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What Is Ib Teaching Experience

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What is an IB education?

Since I started my studies at the University of the People, I have come to understand a lot about modern teaching and learning. From educational theories to curriculum design, I feel a great paradigm shift as far as my understanding of modern education is concerned. As a young educator, I strive to offer dynamic learning experiences for my students and I opt to seize every professional development opportunity that comes my way.

The University of People scholarship is one of those golden opportunities every educator wishes to get to improve their teaching practice. There is no doubt that I am already enjoying the professional benefits of this scholarship. For example, being taught by some of the best educators in the world will only enhance my professionalism in the education sector. Furthermore, this scholarship is going be a gate way to more professional growth and development, as we venture into 21st Century teaching and learning.

What Qualifications Do You Need To Teach Ib

To apply for an IB certificate program and receive IB certification, you must be licensed as a teacher or be an expert in the subject area you wish to teach, have completed a graduate degree program in your field, and have spent at least three years as a classroom instructor.

The International Baccalaureate program was created in Switzerland in the 1960s to motivate students. Students in over 350 countries studied the internationally recognized two-year curriculum for one million IB students during the IB program. Teachers who have recently completed the IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning are frequently among those who apply. You must have a bachelors degree with a 3.0 grade point average in order to be considered for an IB teaching position. Students must be familiar with more complex topics like calculus and two-dimensional vector geometry. A teacher who works in the International Baccalaureate must continue his or her education. In some districts, IB teachers may be required to take continuing education courses.

Benefits Of An International Baccalaureate Education

The benefits of an IB education reach far and wide across the educational community.

Students learn how to learn, are curious inquirers and confident and take their responsibilities as world citizens seriously.

  • Meet or exceed local curricular standards
  • Provide ongoing professional development to ensure all educators are creative and innovative in practice
  • collaborate and provide shared learning experience with the global community and other IB schools

IB Graduates:

  • Benefit from universities and colleges developing recognition policies making it clear how IB students gain places on their courses
  • Attend all types of third level education including highest ranking universities around the world
  • Are highly likely to complete undergraduate degrees and pursue graduate work
  • Are prepared for college level coursework, are able to cope with demanding workloads and are likely to be engaged in various aspects of university life
  • Provide ongoing professional development to ensure all educators are creative and innovative in practice
  • Have an established global network with fellow IB alumni.

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Examples Of Teaching Experience In A Sentence

  • Teaching experience in the field must be attained at an academic institution accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

  • Teaching experience from foreign institutions must be attained at institutions with comparable standards, as determined on a case-by-case basis.

  • Teaching experience will be counted toward years of experience on the paygrade for this position.

  • Teaching experience credit shall apply to equivalent school employment, such as guidance counselor, media specialist, and curriculum resource teacher.

  • Teaching experience less than three years will be added to any industry experience and be subject to the four year minimum experience and the two years for one increment.

Ib Advanced Certificate In Teaching And Learning Research

Hooks, Mary / The IB Primary Years Programme

The IB advanced certificate in teaching and learning research allows participants to supplement their existing IB experience with rigorous, systematic investigative work to broaden their knowledge and experience.

Participants delve deeper into curriculum development, pedagogy and assessment by exploring relevant literature and their own IB practices.

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What If I Finish My Studies Having Successfully Completed These Four Units

If you wish, you can conclude your studies after completing the IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning.

As a student of the University of Bath, you will be eligible for the 30 credit Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies .

If you also successfully complete the Research Methods in Education unit you can conclude your studies with the 60 credit Postgraduate Diploma in Education , or continue your studies to the next level by enrolling on the dissertation.

Whats Been The Most Challenging For Him Was There An Initial Adjustment Period

The most challenging aspect would probably be the profile of his peers. Most are smart and driven to succeed academically. My son is fairly average in his class, but he has started to shine in some subjects . I dont think he had a lot of adjusting to do. He simply took to the new experience like a fish to water, and he liked it a lot better than primary school life.

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What Else Might Local Parents Not Know About The Ib Programme

Well, Im not sure if its the IB programme or the school that my son is in, but they do have a lot of group projects, presentations, and individual research work as part of the curriculum. While the exams and tests still play a part in determining a students overall grade, the projects help to inculcate teamwork, leadership, and project management skills.

One thing which surprised us was that not all IB students are super kiasu. Many of them also have a life outside of schoolwork and their co-curricular activities.

The Pyp Curriculum Framework

The value of an IB education with Stanford Universitys Debra Von Bargen

The PYP curriculum framework begins with the premise that students are agents of their own learning and partners in the learning process. It prioritizes people and their relationships to build a strong learning community.

PYP students use their initiative to take responsibility and ownership of their learning. By learning through inquiry and reflecting on their own learning, PYP students develop knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and the attributes of the IB Learner profile to make a difference in their own lives, their communities, and beyond.

The framework emphasizes the central principle of agency, which underpins the three pillars of school life:

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What Is It Like Teaching In An Ib World School

University of the People scholarship recipient, Bukenya Vincent from Acorns International School shares what he likes about the Middle Years Programme and how the scholarship will help him grow professionally.

Bukenya Vicent is an Individuals and Societies Middle Years Programme teacher at Acorns International School. In this blog, he shares how the scholarship will help him achieve his professional goals and his experience teaching in an IB World School.

What Is The Difference Between A Levels Ap Courses And The Ib Diploma

  • The IB and A-Levels are both 2 years of study. A levels are 3-4 subjects and IB takes on 6 subjects. AP courses only last a year and students can take as many as they want.
  • In addition to the 6 subjects in IB there are additional components such as Extended Essays, Internal Assessments, Theory of Knowledge and CAS.
  • The grading systems are different. A levels range from A* to E. IB which uses numbers 1-7, 7 being the highest. AP also uses a numeric scale, from 1 to 5.
  • IB is a fast growing qualification whereas A Levels have been around longer and remain seen as a global standard. AP courses have existed since 1955, but there are not widely used outside of the United States.

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Approaching Ib Schools Without Ib Experience

Postby jimmycajun»Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:44 pm

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Postby Rhysboy»Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:03 am

Postby sid»Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:56 am

Postby vandsmith»Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:44 am

Postby chilagringa»Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:22 pm

Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:22 am

Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:08 am

Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:59 am

Postby sciteach»Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:03 am

Postby Nomads»Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:11 am

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Postby PsyGuy»Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:21 am

Connect With The Ib Online Community

Teacher of IB Maths

There is a huge amount of support out there for IB teachers, including on Facebook, Twitter and the Tes forums – where experienced teachers of the IB are happy to offer their wisdom to newcomers.

The is brilliant because it is such a large forum, says Freya Odell, an English teacher at St Georges British International School in Rome.

People share their planning in the resource section. If you have any questions about the course or content, you can post on the forum and there will always be people to answer.

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Is The International Baccalaureate Program Worth It

The International Baccalaureate Program is a two-year, comprehensive program that focuses on personal and academic development as well as the presentation of a globally recognized diploma. This program can benefit students who want to obtain a globally recognized diploma as well as join selective universities. The IB requires a lot of time and effort, but some teachers can earn both the IB and the MEng certificates. Colleges may offer certification as a stand-alone program or as part of an online masters degree program. Students can take online courses for as little as six weeks and up to 22 weeks.

Why Did You Encourage Your Son To Enrol In The Ib Programme

My wife and I have always had an interest in a slightly less mainstream educational path for our son. In fact, he had applied and auditioned for SOTA through his violin playing as he has a Grade 7 ABRSM qualification but he didnt make it. That was heartbreaking for him, and weve never seen him so crestfallen over a failure before.

However, that also prompted him to work hard for the Primary School Leaving Examination , and he did well enough to make it to schools that offered the six-year Integrated Programme for the GCE A-Levels or the IB.

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You Can Complete The International Baccalaureate Educator Certificates At The University Of Bath

In order to study the International Baccalaureate Educator Certificates at the University of Bath you need to have current or recent teaching experience of an IB programme and then gain admission to the MA Education. If your application is successful you can study the IBEC alongside the MA Education.

What Is The Ib System Of Teaching

How Hard is IB?? | 5 IB students share their experiences & ADVICE

If you are here, theres a pretty large likelihood that you are already familiar with what the system of IB is. For those of you less familiar, according to the official website the International Baccalaureate curriculum aims to,

develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respectThese programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

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Alumni Shaping The Future

To celebrate the IBs 50th anniversary, wed like you to meet some of our alumni who graduated from the IB Diploma Programme and went on to report from war zones, change the lives of refugees, create beautiful music, and soar through space. Our alumni do incredible things every day to make their communityand the worlda better, more peaceful place. These are just a few who represent what it means to be an IB graduate, and what it means to put the skills learned in the IB into practice.

Why Did You Choose The Ib Over The A

The IB programme was attractive to us as we felt it offered a more holistic education with a stronger grounding in the humanities. We also thought that compared with the A-Levels, the IB programme was slightly less focused on academic results.

In my sons school, the IB programme is also a through-train programme, so it is a six-year direct programme that skips the O-Levels. The main reason we chose it was due to the broader emphasis of the curriculum beyond examination requirements. Having said that, I understand that different IB schools can be run quite differently.

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New Study Explores What It Means To Be An Ib Teacher

Newswise Researchers at the International Baccalaureate set out to learn what ingredients go into making an IB teacher an IB teacher — to better understand the perspectives and attributes of this effective, dedicated corps of educators. Researchers Liz Bergeron and Michael Dean used an online survey, focus groups, and document review to improve current understanding of teaching in IB programmes, compared to commonly held more general beliefs about effective teaching. Their findings, reported in the study, The IB teacher professional: identifying, measuring and characterizing pedagogical attributes, perspectives and beliefs support the assertion that IB teachers approach the whole student with inquiry-based instruction, and with the intention of shaping their students into socially responsible citizens.

This study supports what we in the IB community have long known: IB teachers are themselves lifelong learners who aim to develop the same keen interest in their students, says Chief Academic Officer Judith Fabian, International Baccalaureate. IB teachers approach their students with creativity, flexibility, openness, care and compassion. Their pedagogical approaches and belief systems are at the core of their excellence as teachers.

Ib Certificate In Teaching And Learning


The IB certificate in teaching and learning offers students the opportunity to examine the principles and practices associated with one of three IB programmes . The courses that lead to this certificate shape pre-service, new and experienced educators into reflective practitioners and teacher researchers.

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History Of The International Baccalaureate Organisation

The International Baccalaureate Organisation was founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 when a group of educators, academics and parents created the Diploma Programme .

The DP is an academically rigorous internationally recognised university entrance qualification. It has been adopted by many schools around the world, providing geographic and cultural mobility.

The organisation launched the Middle Years Programme in 1994 and the Primary Years Programme in 1997. These programmes encourage a broad range of skills: critical thinking, multiple perspectives with inter- and trans-disciplinarity frameworks.

In 2012, the Career-related Programme was introduced to run parallel and in conjunction with the Diploma Programme. To provide more choice, this new programme offered strong academic content with vocational or technical programmes.

All IB programmes share an international vision focused on global peace and understanding. There are now more than one million IB students aged 3-19 in over 150 countries worldwide.

Process For Obtaining Ib Certificate In Teaching And Learning

Once you have completed the requirements for your University of Windsor International Educator Certificate for International Baccalaureate Qualification, you will be eligible to apply to the International Baccalaureate Organization for an IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning. Please note that the IBO assesses an application fee of $265 USD. Once you complete the program, we will assist you through the process of applying to IBO.

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How Can Parents Better Support Their Kids In The Ib

Take an interest in the projects that your kids are working on, and keep up with global affairs. Discussing these topics with your kids can help to nurture their interest.

Adopting a curious mindset is also key. This will help your kids to build the foundations for independent research, which is much needed to thrive in the IB programme.

Teaching Ib Abroad Thailand

Want to teach the IB? Here is all you need to know

The first IB school in Thailand was established in 1984, which is quite a bit earlier than some of the others listed here. There are now 25 + schools in Thailand that offer one or more of the four IB programs.Universities in Thailand officially recognize the IB programs and admit students accordingly.

There are IB schools in every country that we have jobs in, the ones listed here are just examples. Check out our job board to see all of the countries that we have teaching positions in, and tell your placement consultant that youre looking for an IB teaching position. Theyll be able to help narrow down your job search and find the perfect IB teaching position for you!

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Brush Up On Your Theory Of Knowledge

The theory of knowledge is one of the most interesting aspects of the IB programme. Many A-level and GCSE teachers know all too well the students lament of Why do we need to know this?.

The IB tackles this head-on with key enquiries such as what is a fact? and what is the role of the author? woven through all of their subjects.

A good place to start would be your own undergraduate theory books brush up on Rousseau and Locke before your interview, as well as listening to podcasts such as BBC Radio Fours Thinking Aloud and the Tes Podagogy podcast.

Ib Educator Certificates: The International Symbol Of Excellence

Grounded in a global mindset, IB educators are catalysts for infusing higher-order thinking skills into a new generation of learners and leaders. They draw on the IBs highly acclaimed, research-based curriculum to prepare students for global leadership roles.

The IB educator certificates, the IB certificate in teaching and learning and the IB advanced certificate in teaching and learning research, provide a rich learning experience, ongoing professional development and the flexibility to follow a learning model that best fits individuals career paths.

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