Thursday, May 16, 2024

Why Do Periods Make You Bloated

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Other Signs Of Ovulation

Bloating | How To Get Rid Of Bloating | Reduce Bloating

As mentioned, some people observe other symptoms of ovulation, including:

  • Changes in vaginal discharge Discharge becomes clear, stretchy, wet, and abundant. You may spot it on your underwear or panty liner, or feel it when youre wiping after using the bathroom.
  • Changes in basal body temperature Your body temperature often rises slightly after ovulation. If youre trying to get pregnant, consider tracking it with a thermometer at the same time every morning before getting out of bed to monitor your fertility.;
  • Changes in cervical position Right now, your cervix might be softer, higher, and more open and wet than usual. Differentiating the position of your cervix during ovulation can be tricky, but its possible with a bit of practice. After that, make a habit of checking your cervix regularly to help manage your reproductive health.;
  • Mittelschmerz pain In certain cases, ovulation contributes to dull or sharp lower abdominal pain on one side, associated with mild vaginal discharge or bleeding. It can last from just a few minutes to one or two days.;

Aside from ovulation bloating and the above symptoms, the secondary signs of ovulation are as follows:

  • Light spotting
  • One-sided abdominal or pelvic pain;
  • Heightened sense of taste, vision, or smell
  • Increased sex drive

How Do Hormones Cause Constipation Or Diarrhea

Some abdominal symptoms you experience around your period arent related to your digestive system at all.

Hormones your body releases during menstruation may cause bloating, water retention and abdominal cramping. Prostaglandins, or fatty acids, cause inflammation. This bloating and cramping may feel like its in your stomach, but its actually in the uterus.

Family medicine physician;Donald Ford, MD, says a;buildup of the hormone progesterone can cause;constipation. This hormone is responsible for the growth and thickening of the uterine walls, and it peaks right before ovulation.

This promotes constipation and it tends to come around ovulation or a couple of days after, he says.

Diarrhea;can happen when prostaglandins begin to relax smooth muscle tissues as menstruation begins.

It makes sense if you think of the cycle, Dr. Ford says. Until ovulation, the uterus is preparing to accept the egg and, once it starts, the opposite happens its cleansing to get ready for the next cycle.

Dealing With Nausea During Your Period

If you find yourself feeling nauseous during your period, there are some things you can do to feel better. Sometimes, just getting some fresh air or going for a walk can help. A cool compress may also do the trick.

Make sure youre drinking plenty of water and sticking to a bland diet. Ginger may also help. Drink some ginger ale or keep some ginger-flavored candy on hand. Many people swear by drinking peppermint or chamomile tea. If none of those help, try taking an antacid.

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Causes Of Period Gas Pain

Period gas pain is caused by a buildup of gas in your gastrointestinal tract. The gas produced from the digestive process travels along with the food as it is digested. Since your digestive system has slowed down, the food you eat doesnt travel; as fast as it usually does through your system.

Gas is also the result of swallowing air from eating and drinking.

If you tend to eat or drink more during your period, you might be swallowing more air. This, combined with gas from digesting, can cause pain if too air much accumulates.

Can Uterine Fibroids Cause Weight Gain And Bloating

Why Does Your Period Make YOU Bloated, What To Do About It ...

If your clothes are fitting a little tighter, youre struggling to tone your tummy and youve put on a few pounds recently, you might not think that its due to uterine fibroids. Well unfortunately although its not a well-known symptom fibroids can indeed cause weight gain, especially around the stomach area. So if you havent changed your diet and you know for sure that youre not pregnant, fibroids might just be the cause of your bloating.

Understanding exactly what fibroids are, determining whether theyre behind your weight gain and how to treat them is an important step to getting relief from your symptoms so lets take a closer look

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Can You Get Rid Of Fibroids

If its determined that your weight gain is due to fibroids, the good news is that there are a range of treatment options. Around;20-50% of women;have symptoms, so if fibroids arent causing too much bother right now, it may be suggested to wait and see if they worsen before any treatment is carried out.

If treatment is necessary, possible options include medication to regulate the hormones, a hysterectomy or a non-surgical procedure called uterine fibroid embolization . Here at MINT, we carry out this minimally invasive, low-trauma treatment that shrinks the size of fibroids and eliminates any symptoms such as bloating and weight gain, while still keeping the uterus intact.

Aside from treatment, while you may not be able to control or prevent the growth of fibroids, eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly is really important for your overall health and could also help you to lose any extra weight gained because of fibroids.

If youre experiencing unexpected weight gain and frequent bloating despite eating a healthy diet and following a good exercise routine, it could be time to point the finger at uterine fibroids. Contact MINT today on 314 255 2204 ;to learn more about how our UFE procedure can help.

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Make Sure To Exercise

Exercise is shown to help with all PMS symptoms, and bloating is no exception. Working out gets your digestive system going and increases your blood circulation â both of which can help your bloating symptoms. One word of caution though: extreme workouts that cause inflammation can make bloating worse, so take it a bit easier the week before your period and save that spin class for later.

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The Actual Cause Of Feeling Bloated Is The Digestive System And Not Your Reproductive System

According to Dr Penelope Law, a consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist at the private Portland Hospital, the uterus contracts in a very subtle manner every day. As you get closer to your period, these mild contractions, which usually happen at the upper end of your uterus, gradually move down to the cervix with an increased frequency of about every 40 minutes. This becomes more intense by the time you get to your period and can be responsible for the pains some women experience during their period. Although period bloating is linked to these contractions, Dr Law explains that the actual cause of feeling bloated is the digestive system and not your reproductive system.;

During your period, the bowel becomes slow as the increased contractions of the uterus slow down the speed of food through the bowel . This process creates the swollen feeling many women experience during their periods and this can also be linked to constipation during menstruation.

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Warning Signs And Symptoms

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Weight loss;is one of the main warning signs for serious bloating. If you find yourself losing more than a few pounds without changing your diet or starting a new exercise regimen, that should be cause for concern, especially if its 10 percent or more of your body weight. Weight loss can be caused by tumors that press on the intestines, making you feel full after just a small amount of food, or from substances secreted by tumors that suppress your appetite.

Ascites;is an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen or pelvis. It can cause bloating, weight gain, and a rapidly expanding waistline. Ascites is usually caused by liver disease, but cancer is the culprit about 10 percent of the time. A large amount of fluid can make you look and feel like youre several months pregnant. The combination of bloating and jaundice, which turns the eyes and skin yellow, can be a sign of cancer thats spread to the liver, although it can also occur with more benign forms of liver disease like hepatitis.

Blood in your stool, vaginal bleeding;in between periods, or postmenopausal vaginal bleeding can all be associated with serious bloating. Fortunately, the most common causes of these symptoms arent the most serious, but bleeding should always be evaluated because it can be a sign of cancer, particularly colon or uterine cancer.

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Ovulation Bloating And Weight Gain

Bloating during ovulation frequently leads to mild weight gain because of hormone-based water retention and fuller breasts. Occasionally, this accumulation of fluids may be noticeable around the time of ovulation, not just during it.;

Major food cravings could also rear their ugly head. High-sodium, processed foods like potato chips, french fries, and cheesy snacks seem especially irresistible at this point. But consuming excess amounts of sodium will only aggravate water retention, ovulation bloating, and weight gain.;

Causes Of Menstrual And Pms Bloating:

Bloating during a womans menstrual cycle is a fairly common occurrence, but why and when does it happen? When does bloating go away after period?

There are multiple stages in a womans cycle and they are:

  • Pre Menstrual Disorder last for 2-3 weeks and can have some bloating involved.
  • Stage 1 Follicular estrogen levels skyrocket as the uterine lining thickens and bloating is stronger as ovulation occurs in the stage.
  • Stage 2 Luteal there is not at much in this stage as progesterone is produced in higher quantities
  • Period Bleeding shedding of the excess fluid along with blood and tissue as the bloat is relieved in this stage
  • Post Menstrual
  • Menopausal Bloating bloat can return due to hormonal fluctuations
  • Bloating normally occurs in the pre menstrual or pms stage, follicular and period stages. What is called period bloating is actually fluid retention and results in a feeling of being overly full or being swollen around the waist area. It is quite often very uncomfortable, annoying and bothersome.

    It is not the same as menstrual cramping nor is it responsible for other menstrual symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, back pain, or headaches. Bloating is not a serious condition but rather a very irritating one that every woman wants to stop having. Bloating most often occurs during the pre-menstrual stage as a symptom of Pre Menstrual Syndrome.

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    Is It Possible To Avoid Any Weight Gain During Your Cycle

    Its important to note that weight gain and bloating from hormonal fluctuations cannot always be avoided. Natural body mass and weight changes are part of life, but they can be minimized with the above tips and methods. Also, if prevention is no longer your main concern because you’re already bloated, our experts recommend eating these seven foods to soothe the digestive issues and minimize symptoms.

    Causes Of Pms Weight Gain


    According to the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Womens Health, up to 90 percent of women report having premenstrual symptoms of bloating, headaches, and moodiness. Weight gain before your period is also referred to as PMS weight gain. This weight gain is related to hormonal changes that occur in the luteal phase, which is the phase just before you get your period.

    The luteal phase is the second phase of your menstrual cycle. It begins right after ovulation and ends when your period starts.

    Researchers arent entirely sure what causes the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome . Some of the most popular explanations include:

    • Cyclic changes in your sex hormones;
    • Pituitary hormone fluctuations;
    • Cyclic changes of certain brain chemicals, including neurotransmitters like serotonin

    The most common symptoms of PMS are mood swings, bloating, fatigue, hot flashes, and headaches.

    These behavioral and physical symptoms can be mild to quite severe and can interfere with everyday life.

    Some people who experience weight gain before their period also report that their breasts get slightly larger and more tender. Some experience constipation, while others crave certain foods. These cravings are often for sweet, salty, or high-fat foods, but unfortunately, these types of unhealthy foods can actually make your PMS symptoms worse.

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    How To Manage Weight Gain Before Your Period

    Have you ever had cravings for certain types of food just before your period? Although you may be craving comfort foods, some unhealthy options can lead to period weight gain. Try to cut back or avoid these less-healthy options before and during your period:

    • Salty foods;
    • Alcohol
    • Fatty foods

    Two things that might be able to help with PMS symptoms are exercising and drinking more water. It might seem counterintuitive, but increased water intake is one of the best things you can do to avoid feeling bloated and reduce the likelihood of weight gain before your period.

    What Causes Fatigue During Period


    Like many bodily operations, menstrual fatigue can partly be attributed to hormonal fluctuations.

    Your estrogen levels rise before ovulation to support a potential embryo, and then drop when fertilization doesnt occur. Since estrogen can make you feel energetic and alert, this sudden change can leave you feeling tired and weary.;

    In the case of estrogen dominance, estrogen levels in the body outweigh progesterone. Progesterone is necessary for regulating your period, and keeping symptoms of high estrogen in check. When this delicate hormonal balance is off, you may feel extra fatigued.;

    Period Ouchies

    Pain is exhausting, theres no doubt about that. If you get period cramps, whether mild to severe, they can leave you feeling extra fatigued.

    You can try these natural remedies for period cramps, or reach for ibuprofen if that works for your body.;

    Underlying Conditions

    For people with conditions like endometriosis or PCOS, menstrual symptoms can be that much more intense. Along with potentially irregular periods, intense cramps, and heavy flows, people with reproductive health disorders may experience extreme menstrual fatigue.;

    Other conditions that could cause menstrual fatigue include thyroid disorders. The thyroid is a tiny gland that helps regulate normal bodily processes, like your metabolism, as well as hormone function.;

    Symptoms from thyroid disorders can be exacerbated during menstruation.;

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    Why Do You Gain Weight During Your Period

    Like a lot of health issues, the exact causes of PMS weight gain and bloating aren’t that clear, and very often, they vary from person to person. We do know that hormonal changes around the end of the cycle can lead to bloating by way of water retention, explains Anna Druet, a research scientist at the period and ovulation tracking app Clue. Other women may experience gas retention and constipation, as progesterone can affect the speed of digestion. Some women also experience diarrhea, which is caused by the same hormone-like lipids that make the uterus cramp during menstruation, she explains. Each of these GI issues can result in bloating and, thankfully temporary, weight gain.

    When extra water builds up and is then held by the body, it’s referred to as water weight. And according to Alisa Vitti, a functional nutritionist, womens hormone expert, and author of WomanCode, there are three main causes of fluid retention during the menstrual cycle.

    Things To Do To Ease Period Bloating

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    Drink lots of water

    As above, drinking enough water is key here. On the days leading up to your period, make sure youre increasing your water intake, advises Dr Chichi. Drinking lots of water while youre bloated may seem a bit odd, but actually, it will help get your digestive system moving and prevent wind and constipation, it will also help to flush out any excess water and sodium, and reduce swelling. Sounds easy enough, right?

    Increase your physical activity

    Again, probably not something thatd spring to mind, but this is also key. Dr Chichi explains that exercise can help with all symptoms of premenstrual syndrome , but particularly any pains, cramps, or discomfort around your digestive system. Dont underestimate how effective exercise can be for bloating, he shares. It helps to expel gas and get your digestion working normally.

    Visit a GP

    If lifestyle changes arent working for you, Dr Chichi points out that there is the option of the contraceptive pill. The pill can reduce PMS symptoms, such as period bloating, but its about finding one that suits you and it may not work for everyone.

    Do note here: some women find that bloating is a side effect of the pill, however, for other women it can help. If at all interested, its worth booking an appointment with your GP for some expert advice.

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    Why Does Bloating Happen

    PMS bloating occurs due to the natural fluctuations in female hormones during your cycle. There are two main;hormones that influence your cycle, estrogen and progesterone. These hormones can cause bloating as they have an effect the bodys fluid regulation mechanisms. Estrogen tends to increase fluid retention. This is because estrogen causes sodium and fluid retention within the cells.

    There are four main subsets of PMS: PMS-A , PMS-D , PMS-H , PMS-C . Bloating is a common symptom of PMS Hyperhydration. Other symptoms of this subset include: breast tenderness, water retention, swelling of extremities, and weight gain.

    How Do You Stop Bloating Before Your Period

    To help limit bloating before your period, you can try the following:

    • Avoid salty foods.
    • Eat potassium-rich foods.
    • Try natural diuretics .
    • Avoid refined carbohydrates. They can cause an increase in blood sugar levels, which further raises insulin levels and causes the kidneys to retain more sodium.;
    • Exercise regularly.

    Your health care provider can provide further advice on other possible remedies for water retention, such as diuretics.

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