Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Birth Control Make You Bloated

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Myth Vs Fact: The Ring Causes Weight Gain


Like the pill, the ring isn’t likely to cause any increases in weight gain or body fat. This 2006 study published in the scientific journal Human Reproduction looked at 983 women either taking the pill or using NuvaRing. There was no difference in weight gain or body composition between the two groups.

Is Birth Control Bad For Your Gut

Leaky gut, good gut bug chaos and autoimmune disease are all on the table when we start birth control. I’m not shaming you if you’ve been using birth controlrather, I want you to know the risks if you do decide hormonal birth control is best for you.

I was a kid with chronic gut issues who turned into a teen who popped a daily pill thinking she knew better than her body. We can all be grateful I went to natural medical school and didn’t get pregnant in the mix. Thank you birth control! But man, I really wish I knew that all those food sensitivities could have been due to the pill.

And I really wish my patients had the info they needed before they started birth control and ended up in my office with SIBO, yeast infections, gut dysbiosis, heartburn, or me having to give them a new diagnosis of autoimmune disease.

But look, I’ve been there, you may have been there, or someone you love as has been thereusing hormonal birth control without a clue that it could cause gut issues.

And maybe you’re reading this now, on hormonal birth control, and thinking OMG what do I do? Or maybe that’s just me thinking what I would think as my teenage self.

Look, wherever you are in your journey, I got you. If you’ve ever taken birth control then there is a serious need to love your gut up and if you’re on it now, read on!

Could Your Birth Control Be The Cause Of Your Yeast Infection

I was also plagued by chronic yeast infections when I was on the pill because of the imbalance in my gut bacteria. Unfortunately for women, that bacteria can easily travel from the anus to the vagina, especially if youre wiping in the wrong direction. No fun! Quitting the BC usually puts an end to these bacterial infections and just FYI, these kinds of infections can mess with your ability to get pregnant.

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Your Period Will Probably Get Lighter When You Start Taking Birth Control

Birth control could be a godsend for women who have a heavy monthly flow. The average woman loses approximately two to three tablespoons of blood per menstrual period, according to Medical News Today. But if you suffer from a heavy period month after month, that blood loss quickly adds up and can be become extremely disruptive to your lifestyle, as well as impede your ability to do normal activities.

Fortunately, there is help for those women who are desperate to slow the flow: birth control. Birth control pills interfere with your hormone levels, and slow the stimulation that would normally create a “thick linking” in the uterus. As Dr. Lesley Miller told NPR, “When a woman is on the birth-control pill, every day becomes the same hormonally.” She continued, saying, “She takes the pill, the hormones are absorbed, and 12 hours later, hormone levels fall.”

According to Dr. Miller, this daily lowering of hormone production means there’s less uterine lining to shed per menstrual cycle which consequently means you’ll experience a lighter period. Just don’t forget to pay attention to what your period reveals about your health.

Is Birth Control Making Me Feel Bloated

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Your pants feel tight, youre gassy, and youve fully contorted into the Hunchback of Bloate Dame: its here, its the PMS bloat, right?

Although multiple factors contribute to bloating, birth control is a major cause of bloating and gas. So how do you stop birth control bloating? No information is too much information when it comes to your health. We tell all below.

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Reasons Why Birth Control Pill Might Affect Intestinal Microbiome

Bio-K+On April 23, 2018

We’ve said it before – taking a course of antibiotics means supplementing with probiotics to help replenish the good microflora that gets wiped out by the medication. But have you ever considered the need to take a probiotic to support taking a long-term, prescribed medication, such as oral birth control pill?

A hormonal birth control pill can be considered wonderful in many ways. It is not only an extremely effective tool for preventing pregnancy but is also often prescribed to help alleviate many symptoms such as acne, painful menstruation and endometriosis. If youre one of the many women who takes an oral contraceptive pill daily, you have your reasons. And, if its working for you, you already understand how this simple step each day can positively support the needs of your body. But did you know you should also consider taking a daily probiotic in conjunction with your pill regimen to support overall wellness in your body?

How the pill can impact your microflora

1. General change to the makeup of your microbiome

2. Dysbiosis

We refer to an altered state of gut flora as dysbiosis. Some of the main issues associated with it are:

  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Acid reflux3

3. Increased risk for GI Inflammation

4. Compromised nutrient absorption

How to support your gut on the pill

The good news is that you dont have to stop taking the pill to help support your gut. But there are some simple things you can do to give it a little more love.

Does Mirena Cause Weight Gain

Mirena is a small T-shaped intrauterine device that releases the progestin hormone levonorgestrel to prevent: pregnancy, heavy menstrual periods, and/or excessive build of the uterus lining in persons on estrogen replacement therapy. When properly inserted within the uterus, Mirena is programmed to release 20 micrograms of levonorgestrel per day, and is expected to remain effective for a duration of 3 to 5 years.

According to medical literature, intrauterine devices like Mirena remain among the most effective formats of birth control on the market, exhibiting one-year failure rates of approximately 0.2%. Furthermore, the World Health Organization lists levonorgestrel-containing IUDs as Essential Medicines, or drugs that are safe, highly effective, and necessary in a basic health system.

It is understood that many women prefer using hormonal IUDs like Mirena over other contraceptives because they are low-maintenance, set-it-and-forget-it options requiring no daily, weekly, or monthly adjustment. Despite the fact that Mirena is an effective contraceptive, prospective users may be concerned about whether Mirena might cause weight gain as a side effect.

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Tummy Bloat Is Your Middle Name

Feeling like youre four months pregnant when youre definitely not isnt pleasant, so its no surprise that this is the birth control side effect women say they hate the most. This is not all in your head, as birth control pills can increase the risk of gastrointestinal symptoms. Researchers found that women on the pill were more likely to experience bloating and constipation as well as irritable bowel disease and Crohns disease. But bloating on the pill should be mild and not last the whole month, Dr. Ross says. So if you feel like its a perpetual problem, talk to your doctor about other options for birth control.

What The Doctors Say About Birth Control And Weight Gain

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The question about birth control and weight gain is complicated. When your doctor researches this, they make their decisions based on current research and what they’ve observed in their own patients.

Most doctors agree that if there is a risk of weight gain with hormonal birth control, the effect is probably small.

The one exception to this is the Depo-Provera hormone shot, which has been linked to weight gain in more than one study. Some doctors believe the reason Depo-Provera can cause weight gain is because it may activate signals in the brain that control hunger.

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Effects On Weight Are The Subject Of Debate

Women who stop taking the pill often do so because they think it has been causing them to gain weight. Clinical studies in this area are contradictory: Some women said that they gained weight, while others reported losing weight. This is why both weight gain and weight loss are listed as possible side effects on the product information of hormonal contraceptives.

If people put on weight it is usually due to one of the following changes:

  • Fluid retention
  • An increase in muscle tissue
  • An increase in body fat

Theoretically, hormonal contraceptives could contribute to weight gain if they led to fluid retention and increased body fat. Also, combined contraceptives are sometimes believed to increase appetite. But its not that easy to say whether thats true because women who dont use hormonal contraceptives also gain weight as they age.

What Your Healthcare Provider Might Say

Combined hormonal contraceptives are birth control methods that contain two hormones and include most pills, the patch, the ring, and some shots. Progestin-only contraceptives contain just a form of progestin hormone and include the implant, most intrauterine devices , a shot, and certain pills.

There is not enough evidence to say that combined hormonal contraceptives cause weight changes, but if they do, the change in weight is likely small . In people using progestin-only contraceptives, most studies do not show an increase in weight or body fat, but some do show a small increase . Some people will gain weight on birth control, and some people may be more prone to weight gain than others.

Hormonal contraceptives have a number of uses in addition to protection from unwanted pregnancy. They are also used to treat or reduce symptoms of PCOS), endometriosis, heavy, irregular, or painful periods, and anemia. Fear of gaining weight may keep someone from starting birth control, or could lead to them using it incorrectly or inconsistently, or could cause them to stop using it altogether. This could leave someone without effective protection from unwanted pregnancy or without treatment for a condition. Talking to a healthcare provider can help you consider the possible risks and benefits of taking hormonal birth control.

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How To Prevent Gaining Weight On Birth Control

For women who are concerned about water retention, bloating, and weight gain while on birth control, they should try low-dose estrogen pills and steer clear of birth control shots. A woman may need to try a few different types of pills before finding one that works for her lifestyle and physiology. Some women may not like the side effects of hormonal birth control and may need to stick with barrier methods or use a non-hormonal IUD.

The Depo-Provera shot is the hormonal birth control that commonly has the side effect of weight gain. With this method, you also need to go to the doctor every few months for another shot. If you are someone who wants a more set it and forget it option, the implant or an IUD may be a better option for you.

If youre curious about hormonal birth control pills that do not cause water retention, its important to speak to your doctor to explore your contraceptive options.

We want women to feel #PandiaEmpowered, not feeling down about themselves because of the stress the idea of weight gain can cause. Birth control is liberating, and we encourage you to own your sexual health and wellness.

While weight gain may cause stress, the benefits of birth control are plentiful. With birth control you can make your #PeriodsOptional and you are decreasing your chances of an unexpected pregnancy if you are sexually active. Birth control should give you a peace of mind and Pandia Health is here to help with that!

Smokers And Overweight Women

Does Essure Make You Gain Weight â Blog Dandk

If you smoke, it’s important that you are honest with your doctor about it. Women who smoke have a higher risk, in general, of having a stroke.

For women who are 35 and older, the combination of using the pill along with smoking increases this risk, as well as the chance of developing blood clots. For these reasons, most doctors will not prescribe combination pills for smokers over 35.

If you are overweight, you may be at a high risk of cardiovascular disease, which can also make pill unsafe.

Women who are overweight or obese may also be at greater risk for oral contraceptive failure. But the research is not clear, as noted in a 2016 review of 12 studies.

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Myth Vs Fact: The Pill Causes Weight Gain

Unlike other birth control methods, there’s been a good amount of research on birth control pills over the years. Several studies have found that, overall, women taking birth control pills don’t gain weight any faster than women using non-hormonal birth control. Women on the pill also didn’t notice any body fat changes compared to women not using hormonal birth control.

Where To Get More Information

  • Your local doctor
  • Womens Welcome Centre Tel: 8345 3037 or 1800 442 007
  • Family Planning VictoriaTel: 9257 0116. If you are under 25, you can also call the Action Centre 9660 4700 or 1800 013 952

Information about the contraceptive pill, and other types of contraception, is also available in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and Vietnamese see section on this page.

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Why Quitting Birth Control Can Make You Bloated

Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that womens vitamin D levels drop after they quit using hormonal birth control- and that can lead to the bloat. And it was no small difference. The study found that women on birth control had 20 percent more vitamin D in their blood than women who werent on it anymore.

Tubal Ligation Is Permanent Too

Which birth control causes weight gain » Water weight, bloating, muscle loss | Weight loss tips

There are permanent birth control options for women, too. Tubal ligation is also known as female sterilization, or having your tubes tied. It involves closing the fallopian tubes to prevent a womans eggs from being fertilized and pregnancy from developing.

Tubal Ligation Pros: Female sterilization is a generally safe form of contraception and doesnt change your hormone levels. Sterilization is also nearly 100 percent effective. It may also lower your risk of having ovarian cancer later.

Tubal Ligation Cons: The operation involves anesthesia, and as surgery, has some associated risks: reactions to the anesthesia, damage to your bladder or bowel, and pelvic pain afterwards, notes the Mayo Clinic.

This birth control method is permanent, so you should be sure you dont want more children before opting for this procedure. Like a vasectomy, reversing sterilization is expensive and not guaranteed.

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Taking A Daily Birth Control Pill Could Lead To A Drop In Your Sex Drive

Taking birth control pills may significantly decrease the risk of an unplanned pregnancy, but it could also make you less inclined to want to have sex in the first place.

A study published in The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care found that 27 percent of women who used hormonal contraceptives including birth control pills experienced decreased sexual desire. According to WebMD, this could be because the majority of combination birth control pills lower testosterone the hormone that makes people want to have sex. While many women naturally produce enough testosterone to still experience sexual desire, women who have naturally low testosterone levels will likely see a decreased interest in sex while taking birth control pills. However, that doesn’t mean birth control is always bad for the bedroom.

“Overall, birth control is not associated with a significant change in sex drive,” Dr. Jessica Atrio told Insider. She continued, saying, “However, behavioral and social research has demonstrated trends in changes in sexual behavior when people co-habitat, have children and maintain long-term relationships that may also be attributed to contraception.”

Birth Control Shot Side Effects You Should Know

When you hear the term birth control, the Pill probably springs to mind, followed by methods that are growing in popularity, like intrauterine devices and the Nexplanon implant. But there’s a slew of other options out there, including one that doctors say is popular but often overlooked in birth control conversations: the shot.

Depo-Provera, the brand name for medroxyprogesterone , is a contraceptive injection for women that contains progestin, a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone. Its given as an injection once every three months, the Mayo Clinic says, and it works by suppressing ovulation, i.e., it keeps your ovaries from releasing an egg each month that could get fertilized, resulting in pregnancy. The shot also thickens your cervical mucus to keep sperm from reaching an egg.

According to Planned Parenthood, the shot is more than 99 percent effective when its used perfectly but, in real life, the shot is about 94 percent effective because sometimes people forget to get their shot in time. That means about six out of every 100 shot users will get pregnant each year.

Rebecca Starck, M.D., an ob/gyn and clinical assistant professor of surgery at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, tells SELF that she tends to prescribe hormonal birth control pills, IUDs, and the implant more often than the shot, but Depo-Provera is among the range of options she discusses with her patients.


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Mirena & Weight Change

There are many studies that have been conducted to determine the effect of Mirena on body weight. Most evidence from large-scale randomized clinical trials indicates that the Mirena IUD is unlikely to cause significant weight change as a side effect. Although theres evidence indicating that Mirena might cause modest weight gain , most medical doctors consider Mirena to be weight neutral.

2016: Effects of progestin-only birth control on weight.

Researchers Lopez, Edelman, Chen, et al. investigated the association between progestin-only contraceptive use and body weight change and published their findings in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. For the review, the researchers gathered results from studies that were published up until August 2016 in: MEDLINE, CENTRAL, POPLINE, LILACS,, and ICTRP.

To be included in the review, studies needed to: assess the effect of a progestin-only contraceptive in comparison to another contraceptive or no contraceptive and document mean change in body weight or body composition of contraceptive recipients. A total of 22 studies encompassing 11,450 women met inclusion criteria set by researchers.

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2014: Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in compare to medroxyprogesterone acetate as a therapy for endometrial hyperplasia.

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