Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What Foods Are Good For Constipation

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Natural Foods To Treat Constipation

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The most common solution for constipation is to add more plant-based fiber to the diet:

1. Prunes: Prunes are perhaps the most common food to eat when constipated. They have a natural laxative effect and they help make the stool softer. In a 2011 study published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, researchers discovered that prunes are more effective than psyllium husk in treating mild to moderate constipation. The study observed 40 people with constipation over an eight-week period.

2. Ground flaxseed: Flaxseeds have a high concentrated source of fiber. A study published in 2011 found that women received constipation relief when ground flaxseed was added to their diets. It is best to grind flaxseeds in a coffee grinder for optimal freshness. One to two tablespoons daily of ground flaxseed is a great addition to smoothies for those prone to constipation. Ground flaxseed also helps increase the frequency of bowel movements.

3. Chia seeds: Chia seeds are also high in fiber, and they can help reduce constipation symptoms however, it all depends on how you consume chia seeds. It is best to pre-soak chia seeds for about 15 minutes. For best results, combine one to two tablespoons of chia seeds with an eight to 12 oz. glass of water daily.

Overall, it is best to consume a whole foods diet that contains nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. Other foods that help relieve constipation include blueberries, kiwi fruit, hemp seeds, and almonds.

What Is Constipation In Toddlers

As I mentioned earlier, constipation in toddlers is defined as less than two bowel movements per week. Moreover, if you notice your little one having hard, lumpy stools that are difficult to pass, it could be a sign of constipation.

Its important to note that toddlers are experiencing a lot of physical and emotional changes . This also goes for their digestive tract. As kids get older, their bowel habits change.

With that being said, an estimated 1 in 20 children visits the doctor each year because of constipation. Its more common than we think, but this doesnt make it any less scary for us as parents.

Are Probiotics Enough For Optimal Gut Health

Probiotics are only part of the equation, which is one of the reasons I like Seed so much. Theyre actually synbiotics, which means they contain both pro- and prebiotics. We havent talked about prebiotics much yet, but when I interviewed Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, one of the most influential gut health doctors in the UK, he said research shows that prebiotics are as important if not more so important than probiotics to great gut health.

The concept is simple: probiotics contain the actual microbes that will populate your gut, but prebiotics are the food that the microbes need to eat to thrive.

So, if you only have probiotics and no prebiotics, those microbiota are basically starving and wont be able to actually help you, which is one of the biggest reasons people dont see the effects theyre looking for when they take probiotics. This is one of the MANY reasons that I advocate for including so many colorful veggies in your diet , and its why I created the Green Smoothie Society, so you can find all of my green smoothie recipes in one place.

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Eat More Fiber Especially Soluble Non

To treat constipation, doctors often tell people to increase their dietary fiber intake.

This is because increasing fiber intake increases the bulk and consistency of bowel movements, making them easier to pass. It also helps them pass through the digestive system more quickly 01386-6/fulltext” rel=”nofollow”> 14).

In fact, one 2016 review found that 77% of people with chronic constipation benefited from supplementing with fiber .

However, some studies have found that increasing fiber intake can actually make the problem worse. Others report that dietary fiber improves stool frequency but may not help with other symptoms of constipation, such as stool consistency, pain, bloating, and gas .

This is because different types of dietary fiber have different effects on digestion.

There are many different dietary fibers, but in general, they fall into two categories: insoluble fibers and soluble fibers.

Insoluble fibers â present in wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains â add bulk to stools and may help them pass more quickly and easily through the digestive system.

Soluble fibers â present in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and peas, as well as some fruits and vegetables â absorb water and form a gel-like paste, which softens the stools and improves its consistency.

Non-fermentable soluble fibers, such as psyllium, are the best choice for treating constipation (

26 ).

Bottom line: Exercise may reduce the symptoms of constipation in some people.

, 49).

Constipation: Foods To Eat Foods To Avoid Faqs

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Reviewed by John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP

Q:You are constipated if you don’t have a bowel movement every day. True or false?

A:False. It’s not true you need to have a bowel movement every day, and missing one bowel movement does not mean you are constipated.Everyone’s body is different some people may have three bowel movements each day, while others may have only three per week.Constipation is usually defined as fewer than three bowel movements a week, or your stools are hard, dry, and small, and evacuation is painful or difficult. Fortunately, constipation is not generally a dangerous condition and it doesn’t last a long time.

Q:Adding fiber to your diet can help prevent and relieve constipation. True or False?

Q:If you’re constipated, should you eat white rice or avoid it?

A:Avoid it!White rice is rice with the husk, germ, and bran stripped away. Basically, all the fiber and nutrients have been removed. However, brown rice is different. Because it has the husk, bran, and germ intact it can help relieve constipation. Try mixing brown rice with white rice at first to get used to it.

Q:You’re constipated, and your friend offers you a kiwi. Eat it or avoid it?

Q:What about chocolate? Eat it or avoid it?

Q:Your child is constipated and is asking for popcorn. Should she eat it or avoid it?

Q:When you’re constipated, should you eat cheese or avoid it?

Q:Sweet potatoes: Eat them or avoid them?

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Whole Wheat Bread Cereals And Pasta

Whole wheat products are an excellent source of insoluble fiber. To get the most nutrients from whole wheat products, a person should eat them raw or lightly cooked.

Wheat bran

Wheat bran is the hard outer layer of the wheat kernel. It is rich in insoluble fiber.

A 2017 study investigated the effectiveness of wheat bran as a treatment for constipation in infants and older children. Researchers assessed 51 children for seven months.

Over this period, researchers associated increases in bran intake with significant improvements in bowel habits. At the end of the study, 86% of children had improved bowel habits.

Whole Grain Bread For Constipation Relief

Whole grains have lots of fiber, which is a good choice not only for the bowels, but also the heart.

  • Researchers at the University of Finland in Helsinki found whole grain rye bread to be better than wheat bread and laxatives for relieving constipation. They reported their findings in the Journal of Nutrition in 2010. Their subjects ate enough slices to get 30 grams of fiber a day, but you don’t have to eat that much for it to work.
  • Arabinoxylan, the main component of dietary fiber in rye, helps keep food moving through the intestine.
  • Ezekiel bread is another good choice for relief of constipation. It is bread made of sprouted whole grains and legumes, which provides a good dose of fiber and nutrients.

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Dried Fruit For Constipation Relief

  • Dried fruit is a smart choice if you’re feeling constipated, as it actually contains more fiber than fresh fruit per serving.
  • An easy snack is raisins, with 7 g fiber per cup .
  • Aside from prunes, dried fruits such as figs, raisins, and dried apricots are excellent sources of fiber.
  • Add dried fruit to cereal, or bake it into bran muffins. Soak it in water to soften it if it’s hard to chew.

Just remember that while dried fruit has more fiber than fresh fruit, it also has more calories.

How Much Fibre Do You Need To Eat Daily

Foods that Fight Constipation

The recommended fibre intake for women ages 31 to 50 is 25g, while men in the same age range should aim to eat at least 38g of fibre daily. As you age, your fibre requirement decreases. Women aged 51+ need only 21g of fibre every day, while men need 30g.

Increasing your fibre intake must be done gradually to minimise your risk for digestive problems such as bloating and excessive gas. You also need to drink around 2 litres of water per day to help the increased amount of fibre flow through your intestinal tract smoothly.

Now that you know how much fibre you need to consume every day, lets take a look at these top 10 foods that are good for constipation.

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Foods To Avoid When Constipated

High-fat foods those rich in oil, butter and grease can contribute to constipation.

If you are chronically constipated, overeating fried food, processed meats, commercially baked goods and other high-fat items may be responsible. Slattery cites cheese as a particular constipation culprit.

Really high-fat foods slow down digestion, she says. Fats are tricky to digest, and take a long time for the body to break down. Also, most high-fat foods are low in fiber and delay motility.

Medical Causes Of Constipation

Constipation is sometimes symptomatic of underlying medical problems, such as:

  • Slow transit some people naturally pass motions less often than most people. It seems their bowel pacemaker may be less active. These individuals are more likely to become constipated with minor changes in their routine.
  • Anal fissure a tear in the lining of the anus . The person may resist going to the toilet for fear of pain.
  • Obstruction the rectum or anus may be partially obstructed by, for example, haemorrhoids or a rectal prolapse.
  • Rectocoele the rectum pushes through the weakened rear wall of the vagina when the woman bears down or strains.
  • Hernia an abdominal hernia can reduce intra-abdominal pressure, which makes it more difficult to pass a motion.
  • Abdominal or gynaecological surgery a combination of change in routine, strange surroundings, post-operative pain and codeine-containing analgesics is a potent cause of constipation and often needs preventive care.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome characterised by abdominal pain, bloating, and either constipation or diarrhoea or alternating constipation and diarrhoea.
  • Problems of the endocrine system such as hypothyroidism, diabetes or hypopituitarism.
  • Tumour pain while trying to pass a stool could be a symptom of rectal cancer.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons disease or stroke are associated with an increased susceptibility to constipation.

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Start Your Day With A High

Years ago, high-fiber breakfast cereals tasted like cardboard, but not anymore. There are so many wonderful high-fiber cereals now, Prather says. Choose a cereal that has at least 6 g of fiber per serving. Or, if your favorite cereal doesnt have a lot of fiber, add your own by sprinkling a few tablespoons of wheat bran, chia seeds, or ground flaxseed on top.

Qi’a Superflakes – Cocoa Coconut, $4.19, Thrivemarket.com

What Are Probiotics And Why Do I Need Them

Constipation Relief : Best Foods &  Herbs

The definition of probiotics is: live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. What we call probiotics tend to be capsules that contain various strains of bacteria designed to supplement or add to your own microbiome. Which might make you ask

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Popcorn For Constipation Relief

  • Air-popped popcorn is a good choice for a high-fiber snack that can help provide relief from constipation.
  • A filling 3 cups of air-popped popcorn contains 3.5 g fiber, and less than 100 calories.

Stay away from movie theater popcorn or popcorn laden with butter as the high fat content not only contains lots of calories, the fat can cause constipation.

What Is The Definition Of Constipation

Constipation is a common problem where people find it difficult to have bowel movements. Constipation medically is defined as less than three bowel movements per week.

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What To Give A Dog For Constipation 10 Best Foods

Constipation is a common health problem in humans and pets. Constipation in dogs refers to the inability to produce normal stools. In this health issue, a dog cant defecate the stool easily, and the poop becomes harder and compacted. Many dog owners often want to focus on diet to overcome the issue and ask about What to give a dog for constipation?

Your puppy can suffer from the Drier and harder stool for many reasons. Some of them are considered minor and will be treated easily with a home remedy.

However, some could be a sign of any underlying issue that needs to be concerned.

If you notice mild constipation in your dog, you can try a remedy. However, if you observe chronic constipation, make sure to contact your vet.

This article is a complete and comprehensive guide about constipation in dogs. We will let you know about the possible causes, treatment, home remedies for dogs constipation, foods that will help your constipated dog, and much more.

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  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut oil

Remember that moderation is the key before introducing any new food. Offer a less amount and observe your canine. If he tolerates the food or remedy well, then increase the food to the safe serving amount.

All of the above mentioned foods are described in details below please keep reading.

The safe amount of any food or remedy depends on the dogs size, health condition, and severity of the illness.

Irritable Bowel Constipation Diet

The Top 10 Foods To Eat For Constipation Relief…With Recipes!

If you have IBS that results in constipation, consuming a balanced diet and avoiding certain foods that trigger symptoms is important for controlling your symptoms and improving your quality of life.

There is no set diet for every person that has IBS-C often it takes a little trial and error to figure out what foods trigger your symptoms and which ones help to relieve your symptoms. However, there are common foods that help and those that trigger symptoms of IBS-C, well outline some of these foods below.

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The Ultimate Green Smoothie For Constipation

Cant poop? Need to? This Ultimate Green Smoothie for Constipation is jam-packed with gut-healing ingredients like fibrous fats and leafy greens specifically designed to get things moving. Back in my editorial days, I wrote an article where I interviewed ten of the worlds best gastroenterologists about their favorite constipation-busting foods, and I was shocked at the two that came up over and over again: chia seeds and raspberries.

In fact, every single one of the ingredients in this smoothie can be found on the Periodic Table of Microbiome Friendly Foods, which is why it also gets this very sciencey name: The All-fibrous Alpha-linolenic Acid Activator. Its a mouthful. But a delicious one. I created this smoothie recipe as part of my partnership with Seed, because their Daily Synbiotic is another huge part of my happy gut arsenal. I first tried Seeds products back in my editorial days , and am honestly SO impressed by the research and revolutionary science that goes into their process. If youre interested in learning more of the science behind probiotics and prebiotics, read my fun little Q& A below.

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We pride ourselves on being your source for the best, scientifically-accurate advice for healthy living.

This article contains references to scientific journals and peer-reviewed research. The numbers in brackets correspond with the list of references at the end of the article.

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Additionally, the Reviewed and Approved seal signifies that our scientific board of experts has double-checked this article for accuracy. You can feel confident in knowing that the information within this article is sound.


Constipation is a taboo subject for many people. If youre too embarrassed to discuss it, know that you are far from alone. Constipation affects about 14% of adults in the United States and accounts for an astounding 3.2 million medical visits every year. Its a common and widespread issue. Nobody wants to talk about it, but for the sake of our health, maybe its time we opened a dialogue.

Americans spend three-quarters of a billion dollars on laxatives every year, and its not helping.Pharmaceutical laxatives and stool softeners often make constipation worse. Laxative overuse can lead to dependency, making it difficult or impossible to have a bowel movement without using strong laxatives. Over-the-counter laxatives also tend to produce some serious side effects including abdominal cramps, dehydration, dizziness, low blood pressure, electrolyte imbalance, and bloody stool.

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What To Know About Foods That Help You Poop

When you’re dealing with some stopped intestinal traffic, changing your diet is a good first step. Consider “fiber FTW” your poop-friendly words to live by. The good news is that there are so many, very tasty, foods that help you poop. “Most dietary fiber is not digested or absorbed, so it stays within the intestine where it modulates digestion of other foods and affects the consistency of stool,” explains Dr. Sonpal. There are two different types of fiber, he says, which each have their own benefits, according to Brigitte Zeitlin, MPH, RD. “Soluble fiber” is made up of carbohydrates and dissolves in water while “insoluble fiber” comes from plant cell walls and does not dissolve in water .

Getting a good mix of both is probably your best bet. Add in some healthy fats, and you’ll be hitting the squatty potty in no time. With that in mind, here are 10 different foods that help you poop to…ahem, keep things moving along.

For more intel on foods that make you poop, check out this video:

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