Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Keep Probiotics Cold While Traveling

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The Life Cycle Of Probiotic Bacteria Has Four Stages

REDUCE COLDS AND FLU USING PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS: How prebiotics can boost your immunity
  • Lag phase Bacteria mature and grow in size, but they are not yet able to divide. They adapt to their environment during this phase .
  • Growth phase This is the growth period where bacteria use nutrients to replicate and build metabolic waste. Bacteria are most susceptible to harmful environmental conditions during this phase .
  • Static phase Bacteria enter this phase when growth and death rates are equal. It kicks in when nutrients needed for replication are depleted, or waste generated from replication blocks further growth.
  • Death phase Growth stops, and the bacteria start to die off
  • Keeping Medications Cold While Traveling

    Do not leave it in a hot car or direct sun. Even the best of coolers will heat up in the car or in direct sunlight. Keep it in cool dark locations or with you at all times. Hotels . Do reserve hotel rooms that have a refrigerator in the room. You may have to call individual hotels before you travel to ensure you get a room with a refrigerator.

    Activated Charcoal For Travel

    I havent taken activated charcoal while traveling, but Ive met enough travelers for whom its their first line of defence, that Id be remiss not to mention it here . Also, Ive noticed that because of its detoxifying properties, charcoal in general is now in a lot of products from soaps and face wash to toothpaste and even toothbrush bristles.

    The idea behind activated charcoal is that it binds with toxins and helps to flush them out of your body. While it has many applications, the primary benefit of charcoal pills for travel is to counteract the ill effects from eating too much food/bad food/over-processed food.

    Because of how it works, be sure to take charcoal tablets for travel from other supplements or medications, otherwise you may decrease the efficacy of the other stuff youre taking.

    Its not super backed-up by science, but I know lots of travelers who take activated charcoal while traveling as a cure-all of sorts. Its generally considered safe to use, with few if any side effects. Theyre also very inexpensive. Check them out here.

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    How Do You Keep Insulin Cold Without A Fridge

    It is COLD at the bottom of the worldРUshuaia, and travelling in Patagonia hasn̢t always left me with access to fridges to keep my insulin cooler- especially when camping outside or day tripping it to the Perito Moreno Glacier!

    It has been my Frio bags that have kept my insulin at fridge temperature so it hasnât died. I hiked up my first glacier in Ushuaia, and it was absolutely freezing, I actually thought the Frio bags wouldnât be able to handle this kind of cold, so was prepared to hold a insulin funeral- however, she never failed me!

    When you are backpacking, or even roadtripping with diabetes, you will always be presented with moment that you won’t have access to a fridge. This could be for a day, or even a couple of days. When I was roadtripping through Switzerland and Austria, it was extremely cold and I had no fridge for my insulin. I kept my insulin in my Frio bag then stored it in an environment where it wasn’t exposed to extreme temperatures.

    Read Also:The Best Insulin Cooling Cases

    Tips To Stay Healthy While Traveling

    Use Probiotics to prevent colds! Find out how.


    Staying healthy is hard enough while at home, so while youre traveling it takes additional effort and awareness to keep healthy habits alive! Below are some useful tips to keep active and eat healthy while on the go. Use these as youre on the road for work for a few days, or experiencing long term international travel.

    Looking for health centric cities? Check out our top 5 healthiest cities in Asia!

    Pin me first? Then keep reading!

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    Probiotics And Traveling: Naturopathic Recommendations

    Patients often ask me about probiotics and many find great help in the high quality probiotics that we sell in our La Mesa Naturopathic clinic. These good probiotics have to be refrigerated, so how can we keep the good bugs coming when we travel or go on vacation? High quality probiotics can last for 5 days or so out of the refrigerator. I do not advise taking the whole bottle with you during travels but you can take the capsules that you will use. If there is no access to refrigeration away from home, there are two other probiotics that are stable at room temperature and that can help you stay healthy on vacations:

    1. Culturelle This is only one strain and a low dose, but it can work for many patients.

    2. HMF Travel This is a multi-strain option and a high protective dose.

    *Both of these recommended products can be found at our clinic.

    How Popular Are Probiotics

    The 2012 National Health Interview Survey showed that about 4 million U.S. adults had used probiotics or prebiotics in the past 30 days. Among adults, probiotics or prebiotics were the third most commonly used dietary supplement other than vitamins and minerals. The use of probiotics by adults quadrupled between 2007 and 2012. The 2012 NHIS also showed that 300,000 children age 4 to 17 had used probiotics or prebiotics in the 30 days before the survey.

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    How To Keep Your Gut Healthy While Traveling:

  • Boost Your Beneficial Bacteria: When traveling, changes in your normal diet or routine can disrupt the natural balance of good bacteria in your gut. Make sure you have all your travel essentials with you on the go, including Align. Align is a daily probiotic, its not a quick fix for digestive issues, but rather can help fortify your digestive system 24/7 with continued daily use. Align is the #1 Doctor and Gastroenterologist recommended probiotic brand. My parents have been taking Align for months now and theyre loving it. Super easy to take and no refrigeration needed.
  • If Traveling By Plane: I bring my own carry-on just for my meals and snacks. Raw nuts, seeds, my cookbook recipes: Honey Cinnamon Quinoa Granola, Mango Cardamom Walnut Bars, Maple Sriracha Roasted Pecans, and ripe avocados are key items to bring along with you. Yes, you can bring these through security as long as there is no liquid.
  • Road Trip or Car Traveling: Pack a big cooler with gluten-free whole-grain salads mixed with veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cherry tomatoes, celery, collard greens, and kale. Throw in a few sandwiches on gluten-free whole grain bread or pack my grain-free cracker recipes with my tasty hummus recipes . You can also tote along my Butter Me Up Honey Almond Nut Butter and my Chia Seed Berry Jam for a super healthy AB & J sammie.
  • Drink for Jet Lag: To manage jet lag without caffeine and Tylenol, drink purified water .
  • Can Baby Suddenly Develop Milk Allergy

    How Long Will an Unplugged RV Fridge Stay Cold??

    Rapid-onset reactions come on suddenly with symptoms that can include irritability, vomiting, wheezing, swelling, hives, other itchy bumps on the skin, and bloody diarrhea. In some cases, a potentially severe allergic reaction can occur and affect the babys skin, stomach, breathing, and blood pressure.

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    How To Keep Insulin Cold When Flying

    Many people have asked me how to keep insulin cool on a plane as well. With a vast amount of experience of plane travel I can tell you the key is the same as anywhere else, use a Frio bag or similar insulin travel case. Just activate them in cold water and your insulin pens and cartridges will stay at a cool temperature on the plane for any length of flight!

    It is so important that you keep your insulin in your hand luggage NOT the hold luggage. It’s exposed to extreme temperatures down there and will freeze.

    All of the information here is the same for anyone looking to keep their insulin cold on holiday. You donât have to be backpacking for a year to use this advice. The bags work just as well if you want to spend 2 weeks lying beside a pool in 35 degree heat … which right now I would really love to do!

    If you don’t use Frio, you can use another medicine cooler for air travel, such as those provided by MediCool. I’ve done a whole post on various insulin travel cases you can use on your trip, but the majority of fellow type 1 diabetes agree that Frio is the best.

    For more information on flying and diabetes, check out this post.

    Can Probiotics Be Harmful

    • Probiotics have an extensive history of apparently safe use, particularly in healthy people. However, few studies have looked at the safety of probiotics in detail, so thereâs a lack of solid information on the frequency and severity of side effects.
    • The risk of harmful effects from probiotics is greater in people with severe illnesses or compromised immune systems. When probiotics are being considered for high-risk individuals, such as premature infants or seriously ill hospital patients, the potential risks of probiotics should be carefully weighed against their benefits.
    • Possible harmful effects of probiotics include infections, production of harmful substances by the probiotic microorganisms, and transfer of antibiotic resistance genes from probiotic microorganisms to other microorganisms in the digestive tract.
    • Some probiotic products have been reported to contain microorganisms other than those listed on the label. In some instances, these contaminants may pose serious health risks.

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    How To Keep Things Cold While Traveling

    Buy a cooler: This is the best way to keep your food cold during any trip. If you go out often with your family for a long travel or camping, you will need to carry a lot of food and cans. Therefore, if you want to enjoy fresh food and cold drinks, you need to keep them cool. A cooler is a great way to achieve this.

    Fend Off Travelers Diarrhoea Before It Begins

    Cold Sore Fever Treatment

    Careful as you may be, its virtually impossible to eliminate all exposure to contaminated water or food on the road. This is where Travelan comes in. Its a clinically proven natural supplement that prevents diarrhoea from ruining your trip.

    You take a capsule before each meal, and it works by supplying your gastrointestinal tract with naturally occurring antibodies and proteins that lay in wait and go to work if you consume food or water that contains diarrhoea-causing bacteria.

    Its approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia, and has passed rigorous US Army tests with flying colours.

    I recommend Travelan pills if youre going to a developing country and/or if you are sensitive to travelers diarrhoea. I plan to always have some on hand myself.

    I searched around for some Travelan reviews, and most people seem pretty happy with it. The irony with a product like this is, it works when nothing happens . Thus, preventatives in general dont often get rave reviews. I laugh at reviews like it did nothing if you didnt get sick, then it quite possibly did a lot more than nothing!

    Disclosure: I recently learned about Travelan, and I decided they have a great product for travelers and that I wanted to work with them. Travelan has generously sponsored this post. That said, they did not tell me what to write, nor is my opinion of their product affected by their sponsorship.

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    How Do You Keep Insulin Cold While Camping

    Torres del Paine goes from sunny, to windy, to cold too…if you are lucky..snow! So, naturally insulin stops working at a certain temperature and even freezes- this was a definite possibility with -4 temperatures, so it was my trusted Frio that helped regulate the temperate of my insulin here and it worked, no insulin died!

    Be aware, I have been using these Frio bags on all my trips away. That’s 7 months in total for South America and Asia. NONE of my insulin has died ever, and that’s even when it’s been out of the fridge over the recommended amount of time. That is a true testament to their ability to succeed in keeping your insulin working- and giving you one less thing to worry about when on an adventure!

    I brought 25 bottles of insulin with me to both South America and Asia and I typically overestimated on purpose. Remember insulin companies state that insulin dies when out of the fridge after 28 days- well Frio has completely stopped that from happening, as I have not a single issue with dead insulin yet.

    I donât like having to fuss around my type one diabetes I like to get what needs doing sorted, and enjoy my adventures. Knowing I havenât had to worry about my insulin, terrified if itâs not in a fridge it will die, has completely taken the stress out of that aspect of this trip.

    I have been using insulin coolers for when I travel ever since my first trip away to Paris then to Bangladesh, to Thailand, & Rome.

    Keeping Food Frozen For 24 Hours

    In order to maximum our time on the island we are traveling Friday and not checking in to out Villa until saturday. Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep food frozen for 24 hours. I have brought frozen food before but the door to door trip has been 12 hours, the food was still frozen but I’m concerned abot the extra 12 hours.

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    Protect Your Probiotics From Humidity

    Once your supplement bottle has been opened, it will likely allow a small amount of moisture inside in a humid environment. Keep the package inside a sealed plastic container and avoid taking it outside unnecessarily and exposing it to the moisture in the air. Most supplement packaging advises against storing probiotics in a bathroom cabinet due to the humidity, and the same rule should apply when you travel. It might be a bad idea to keep your supplements with your toiletries, as accidentally taking them with you when you shower might damage them.

    Easy Tips To Avoid A Grumpy Gut While Traveling

    Probiotics for colds

    Travel can be stressful for your mind and body. But following these simple tips can help you keep your gut happy and healthy while youre on the go.

    An upset stomach or digestive issues that require spending extra time in the bathroom are surefire ways to bring a fun trip to a screeching halt.

    Travel can be a hectic time. You may not have your normal, healthy diet available. You may be eating out more and eating new foods in new locations, including more processed foods, and its easy to overeat in this setting, placing more stress on your digestive system than at home, Dr. Shilpa Ravella, gastroenterologist at NewYork-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center, told Healthline.

    Whether you travel by plane, car, or another mode, Ravella says doing so stresses your body and digestive system.

    All of these factors can leave you more susceptible to GI issues while traveling. You may experience diarrhea , constipation, heartburn, nausea, bloating, gas, Ravella said.

    But nobody wants to take time from a trip to deal with digestive issues. So, to keep your gut healthy while traveling, consider the following expert tips.

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    How Do I Keep My Tablet Cold While Traveling

    4.9/5Keep thewhenthemore about it

    Keep your medications in their original containers in your carry-on luggage when you travel. Do not pack your medications in checked luggage in case your suitcase is lost. Take extra medicationwith you when you travel in case your flight is delayed and you need to stay away longer than planned.

    Likewise, how do you store medicine in hot weather? A: “Any medication, unless it specifies that it needs to be refrigerated, really needs to be kept at room temperature in a dry place away from heat, humidity and light. So the best place to keep medicines is in a medicine cabinet that’s outside of the bathroom and not on top of a refrigerator where there’s heat.”

    Subsequently, question is, how do you adjust medication times when traveling?

    In general, however, your doctor may want you to take your pills at the same time of the day as you normally doi.e., if you take a pill in the evening at home, you should take it in the evening at your destination, too. “That might put an additional 8 to 12 hours of gap between the doses,” says Dr.

    How do I keep my probiotics cold while traveling?

    Use one of those reusable fabric lunchboxes with an ice pack built in. Put it in your checked luggage. Or put it next to a frozen ice pack in a baggy in your carry-on. That’s how they give it to me when I buy refrigerated pro-biotics at the store.

    Make Sure The Temperature Stays Stable

    Most importantly, no matter what you use to keep your refrigerated medications cool be sure to keep the temperature stable throughout the trip.

    Going in and out of refrigeration can break down the stability of the medication, Dr. Tomaka says, adding that if you want an extra layer of protection you can always place a thermometer in the container to make sure it stays at the proper temp. Not sure what the proper temperature is? Ask your pharmacist.

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    How To Keep Your Gut Healthy While Traveling

    When you’re rushing through airport security, eating plastic-wrapped airplane meals, and grabbing fast food on layovers, its easy to forget about staying healthyand regularwhen traveling.

    And while staying regular doesnt sound particularly glamorous, regulating you digestion can really make or break the transit portion of a tripplus, were all for avoiding those germy airport bathrooms as much as possible.

    Keeping your gut and digestive system normal and happy means that you will have better travels overall, and wont have to deal with bloating or discomfort mid-way through a transatlantic flight or cross-country road trip. We spoke with Robyn Youkilis, wellness expert and author of Go With Your Gut, to talk travel diet, probiotics, and in-flight hydration.

    Traveling usually means being off of your normal routine, eating different foods, and maybe at different times, which often leads to irregularity or uncomfortable digestive issues, said Youkilis. Consuming probiotics can help you stay regular even when the rest of your schedule is way off. Probiotics also help boost your immune system. While traveling, your body will likely be exposed to unfamiliar germs and bacteria . Combine that with the fact that your immune system tends to be compromised while traveling and now you’re working with an increased risk of getting sick on your trip.

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