Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Ibs Cause Abdominal Tenderness

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How Can Chronic Pain In Ibs Be Managed

IBS Pain Explained – Why Do You Have Pain With IBS? | Causes of Pain Due to IBS

When pain is chronic it takes time for it to go away. Because pain is an emotional experience, taking steps to improve emotions can lead to reduction of the harmful effects of the pain even when it is still present.

Maintaining an active role in life, engaging in physical activity, and addressing emotional and social health are important to help promote a sense of well-being, which counters negative expectations.

Psychological approaches Psychological approaches harness the minds own ability to affect pain sensations by sending signals, thoughts or nerve impulses, which close the pain gate.

There are many of these techniques, ranging from hypnosis to relaxation therapies to meditation to cognitive-behavioral therapy. They can help ease symptoms and restore a sense of control over the disorder.

Medications Anticholinergic agents taken before meals may provide short-term reduction of abdominal pain after meals. The newer gut-targeted medications treat multiple symptoms, including pain, in IBS with diarrhea and IBS with constipation .

When the above mentioned medications do not adequately treat the pain, centrally targeted medications may be tried. They can be used in addition to other IBS medications and are prescribed to provide long-term relief of severe chronic pain.

How Is The Pain Experienced

It is important to understand that pain is processed in the brain. In IBS, signals that arise in the bowels are relayed to certain areas of the brain where these signals are experienced as painful sensations, which can be modified by emotional centers that can produce a more noxious, or emotionally distressing, quality.

The brain not only receives information about pain, but it may also influence or modify the information coming from the gut to increase or reduce the signals arising from there. This is called the gate control theory of pain.

Signals between the body to the brain pass through the spinal cord, which can serve as a kind of a gate. The brain can also open and close this gate, much like a volume switch on a stereo. Closing the gate decreases signals and blocks pain, while opening the gate increases the signals that reach the brain and amplifies pain.

Things like focused attention or various treatments like hypnosis or meditation close the gate. Things like emotional distress or prolonged stress open the gate. Thus, it is no surprise when someone is running a race and sprains an ankle, the pain may not be felt until the race is over. Or conversely when someone is having a bad day at work, sometimes more minor discomfort may become more painful all as a result of the brain-gut axis.

All of these interactions differ from person to person, accounting for differences in symptom expression and severity in people with the same condition.

Ibs Pain At The Lower Left Abdomen :

Some studies refer to the left iliac region as the most common IBS pain location. And if your IBS pain occurs at this location it usually relieved by defecation.

Left lower abdomen IBS pain is more common with IBS-Constipation .

But IBS pain at the left lower abdomen can be confused with a variety of other conditions like:

  • Chronic constipation: some people have chronic constipation. And it is different from IBS-C Chronic constipation describes patients with long term constipation without abdominal pain or pain that is not fulfilling the criteria of IBS pain.
  • IBD.
  • Right ovarian or Right fallopian tube problems .
  • Inguinal Hernia.

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You Experience Stomach Pain And Bloating After Eating Certain Foods

Up to 70% of people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome report that certain foods trigger their symptoms.

These intolerances are not allergies, and the triggering food doesnt cause measurable differences in digestion.

Some common ones include gas-producing FODMAPs, as well as lactose and gluten, but its unclear how these specific triggers actually do so.

One thing that helps is keeping a food journal. That way you can determine which foods are best for your IBS and digestion.

Since everyones body is different, their body will react differently to certain foods.

Keeping a food journal is a great way to determine what works best for you.

Can The Chronic Pain State Be Reversed

Himalayas Tea Blog

Chronic pain can be turned around and reversed if done with the proper treatment interventions. This often includes the use of central acting agents, or neuromodulators, and psychological approaches, along with self-management steps that individuals can take on their own. Combining therapies together can be more effective than using just one approach.

While still theoretical, its been shown in practice that even the structural changes involving nerve cells can be reversed. Although chronic severe pain can reduce the number of brain cells, studies using brain imaging have shown that various interventions can result in neurogenesis, the regrowth of nerve cells.

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How To Relieve Ibs Pain Fast

Unfortunately, there is no fast way to relieve IBS pain.

As with any chronic condition, the pain is chronic and it tends to come and go. We must figure out the triggers and that can take time and energy. However, some tricks can temporarily relieve the pain but the pain can return if were not careful with the triggers.

For example, applying a headed compress to the abdomen is helpful. According to VeryWell, Applying warmth to your belly will not only help soothe you psychologically, but it can also speed up pain relief. Research indicates that the best results are achieved with low-level and continuous heat.

Utilizing other self-soothing techniques are helpful as well. These are helpful because they can distract from the pain.

For example, having a hot cup of tea or coffee, talking with a friend, taking a yoga class, using visualization techniques, meditation, and deep breathing techniques are all great tools.

And while were talking about teas, there are specific teas that may help with tummy troubles:

  • Peppermint tea is known to help with all times of stomach maladies.
  • Anise tea can help with constipation.
  • Chamomile tea and fennel tea can help with constipation but are contraindicated on a low-FODMAP diet.

Other Reasons For Overlooking Ibs Symptoms

Most of us have been taught that its not polite to discuss bowel habits in society. Too often, people are willing to overlook symptoms rather than get them diagnosed. This is never a good idea. If your symptoms are IBS, modern treatments can help keep them under control. Even though there is no cure for IBS, you can reduce the discomfort. If your symptoms turn out to be something more serious, getting an early diagnosis will make treatment more effective.

Carolina Digestive Health Associates has some of the best gastroenterologists in the Charlotte region. Dont let misconceptions about IBS symptoms or embarrassment prevent you from getting tested and having your condition diagnosed. Contact Carolina Digestive Health Associates and schedule an appointment today!

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Some Things You Can Do To Help Ibs Pain And Cramping:

Well, there are some medications your doctor can prescribe. My gastroenterologist prescribed a kind of bowel muscle relaxant . It didnt work for me for some reason, but something like this might work for you. Check it out!

There are also anti-diarrhea medicines like Imodium, that you can buy over the counter. But you cant use them for long periods without talking to your doctor.

If you can find and avoid your IBS trigger foods, that can help a lot! A Nutritionist and and an elimination diet can really help find any foods that trigger your IBS symptoms. Especially avoid foods that give you a lot of gas.

Fiber! Fiber! Fiber! Almost nobody gets enough, and this can REALLY help both diarrhea OR constipation. The best kind for IBS is called soluble fiber.

Peppermint oil has a reputation for soothing the lining of the bowels. I tried this and it did help, but I also have GERD which peppermint is NOT good for. So I dont use it.

If you decide to try peppermint oil, make sure you get the enteric coated kind that dissolves in your intestines not in your stomach!

What Causes Ibs Pain

How To Cure IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and All Stomach Pain

You can think about IBS pain in two ways. First, pain may be caused or worsened by the physical and social factors associated with IBS . Second, pain may be caused by how IBS affects the pain signaling function of the nervous system between the brain and the gut.âAbdominal IBS pain is typically referred to as a type of visceral pain. Unlike somatic pain, which is felt by the skin, muscles, bone, and soft tissues, visceral pain is felt around the internal organs, including the stomach and intestines.

It is important for people with IBS to understand that while pain is felt in different areas of the body, it is actually processed in the brain.ââ

Research into IBS shows that pain may be caused by oversensitive nerves in the gut. These nerves send signals to the brain, telling it to overreact to physical stimuli or tell the brain that normal digestion sensations are ‘painful.’

Millions of nerves and neurons run between the gut and the brain, along a neural highway called the gut-brain axis. This means that the brain can feel what’s happening in the gut and that the gut can feel what’s happening in the brain .

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What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Exactly what IBS is isn’t known. It may have something to do with overactivity of part or parts of the gut .

Food is passed along the bowel by regular squeezes of the muscles in the wall of the bowel wall. Pain and other symptoms may develop if the contractions become abnormal or overactive. The area of overactivity in the gut may determine exactly where you feel the pain and whether constipation or diarrhoea develops.

The cause of overactivity in parts of the gut is not clear. One or more of the following may play a part:

A Pain That Is Related To Movement:

The movement-related pain is the pain that:

  • Greatly increases with a tiny movement like sitting or leaning forward, and
  • Nearly relieved when you obtain a fixed position and stop moving.

The IBS pain is usually the same whether you are moving or in a fixed position. Movement-related pain occurs with other conditions like inflamed organs, bone, and joint pain.

Example: A pain in the lower right part of your abdomen that greatly increases while you move your right lower limb may suggest appendicitis.

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A Pain That Is Not Related To Meals:

IBS pain usually becomes worse after meals. If the pain is of the same intensity regardless of your meals it may suggest conditions other than IBS.

Example: Severe abdominal colic and diarrhea that occurring several times even hours after your last meal may suggest Gastroenteritis an infection of your intestine by a bacteria or other intestinal pathogens.

Could Abdominal Pain Be Ibs

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Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder that causes cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and alternating diarrhea and constipation. Symptoms are often worse after consuming certain foods. Now, researchers have identified the biological mechanism that causes abdominal pain or severe discomfort in IBS patients after eating.

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Ibs Stomach Pain And Tender Stomach Anybody

Hi all!

I am new to this group,

it was around 7 months back when suddenly i got severe gas, burping and stomach pain, the stomach was tender to touch.

The pain continues till today, I get stomach pain mostly on top of belly button and left side and the entire area has point tenderness.

Stomach pain is irrespective of eating.

I have done all kinds of blood tests and upper GI endoscopy twice and ctscan.

Only thing that came up in endoscopy was Antral gastritis with hpylori negative.

But I wonder if gastritis can cause that much pain and tenderness.

My doctor says its a functional pain and can be IBS.

I feel so depressed and miserable to think about the pain staying forever.

Please reply if anybody experienced the same.


  • 5 years ago

    I can relate to you Nichola!

    It started with me when I was just 18 weeks postpartum, I had a csection and then the stress of taking care of a baby and not being able to sleep at nights evoked it all.

    How long have you been having this?

    Is there something that helps with the pain, apart from less stress.

    Have you been thru endoscopy and colonoscopy?

    I hsd Antral gastritis in endoscopy.

    I am sometimes terrified thinking of Crohns of small intestine.

    Even I feel stress increases my pain and symptoms.

    But it’s quite difficult to live with a pain and not being completely able to enjoy the moments with my baby. Hope theres a way out.

    Keep sharing if you get something to know.


  • Where Do You Feel Ibs Pain

    The location of typical IBS pain varies from person-to-person, and as it turns out, typical IBS pain is anything but typical.

    According to VeryWell, One of the things that make IBS so challenging and worrisome is that its pain can present itself in a very changeable manner. This means that even if someone with IBS has a typical pattern, it can change in severity, location, how it feels, and when it occurs.

    The most common locations for IBS pain to occur are:

    • Upper abdomen: when pain occurs in this location, it is often associated with bloating. It also tends to happen after a meal.
    • Middle abdomen: this abdominal pain tends to cause a cramping sensation around the umbilicus
    • Lower abdomen: when pain occurs here, it is often relieved after passing a bowel movement.

    Although these areas are typical locations, the pain can radiate into the back and the upper torso. This means that the pain can occur anywhere in the upper portion of the body, which is why IBS pain is so unpredictable.

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    I Have Chronic Abdominal Pain From Ibs What Things Can I Do On My Own To Manage My Pain

    In managing chronic IBS pain there is benefit from taking an active role, and working in partnership with a knowledgeable healthcare provider.

    Here is a Ten Step Plan of self-management things you can do to help reach your treatment goals:

  • Acceptance
  • Accept that the pain is there
  • Learn all you can about your condition and its management knowledge is therapeutic
  • Get Involved
  • Take an active role in your care
  • Develop with your provider a partnership in the care
  • Understand your providers recommendations and maintain an open dialogue
  • Set Priorities
  • Look beyond your symptoms to the things important in your life
  • Do what is important
  • Eliminate or reduce what is not important
  • Set Realistic Goals
  • Set goals within your power to accomplish
  • Break a larger goal into small manageable steps
  • Take the time to enjoy the success of reaching your goals
  • Know Your Rights with your Healthcare Provider
  • To be treated with respect
  • To ask questions and voice your opinions
  • To disagree as well as agree
  • To say no without guilt
  • Recognize and Accept Emotions
  • Mind and body are connected
  • Strong emotion affects pain
  • Relaxation
  • Stress lowers pain threshold and increases symptoms
  • Relaxation helps reclaim control over your body and reduces pain
  • Examples of relaxation options to consider :
  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Diverts attention from your symptoms
  • Increases your sense of control in life
  • Helps you feel better about yourself
  • Refocus
  • With these steps your symptoms are no longer the center of your life
  • Treatment Options For Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Functional Dyspepsia

    Instant Pain Relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    There are no cures for functional bowel disorders. Patients suffering from these gastrointestinal disorders will all experience abdominal pain and discomfort, but then have varying degrees of constipation, diarrhea, bloating and urgency. To treat effectively, its important for our teamwhich includes gastrointestinal physicians, a board-certified dietician, physical therapists, and a behavioral therapistto understand your frequency and severity of symptoms, from being a nuisance to mapping out every bathroom from home to the workplace to avoid an accident, so we can create an individualized plan thats right for you.

    Diet plus lifestyle changes, Over-the-counter or prescription medicationPhysical therapy and/or biofeedback training

    Clinical trials are an option for those who qualify. We are a key site for the development of virtually every drug to treat IBS in the last 10 years.

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    What Is All This Cramping Pain

    Your large and small intestines are lined with strong ring-like muscles. These muscles contract in such a way as to push things along. This squeezing and pushing is called peristalsis. Peristalsis has a certain rhythm to it. There are a bunch of things that can ruin the rhythm and thats when the trouble starts.

    For instance:

    One or more of the bits of bowel cramps up, clamping the tube shut, and not letting things through. This can be enormously painful ! Meanwhile the colon continues to draw water from the fecal material . You can see where thisis going.

    Next thing you know, youve got this dried out stone-like material inside that doesnt want to go anywhere!

    So How Do You Know You Have Ibs

    Doctors diagnose IBS when someone has three or more bouts of unexplained abdominal discomfort and pain for at least three months in a row with clear periods of no symptoms in between bouts. Your doctor may order a blood test, stool samples and a colonoscopy to exclude other possible diagnosis.

    If you think you have IBS or youre struggling to manage your condition, gastroenterologists can help you avoid common mistakes and find effective ways to manage your disease.

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    Ibs Headaches And Migraines

    You may complain of headache with your IBS. as headaches are more common in IBS patients than the general population.

    Some reports suggest headache is more common with patients with IBS-constipations.

    Also, Migraine is related to irritable bowel syndrome. Actually, one of the manifestations of the aura of migraine is abdominal pain.

    This means that migraine may be the cause of IBS abdominal pain.

    Why Do I Feel Bloated And Have Blood In My Stool

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    Persistent bloating along with other symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, fever, or blood in your stool might be a sign of a more serious health issue than just bloating from a bad meal. Health issues such as cancer, liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and other conditions can cause severe bloating.

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