and uncomfortable with abdominal pain. So, when incorporating prebiotics as a supplement, start low and go slow. While prebiotics and probiotics are generally safe to consume, its best to speak with a medical professional, especially if you plan to take prebiotic supplements on their own.

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    Prebiotic And Probiotic Foods

    Although most foods containing these live bacteria or fibers do not contain enough to confer a significant health benefit, if you are trying to restore a healthy gut balance or recover from an illness, eating these foods will help maintain a healthy immune systems function in the gut microbiome.

    Foods that contain helpful live bacteria include:

    They May Help With Weight Loss

    Prebiotics & Probiotics – What You Need to Know

    If youre struggling to lose weight, your stomach could be the reason in more ways than one.

    Previous research has found thin people have different gut bacteria to those who are obese.

    This may be because a high-fat-low-fibre diet encourages the growth of bad bacteria in the digestive system.

    A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found taking probiotics could help women lose weight and keep it off!

    The researchers concluded that rebalancing gut bacteria may strengthen the intestinal wall, making it harder to absorb large fat molecules.

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    Purpose Of Probiotic And Prebiotic

    When choosing probiotics and prebiotics, it is important to consider the specific purpose that the supplement is meant to serve. For example, probiotics are often used to treat digestive problems, while prebiotics are used to improve gut health. It is important to choose a supplement that meets your specific needs.

    What Are The Health Benefits Of Prebiotics

    We are reassured that prebiotics help to support our good gut bacteria, but what else do prebiotics do? One of the most common benefits is that prebiotics make you poop! As mentioned, this is due to the positive effects of SCFAs stimulating the gut to improve regularity. But prebiotics benefits extend to more than just SCFA production. In fact, prebiotic supplements have been positively associated with improvements in all of the following health conditions:

    There has been much interest in prebiotics for weight loss, and several scientific studies have yielded promising results. One such study15 involved 42 overweight and obese children. They were given either prebiotic fibre or placebo once a day for 16 weeks. The prebiotic group of children gained less weight in the 4-month intervention period, than those in the placebo group.

    Healthcare professionals can find out more about the mechanisms of actions and clinical trials on each health area in Dr Aislings blog The uses of prebiotics.

    Unfortunately, todays typical Western-style diet is quite lacking in the types of healthy foods that contain prebiotics, so people are not getting the levels that they need to maintain good gut health. Plus, harsh cooking methods can damage the prebiotic structures and reduce our intake still further. As previously mentioned, even if you do eat a varied diet full of natural prebiotic sources, youd need to consume large quantities to obtain an optimum amount each day.

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    Best Probiotics For Bloating And Weight Loss Probiotic Supplements To Reduce Gas

    If you have been searching for a probiotic that can help relieve gas and bloating and also help you lose weight we have reviewed the 4 best brands.

    Gone are the days when probiotic strains were only deemed useful for optimizing gut health. Data from an ever-growing number of scientific studies shows probiotic bacteria also influence many other areas of health.

    For instance, certain probiotics boost immunity, while others are good for reducing bloating and/or supporting weight loss.

    Due to the far-reaching benefits probiotic supplements can provide, there are strong arguments for using them to provide daily top-ups of this health-friendly bacteria. In this article, we are going to concentrate on the best probiotics for bloating and weight loss.

    However, without exception, every species of probiotic bacteria offers multiple health benefits. So, even if you are mainly interested in using probiotics to control bloating or lose weight, you can be sure the supplements that work best in these areas offer plenty of additional benefits as well.

    Top Probiotics for Bloating and Weight Loss

    Here are the four probiotic supplements that work best for bloating and weight loss:

  • HealthNutrition 40 Billion
  • We did not choose these products lightly. There are several reasons why we rate them as the best.

    Obviously, the probiotic bacteria content is one of the reasons. All four products provide probiotic species that are clinically proven effective for weight loss and bloating.

    Where Can You Find Probiotics

    Prebiotics &  Probiotics â Rachel Eva

    Probiotics can be found in fermented foods, meaning that they have undergone microbial growth and fermentation During fermentation, bacteria break down the sugar in food into gases and alcohol. Here are some foods that contain probiotics:

    • Kefir, a fermented probiotic drink, which can be made from milk kefir grains or water kefir grains.
    • Kombucha, a black or green tea fermented with bacteria and yeast.
    • Tempeh, a high-protein fermented soy product.
    • Sauerkraut, shredded cabbage that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria.
    • Kimchi, which is also made from cabbage and lactic acid bacteria and flavored with a mix of seasonings.
    • Sourdough, which is dough that has fermented naturally with yeast and lactic acid bacteria.
    • Miso, a Japanese paste that is often used in miso soup. It is made from fermenting soybeans with koji, a type of fungus.

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    What Are Prebiotics Good For

    Both prebiotics and probiotics are very good for your gut, but they help the body in different ways.

    Prebiotics are a source of food for your guts healthy bacteria. They are carbs that you cant digest, so they go to your lower digestive tract where they act as food for the growth of healthy bacteria.

    Probiotics are live yeasts and good bacteria that live in your body and are good for your digestive system. You can take a probiotic as a supplement or get them through your diet.

    As well as feeding your good gut bacteria, prebiotics can:

    • May help you absorb calcium.
    • Ferment food faster, so it spends less time in the digestive system, which helps with digestion.
    • Keep the cells that line your gut on the heathier side.

    /6is It Safe To Take Prebiotics And Probiotics At The Same Time

    You must have noticed that many probiotic supplements have some amount of prebiotic in it, making you more inquisitive about this bacterial combination. It is found that your gut will stay happy and hearty, if you take probiotics alongside a prebiotic supplement since the prebiotics will assist probiotics as well as other bacterias to colonise and work efficiently in the gut. But do you know that an indiscriminate amount of both supplements together can cause discomfort and gut problems? Here are some facts related to this prebiotic-probiotic combination.

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    Youre Under A Lot Of Stress

    Chronic stress can take a toll on your gut health, leading to digestive issues and inflammation. Probiotics can help to reduce stress-related symptoms and promote a healthy gut.

    If youre experiencing any of these signs, it may be time to start taking probiotics. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian to determine which probiotic supplement is right for you.

    Before you visit your healthcare professional, consider reviewing each of the below best products for prebiotic and probiotics so that you can attend the appointment ready to discuss which option is best for you to try.

    How Long Should You Take Them For

    Prebiotics & probiotics

    Dont expect miracles overnight. Whether you decide to take prebiotics or probiotics or both the experts say it can take two to three months to see benefits. If youre looking to treat a specific health concern, it could be worth doing some research, as studies done on IBS show the best results after four months, whereas a migraine study found benefits after two months, says Kim. Constipation and regularity issues, meanwhile, can be resolved in a matter of weeks. Both prebiotics and probiotics are safe to be taken in the long-term, too, she adds. They can be helpful throughout different times of the year and throughout different times of our lives.

    Also Check: When Taking Antibiotics When Should You Take Probiotics

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    I Asked A Doctor To Help With This Best Probiotic Supplements Resource

    I leaned on a legitimate expert that has dedicated their life to gut microbiome research and probiotics so that we can learn the facts. That expert is William B. Miller Jr. M.D., an evolutionary biologist and author of Bioverse: How the Cellular World Contains the Secrets to Life’s Biggest Questions. You can find all of his research on his website, Our Bioverse, which is very interesting to say the least.

    The best quality probiotic supplements that youll come across contain various strains of bacteria in large and stable quantities. You should also be looking for a product that has been manufactured by a reputable company, practices customer transparency and has positive customer reviews for your reading pleasure. Lets take a look at a breakdown of probiotic supplements and everything that you need to know, and we’ll get Dr. William B. Miller’s expert advice as well.

    Safety first disclaimer: Remember to always consult with your doctor before adding any supplement into your diet.

    at Just Thrive Health

    What Are The Potential Side Effects

    While taking pre and probiotics to increase the production of postbiotics can have a range of different benefits, its important to be aware of potential side effects.

    For example, initially, you may experience some gastrointestinal discomfort like bloating, wind and mild stomach issues but these usually pass once your body has adjusted to them.52

    The Wellness Edit is the H& B Podcast.

    In this episode, Eve Kalinik, author of Happy Gut, Happy Mind, and Holland & Barrett nutritionist Isabel Tarrant reveal how to take care of your gut so it takes care of you.

    Listen to the podcast below and discover more episodes here.

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    What Is A Prebiotic

    Prebiotics arent actually bacteria. Theyre typically fibers that serve as food for the good bacteria in probiotics. Prebiotic fiber, like inulin, for example, can be found in several foods. Bananas, chicory root, asparagus, artichokes and onions along with other prebiotic sources like garlic, onions, and different types of legumes.

    While you can find prebiotics in your diet, they dont serve your friendly flora in the same way so they are typically added to your favorite probiotic.

    Sometimes you can find synbiotic foods, which means they contain both prebiotics and probiotics like cheese, kefir, and some types of fermented foods. Prebiotics are consumed by the bacteria in the gut, breaking down into short-chain fatty acids that are released into blood circulation and offering benefits to the gastrointestinal tracts and other distant organs.

    Can You Take A Prebiotic And Probiotic Supplement At The Same Time

    Probiotics and Prebiotics: Everything You Need to Know

    Yes, you can take both supplements at the same time. In fact, many experts recommend taking both for optimal gut health. Probiotics help to replenish good bacteria in the gut, while prebiotics act as food for these good bacteria.

    Taking both together helps to ensure that your gut is getting everything it needs to function properly. There are a few things to keep in mind when taking both prebiotic and probiotic supplements.

    First, be sure to take them at different times of day. Probiotics are best taken on an empty stomach, while prebiotics are best taken with a meal. This helps to ensure that the probiotics get into your gut where they need to be, and that the prebiotics are properly broken down.

    Second, start with a lower dose of each supplement and increase gradually as needed. This will help your body to adjust and avoid any unwanted side effects.

    If youre looking for a good prebiotic supplement, we recommend our Prebiotic Fiber Blend. This supplement is made with 100% natural ingredients and helps to promote gut health and regularity.

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