Friday, May 3, 2024

Which Probiotics Help With Constipation

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Use Of Probiotics For Antibiotic

Can Probiotics Help With Constipation?

Bacterial infections will often warrant the use of antibiotics as a form of treatment. However, the downside of antibiotics is that even though they may kill the bad bacteria causing the infection, it doesnt discriminate. Meaning antibiotics will also kill a number of good bacteria and thereby disrupt the bacterial balance in the gut. This can lead to antibiotic-associated diarrhea which is the passing of loose, watery stools multiple times a day after the use of antibiotics. A meta-analysis published in 2016 looking at whether probiotics reduce the risk of AAD found favourable effects of probiotics in adults, but not the elderly. These results were found regardless of the intended use of the antibiotic prescription. The studies included in the analysis used different strains and doses of probiotics. That being said, among the different strains of probiotics evaluated, L. casei, L. acidophilus and S. boulardii more frequently showed favourable effects on AAD.

Another systematic review and meta-analysis published in 2010 found that S. boulardii was significantly protective for AAD and therefore recommended its use.

Example: Florastor® CFU/Dose: 5B/sachet or capsule, Dose/day: 1-2 sachets or capsules approved by Health Canada

Free Of Artificial And Harmful Ingredients

Avoid any supplement that contains harmful ingredients like preservatives, binders, chemicals, fillers, artificial colors, flavors and blenders. Prefer supplements that have naturally extracted probiotics. If you are allergic to some ingredients then make sure the product you choose doesnt contain any of them.

Which Probiotics Work For Constipation

There are several types of probiotics, and some work better for constipation than others. But what works for you also depends on your unique microbiome and underlying root issues.

A meta-analysis of 15 clinical trials showed multi-species probiotics to be more effective in treating constipation than single-species probiotics for improving stool consistency, reducing bloating, and speeding up stool frequency . Irritable bowel syndrome patients have had similar success with treating symptoms using multi-species probiotics versus single-species formulas .

Our clinical experience backs up this research as well. Many people need more than one category of probiotic to restore balance in their gut environment. Patients who have tried only one type of probiotic in the past and didnt see any change in their symptoms often report improvements once they begin a multiple category approach. This is why I recommend comprehensive probiotic therapy using the three types of probiotics.

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Stonehenge Health Dynamic Biotics

These probiotics include 16 strains, substrains, prebiotics, and over 50 billion CFUs.

The product is vegan and does not contain genetically modified organisms , soy, gluten, or artificial ingredients. Also, it comes with a 90-day money back guarantee.

However, it is frequently out of stock.

This product costs $49.95 for a 1-month supply, $43.99 per bottle for a 3-month supply, and $37.99 per bottle for a 6-month supply.

Probiotics In Cic Treatment

Probiotics for Constipation

Because FGIDs are associated with improper signalling within the GBA, the microbiome may provide a guide towards therapies to counteract or relieve constipation. Probiotics contain live microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit to the host . Probiotics have been used successfully in patients with various FGIDs, and some recommendations concerning use of probiotics in clinical practice are already available . However, their use in constipated individuals is still controversial. The effects of probiotics are modest and depend on the strain and the available meta-analyses cover data from interventions with both single-strain or multi-strain probiotic formulations.

In addition, probiotic dose and timing of administration vary among reported clinical trials. In particular, the number of bacteria colony-forming units in the probiotic formulations were neither assessed nor confirmed in most clinical interventions conducted. Medical practitioners often recommend probiotics by rebound to patients demands and/or on the basis of available internet recommendations.

To assess the efficacy of probiotics in constipation, we analysed the results of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in this field. We also compared the results of meta-analyses with available guidelines and recommendations published so far.

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Potential Mechanisms Of Action Of Probiotics In Constipation

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. There are several mechanisms of action of probiotics relevant to constipation, including modulation of the gut microbiota and fermentation, nervous system and immune system, as shown in Fig. 1.

Several studies have demonstrated differences in the gut microbiota composition between people with and without constipation, with a decreased concentration of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as increased numbers of Bacteroidetes, identified in people with constipation. Faecal microbiota composition has been shown to correlate with colonic transit time, while the colonic mucosal microbiota composition correlates with constipation status. Although the impact of probiotics on the microbiota in constipation is not well understood, a small number of trials have demonstrated significant changes in gut microbiota composition following probiotic supplementation. For example, supplementation of Bifidobacterium lactis GCL2505 or Lactobacillus casei Shirota increased the concentration of bifidobacteria, however B. lactis NCC2818 and VSL#3, a multi-strain probiotic, had no impact on gut microbiota composition. These results suggest that administration of probiotics may impact on certain microbiota components, but it is yet to be determined what impact this change has on constipation, and whether effects are mediated through microbiota modification or other mechanisms.

Use Of Probiotics For Anxiety

Research has shown that there exists an important relationship between our gut and our brain aka the gut-brain axis. New and exciting research has begun to take a deep look at this relationship, with some studies showing that probiotics may play an important role in not only supporting a healthy gut but a healthy brain, as well. For example, a 2017 meta-analysis looking at the efficacy of probiotics on anxiety found that probiotics significantly decreased anxiety compared to controls. More specifically, a 2011 study included in the analysis found that L. helveticus and B. longum taken in combination displayed anxiety reducing activity in rats and beneficial psychological effects in healthy human volunteers. However, the meta-analysis concluded that more studies are needed to assess the specific probiotic strains, doses, and treatment periods most beneficial for anxiety. Therefore, the analysis did not recommend specific bacterial strains.

That being said, another meta-analysis published one year later, in 2018, found that the evidence of probiotics in treating anxiety is insufficient. This analysis showed no significant difference between probiotics and the placebo in alleviating anxiety symptoms. The paper concluded that more reliable evidence from clinical trials is needed before a case can be made for promoting the use of probiotics for anxiety treatment.

Example:Probiotics SticksCFU/Dose: 3B/stick, Dose/day: 1 stick approved by Health Canada

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Lovebug Heres The Skinny Probiotics

LoveBug supplements, especially their probiotic formulas are known as power house of high quality solutions for promoting proper health. As per a clinical study, the supplements presented by LoveBug have shown 15 times more efficacy than other supplements in the same price range.

The formula of this supplement is developed by carefully selecting 8 probiotic strains which include L. fermentum, L. plantarum, L. acidophilus, B. bifidum, B. Lactis, L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus GG, and L. gasseri. All these strains are known to improve digestive health and improve bowel frequency.

This company uses BIO-tract delivery technology which ensures optimal number of healthy live strains reach the intestines without getting damaged by stomach acid. This technology works by creating a protective barrier around the tablet when it enters the gastric fluids. This layer acts as shield and avoids the acids to damage the strains. Later, when they reach the intestines, the layer automatically sheds to let the live cultures colonize.

Each serving includes 10 billion CFUs which will be delivered to the intestines. As these supplements have time-release technology, you can avail the benefits throughout the day. Heres the Skinny supplement also contains prebiotics, a natural fiber. They help the probiotic strains to re-colonize the intestines very quickly.

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Other Treatments For Constipation

How do probiotics help with constipation?

To get the most from probiotics for constipation, you should also combine this with the use of other positive behaviors and remedies. Drinking plenty of water is the most important thing you can do here as very often constipation is actually caused by dehydration. At the same time, consider upping your intake of fiber which will pass through our digestive system and encourage movement. As mentioned, eating prunes is a particularly good way to get more soluble and insoluble fiber and to benefit from a range of other active ingredients too.

You can also try to encourage healthy bowel movements by drinking caffeine. Caffeine is a natural laxative and if you consume a few cups of coffee, you might well find that things start to move down there. Do make sure to add even more water in this case however, as caffeine is also diuretic and can leave you even more dehydrated.

Finally, try to stay relaxed and to take some time out. Stress causes us to contract our muscles, even those in the intestines. Try taking a warm bath and maybe some valerian root. This will relax the muscle tissue while the warmth and the water might help to stimulate a little movement.

If none of this works however, then be sure to see your doctor and rule out any more serious causes.

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Constipation Is A Growing Epidemic

More people like you are unable to poop regularly.

According to the American Gastroenterological Association, 16% of Americans suffer from chronic constipation. That figure rises to 33% in people over the age of 60.

Futhermore, since 1997 hospital admissions related to constipation has more than doubled.

And like most suffers you’ve tried everything from prune juice, mineral oil, Metamucil, and laxatives such as Laculose and Miralax.

In fact, the total sales for over the counter laxatives in the US came to a whopping $1.43 billion.

Someone is a making a lot of money but the growing constipation problem is not going away.

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Treating Constipation In Adults

In an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a Harvard University team compiled results of several small studies and came to the conclusion that on average, probiotics slowed gut transit time by 12.4 hours, increased the number of weekly bowel movements by 1.3, and helped soften stools, making them easier to pass. Probiotics that contained Bifidobacterium appeared to be the most effective. In short, the analysis of these particular studies found that probiotics do have a positive effect on the symptoms of constipation.

The Time It Takes For Probiotics To Work On Constipation Phillips Colon Health

It can often be difficult to know how long its going to take for probiotics to work if you are constipated. It can depend on you as an individual and how you respond to the supplements.

It can also depend on what is causing your constipation. In most cases, it can take between four weeks and 3 months for the effects to truly kick in.

Most research does not tell you an accurate answer, but the vast majority of people say that they feel better within a couple of hours or days after they first start taking a great quality supplement.

There are also other things that you can do to help balance your gut microbiome to support the supplements, though this depends on why you are actually having the digestive issues to begin with.

For people that struggle with irritable bowel syndrome constipation, eating more fiber can be a very effective way to increase the frequency of your bowel movements. It will help to make your probiotic more effective and can put your digestion back in balance.

You can also increase the amount of physical activity that you have each week as this can help to keep your bowels effectively moving.

You are likely to experience fewer symptoms of constipation if youre active. This may not be possible for everyone though.

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How Common Is Constipation With Probiotics

Constipation with probiotics is very unlikely but it does happen.

Its ironic, given that probiotics are mainly used to health with constipation, but in some cases it may actually cause it.

Constipation from probiotics is not typical. If you are experiencing constipation while taking probiotics, chances are there is not enough water of fiber in your diet.

One solution may be to increase your levels of fiber when you are consuming your probiotic. Another is to add on or switch to taking prebiotic fibers. This can both help to promote your overall levelsl of bacteria in your gut and improve your overall levels of fiber which can help your digestive health.

Can Probiotics Help With Chronic Constipation

Occasional irregularity is one thing, but chronic constipation can significantly impact quality of life. In fact, its the most common digestive complaint in the U.S. and accounts for 92,000 hospitalizations annually.

Factors that often lead to chronic constipation include:

  • Presence of underlying health problems
  • Some medications like opioids or certain cancer treatments

The causes of whats known as functional gastrointestinal and bowel disorders are complicated, multifactorial, and not yet completely understood. Even still, researchers believe probiotics can play a role in improving the quality of life for those who experience issues.

Lots of research focuses on the role probiotics can play to ease constipation. The problem is that since probiotic supplements are designed differently, the results on a larger scale are hard to interpret.

Nevertheless, a recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found 14 of best-designed studies on probiotics and chronic constipation, and concluded that they do in fact produce quantifiable results.

Specifically, the analysis determined probiotic supplements increased gut transit timethe time it takes for food to move through the digestive systemby about 12 hours, and study participants had 1.3 times more bowel movements per week on average. Bloating was reduced, and stool consistency improved.

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Do Probiotics Help You Poop

Yes. Probiotics can help you poop regularly and feel good again, regain your appetite and energy, and say goodbye to stomach discomfort and pain. They can also help with weight loss and foul-smelling stools that can be not only embarrassing for you and others but also symptoms of digestive issues and problems with your gut health.

We have done extensive research on the topic, so you dont have to. Read on to understand better what probiotics are, how they can aid digestion, constipation, gut health, and motility, and check out our findings of some of the probiotics currently on the market.

Scientific Studies That Provide The Efficacy Of Probiotics

What is the Best Probiotic for Constipation?

According to the study published in Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in a clinical trial, people with constipation were asked to take probiotics or placebo for certain period of time. After pooling out the results, it was found that people who took probiotics slowed down the gut transit time and increased the number of bowel movements.

As per Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, a study was published which investigated the characteristics of gut microbiota in patients with constipation. After the trial, the results have shown a consistent relief in stool consistency, abdominal bloating and bowel frequency.

Another clinical trial conducted by Dr. Mark Benninga from Univerity of Amsterdam included a group of 20 pregnant people with constipation symptoms. They were given probiotic supplement for 4 weeks. As per the results after 4 weeks, number of bowel movements per week was increased to 6 from 3.

As per the study published in Nutritional Journal, a group of 20 children aging 4 16 were experiencing constipation. They were supplemented with probiotics on a daily basis for 4 weeks. In the results, it was observed that, the bowel frequency has increased after taking probiotics.

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What Is The Best Probiotic For Ibs

Before you rush out to buy a daily probiotic, theres a few things you need to consider. The first is that there are different types of IBS, and so there are different probiotics suitable for the different types. So, it pays to do your research into IBS and probiotics first.

Finding the best probiotic brands for IBS depends on your IBS type, your symptoms, and your microbiome. When it comes to probiotics and IBS, there is often a trial and error process involved to find which bacterial species and their strains work best for you.

If you want to know more about the composition of your own gut microbiome, an Atlas Microbiome Test can give you unique insight into your gut bacteria and how they influence your health.

Other Problems Aside From Constipation That Are Linked To Probiotics

Other issues that you may experience from using probiotics include issues such as gas and bloating.

This is a common one when youre taking probiotics for the first time.

The main reason for this happening is that your body is not used to an increased amount of probiotic activity in your gut. Your digestive system is not breaking down the food your absorbing completely with the end result being increased amounts of gas in your system.

Usually, these effects disappear after the first few days after your body adjusts to it all however, if you want to speed up the process, reducing your daily intake of probiotics can reduce the effects until you adjust.

Other solutions include taking probiotics on an empty stomach before bed, or taking digestive enzyme supplements to help with the breakdown of food.

Diarrhea is another problem. This again can come from increased probiotic activity in your gut. Usually, the solve for this is to stay hydrated and to give it time for your body to adjust. If diarrhea persists for over two weeks you should cease taking the probiotics in question immediately.

Probiotics can also cause headaches. This is mainly because probiotics contain large amounts of amines. Some people who are sensitive to amines may get stimulated central nervous systems which can lead to headaches.

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