Monday, September 16, 2024

How To Optimize Gut Microbiome

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What Should You Eat To Improve Your Gut Bacteria

Every person is different, but if you want to improve your microbiome, some broad principles apply to all.

Eat a wide and varied range of plant-based foods. I recommend aiming for 30 plant points every week, says Rossi, which means eating 30 different plants. These should include fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices. A healthy gut has a diverse community of microbes, each of which prefers different foods, so the more variety in your diet, the more diverse bacteria will thrive in your gut.

Eat more . Most people eat less than they should. Fruit, vegetables, pulses, nuts and wholegrains feed healthy bacteria, which ferment the fibre and in the process produce substances thought to be , such as short-chain fatty acids. We are advised to eat at least 30g of fibre per day, but increasing fibre intake by as little as 6g a day has been found to have an effect on gut bacteria. If your diet is low in fibre, a sudden increase can cause wind and bloating, so make gradual changes and drink extra water.

Avoid highly processed foods. They often contain ingredients that either suppress good bacteria or increase bad bacteria.

Probiotic foods live bacteria found in fermented foods such as yoghurt, kimchi and sauerkraut might encourage more microbes to grow. Eat them if you enjoy them. Find out how to make ferments on BBC Food.

Lower Your Stress Levels

Chronic high levels of stress are hard on your whole body, including your gut. Some ways to lower stress may include meditation, walking, getting a massage, spending time with friends or family, diffusing essential oils, decreasing caffeine intake, laughing, yoga, or having a pet. Here are 10 ways to reduce feeling stressed.

Chronic Inflammation In People Living With Gaucher Disease

Understanding inflammation is crucial to managing Gaucher disease. Inflammation is the way your body responds to the stimulus of an unidentified cell or other material.

When your body notices signs of intrusion, such as a virus, bacterium, allergen, or injury, it reacts by swarming the area with immune cells. These cells surround and attack the intruder, causing swelling, redness, and a rise in your temperature.

After a small injury, a healthy immune system calms the inflammation within a few hours or days. Your body clears away the excess cells and you return to your usual condition. Chronic inflammation develops when your body cant effectively eliminate the issue thats causing the inflammation.

Gaucher disease brings with it a higher-than-typical level of inflammation, researchers have found.  When your body also reacts to other stimuli because of gut inflammation, it could also exacerbate Gaucher symptoms.

For people with Gaucher disease, the immune system may overreact to just about any stimulus, causing a state of chronic inflammation that can even worsen Gaucher symptoms.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking too much may negatively affect your microbiome, too. Repeated alcohol use is linked to gastritis, an irritation of the gut in which it becomes inflamed. Such inflammation can lead to heartburn, chronic discomfort, ulcers and bacterial infections.

Drinking too much is also associated with intestinal inflammation, which is a sign of an unhealthy gut. Research suggests that this kind of inflammation alters the microbiotaincluding how well it worksand can throw it off balance.

Does The Gut Microbiome Affect Your Mental Health

10 Ways To Improve The Gut Microbiome

How you feel mentally can directly affect how you feel physically, and vice-versa. Because your gut microbiome has such a significant impact on your physical health, it’s no surprise the system can alter your mood as well.

One of the most prominent ways the gut microbiome affects your mental health is through its serotonin production. Serotoninknown as “the happy hormone”is believed to regulate anxiety, happiness, and mood. And although serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter, “it is estimated that 90 percent of the body’s serotonin is made in the digestive tract.” Derocha tells us As a result, it’s possible that people who experience feelings of depression have a gut microbiome that’s producing low levels of the chemical, Derocha explains.

“The gut microbiome is known as the brain in the gut for a reason,” adds LaValle. “A lot of mood-regulating neurotransmitters are made there and when the gut is not healthy it can influence the neurotransmitters and create excessive and/or deficient levels in the gut itself and throughout the body.”

Your Genes Dont Matter But Your Gut Microbiomes Genes Do

As a society, we have been quick to place the blame for everything from our weight to our moods on our genes. We say things like She can drink wine and eat chocolate every day and not gain weight because she is French. The truth is human beings all have similar DNA. So why is it that some people are healthy when they consume chocolate every day while others maintain a strict Paleo diet and struggle with digestive symptoms or worse? Its because, unlike our , our microbiomes genes are vastly different.

The good news is that you can change your gut microbiome. You see, the average lifespan of a bacterium in your microbiome is 20 minutes! So, you have the opportunity every time you eat to begin to change the population of your gut microbiome. This is good news because it means that rather than having to subscribe to theories such as the Paleo diet, which assumes our genes evolve so slowly that we all need to eat like cavemen, we can begin to change our gut microbiome one meal at a time and even achieve a healthy gut very quickly.

Other Great Resources For Learning About The Microbiome And Fmt Treatments

For now, understanding the microbiome better in all aspects and treating it with procedures such as FMT is the best science has to offer. There is still a lot of work to be done to build the perfect microbiome. Dr Jens Walter says I think in 30 or 40 years well be able to colonize infants with specific bacteria we know are health-promoting and shape the microbiome in a beneficial way setting up peoples microbiomes to be resilient and balanced for life.

If youre interested in learning more about this process, these great articles can help you along the way:

Why Is Your Gut Microbiome Important

The average persons microbiome comprises trillions of bacteria. While the exact makeup of this microbiome is unique from person to person, the common denominator is diversity. Healthier people are known to have a more diverse range of bacterial strains in their microbiomes, while unhealthier individuals have less diversity and often more bacteria associated with various health concerns.

The exact role of the microbiome still requires further study, but it is believed that the microbiome presents a whole host of potential benefits. The most direct of these benefits: metabolism and digestion. A healthy gut microbiome assists in the processes of breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and even synthesizing certain essential vitamins.

The gut microbiomes potential effects extend beyond just the digestive system. It works with the immune system to protect against harmful bacteria and drive out invading bacteria.

The gut microbiome also has an intrinsic connection with the skin, sometimes referred to as the gut-skin axis. This axis suggests that the gut microbiome may act as a major regulator of skin health, potentially helping to prevent common disorders, including acne, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis.

Fermented Foods & Probiotics

After you have addressed the basics like removing microbiome destroyers and getting lots of healthy fiber to actually feed your good bacteria, it may be helpful to begin introducing fermented vegetables or a high-quality probiotic supplement into your diet.

After following the first few strategies here, introducing dietary or supplementary bacteria will accelerate healthy bacterial growth and promote a flourishing and diverse microbiome. Some of my favorite fermented foods include grass-fed milk kefir, coconut water kefir, sauerkraut, pickles , and kimchi. These foods actually have a very diverse set of bacteria that is far beyond what most can give you.

The Great Gut Microbiome Diet Myth

You probably noticed there arent any specific foods listed thus far. But if you were to do a quick Google search youd probably see some of the following:

  • Fiber
  • Bone broth
  • Yogurt

Truth is, there are no best foods for the gut microbiome. Remember, your gut microbiome is unique to you and therefore your ideal diet is going to be one-of-a-kind. Having a healthy gut microbiome is dependent on diversity, so try and incorporate plenty of organic vegetables into your diet to cover your bases. Also, consider getting a gut microbiome test that is designed to help increase microbial diversity, like .

Probiotics are also not on this list because although theyve been found to be helpful in many cases, its likely that they should also be individualized in the same way your diet should. Also, there are tons of variations in quality, strain, and outcome. So be sure to do your research if you take probiotics and make sure youre taking the right one for you.

The potential for improving your health through your gut microbiome is proving to be exciting and powerful science. One thing is for sure, your gut microbiome is unique and therefore future health advice must be personalized to reflect these scientific findings. Order your Viome Gut Intelligence test for $199 .

Improve Gut Microbiome And Mitochondrial Function

Mitochondria have many functions, including energy production, maintaining cell cycle and growth, apoptosis , regulation of cellular metabolism, steroid synthesis, calcium storage and signaling, signaling through reactive oxygen species, and hormonal signaling.

The most important function they perform is the production of metabolic energy in eukaryotic cells. They break down carbohydrates and fatty acids through the process of oxidative phosphorylation in order to produce adenosine triphosphate , the energy currency of life. Much of this process takes place in a mitochondrions inner membrane.

More specifically, the process of cellular respiration is where energy is derived from glucose. ATP is the bodys currency for energy. The first step in the process of energy production therefore is changing glucose to pyruvate to produce ATP. With aerobic respiration, which is the type of cellular respiration that occurs in human cells, oxygen is present and the pyruvate then produces more ATP. If there is no oxygen and respiration is anaerobic, no extra ATP is created.

So what happens if the mitochondria are not functioning properly? ATP production is reduced meaning the energy needed for all of the bodys processes is reduced. That can become quite a challenging situation for health and wellness.

Or do we need to support the mitochondria throughout the entire system so that tissue responds better to therapy?

Have Probiotics For Gut Health

Probiotic supplements help support gut health by adding beneficial bacteria to your gut microbiome. You can get probiotics in fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and kefir, as well as probiotic supplements.

One caveat herenot all probiotics are the same. Some strains can increase your levels of histamine, the same chemical your body produces during an allergic reaction. Too much histamine causes inflammation in the body. This largely depends on your own biology; some people tolerate fermented foods like tempeh and miso, while others feel bloated, sluggish or foggy after eating histamine-rich foods.

Learn everything you need to know about probiotics, how they work and which strains to avoid.

Can You Tell If Youre Having Health Problems In Your Gut

How To Improve Gut Health Naturally: The Ultimate Guide ...

When the microbiome is thrown out of balance for any reason, its often easy to tell. Bloating, gas, diarrhea, stomach pain or nausea are all pretty direct signs that something in the gut isnt working as it should. The imbalances often fix themselves after a short time, but if they become chronic, they may require a medical diagnosis and treatment.

But more and more, doctors are discovering irregularities in gut bacteria that dont cause immediate symptomsat least not gastrointestinal ones. You can have bacteria in your gut that arent overproducing gas or altering your motility or anything youd notice but that, for example, are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer, says Hecht.

For people curious about their microbiome, commercial testing kits will analyze a stool sample and provide information about the strains of bacteria detected. But if youre looking for advice about your health, doctors say the kits are not worth the money. We dont know enough to make those readouts meaningful yet, says Dr. Robert Hirten, assistant professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. We know in general what looks like inflammatory and noninflammatory bacteria, but in a practical sense we cant really measure it or match specific bacteria to specific diseases.

Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut

Many facets of modern life such as high stress levels, too little sleep, processed and high-sugar foods, and taking antibiotics can all damage our gut microbiome. This in turn may affect other aspects of our health, such as the brain, heart, immune system, skin, weight, hormone levels, ability to absorb nutrients, and even the development of .

There are a number of ways an unhealthy gut might manifest itself. Here are seven of the most common signs:

Who Can Benefit From Optimized Gut Health

Things like poor sleep, increased cortisol , and a weakened immune system are all associated with poor gut health and can lead to feelings of lethargy, mood instability, and the like.

People looking to advance their own longevity and extend their healthspan should also be honed-in on the health of their microbiome. A rich and diverse microbiome has been frequently associated with reduced inflammation, stable blood glucose levels, improved cognition, and more, all of which are important for maintaining a strong body and mind into old age.

Interestingly, gut health has also proven to be important in those looking to optimize athletic and physical performance. The gut microbiome can contribute to athletic performance by improving energy metabolism during exercise and by controlling inflammation and expediting tissue repair during recovery.

The First Bug Runs The Deepest: Infant Microbiome Development

Our microbiome, not unlike our fingerprint, is unique to us. It is made up of millions of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses, and no one in the world has a combination that is one in the same not even identical twins. Our microbiomes are not easily duplicated, and as it turns out, not easily changed.

Research has already determined that our microbiome doesnt develop much beyond the first years of our life, and that lifestyle and environment factor for less than 30% of microbiome makeup; what you start with is more or less what you have for life.

The microbiome begins its development at birth. A child is brought through the birth canal, exposing them to vaginal microbiota that will become their first bacteria. As their exposure to the world outside continues, they collect more bacteria, gradually building what will become their microbiome.

There is new insight into exactly how the microbiome is developed, and what impact that has on us later in life:

Take A Prebiotic Or Probiotic

Adding a prebiotic or probiotic supplement to your diet may be a great way to improve your gut health. Prebiotics provide food meant to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, while probiotics are live good bacteria. People with bacterial overgrowth, such as SIBO, should not take probiotics. Not all probiotic supplements are high quality or will actually provide benefit. Its best to consult your healthcare provider when choosing a probiotic or prebiotic supplement to ensure the best health benefit.

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Easy On The Painkillers For Your Gut Flora

Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory are painkillers that can alter the gut microbiome and lead to an upset stomach.

Better known as NSAIDs, these medications are among the most commonly prescribed. They are used to treat pain by targeting inflammation, and are especially popular because they help relieve menstrual pain.

However, even though they can produce short-term relief, chronic use can damage your gut lining and make your gut microbes sad. They irritate your intestinal lining, causing inflammation and even bleeding too both of which are detrimental to this organ and your microbiome.

TIPSome of these painkillers, like ibuprofen, can be bought at your shop, others prescribed by your doctor.

Eat Your Fruits And Veggies

While all the different foods that make up your diet can influence the gut microbiome, it is the fiber â the carbohydrates in our diet that we cannot break down ourselves but the bacteria in our gut can use readily â that drives the formation of a healthy microbiome. Eating a diverse and abundant selection of fruits and veggies is a great way to feed some of the most health-promoting bacteria in our gut.

How To Improve Gut Microbiome And Microbiota After Medications

How to improve gut microbiome and microbiota? What if you needed taking medications and now need help? Know everything there is to know!

The microbiota is very important for the balance and proper functioning of the body. After a treatment with antibiotics it can be altered and it is essential to regain its stability to avoid major problems.

During the use of antibiotics, the bacterial population found in the intestines is greatly altered. Once the treatment is finished, the flora recovers, although the original composition and diversity are not fully restored. Therefore, it is important to know how the microbiota can be recovered.

It is common that during or after treatment with antibiotics you notice various intestinal processes such as constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia or meteorisms. In addition, the alteration of the intestinal microbiota has been associated, in the long term, with some health problems. Among them, inflammatory bowel diseases, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, and allergies.

Why Is Gut Health Important

5 tips to improve gut health naturally

Everyones microbiome is unique, but there are a few generalities about whats healthy and whats not. In healthy people, there is a diverse array of organisms, says Dr. Gail Hecht, chair of the American Gastroenterological Association Center for Gut Microbiome Research & Education. In an unhealthy individual, theres much less diversity, and there seems to be an increase of bacteria we associate with disease.

Hecht stresses the word associate because scientists dont know for sure which comes firstwhether bacteria influence disease risk or whether existing disease influences gut bacteria. Most likely, she says, both are true. Were still lacking specific proof of how this connection works, but we know its there.

Some bacteria fight , while others promote it. When the gut works as it should, these two types keep each other in check. But when that delicate balance gets skewed, inflammatory bacteria can take overand they can produce metabolites that pass through the lining of the gut and into the bloodstream, spreading the inflammation to other parts of the body.

Specific types of bacteria in the gut can lead to other conditions as well. Studies in both animals and humans have linked some bacteria to lower immune function; others to greater risk of asthma and allergies; and still others to chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and some cancers.

Proven Ways To Heal Your Gut Microbiome

  • Your gut microbiome is involved in nearly every aspect of your health, so you want to pay attention to the trillions of microbes living in and on you. 
  • Ways to reduce damage and promote good gut microbiome health include: avoiding gut-damaging behavior, staying away from certain foods, and taking a gut microbiome test.

Your gut microbiome is involved in nearly every aspect of your health. So, if you want to feel better, have more energy, and improve your overall well-being, youve got to pay attention to the trillions of microbes living in and on you.

Your richest population of microbes by far is found in your gut. This is great news because your gut microbes are heavily affected by your diet and behavior meaning you have a lot of influence over the activity of your gut microbe population, also called the gut microbiota. 

These little guys are your bodys natural pharmacy: they help you digest your food, influence your mood, and even help you maintain a healthy weight.The science of the gut microbiome has given us new insight into what it means to be healthy. We now know that to truly be healthy, we must take the right steps not only for ourselves, but also for our microbiomes.

Lets take a closer look at how you can reduce damage and promote good gut microbiome health with 17 science-backed ways to heal your gut microbiome.

How To Improve Gut Microbiome And Microbiota

According to the Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain, there are around 500 types of different bacteria in the human body. All contribute to maintaining balance within the system.

They explain that the changes produced by antibiotics are reversible. For this, a varied and balanced diet is required. The intake must be adequate and with good quality nutrients. Therefore, an excellent way to stabilize the bacterial flora is by consuming the following foods.

  • Yogurt

  • Yogurt is a food rich in microorganisms. In addition, it provides several nutrients, such as good quality proteins, vitamins and minerals. You can also consume one or more servings of other fermented foods daily, such as soy yogurt, homemade sauerkraut, kimchi, or water kefir. They all help prevent diarrhea that occurs during antibiotic treatment.

  • Probiotics

  • Probiotics are live microorganisms that produce a beneficial effect on health, only if in the right amounts. These remain active in the intestine for the time necessary to change the intestinal microbiota.

    Similarly, these bacteria stimulate digestive juices and natural enzymes, allowing proper digestion. Although yogurt and kefir are probiotic foods par excellence, we can also consume the following foods:

    • Miso soup.
    • Whole grains.
  • Antioxidant foods

  • Donât forget to how to improve gut microbiome and microbiota with your friends and family on your social networks!

    How The Study Was Conducted

    Investigators set out to determine if eating a diet designed to improve gut diversity either one rich in fiber or one rich in fermentation could have potential benefits for lowering inflammation and battling chronic inflammatory diseases.

    In the , healthy adults were divided into two groups, with 21 people eating high-fiber foods such as fruits, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and 18 people consuming fermented foods.

    Stool samples were collected from the subjects during a three-week pretrial period, during the 10 weeks of following the assigned diet, and then for a four-week period after the study, when participants went back to eating whatever they wanted. Blood samples were also taken to measure inflammation and immune function.

    In addition to increasing the diversity of the gut microbiome, people who ate fermented foods showed less activation for four types of immune cells and the levels of several inflammatory proteins, including interleukin 6, also decreased.

    Interleukin 6 is elevated in many chronic inflammatory disorders including rheumatoid arthritis , , ankylosing spondylitis and inflammatory bowel disease , according to Mayo Clinic Laboratories. The findings were strengthened by a dose dependent relationship- the larger the servings of fermented foods, the greater the effect.

    Reduce Both Sugar And Artificial Sweeteners

    Something weve discussed often is that dietary sugar has very few advantages with which to justify the many dangers it presents in our bodies. have shown that overconsumption of sugar can lead to imbalances in the gut microbiome, a condition known medically as dysbiosis. has also demonstrated that artificial sweeteners actually increase blood sugar levels, and negatively affect the microbiome in the process. Remember your microbiome has evolved over 2 million years and has never been exposed to sugar alcohols like erythritol and our high sugar western diets.

    In addition to these foods, some common sense practices your mom used to prod you about still apply. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly to ensure optimal absorption of nutrients. And stay hydrated to promote healthy digestion of your food.

    If you have questions about your gut microbiome and how to protect it, connecting with a doctor in a discrete setting has never been easier.


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    For questions, inquiries, or appointments, dont hesitate to contact us. Get personalized support and insight from top-tier physicians available 24/7.

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