Friday, July 26, 2024

What Can Severe Heartburn Be A Sign Of

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Can Exercise Be A Cause Of Heartburn

Treatments for Heartburn | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) | Gastrointestinal Society

Exercise can trigger heartburn. Sometimes thatâs due to increased pressure on the abdomen, which can increase the risk of acid reflux. In one study looking at different types of exercise, weightlifters had the most heartburn and acid reflux. Runners had milder symptoms and less reflux than weightlifters. Cyclists had the least reflux.

Things That Can Make Heartburn Worse

Many things can make heartburn worse. Heartburn is most common after overeating, when bending over or when lying down. Pregnancy, stress, and certain foods can also make heartburn worse.

Things that can make heartburn worse:

  • Cigarette smoking
  • Certain drinks, including coffee , other drinks that contain caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks
  • Citrus fruits
  • Fatty foods or spicy foods
  • Lying down too soon after eating
  • Being overweight or obese

What Does Heartburn Feel Like When Pregnant

Suffering heartburn in pregnancy is common, and is the result of a whole host of changes your body is going through. Just one of these is the increase of the hormone progesterone, which causes the lower esophageal sphincter muscle to relax, sending gastric acid up the esophagus and causing the tell-tale burning sensation.3 If you havent had heartburn before, be reassured that it is common.3 To help reduce the risk of heartburn and ease symptoms, eat small meals, avoid fatty or greasy foods, and wait at least three hours after eating before lying down.3 Always talk to your doctor about the right treatment for you before using TUMS.

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When To See A Healthcare Provider

You should see a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and for proper treatment if:

  • You have constant heartburn that won’t subside
  • Your symptoms of heartburn are becoming more severe or frequent
  • You have taken an over-the-counter PPI for the recommended two weeks and your symptoms return
  • You experience vomiting or difficulty swallowing with your heartburn
  • You have hoarseness or wheezing
  • You experience unexpected weight loss

Untreated acid disorders can lead to complications, including Barrett’s esophagus , esophageal cancer, or scarring or narrowing of the esophagus.

You should seek care immediately if you vomit blood or material that looks like coffee grounds . You should also seek care immediately if you notice blood in your stools or have black or tar-like stools .

If your vomiting is large, green, yellow, or forceful, you should seek care urgently by going to an emergency room.

What Should I Do If Ive Changed My Diet And Still Have Heartburn

Heartburn Symptoms + Natural Treatment &  Diet Plan

If you have ruled out food as a culprit for your heartburn and suspect one of these other factors, talk with your doctor about your options for treating and preventing heartburn.

Show Sources

Phil Katz, MD, president-elect, American College of Gastroenterology clinical professor of medicine, Jefferson Medical College chairman of gastroenterology, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia.

Glenn Eisen, MD, MPH, professor of medicine and director of endoscopy, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland.

Peter Galier, MD, internal medicine specialist, UCLA Medical Center and Orthopaedic Hospital, Santa Monica, Calif.

Anand, G. Reviews in Gastroenterological Disorders, Fall 2008 vol 8: pp 233-239.

Ebrahimi-Mameghani M. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, Feb. 1, 2008 vol 11: pp 443-447.

National Heartburn Alliance: “Medications That May Contribute to Heartburn.”

American Gastroenterological Association: “Heartburn.”

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Are There Any Tests For Heartburn

If it is obvious from the symptoms that a person has heartburn, no tests or exams may be necessary. Advice in regard to lifestyle modifications, diet, or medications may begin immediately.

If your health care professional is not sure about the diagnosis, or if he or she is concerned about damage done by chronic heartburn, tests may be ordered. This is true especially if the patient has already been prescribed medications that are not relieving the heartburn.

There is no simple blood test for heartburn. The tests used to diagnose heartburn include the following:

When Should I Call My Doctor About My Heartburn

Even though heartburn is common, it can sometimes lead to more serious health problems. Severe, chronic heartburn has been linked to inflammation and narrowing of the esophagus, respiratory problems, chronic cough, GERD, and Barretts esophagus, which may lead to esophageal cancer.

You should contact your doctor if:

  • Your heartburn wont go away.
  • Your heartburn symptoms become more severe or frequent.
  • Its hard or hurts to swallow.
  • Your heartburn causes you to vomit.
  • You have had substantial, unexpected weight loss.
  • You take over-the-counter antacids for more than two weeks and you still have heartburn symptoms.
  • You have heartburn symptoms even after taking prescription medicines.
  • You have serious hoarseness or wheezing.
  • Your discomfort interferes with your lifestyle or daily activities.

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How To Ease Heartburn Symptoms

Many people get relief from their heartburn symptoms by making a few easy lifestyle changes. Top of the list? “Stay away from trigger foods,” advises Dr. Agarwal. Everyone is different, but these trigger foods typically include onions, tomatoes and tomato sauces, spicy foods, citrus fruits, red wine, chocolate, peppermint, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, and high-fat foods.

Your heartburn symptoms may also ease up if you maintain a healthy weight, give up smoking, avoid eating late at night , and keep stress under control.

“If your heartburn symptoms persist, don’t write them off. While taking an over-the-counter antiacid every now and then is fine, you don’t want to rely on them for the rest of your life. You could be masking symptoms that indicate a more serious problem,” Atif Iqbal, MD, Medical Director of the Digestive Care Center at Memorial Care Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA, tells Health.

Chronic heartburn can also lead to lasting damage to your esophagus. If you experience heartburn symptoms two or more times a week, talk to your doctor you may also need to consult a gastroenterologist.

If what you think is heartburn becomes much more intense and causes shortness of breath, cold sweats, or dizziness, call 911 these could be the symptoms of a heart attack or heart issue.

Check If You Have Acid Reflux

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Signs & Symptoms (ex. Bad Teeth) | & Why They Occur

The main symptoms of acid reflux are:

  • heartburn a burning sensation in the middle of your chest
  • an unpleasant sour taste in your mouth, caused by stomach acid

You may also have:

  • a cough or hiccups that keep coming back
  • a hoarse voice

Your symptoms will probably be worse after eating, when lying down and when bending over.

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What Signs And Symptoms Are More Likely To Occur With A Heart Attack Than With Heartburn

The “textbook” heart attack involves sudden, crushing chest pain and difficulty breathing, often brought on by exertion. Many heart attacks don’t happen that way, though. The signs and symptoms of a heart attack vary greatly from person to person. Heartburn itself can accompany other symptoms of heart attack.

Typical heart attack signs and symptoms include:

  • Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back
  • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath

What Are The Complications Associated With Heartburn

Occasional heartburn isnt typically a cause for concern. However, frequent heartburn may be a symptom of GERD. This condition may require treatment with prescription medication or surgery.

If left untreated, GERD may lead to additional health problems, such as an inflammation of the esophagus, which is called esophagitis, or Barretts esophagus, according to a 2018 review . Barretts esophagus causes changes in the lining of the esophagus that can increase your risk of esophageal cancer.

Long-term heartburn can also affect your quality of life. See your doctor to determine a course of treatment if you find it difficult to carry on your daily life or are severely limited in your activities due to heartburn.

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The Symptoms Of These Two Health Problems May Overlap And Sometimes So Do The Treatments

During your regular after-dinner walk around the neighborhood, you feel a painful sensation in the center of your chest. Could it be your heartburn flaring up again, or something more serious?

Heartburn is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease , often called acid reflux. Acid from the stomach bubbles up into the esophagus, causing a painful burning just behind the breastbone. Not surprisingly, it’s often mistaken for a heart attack. In fact, of the over eight million emergency room visits for chest pain each year, severe heartburn accounts for over half the cases in which actual heart problems are ruled out.

Chest pain caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart or a heart attack is often described as a feeling of tightness, constriction, or pressure, rather than a burning sensation . But it’s not always easy to tell the difference. “Chest discomfort brought on by exercise is more likely to be a heart-related problem,” says Dr. Michelle O’Donoghue, cardiovascular specialist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. But you can also have angina that’s not related to physical activity, she notes. If you have any symptoms you’re not sure about, see a doctor. And call 911 if you feel chest tightness, have trouble breathing, break into a sweat, turn pale, or become very weak.

GERD and heart disease are both common, and many people take medications to prevent or treat both conditions.

What Is The Treatment For Heartburn

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The health care professional will recommend treating heartburn in a stepwise fashion. For mild or occasional symptoms, simple lifestyle modifications may be enough. The next step is nonprescription antacids such as Maalox, Mylanta, Tums, or Rolaids. Other treatments include acid blockers and even surgery. In most cases, one or more of these treatments provide relief from heartburn and prevent it from turning into a more serious disease.

I take nonprescription antacids for heartburn, but they don’t seem to help.

Nonprescription antacids are only part of the treatment for heartburn. They can work very well, but these antacids alone usually can’t stop heartburn. A health care professional will probably recommend that the patient make lifestyle changes in addition to other treatments.

What kind of lifestyle changes and remedies can I make to reduce heartburn?

Try any or all of the following:

Will these changes stop the heartburn?

They may. If they don’t, adding a nonprescription antacid can be helpful.

How do antacids work?

What if lifestyle changes and antacids don’t work?

If a person still has symptoms after lifestyle modifications and antacids, a health care professional probably will prescribe a stronger drug. The usual choice is one of the histamine-2 blockers, or acid blockers. These drugs block the biochemical process that creates acid in the stomach.

What are acid blockers?

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How Do Antacids Work To Treat Heartburn

Antacids reduce the amount of stomach acid, relieving your heartburn. These medications can also be used to soothe stomach upset, indigestion and other pains in your stomach. Some antacids contain simethicone, which reduces gas. Antacids that you can get without a prescription include:

  • Tums®.
  • Maalox®.
  • Gaviscon®.

Make sure you always follow the instructions on the package or talk to your doctor about the right way to use an antacid. If you use tablets, chew them well before swallowing for faster relief.

How Is Heartburn Diagnosed

Often all that a healthcare professional requires is a thorough history and physical to make the preliminary diagnosis of heartburn.

To evaluate if there is any damage and how severe your heartburn is, the doctor may suggest some of the following tests:

  • Endoscopy: A flexible scope is passed down the esophagus to examine the esophagus as well as the stomach. Biopsies can be taken if indicated. This lets the doctor see if there is any obvious damage, and also eliminates other reasons for the patient’s symptoms .
  • Upper GI series : After drinking a liquid that coats the inside of the digestive tract, X-rays are taken. These X-rays will show the outline of the digestive system.
  • Ambulatory pH testing: This test measures the acidity in the esophagus via a small tube that goes through the nose into the stomach.

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What Lifestyle Changes Relieve Heartburn

There are several ways to treat and avoid heartburn with lifestyle changes.

  • Lose weight and maintain your ideal weight. Excess weight increases the pressure on the stomach, increasing the chance of acid reflux into the esophagus.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking interferes with the proper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter.
  • Avoid foods that aggravate heartburn and replace them with healthy foods. Avoid foods that trigger heartburn . Consider keeping a food journal to alert you to foods that make your heartburn worse. Decrease the amount of food you eat.
  • Elevate the head of the bed. If you are experiencing heartburn at night, elevating the head of the bed will decrease reflux.

How Can I Prevent Heartburn

GERD Symptoms

There are many steps you can take to help prevent heartburn:

  • Avoid foods or drinks that may trigger your symptoms, such as acidic foods, high fat foods, spicy foods, chocolate, alcohol, mint, and carbonated drinks.
  • Wait at least 3 hours after eating to lie down.
  • Place blocks or books under your bed to elevate the head of your bed. This can help prevent stomach acid from traveling back up your esophagus.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes, which can put pressure on your stomach and lower esophageal sphincter.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals rather than two or three large ones to help ease the impact on your digestive system.
  • Chew sugarless gum after eating. A found chewing gum can increase saliva production, helping to neutralize stomach acid and push acid back into the stomach.
  • If you smoke, talk with your doctor about ways to quit.
  • Maintain a moderate weight.

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If I Have Heartburn Should I See My Health Care Professional

That depends. If a person has heartburn more than three times a week for at least two weeks, he or she should see a health care professional. On the other hand, if a person only has occasional bouts of heartburn, he or she may find that taking nonprescription antacids and making some simple changes in lifestyle can resolve the heartburn. If these measures do not help, then a visit to a health care professional is warranted.

If a person has any of these symptoms, with or without heartburn, call a doctor or go to a hospital emergency department right away:

  • Throwing up blood or passing blood in bowel movements
  • Severe pain, dizziness, or lightheadedness
  • Difficulty swallowing

With proper understanding of the condition and treatment, relief can be attained.

When I have chest pain, how can I tell whether it is my heart or just heartburn?

Sometimes a person can’t tell the difference. Just like chest pain from the heart, heartburn sometimes spreads from the chest to the jaw, shoulders, arms, or back. If a person has chest pain for any reason, seek medical care immediately.


What Heartburn Feels Like

You get this problem when stomach acid moves into a tube called the esophagus, which carries food from your mouth to the stomach. When that happens, you could have a burning pain in your chest. Your throat might burn, and you could have a sour taste in your mouth or a cough. You may also hear it called GERD , which is heartburn that happens often. But other conditions can have similar symptoms.

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What Causes Indigestion

Some of the causes of indigestion include

  • drinking
  • too much coffee or too many drinks containing caffeine
  • too many carbonated, or fizzy, drinks
  • eating
  • too fast or too much during a meal
  • spicy, fatty, or greasy foods
  • foods that contain a lot of acid, such as tomatoes, tomato products, and oranges
  • feeling stressed
  • Some medicines can cause indigestion, such as

    • certain antibioticsmedicines that kill bacteria

    How To Avoid Reflux

    Heartburn: Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

    There are some things you can do to keep the heartburn away.

  • Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, aspirin/anti-inflammatories and citrus , Bauman advised.
  • And if you experience heartburn at night, try giving gravity a hand. Raise the head of your bed on blocks so gravity can help keep your stomach contents down in the stomach, Bauman said.
  • Another possible remedy can be not to eat close to bedtime or late at night. When your stomach is full of food or busy digesting food, try letting it finish that work before heading to bed.
  • Some over-the-counter medications can also help.
  • See your doctor to discuss your symptoms.
  • Written by American Heart Association editorial staff and reviewed by science and medicine advisers. See our editorial policies and staff.

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    Gerd Symptoms And Risks

    There are several symptoms that could indicate the presence of GERD:

    • Aspiration, when food rises through the esophagus and returns down the trachea
    • Chronic hoarseness or cough
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Frequent heartburn
    • Live with a connective tissue disorder

    Women who are pregnant can also experience GERD during their pregnancy.

    Lifestyle choices are another risk factor in developing GERD:

    • Eating large meals late at night
    • Excessive drinking of alcohol or coffee
    • Smoking

    Many people with GERD find that certain foods trigger their GERD symptoms, such as fried, fatty or spicy foods. If acid reflux is mild and flares up only in response to specific foods, simple dietary changes may be enough to control your GERD symptoms.

    Causes Of Heartburn And Acid Reflux

    Lots of people get heartburn from time to time. There’s often no obvious reason why.

    Sometimes it’s caused or made worse by:

    • certain food and drink such as coffee, tomatoes, alcohol, chocolate and fatty or spicy foods
    • being overweight
    • some medicines, such as anti-inflammatory painkillers
    • a hiatus hernia when part of your stomach moves up into your chest

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