Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Do You Get Bloated Before Your Period

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Causes Of Menstrual And Pms Bloating:


Bloating during a womans menstrual cycle is a fairly common occurrence, but why and when does it happen? When does bloating go away after period?

There are multiple stages in a womans cycle and they are:

  • Pre Menstrual Disorder last for 2-3 weeks and can have some bloating involved.
  • Stage 1 Follicular estrogen levels skyrocket as the uterine lining thickens and bloating is stronger as ovulation occurs in the stage.
  • Stage 2 Luteal there is not at much in this stage as progesterone is produced in higher quantities
  • Period Bleeding shedding of the excess fluid along with blood and tissue as the bloat is relieved in this stage
  • Post Menstrual
  • Menopausal Bloating bloat can return due to hormonal fluctuations
  • Bloating normally occurs in the pre menstrual or pms stage, follicular and period stages. What is called period bloating is actually fluid retention and results in a feeling of being overly full or being swollen around the waist area. It is quite often very uncomfortable, annoying and bothersome.

    It is not the same as menstrual cramping nor is it responsible for other menstrual symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, back pain, or headaches. Bloating is not a serious condition but rather a very irritating one that every woman wants to stop having. Bloating most often occurs during the pre-menstrual stage as a symptom of Pre Menstrual Syndrome.

    How Is Pms Diagnosed

    There is no single test for PMS. Your doctor will talk with you about your symptoms, including when they happen and how much they affect your life.

    You probably have PMS if you have symptoms that:12

    • Happen in the five days before your period for at least three menstrual cycles in a row
    • End within four days after your period starts
    • Keep you from enjoying or doing some of your normal activities

    Keep track of which PMS symptoms you have and how severe they are for a few months. Write down your symptoms each day on a calendar or with an app on your phone. Take this information with you when you see your doctor.

    Stay Away From Foods That Cause Gas

    Yep, were looking at you, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. They may inspire your favorite healthy-eating Pinterest boards, but they also contain a complex sugar called raffinose. Humans lack the enzyme to help break it down properly, which leads to gas and bloat. Other dietary culprits in this category include beans, cabbage, cauliflower, and lettuce, says Dr. Ross.

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    Why Does My Face Get Fat When I Am On My Period


    • Xper 2+1 y Don’t worry, I experience exactly the same as this every month, only in my face. It starts about 5 days before my period and lasts rigth up until the last day. I absolutely hate it so know how you are feeling. I have found that drinking water helps quite a bit, I tend to try to make sure I only drink water and nothing else, as anything else just seems to increase the bloating. I drink 2 to 3 litres a day and can definitely say this helps to reduce the bloating. Try to do this in the week running up to new years and cut out salty and sugary foods and you may find your face doesn’t look too bad on the night. My face seemed to become even more so when I started taking the contraceptive pill as well, so I have been cutting down on carbohydrates also. Hope this helps and don’t worry about the rude comments 🙂 React
    • The answers to this question are so ridiculously stupidIt’s water retention. It’s possible to get bloated or swollen anywhere on your body.If it’s on your face, try sleeping with your head elevated on a pillow. Cut back on salty/greasy/sodium packed foods. Drink 8-10 cups of water a day.^Do this a week before your period and you might notice a reduction in the swelling.Fluids tend to build up when you sleep on a non-elevated surface so an elevated head will help fluids flow downwards. Salt and sodium can lead to water retention. Water will flush out the excess fluids. React

    Abdominal Bloating Gas And Pain

    Body Image: Instagram Photos Show Off Bloated Stomach And ...

    Do you feel your abdomen is swelling up just before period?

    Abdomen bloating is swelling and tightening experienced by women which could occur for many reasons. If you are expecting your period, a hard, distended and tight abdomen may indicate your period will start soon.

    Other causes of bloating are pregnancy, anorexia nervosa , ovarian cyst and hormone imbalance.

    What to do?

    • Take more fiber diet like vegetables and fruits
    • Drink plenty of water every day
    • Avoid meals that contain beans and cabbage

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    When To See A Doctor

    For most women, period bloating is unpleasant but does not stop them from being able to get on with their day.

    However, if period bloating affects a womans daily life, it is a good idea for her to speak to her doctor.

    If bloating does not go away after a period, it is also a good idea to talk to a doctor. Bloating can sometimes be a sign of a more serious health condition.

    Why Do I Get So Bloated During And After My Period

    Bloating during the menstrual cycle of a woman is a rather frequent occurrence, but why does it happen?

    Bloating typically happens in the premenstrual, follicular or period stages. Period bloating is also known as fluid retention and provides a sensation of fullness around the waist region. It`s really uncomfortable and annoying sometimes.

    It isn`t really the same thing as menstrual cramps and isn`t responsible for other menstrual signs like fatigue, headaches, emotional swings or back pain. Bloating isn`t a very serious medical condition, but it`s somehow irritating that each woman wants to stop experiencing it.

    During a woman`s menstrual cycle, there`s a big hormonal fluctuation, particularly progesterone and estrogen, and this leads to a retention of fluids, swelling and bloating. Women in fact gain a few pounds of water now because of the estrogen`s ability to cause fluid retention.

    Generally, by the 3rd day of the period, the blood, waste and excessive water are flushed from the body and it can be considered that the woman no longer experiences this condition.

    However, for those a couple of days, life can become quite uncomfortable for lots of women who deal with bloating and water retention. Bloating increases when the levels of estrogen and falls when the levels fall.

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    What Are Signs Of Period Coming Discharge

    Vaginal discharge before period is thick white discharge.

    During your menstrual cycle, your vaginal discharge may change from time to time. At the beginning of your cycle, after menstruation ends, vaginal discharge is thick white. Some women may experience vaginal dryness just after period ends.

    At the middle of your cycle or just before ovulation occurs, vaginal discharge becomes stretchy and egg white. After ovulation occurs and before your period, vaginal discharge is thick white again.

    Changes in vaginal discharge are due to hormone changes during menstrual cycles. Thick white discharge is a sign your period is coming. It occurs due to low levels of progesterone and estrogen.

    Preventing Bloating And Weight Gain:

    Why Do I Get So Bloated When I Ovulate?

    So can this bloat be prevented along with the fluid retention and weight gain that at least 40% of all women suffer monthly? The best ways to attempt to prevent extreme bloating is to limit the outside factors that can add to it. You cannot prevent the increases in hormones but you can eliminate factors that will increase the fluid retention and therefore the bloat.

    Some things to consider are:

    • Reduce your dietary intake of salt which in itself leads to fluid retention.
    • Reduce your dietary intake of sugar, alcohol and caffeine around the middle of your cycle because these items can also be responsible for some additional bloating.
    • Drink at least 8-10 eight oz. glasses of water which will lead to reduced bloating. We realize this is counter intuitive but the more water you consume the less bloating you will have.
    • Exercise will increase blood circulation if done on a regular basis and will help prevent bloating.
    • Avoid rich, fatty and gassy foods. These foods are hard for the body to digest and therefore will add to the sluggishness of the digestive system and add to bloating. Avoid red meat and dont overeat and avoid any unneeded fats such as adding oils when cooking. No fried foods, chips or nuts. Avoid the gassy foods that are mostly in the vegetable family such as broccoli, beans, cabbage, lentils, cauliflower, milk, corn, potatoes, peas, artichokes and wheat bran in order to prevent period bloating and menopausal bloating.

    Period Vitamin

    Menopausal Bloating:

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    Hormones Are Usually The Cause

    For most women who experience nausea during or before their periods, its just a normal part of pre-menstrual syndrome . A hormone called prostaglandin circulates around your body during your time of the month. It can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and headaches.

    PMS typically begins a week or two before your period. Your breasts may be sore, and you may be constipated. Back pain, headaches and bloating or swelling may also occur.

    Emotionally, you may feel anxious or irritable. Some women go through mood swings or find themselves crying for no reason. You may even have trouble sleeping.

    Oestrogen Is Ready To Cause Trouble

    During your cycle, the levels of the hormone oestrogen will rise, peak, and then decrease. Simple, right? Well, not so much.

    Oestrogen peaks around the 14th day of your cycle and then decreases steadily, but while doing it, it really does a number on your intestine. Oestrogen affects the receptors in your stomach and small intestine. Specifically, oestrogen reduces bowel motility, which means food moves more slowly through your intestine.

    As such, it is common to experience some flatulence and constipation. And since your intestine is not working properly, theres a build up of gas which causes bloating.

    Do you struggle with menstrual pains? Check some home remedies for period cramps.

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    Don’t Suddenly Overdo It On The Fiber

    If you’re feeling bloated, it might seem like a good idea to load up on as many fruits and veggies as you can to get your system movin’but that tactic might backfire.

    It’s certainly good to have a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet, but if you suddenly begin eating them in mass quantities during your period, you may experience increased bloating simply because your body isnt used to the fiber, says Sara Twogood, MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine.

    Is This Cause For Concern

    Is it normal to have cramps during my whole period?

    There are a number of reasons why you could be constipated, and one of them is your changing hormones.

    You may find that youre constipated before some periods and not others. Either way, its completely normal to have this and other digestive issues before or after your period.

    Read on to find out why you may get constipated before your period, ways to find relief, and when to see a doctor.

    Your menstrual cycle is the result of continued adjustments in your bodys estrogen and progesterone levels.

    Not only do these hormones affect when you ovulate, they can also impact your digestive habits.

    Some experts think that an increase in progesterone can lead to constipation. This usually occurs when you ovulate or a few days after.

    Other experts think higher estrogen levels may lead to constipation. For example, researchers in one 2013 study studied the effects of estrogen and progesterone on female and male mice to determine if the hormones caused constipation.

    At the studys end, the researchers didnt observe an impact on bowel movements from progesterone. However, they found that higher levels of estrogen slowed intestinal movement and caused constipation. Its important to note that this was an animal study. More research in humans is needed to determine if estrogen is a factor in constipation.

    Regardless of the hormone that causes period-related constipation, most people find their symptoms get better after they start their period and these hormone levels start to go down.

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    Pms Remedy: Hormone Treatments

    Birth control pills prevent ovulation by regulating hormones. This usually leads to lighter periods and may reduce the symptoms of PMS. Other hormonal treatments may include GnRH agonists lupron or nafarelin, or synthetic steroids such as danazol. You may need to try more than one type before you find one that gives you relief.

    Keep Up Your Regular Exercises

    Even though it`s perhaps the very last thing you want to do, specialists claim that getting the heart rate up is among the best methods of reliving PMS signs, bloating included. People who have a sedentary lifestyle have a tendency of having slower digestive systems. Sweating it out can reduce constipation and aid you feel active.

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    Did We Answer Your Question About Pms

    For more information about PMS, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662 or check out the following resources from other organizations:

    Check Your Salt Intake

    Why do we bloat with PMS?

    Having too much sodium in your system can cause your cells to hang on to more water, which can lead to puffiness. Sticking with a lower sodium diet, at least around your period, can go a long way toward keeping belly bloat at bay.

    Make it a point to eat more whole, unprocessed foods like fresh fruits and veggies, which are naturally low in salt. Try to cut back on takeout or restaurant food and packaged or processed snacks, which tend to be salt bombs.

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    Other Possible Causes Of Bloating

    While bloating is a common symptom of pregnancy in the first week to two, there is a chance your symptoms are caused by something else. Here are other reasons for stomach gas after implantation.

  • Swallowed air: When you eat or drink in haste, you are likely to swallow air. Excessive chewing of gum similarly irritates your gut by sending the air down the digestive tract, which later causes bloating.
  • Bacterial infections: The presence of harmful bacteria in the gut causes irritation leading to gas production hence bloating.
  • Food intolerance/allergy: Some foods containing lactose such as dairy irritate the gut causing gas because your body sometimes develops resistance and inability to separate sugar from such foods.
  • Also, gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, often brings about abundance in stomach gas and flatulence.

  • Constipation: Constipation is characterized by hard stools and inability to pass gas also leads to bloating and discomfort.
  • If your bloating is severe and lasts more than 3 days, see a doctor. The gas may not be a pregnancy sign or symptom in the first week or two weeks. Rather, it could be an indication of another illness.

    Is Weight Gain During Your Period Normal

    Weight gain during your period is incredibly normal. However, the factors that cause the weight gain aren’t clear and can vary from person to person. We do know that hormonal changes around the end of the cycle can lead to bloating by way of water retention, explains Anna Druet, a former research scientist at the period and ovulation tracking app Clue. Other women may experience gas retention and constipation, as progesterone can affect the speed of digestion. Some women also experience diarrhea, which is caused by the same hormone-like lipids that make the uterus cramp during menstruation, she explains. Each of these GI issues can result in bloating and, thankfully temporary, weight gain.

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    Non Serious Causes Of Gas Before Period

    While its possible that your excessive gas before period is due to hormone changes, it could be due to what youve eaten or drank, and also, your lifestyle.

    Heres an email I received from Maria

    Hi Doc,

    I am 24 years old and had intercourse three weeks ago with my partner. While Im expecting my period, I started experiencing horrific gas before period, and Im wondering if its okay or not.

    My period was supposed to commence three days ago and yet I dont have any signs.

    I feel fatigued, and my breast hurts more. I have taken a pregnancy test last week and its negative. What are your thoughts? Should I repeat my pregnancy test?

    Just like Maria, if you feel painful abdominal bloating and gas so much before period, you will be worried about pregnancy if youve engaged in an unprotected sexual activity.

    While it could be pregnancy , it could also be due to any of these

    Causes Of Period Bloating

    Why are you bloated during your period and how to relieve it?

    While researchers are yet unable to accurately determine the cause of bloating during period, they suspect a couple of probable causes.

    One of the most probable causes of period bloating may be due to the changes in your estrogen and progesterone levels during the luteal phase of your period. During this phase, the progesterone level in your body drops, causing your stools to firm up and delay their movement in your gastrointestinal tract. This makes you feel full and bloated .

    Changes in progesterone levels can also lead to edema , which may cause you to feel bloated and experience swelling in your legs and breasts, especially right before the period .

    Apart from hormonal changes, bloating during your period may also be caused by the following factors:

    • Premenstrual syndrome .
    • Improper BMI and obesity .
    • A lifestyle that includes smoking and drinking.
    • Excessive consumption of fried and oily food.
    • Lack of physical activity and exercise.

    Understanding the causes of bloating may help you tackle the situation better the next time you have your period. There are a few home remedies that may help reduce period bloating. Find out more about them in the next section.

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