Friday, May 3, 2024

Is Taking A Probiotic Necessary

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What Studies Do Not Recommend Giving Probiotics With Antibiotics

Digestive Health: Should I Be Taking Probiotics? | Keri Glassman

Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and other institutions reported that the gut microbiome took longer to return to normal in those people given an 11-strain probiotic treatment for four weeks following a course of antibiotics. This was despite the probiotics effectively colonizing the gut with healthy bacteria. The trouble was the presence of the new bacteria and yeasts strains prevented the gut microbiome from returning to normal for the full six month study period.

Conversely, the gut microbiome in those given no probiotics returned to normal within three weeks of going off the antibiotics. The authors did conclude that this study just examined one type of probiotic, and a different probiotic may be helpful in patients taking different antibiotics. However, they did point out the findings of the study imply that the traditional practice of taking a probiotic after antibiotic may not be beneficial.

The Benefits Of Probiotics

Theyre especially helpful for diarrhea or constipation both of which are common for kids, especially during potty training. Probiotics may help ease some of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease as well.

Children already taking antibiotics can benefit from probiotics, too. Antibiotics can cause stomach pain, constipation or diarrhea, and probiotics can ease these side effects. But not all probiotics are effective while taking antibiotics, so talk to your childs pediatrician or pharmacist about which probiotic is best for your child.

Are There Any Storage Instructions For Probiotics

Several probiotic strains are very fragile and need to be protected from heat, oxygen, light and humidity. The probiotics might start to break down or die if they are exposed to these elements. Because of this, you may need to refrigerate your probiotics or store it in a particular place. Refrigerating certain probiotic strains ensures that theyre still viable when you go to use them and will still provide the full benefit of the probiotic. Always read the labels on any probiotic product you purchase to make sure you store it correctly and use it within the expiration date.

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For Good Health Take Probiotics Right After Your Meal

This will help the good bacteria reach the intestine by protecting them from stomach acids maintaining their efficacy.

Taking probiotics on an empty stomach when your digestive system is active is bad.

The stomach acid dilutes the enteric coating of the capsule destroying the delicate strains of bacteria. Eventually, following probiotics dosages become useless.

When you take the healthy bacteria right after eating, you create a buffering system.

This gave a better chance to the good microbes to pass through the digestive tract.

Besides protection, food in your stomach provides nourishment to the probiotics. This helps the microbes to survive, thrive, and grow.

This was a short guide on how to use probiotics in the right way. Following these tips will boost the effectiveness of good bacteria to a great extent. But, do you even need it?

Tips To Reduce And Eliminate The Negative Side Effects Of Probiotics

Taking Probiotics To Keep Your Gut Healthy

If you’re one of the few people who has experienced negative side effects while taking probiotics then use these rules to help prevent side effects.

#1. Always use High-Quality Probiotics

Remember that quality matters quite a bit when using probiotics.

Certain strains of probiotics have been studied more than others indicating that they are more helpful for certain conditions.

Creating and packaging these specific strains can be expensive.

In addition, it’s often cheaper to create supplements if you use inactive binders and fillers to “occupy space”.;

The unfortunate problem is that many people with gastrointestinal issues tend to react to these binders and fillers.

To avoid these issues you will want to purchase probiotics that do NOT contain inactive fillers, binders, wheat, gluten, dairy, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners or artificial preservatives.;

And lastly,;you will want to make sure that your probiotics are formulated with a high CFU concentration at the time of manufacturing.;

If the bottle claims to deliver 10 billion CFU per serving then it will need to be formulated with at least 20 billion CFU at the time of manufacture.

This has to do with the fact that probiotics will die over time unless they have food to help them survive.

Note that this is only true of certain species.

You can find my recommended brand of probiotics below:

For daily general health consider using a probiotic with at least 100 billion CFU per serving like this one.;

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Reason #2 To Stop Taking Probiotics: Bacteria Are Not Genetically Stable

In the first chapter of his new book, The Art of Fermentation, Katz conveys the great mystery of the evolution of bacteria on our planet and the incredible ways in which they communicate, evolve and transform all life, including human beings.;

We know more about the stars in the sky than about the soil under our feet says microbiologist Elaine Ingham.

Katz depicts bacteria as co-evolvers or even co-creationists in the dance of Life and that they are more influential to our lives and all life on the planet than we can ever realize.;;

We have not evolved separately from bacteria.; We have evolved together and sure enough we could not exist without them.

Recent research shows that bacteria freely exchange genetic material.;

This flow of genes allow bacteria to rapidly evolve and adapt to new conditions.; Its the inherent problem with the widespread use of antibiotics in both humans and livestock.; Bacteria can adapt quickly and become resistant setting the stage for new diseases and health epidemics.

Katz points out that some microbiologists believe bacteria are not truly distinct species but exist as a continuum across the planet, exchanging and utilizing genes which makes them highly adaptable to so many vastly different living conditions.; In fact, the human microbiome, that is, the totality of all the microorganisms that reside on and in human beings, contains one hundred times more genes than human beings.

Will Taking Probiotics Reduce The Bodys Natural Production

Some people have expressed concerns that if they take probiotics for prolonged periods that it would eventually inhibit their bodys ability to produce probiotics of its own. We understand why some people would get this idea. Think about testosterone as an example. Testosterone replacement therapy, after all, is known to diminish the bodys ability to produce its own testosterone; hence why you need to cycle on and off.

READ MORE:;The Top 4 Probiotics Strains For Women

Is the same true with probiotics? There is no evidence suggesting that such a thing happens when you consume probiotics from food or supplement. Heres another way of looking at it: the body produces some vitamins naturally, including vitamins D and K. Does this mean you should limit your intake of these vitamins from food? We have never heard of doctors suggesting to anyone to reduce foods naturally rich in these beneficial vitamins.

To be more precise, the human body doesnt even actually produce probiotics. Gut microflora is formed in your body as a baby. From there, the bacteria self-regulate its population by reproducing and dying. This means there is no chance of probiotic supplements hampering your bodys natural production because it doesnt create probiotics to begin with.

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May Reduce Depression And Anxiety

Perhaps youre researching probiotic supplements because youve heard that they can reduce the risk of or treat symptoms of depression and anxiety during and after pregnancy.

Unfortunately, even though its speculated that some strains of probiotics may have these effects, not all studies agree.

In a 2017 study in 380 women, taking a probiotic called Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 from weeks 1416 of pregnancy until 6 months after birth led to significantly lower depression and anxiety scores, compared with placebo (

21 ).

Interestingly, a 2021 study in 40 women who were pregnant found that taking a multi-species probiotic supplement from 2630 weeks of pregnancy until delivery had no effects on depression or anxiety symptoms .

A 2020 study also showed that probiotic treatment with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis BB12 had no effects on mental health outcomes in pregnant women .

In conclusion, theres only limited evidence that probiotics may reduce depression and anxiety during or after pregnancy.

Experiencing depression or anxiety during or after pregnancy is not uncommon, and you dont have to get through this tough time alone. Talk with a trusted healthcare professional for help and to get the right care as soon as possible.

Probiotics Help Balance The Friendly Bacteria In Your Digestive System

Top things to know before taking PROBIOTICS – The most IMPORTANT supplement!

Probiotics include good bacteria. These are live microorganisms that can provide health benefits when consumed .

These benefits are thought to result from the ability of probiotics to restore the natural balance of gut bacteria .

An imbalance means there are too many bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria. It can happen due to illness, medication such as antibiotics, poor diet and more.

Consequences can include digestive issues, allergies, mental health problems, obesity and more .

Probiotics are usually found in fermented foods or taken as supplements. Whats more, they appear to be safe for most people.

Bottom Line:

Probiotics are live microorganisms. When taken in sufficient amounts, they can help restore the natural balance of gut bacteria. As a result, health benefits may follow.

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Is It Okay To Take Probiotic Every Day

As said, you can take probiotics daily. Specifically, the recommendation goes with people having GI problems or an imbalanced gut microbiome.

Nonetheless, people with good gut health should avoid using the supplement. It wont benefit them with impressive results.

Simply the supplement boosts your bad gut with a well-functioning microbiome.

The good gut improves digestive processes and reverses GI problems.

If you dont have any health issues, taking probiotics daily isnt worth it. As it wont offer any noteworthy benefit.

As With Everything In Life Balance Is Key So I Recommend You Look For A Product With Around 10

The 2 most important groups of bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium36. So making sure you choose a product with strains from these 2 groups is crucial, eg L Acidophilus.

Importantly, look for a probiotic containing my 7 favorite strains: L Plantarum37, L Rhamnosus38, L Acidophilus39, B Bifidum40, B Longum41, B Lactis42 and B Coagulans43.

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What Are Microbes And Their Role In Our Health

Microbes are tiny organisms — so tiny that millions can fit into the eye of a needle — that are so powerful that an imbalance in the body is related to numerous diseases. These microorganisms can be found in almost every part of the human body, living on the skin, in the nose, and in the gut. There are trillions of these microorganisms in our bodies. They outnumber human cells by 10 to one, but due to their small size, they only make up 1%-3% of a body’s total mass.

The National Institute of Health is sponsoring the Human Microbiome Project , which is developing research resources to enable the study of the microbial communities that live in and on our bodies and the roles they play in human health and disease. The NIH has funded many more medical studies using HMP data and techniques, including the role of the gut microbiome in Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and esophageal cancer; skin microbiome in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and immunodeficiency; urogenital microbiome in reproductive and sexual history and circumcision; and a number of childhood disorders, including pediatric abdominal pain, intestinal inflammation, and necrotizing enterocolitis, a severe condition in premature infants in which the intestine tissue dies due to lack of oxygen.

What About Prebiotic Foods And Supplements

The Benefits of Probiotics: Using good bacteria for better ...

Importantly, make sure you consume prebiotics and probiotics in food form during the day too. These will play an important role in making sure probiotics get down to where theyre needed and can work their magic in your gut!

I talked about the probiotic-rich foods I eat above.

As for prebiotic rich foods, I try to eat garlic, leek, onion and where possible chicory root31. But more often I go to green bananas, as they are low in FODMAPs , so arguably more ideal for sensitive guts like ours32.

Green bananas in particular carry the added benefit of being a source of good resistant starch 33, which works really well to make sure the bacteria in the colon are in good health as well34.

Bananas convert more of this starch into sugar as they ripen, therefore increasing their FODMAP levels26. So, a good rule of thumb for bananas is the greener the greater!

Resistant starch is easy to find in foods and can provide great prebiotic support for your probiotics to survive and thrive! In fact, there is growing research on the interplay of resistant starch with probiotics, and your gut flora in general with RS showing to increase populations of good good bacteria, such as bifidoacteria, within the gut35.

Probably the simplest way to get prebiotics is through a low FODMAP prebiotic powder. You definitely want to ease into this though.

Dont megadose! Do the opposite.

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What You Should Eat During Antibiotic Therapy

And dont stop with supplementseating foods that are rich in probiotics and prebiotics can help your stomach stay strong. Prebiotics are the high fiber foods that your body cant digest. As they pass through your digestive tract, they feed the probiotics living there. In other words, they help the good bacteria in your gut flourish.

When youre taking antibiotics, its a good idea to eat a diet thats rich in both prebiotics and probiotics.

Try eating these prebiotic rich foods, such as:

  • Leafy bitter greens, like dandelion greens, seaweed, and spinach
  • Onions, garlic, and leeks
  • Roots, like chicory root and jicama root
  • Jerusalem artichoke

These can all help to increase beneficial bacteria like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus.;

Then, add more probiotic-rich foods to your diet, like:

  • Fermented food like raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut , tempeh, and kimchi
  • Miso
  • Yogurt , kefir, and buttermilk
  • Kombucha
  • Pickles

If you are trying to incorporate pre-and probiotic foods into your diet, be sure to double check with your doctor or pharmacist about foods and drinks that may interfere with your antibiotics.

Does Your Gut Need Probiotics After Antibiotics

If you take antibiotics, theres a good chance youll also get diarrhea.

Antibiotics kill harmful bacteria that cause disease. But they also cause collateral damage to the microbiome, the complex community of bacteria that live in our gut. This results in a profound, though usually temporary, depletion of the beneficial bacteria.

One popular strategy to mitigate the disruption is to take a probiotic supplement containing live bacteria during, or following, a course of antibiotics.

The logic is simple: beneficial bacterial in the gut are damaged by antibiotics. So why not replace them with the beneficial bacterial strains in probiotics to assist gut bacteria returning to a balanced state?

But the answer is more complicated.

There is currently some evidence that taking probiotics can prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea. This effect is relatively small, with 13 people needing to take probiotics for one episode of diarrhea to be averted.

But these studies have often neglected to evaluate potential harms of probiotic use and havent looked at their impact on the wider gut microbiome.

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Positive Side Effects Of Probiotics

People take probiotics because they want to experience some positive benefit or outcome.;

It’s important to focus on these well documented and very helpful benefits.

Realistically, if you are using high-quality probiotics the chance that you will experience negative side effects is very low.;

Below you will find a list of the most common positive side effects that are seen while taking probiotics and why you may experience them:;

Certain species of probiotics such as bifidobacterium tend to provide many of the benefits listed above.;

To get these benefits you will want to make sure that you use a high-quality probiotic that contains multiple species and strains at a high enough CFU count.

You can find more information on how to pick out the best probiotic for your body here.

Learning About The Microbiome

What’s the Best Way to Take a Probiotic?

The community of microorganisms that lives on us and in us is called the âmicrobiome,â and itâs a hot topic for research. The Human Microbiome Project, supported by the National Institutes of Health from 2007 to 2016, played a key role in this research by mapping the normal bacteria that live in and on the healthy human body. With this understanding of a normal microbiome as the basis, researchers around the world, including many supported by NIH, are now exploring the links between changes in the microbiome and various diseases. Theyâre also developing new therapeutic approaches designed to modify the microbiome to treat disease and support health.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health is among the many agencies funding research on the microbiome. Researchers supported by NCCIH are studying the interactions between components of food and microorganisms in the digestive tract. The focus is on the ways in which diet-microbiome interactions may lead to the production of substances with beneficial health effects.

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Get The Most Out Of Probiotic And How To Take Them Correctly

Probiotics can advance your digestive functions. However, you need to know when is the best time to take probiotics?

Probiotic intake at the right time can elevate your gut health to the next level.

Probiotics are good gut bacteria present in our stomach. Digestive issues can reduce their number affecting the gut microbiome.

Thus, probiotic consumption can help improve your gut microbiome. Ultimately, advancing your digestive functions and overall health.

Such health and nutritional goal can only be achieved if you know when is the best time to take a probiotic supplement.

Taking probiotics at the right time maintains a greater number of the microbes in the stomach. The more they are the more your digestion will work well.

So, lets find out whats the best time of day to take probiotics

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