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What Is Best To Take For Constipation

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Home Remedies For Constipation Relief

Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 tips for constipation alleviation without medication

Dietary changes, drinking water, exercise, and taking supplements are among the natural ways to relieve symptoms of constipation. Identifying the factors contributing to constipation can help you decide which remedies are best. A combination of the following remedies may be necessary to treat the problem.

Cut Out Irritating Foods

In addition to constipation that makes stools harder to pass, some people experience stool thats too loose. When this is the case, cutting out foods that can irritate the stomach can help. Examples to cut from your diet include:

  • alcoholic beverages
  • caffeinated drinks, like tea, coffee, and sodas
  • fatty foods
  • foods that contain sugar alcohols that end in the letters -ol
  • spicy foods

Try cutting out these foods to see if your bowel movements are less watery. You can also keep a food and symptom diary to identify connections between the foods you eat and the symptoms you experience.

What Exams Procedures And Tests Help Diagnose The Cause Of Severe Constipation

Medical history

Many tests can diagnose severe constipation, and most people only need a few basic tests. First the doctor or health care professional will take a medical history and physical examination to allow the doctor to define the type of constipation that’s present uncover any supplements or prescription products you are taking or diseases or other health problems you have. This, in turn, directs the diagnosis and therapy. For example, if defecation is painful, the doctor knows to look for anal problems such as a narrowed anal sphincter or an anal fissure. If small stools are the problem, eating foods low in fiber may be the cause. If the patient is experiencing significant straining, then pelvic floor dysfunction is likely.

A careful dietary history-which may require keeping a food diary for a week or two-can reveal a diet that is low in fiber and may direct the physician to recommend a high-fiber diet. A food diary also allows the physician to evaluate how well an individual increases his dietary fiber during treatment.

Other tests are available for people who have severe constipation that doesn’t respond easily to treatment.

Physical examination

Blood tests

Blood tests may be appropriate in evaluating your condition. More specifically, blood tests for thyroid hormone and for calcium may be helpful.

Abdominal X-ray

Barium enema

Colonic transit studies


Anorectal motility studies

Magnetic resonance imaging defecography

Colonic motility studies

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Drinking A Hot Beverage

With a few caveats, this tip makes sense. If the hot beverage contains caffeine , this can help. Plus, if you drink enough hot drinks like tea, you’ll increase your water intake which is a good thing for softer stools. But there’s nothing about the temperature of the drink which eases constipation, so keep that in mind.

Best Fruits For Constipation

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Fruits are a great option for easing constipation. Most are an excellent source of dietary fiber, along with providing you with a whole host of other nutritional benefits. Although there is no hard science on the matter, you may find that your body responds better to fruit that has been cooked or dried, as opposed to raw.

Here are some fruits that are thought to be helpful in easing constipation.

  • Raisins

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When To See Your Doctor

If youve made changes to your diet, exercise routine, stress level and medications, but still have frequent constipation over the course of a few months, it might be time to see your doctor.

If its a constant problem despite making changes then it might be chronic constipation or something else, and it may be beneficial to see a physician, says Dr Garg.

Also, if you experience any of the following, its time to see your doctor.

  • Weight loss.
  • Severe or persistent abdominal pain.
  • Rectal bleeding.

Nutrition And Dietary Supplements

Consuming additional fiber through the use of supplements can have a positive effect on long-term constipation. Its best, however, to check with your doctor before adding any supplements to your daily diet. Psyllium, a soluble fiber that comes from the shrub-like herb Plantago ovata, can help relieve constipation. The reaction between the psyllium husk and water forms a gelatin-like mass that helps move stool through the intestines. Another soluble fiber, glucomannan, is derived from the root of Amorphophallus konjac. Some studies have shown that it, too, can be helpful with resolving chronic constipation. Although probiotics help to keep the intestines healthy and in good working order, studies using them to treat constipation have yielded mixed results. Some of the most common types of probiotics include Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria, and Saccharomyces boulardii.

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Olive And Flaxseed Oils

Olive and flaxseed oils have a mild laxative effect, which can ease the flow of materials through the intestines and relieve constipation.

These oils also contain compounds that improve digestion and have antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

A 2015 study found that olive and flaxseed oils help to relieve constipation in people undergoing hemodialysis.

Stop Taking Certain Medicines Or Dietary Supplements

Best Laxatives for Constipation

If you think certain medicines or dietary supplements are causing your constipation, talk with your doctor. He or she may change the dose or suggest a different medicine that does not cause constipation. Dont change or stop any medicine or supplement without talking with a health care professional.

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Avoiding Overuse Of Certain Laxatives

Regular use of certain stimulant laxatives may decrease your bowel tone, resulting in poor bowel function. Watch for herbal laxatives, which may contain stimulants. Other laxatives that help you retain more water and are safe for regular use. Always check with your doctor before using any laxatives on a regular basis.

How Long Should Laxatives Be Used For

Ideally, laxatives should only be used occasionally and for short periods of time. Stop taking a laxative when your constipation improves.

After taking a laxative, to help stop constipation returning you can make certain lifestyle changes, such as drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly and including more fibre in your diet. These types of measures are a better way of preventing constipation than excessive use of laxatives.

See your GP for advice if you’re often constipated, despite making appropriate lifestyle changes, or if your constipation hasn’t improved after taking laxatives for more than a week.

Don’t get into the habit of taking laxatives every day to ease your constipation because this can be harmful.

In some cases, you may be prescribed a laxative to use regularly, but this should always be supervised by your GP or a gastroenterologist .

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When Should I Seek Medical Attention

Make sure the medical intervention is with a functional medicine provider, otherwise you will just get a prescription for a laxative. Seek medical attention if:

  • you have not passed a bowel movement in over three days
  • there is blood in your stool
  • you are having other symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, and gas.

~Dr. Ewers

People, especially older adults, often believe they are constipated when they arent. Bowel habits do change with age. The normal range for bowel movements can be from three times per day to three times per week. If you believe you have chronic constipation, consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.Call your doctor if:

  • constipation is new for you
  • constipation has persisted more than three weeks and youre going three times a week or less
  • your stool is hard and difficult to pass
  • youre losing weight without trying
  • you have severe pain with defecating
  • you have blood in your stool

See your doctor to rule out more serious conditions like colorectal cancer or colon inertia. Your doctor may suggest medication to help overcome occasional constipation. ~Healthline

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Foods For Immediate Constipation Relief

Top 11 Home Remedies For Constipation

Certain types of foods can create an immediate constipation relief due to fermentation and gas. These types of foods contain fruits, sugar, glucose and fermenting elements. Fermentation in the intestines is the effect of humidity and heat. Also, the longer the food stays in the intestines, the longer will ferment.

Fermentation creates gas. The gas pushes the stool towards evacuation. Fermenting foods act as if they were a combination of Osmotic and Volume laxatives. They favor peristalsis and force the evacuation of fecal matter. The time it takes for the stool evacuation is between 1-3 hours after eating a meal. If you suffer from severe constipation, it can take more than 4 hours.

In this time, you feel the intestines move and feel the gas putting pressure inside them. Also, you will confront with flatulence every 10-20 minutes.

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Eat Fruits Nuts Grains And Vegetables

In addition, its important to eat foods with plenty of fiber. This adds bulk to your stool, which stimulates the bowels to move and propel your stool forward. Foods that contain fiber include:

  • fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, and apples
  • nuts and seeds, such as pistachios, almonds, or sunflower seeds
  • vegetables, such as broccoli, lima beans, and carrots
  • whole-grain breads, such as seven-grain, cracked wheat, or pumpernickel

Increase Dietary Fibre For Constipation Relief

Fibre acts like a pipe cleaner, scrubbing food and waste particles from your digestive tract and soaking up water. It adds bulk to your stool, giving the muscles of your GI tract something to grab on to, so they can keep food moving along. The Mayo Clinic suggests aiming for 20 to 35 grams of fibre a day to stay regular. Foods particularly high in fibre include bran cereals, beans, lentils, oatmeal, almonds, barley, many vegetables, and fresh and dried fruits. All of these things can be home remedies for constipation. If youre constipated and taking in additional fibre, be sure to drink more water than usual to keep your stool soft and easy to pass.

Check out these painless ways to increase your dietary fibre.

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What Does Constipation Feel Like

Constipation can happen due to one or more breakdowns of the expected pathway where stool is excreted.

These can include slow-moving stool, hard stools, or experiencing a problem with the muscles and nerves needed to pass a bowel movement.

As a result, constipation can feel like many symptoms. Examples include:

Sometimes its difficult to distinguish between discomfort in your stomach and intestines. You might feel cramping or bloating in your intestines that pushes upward on your stomach.

As a result, you could feel stomach discomfort while the area of constipation is really in your intestines.

Sometimes constipation can be a medical emergency.

Seek immediate medical advice and treatment if you experience the following:

  • symptoms dont get better or they become worse even after trying self-care measures at home, including laxatives
  • continued pain after trying to have bowel movements or pain that gets worse
  • constipation that alternates with diarrhea

These symptoms can be a sign of bleeding in the digestive tract or that you are experiencing an intestinal blockage. These can be life-threatening emergencies.

Constipation treatments can range from lifestyle to medication treatments. If you have an obstruction or scarring that is blocking the movement of your stool, you may require surgery.

Some at-home, self-care measures you can use to reduce the incidence of constipation include:

Relief With Fermenting Fruits For Constipation

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Fruits do not need any help for digestion. The intestines absorb all the nutrients and vitamins from fruits in less than 30 minutes. If we eat fruits with our intestines filled with stool, they will start to ferment. Also, they will remain blocked and will perturb digestion.

Fruits offer immediate constipation relief only because of fermentation. The process creates gas and forces the stool nearby to move towards evacuation. Also, the gas will evacuate itself without delay and warning. This thing is called flatulence. It can sometimes create embarrassing situations, as mentioned in the last chapter.

Sometimes you can hear the sound of gas moving towards the large intestines. Not to mention when we âaccidentallyâ fart without warning.

The effect over the stool evacuation takes less than 1 hour. Fruits digest quickly . If they stay blocked in the intestines, they will start to produce gas. The longer they stay blocked, the higher the chances are fruits turn into alcohol.

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What Causes Constipation

Many factors can cause constipation, and dehydration is one of the biggest causes. Other reasons you might experience constipation include pregnancy, diabetes, or an over or underactive thyroid. If your pelvic muscles are weak, that may play a role in making it more difficult to go to the bathroom, too. Older adults, people whose diets are low in fiber, and those who don’t participate in regular exercise may also be more vulnerable to constipation. Some medications like opioid pain medication, sedatives, and antidepressants can also cause constipation in certain patients.

How Do Laxatives Work

There are several different kinds of laxatives. Each one works a different way. These are the most common types.

Bulk-forming laxatives

These laxatives add soluble fiber to the stool. This causes the stool to absorb more water. It creates larger, softer stools. The larger stools help trigger the bowel to contract. This moves the stools out. Bulk-forming laxatives generally are the safest type of laxative.

Examples of bulk-forming laxatives include:

  • psyllium
  • polycarbophil
  • methylcellulose

To reduce your risk of side effects, you should start slowly. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids while taking bulk-forming laxatives. Gradually increase how much you use until you get the results you want.

Lubricant laxatives

These coat the surface of the stools to make them slippery. Doing this helps the stools move out of the body more easily. Glycerin suppositories lubricate the inside of the anus . This makes it easier to pass hard stools out of the body.

Stool softeners

These help mix fluid into stools to soften them. This makes stools easier to pass out of the body. An example of a stool softener is docusate .

Osmotic laxatives

These cause the intestine to hold more fluid. This softens stools and helps the bowel move them out. Examples include polyethylene glycol and magnesium hydroxide solution .

Stimulant laxatives

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How Is Constipation Diagnosed

See your doctor if you are experiencing constipation and over the counter treatments have not worked.

You should see your GP if you experience or observe the following:

  • Abdominal pain or bloating
  • Constipation that alternates with diarrhea
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason.

Your doctor will ask you questions about your history of constipation and what medications you take. They may perform a physical examination and further tests may be performed depending on what they think is the underlying cause of the constipation.

Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat Constipation

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To prevent and treat constipation, try the following lifestyle changes:

  • Go to the bathroom at the same time every day. Your body will get used to going at that time. But, if you feel like you need to go, dont put it off.
  • Try to use the bathroom 5 to 15 minutes after meals. After breakfast is a good time to move your bowels. This is when the reflexes in your colon are the strongest.
  • Exercise, if you can. Walking is an excellent form of exercise. Exercise helps your body move food through your large intestines , which can make it easier to have a bowel movement.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of liquids daily, if you can. Drink water, juices , soups, ice cream shakes, and other drinks that dont have caffeine. Try to avoid drinking more than 1 caffeinated drink per day. Drinks with caffeine, such as coffee and soda, pull fluid out of your body and can make you dehydrated.
  • Slowly increase the fiber in your diet to 25 to 35 grams per day. If you have an ostomy or have had recent bowel surgery, check with your healthcare provider before making any changes in your diet. Foods high in fiber include:
  • Bran
  • Nuts and beans

Read the resource Food Sources of Fiber for information about the amount of fiber found in many foods.

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Drugs For Constipation From Opioids

Opioid pain relievers such as Vicodin, Percocet, and Oxycontin are known not only for their risk of addiction but also for constipation. Forty to 80 percent of people taking opioids for long-term pain experience constipation, according to the American Gastroenterological Association.

The FDA has approved three drugs specifically for constipation caused by taking prescription opioids for pain: methylnaltrexone , naldemedine , and naloxegol .

These medications, called peripherally acting mu-opioid receptor antagonists or Pamoras, relieve constipation by preventing opioids from attaching to receptors in the intestines. The drugs contain a compound that keeps them from reaching the brain, so they dont interfere with an opioids pain-relieving effects.

But patients with opioid-induced constipation should still try OTC laxatives before considering a prescription drug, according to AGA guidelines published in 2019. You want to give routine laxatives a chance because many times you can treat the constipation without going to an opioid antagonist, Wald says.

As with other prescription constipation drugs, one big drawback of Pamoras is price. The average cash price for a months supply of Movantik is $442 Symproic, $474 Relistor tablets, $2,362 and injectable Relistor, a whopping $4,840, according to GoodRx.

Teresa Carr

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Preparation Time: 4-5 Minutes

Black Pepper Oil also helps in curing constipation in a very effective way. If used properly, it shows the results within 2 to 3 days.

How to Use?

  • Take 1-2 tablespoons of the oil together with any carrier oil
  • Use it in a 2:1 and warm it a bit before drinking
  • Use it only once a day for a few days

Want to Buy?

You can get it from here.

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