Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Revise For Ib

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Tip : Get In The Right Mindset

Effective revision techniques – How to revise for IB & GCSE

I cannot stress the importance and difference that having the right mindset has on your performance in the IB. The worst thing you can do at the beginning of the programme is to cap your target grade or score at a certain level. You need to come into the programme with an open mind and knowing that you will have to work hard for your successes, if you do so… anything grade is attainable with this mindset.

The easiest way to keep a positive mindset is pick subjects that you actually enjoy! Even if some subjects may seem easier, getting through two years of content in a subject that you dislike or find boring will just make it more difficult for you to want to sit down and revise for it.

However, with that being said, there will definitely be subjects that you may not be as good at. In this case, you need to have the mindset that even though you may not be naturally talented in this subject, if you work hard at it and constantly use the resources around you YOU can get better at it and do well. Don’t straight away think that achieving a 6 or 7 is impossible, if you put in the effort, anything is possible!

More Ib Exam Revision Tips

There is a lot to consider when preparing for your IB exams, but the most important thing you can do is not panic. Keep focused on your goals and devise a plan to help you get there. If you need more advice on how to study effectively, avoid procrastinating, or develop your exam technique, check out the rest of the articles on our Study Skills resource page linked below. You can also pick up a copy of Tims 167 IB Secrets book in our store to help you finish your IB studies strong.

Tip : Discover What Works Best For You

There isn’t a bulletproof formula that every person can follow to be successful in the IB. Every person has a different way of revising and after two years in the course, you should know what works best for you.

Working out how you best retain information is important, do you remember things best by:

  • Reading it

  • Applying your knowledge through past papers

  • Teaching others

  • Or verbally saying the content to yourself

At the beginning of the course, try a bit of everything and by the end of first year, you should know which methods work best for different subjects. Once you discover this, your revision will be more effective and you are likely to get more things done in less time!

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The Best Study Practices For Ib English

Hopefully, this guide will be an asset to you throughout the school year for in-class quizzes as well as at the end of the year for the IB exam. Taking practice tests is also important, and you should also look at our other article for access to FREE IB English past papers to help you familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked by the IBO .

Make sure you’re reading all of the novels and poetry assigned to you in class, and take detailed notes on them. This will help you remember key themes and plot points so you don’t find yourself needing to reread a pile of books right before the exam.

Finally, keep up with the material you learn in class, and don’t fall behind. Reading several novels the week before the IB exam won’t be much help. You need to have time and let the material sink in over the course of the class, so you’re able to remember it easily on the day of the IB exam.

Ib Revision Guide: This Is The Right Way To Study For Ib Every Year

Revise Ib: Design Technology: TestPrep Workbook (Paperback)

This IB revision guide will help you prepare well for any of the IB test you will ever have to write in the diploma program.

Back in 2021, Help for Assessment conducted a small study to find out how difficult the IB program is. Our findings showed that, unlike in Advanced Placement, the IB program had a higher dropout rate because students considered subjects taught in the program to be too difficult to handle.

More often than not, the students that fail IB do so because they dont have a proper study plan, let alone a revision guideline to prepare them for the IB tests. From what we understand, the IB program isnt going to be as easy if you dont have a proper revision plan in place.

So if you want to do well and score high marks in the IB program, you must have an effective study plan that you can stick to for the next two years.

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Tip : Maximise Your Use Of Past Papers

Getting into a routine is really important not only leading up to your final exams but throughout the entire two years.

At the beginning of year 1, I suggest that you write up a timetable where you schedule in when you are going to revise the content for each subject, this can be easily done on excel. Start by writing in the days of the week and the period of time from after school until you go to sleep. Then you will want to break this time up into certain intervals .

I recommend putting in your extra-curricular commitments or exercise time first because these activities are just as important to your wellbeing and should not be neglected! Then, I like to schedule out 1-1.5 hours every day for homework or catch up. During the time when IA’s, TOK and EE all come at you, this can be substituted to work on those coursework elements.

As for the rest of the time slots, fill in the subjects you wish to study and revise for that day . When it comes closer to the exams or as you venture into year 2, this schedule can be adjusted to suit your own weaknesses and strengths. For example, if you are finding one subject particularly difficult, schedule that in a few more times throughout the week.

When you use past papers, do so effectively. This means:

Define The Scope And Context

Outline and prioritize all of the topics and subtopics for any new unit you wish to study. This provides a realistic picture of what you should study and the time required to learn. It also prevents you from allowing too much information to overwhelm you.

Determine the essential topic points you need to learn from the IB Biology Guides curriculum to ensure that you only study what is required for the tests and that your revision does not become sidetracked.

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Organize Your Revision Notes Properly

As an IB student, you must have mastered the art of taking detailed notes. But while constantly writing notes is a good habit that students should develop, your notes wont be helpful if you dont organize them properly.

Lets face it:

Many students have a tendency to write their notes carelessly. But having write ups all over the place is a way to fail IB. If your notes are all over the place, you will waste a lot of time hunting for the right material to read and never study at all.

So get your notes organized if you want to have an easy time revising for your IB.

Keep The Revision Set

IB History Revision: How to Score a 7 in History Paper 1 – Part 1

Cluttered desk, cluttered mind. There is nothing worse than a messy desktop to put anyone out of the mood to study!

In 2011, researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute published a study investigating the impact clutter has on individuals. Their study reveals that clutter and disorganisation can inhibit ones ability to remain focus and process information. Individuals whose work stations are messy are significantly less productive than those whose work stations are kept tidy and organised.

Before getting down to revise for the mocks, take time to organise the study desk. Resist the urge to push things aside. Instead, put them away into folders and drawers.

Clearing up the study space helps to set the tone, mood and right frame of mind to start studying.

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Engage With Your Teachers

Make time for one-on-one meetings with your teachers to discuss areas of difficulty or scope for academic extension. Not only will this demonstrate your passion for the subject and drive to take your learning into your own hands â which may be handy when itâs time to have references written â but it also ensures that you address any concerns as soon as they arise.

Tip : Do Your Best On Your Internal Assessment Drafts

Your internal assessment make up an important part of your final grade, where in some subjects it can be worth up to 50%! Some people may disregard the significance of these tasks and leave writing their drafts or final products to the last minute.

Personally, for a lot of subjects, one of the most difficult parts was finding the right topic to write about. Whilst it was a challenging process to find something original and appropriate to the task, take your time to pick the right topic as it can make a huge difference to quality of the final product.

Once you have chosen your topic for the IA’s, then start your research as soon as possible and gather all the relevant information and advice from your teacher. Many students underestimate the importance THE DRAFT. Your draft is the one opportunity for your teachers, who are experienced in doing these IA’s, to give you feedback. The better quality your draft is, the better feedback you will receive, as your teachers will have to be more specific on things you need to fix. Therefore, work as hard as you can to produce the draft like it is your final product!! Also, if your draft is final product quality then you will probably have less to fix as well and more time to revise for your exams 🙂

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Practice Under Exam Conditions

Once you are confident you have covered the majority of the exam topics, the next step is to apply the exam conditions that you would have if you were sitting a real mathematics exam.

Make sure you set out your workings as you would in the real exam and not take shortcuts, as these can be vital extra marks and make sure you factor in time to check your answers.

Nail Ibs Study Material

How to Revise General Studies for IB ACIO 2021?

It not about getting enough study material to pass your IB exams. It is about getting the right study material at the right time, which helps you ace your IB exams. This is one of the many things that International Baccalaureate schools miss out on. With Nail IB, you can be assured of the IB study material that you will be getting. Not only will it decode the complex concepts of your tricky subjects, but it will also be customized to meet your exact needs. This means you no longer would have to waste your time surfing the internet looking for IB resources. Instead, the best IB resources will be served to you on a silver platter. Not to mention that these resources will be checked every month, making it a priority to keep them up to date and best for your utilization.

Nail IB provides resources in the form of:

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The Best Ib English Study Guide And Notes For Sl/hl

Are you taking IB English and need some help with your studying? No need to reread all the books and poems you covered in class! This study guide is for IB English A students who are looking for additional guidance on writing their commentaries or essays.

I’ve compiled this IB English study guide using the best free materials available for this class. Use it to supplement your classwork and help you prepare for exams throughout the school year.

Overall Ib Biology Reviews

These four resources are general review resources IB Biology students can use to help them prepare for the final exam.

  • Mistakes to Avoid on the IB Biology Exam: Short video in which an IB Biology teacher explains the mistakes students typically make “from mistakes personally seen students make and from reading the examiner’s reports for the 2011 and 2012 IB Biology exams.”

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Keep The Study Sessions For The Mocks Short

Not only is focusing on any one task for hours on end extremely mentally draining but toward the end, students lose focus entirely or are not effective at all. A method students can use to cope with this is the Pomodoro Technique.

This study method involves breaking a study task into smaller, more manageable sections of study. Between each session, there is a short break. Usually, most students follow a pattern of twenty-five minutes of studying and five minutes of rest.

The short rest between each revision session briefly diverts the students brain away from the task. This mental break, according to a research study conducted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is critical for productivity. Without it, the brain becomes habituated and the stimulus stops registering it as something meaningful. This diminishes focus, performance, and productivity.

Also, planning for shorter durations of study deters students from procrastinating, encouraging them to be more efficient with their time.

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

Last Minute IB Exam STUDY TIPS : How to Study Without Cramming

The final step in our IB Exam Revision Master Plan is to use PAST PAPERS! No matter how many flashcards you memorize, study guides you make, or textbook questions you ace, there is no better way to study than to use past papers. They allow you to improve in 2 key areas: 1. How the IB tends to ask questions, 2. How you are graded on the final exam!

  • By becoming an expert at how the IB tends to ask questions, youll be able to breeze through the easy questions and give yourself more time to tackle the difficult ones. Most students lose a ton of points due to not having enough time, so familiarity with the content is one of the most important factors in guaranteeing that you wont give away marks on things that you actually knew!
  • After finishing a practice exam, you can check your own work and see how many points you would have gotten. By becoming familiar with how you are graded, you will get a better idea of what you need to include in your answers so that you dont give away silly marks. For example, take advantage of the fact that you can get method marks in math so even if your math is wrong, you can get points for attempting the correct method!
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    Continue Your Ib Economics Revision

    With your brain now fully engaged in how to prepare for your IB Economics exam, why not take the time to make note of the techniques you will use going forward? You can even bookmark this page and refer back to see if any of the advice will work for you at a later stage in your revision process. Dont forget to integrate the techniques and tools you are learning from your teacher and classmates. Trialing and testing different revision approaches will help you find the one that works best for you. Remember to refer back to our IB Economics subject page if you need more revision support.

    Tip : Plan Ahead And Make Goals

    This tip applies to everything you do in life. Ensuring that you are organised and plan ahead is great for time management and reducing stress.

    At the beginning of year 2 , things can definitely get a bit hectic with exams, IA’s, TOK/EE and any other commitments that you have outside of your studies. To effectively time manage all of these things, I would recommend that you get a planner! When year 2 started, I made it my mission to actually use my planner consistently and stay on top of everything. Our coordinator gave us an “assessment booklet” that had all of our assessments, mock exams and IA’s written out for the entire year. Once I received this, I wrote it all down in my planner so that I had a rough idea of which weeks would be super busy and hectic.

    If you have a rough idea of when major things are due like IA and EE drafts, then I would plan your revision around this and also plan when you should be starting to write up your draft so you have enough time to complete it to the best of your ability . Also, in regards to your exams, it is imperative that you leave enough time so that you can cover all of the required material beforehand. If it helps, write out a checklist and a deadline as to when you should have covered that content by!

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    Keep Calm To Carry On

    The final and most important tip we can recommend is to improve stress management skills. Exams can be a very stressful time for all of us, so do remember to keep stress and other negative emotions in check. Nothing is less productive than panicking!

    When students spend too much time studying, stress can get the better of them. It is important to take a break when necessary as during this period! Whilst grades matter, mental health is more important.

    Hanging out with friends or doing something active whenever possible works best for most students. All these activities boosts endorphins, relieving stress, and ensuring one returns to work refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to continue.

    Finally, remember that these mocks are merely a gauge of ones ability. Regardless of performance, there is always room for improvement and the chance to get better! However, if it becomes too much of a struggle, dont be afraid to get help by contacting us! All the best for the IB mock revisions!

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