Saturday, September 14, 2024

What Are The 10 Ib Learner Profiles

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What Are The 10 Learner Profiles

The IB Learner Profile Rap

4.3/5These qualitiesembodied in the IB learner profileprepare IB students to make exceptional contributions on campus.

  • The IB Learner Profile:
  • Inquirers. They develop their natural curiosity.
  • Knowledgeable.

Just so, what are the ten IB learner profile attributes?

As IB learners, we strive to be: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective.

Additionally, how many IB learner profile traits are there? The IB learner pro le represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.

Also to know is, what is a learner profile?

A learner profile is a document, project, or even conversation that helps teachers learn more about their students. Learner profiles may include information such as: Skills, strengths, and interests. Struggles or potential barriers to learning. Anything else the student or teacher deems important.

What are the 12 IB attitudes?

There are 12 attitudes that help the student build their Learner Profile: Appreciation, Commitment, Creativity, Confidence, Curiosity, Cooperation, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Independence, Integrity, Respect, and Tolerance.

Exploring The Ib Learner Profile: How Do We Help Learners Make Meaningful Connections

The International Baccalaureate programme is designed to provide learners with an immersive and multicultural academic experience. The learners in this programme are not only involved in rigorous academic studies but they are also encouraged to develop a global perspective that will help them thrive in an interactive economy with many participants from around the world.

The IB programme seeks to develop precise qualities in each of its learners, which are better known in the IB community as learner profiles. As an IB Diploma programme provider, we plan our pedagogy and design the academic environment to facilitate the development of the following learner profiles:

Schoolbox Empowers Ib Schools

The Learner Profile consists of key attributes so students can become lifelong learners. The Schoolbox LMS is underpinned by these attributes and empowers IB schools to deliver a curriculum with the student at the forefront.

Talk to us today to see how you can use the Schoolbox LMS and engagement platform to empower your K-12 school.

If you want to read more about student-centred learning practices, check out our other resources:

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Ib Learner Profile: Caring

One of the first attributes of the IB Learner Profile we introduce each school year is CARING. It is so foundational to the way we interact with each other and with our environment.

The Learner Profile are ten attributes valued by IB World Schools like GIS. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.

Students who are caring show empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and the world around them. From helping a friend, to picking up garbage after lunch, if you care, it will show!

Throughout the school year and different grade levels you will see many of our transdisciplinary units with an emphasis on caring. Garbage, housing, migration, money, health and more are all areas where caring can be integrated in their inquiries. At GIS we empower students to delve deeper into their learning and see how they can turn their caring into making a difference.

How can parents help develop caring students?


Ib Learner Profile Traits

Ib Learner Profile Logo

Here you can discover more about each of the ten IB Learner Profile traits. Within each list there is a list of childrens books and online resources. Once within a list click on a book cover to find more information, including lesson plans and resources. You will also find additional recommended books from the author and illustrator.

The suggested learner profile books are ideal for starting thought-provoking discussions with students of all ages.

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The Ib Learner Profile: A Tool Of Stability In A World Of Change

COVID 19 has changed our world and reality, as we know it.

Many students were forced last year and continue this year to study remotely. Other schools and universities are searching for various solutions to ensure that education continues, and teachers and students are adapting in numerous ways. We are lucky today that technology has made it possible to continue the educational process online and maintain communication between teachers and virtual classrooms.

While virtual learning may present many challenges, and does not substitute reality, it does offer IB students and teachers an opportunity that makes the most out of this experience. The IB Programme’s structure, philosophy and learner profile can be seen as tools that teachers can use in maintaining educational focus and standards, despite all the challenges. The inquiry-based focus of the IB curriculum fosters creative methods that prepare students to face any learning obstacle that they may come across, COVID included. The emphasis on developing learning styles that meets the needs of each diverse student and encourages them to be lifelong learners, helps sustain the educational process with a variety of teaching and learning resources.

Evelina Mroczkowska

Action And Service In The Ib Continuum

Action is an essential element of the IB. Service, at all programme levels, is viewed as a subset of action. In the PYP, it is expected that a successful inquiry-based learning process will lead to responsible student-initiated action.

The PYP Action Cycle facilitates students to choose, act, and reflect upon appropriate action that will extend their learning and/or have a wider social impact. This looks different at each grade. Action in the MYP aims to help students develop a sense of self, and their role as responsible and contributing members in their community. Service as action is an expectation of students in the MYP and DP. As students advance to the DP, service as action is a fundamental component of Creativity, Activity and Service , a core element of the DP. Stratford Halls expectations at each grade level are outlined below.

There are several potential benefits for students who engage in meaningful service as outlined below. At Stratford Hall, we categorize service engagement into three categories: one-time events, short-term commitments , and long-term commitments .

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The Ten Key Attributes Of The Learner Profile

The IB learner profile is summed up in ten key attributes: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective. The IB hopes that the learner profile will permeate the whole culture of all IB-approved schools so that the whole curriculum is focused on educating the whole person for a life of active, responsible citizenship.

The IB has produced a short video“IB Learner Profile” which you can either watch or download and show to other people if you wish.

What’s The Impact Of International School’s Ib Programme On Students

IB Learner Profile Song

School is a place where children experience comprehensive development and set the foundation for their personalities. International Schools IB programme is designed to foster complete development of young people and prepare them for the role of future academics. Lets take a look at the IB learner profile, i.e. what kind of learners the profile aims to develop.

  • INQUIRERS people who ask questions in order to learn new things and question the validity of answers. The International School empowers students to be inquirers, enthusiastic researchers who are constantly motivated to learn and advance.
  • KNOWLEDGEABLE people with a high achievement motivation strive to be fully intellectually engaged, which is a value the International School wants to instil in its students. Given that they actively learnt in many interdisciplinary lessons and project activities, our students have develop a unique set of skills, reflective thinking and a critical approach to problems that occur both locally and globally.
  • THINKERS thinking outside the box is a metaphor for critical and creative thinking, which we encourage and develop through creative teaching, analytical thinking and finding multiple solutions for problems. By creating reflective and creative thinkers, we prepare our students to become citizens of the world.

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What Is The Learner Profile

At the heart of the International Baccalaureate Programme is the learner profile, a long- term, holistic vision of education that underpins all three programmes and puts the student at the centre of everything we do. The learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. The ten aspirational qualities of the learner profile inspire and motivate the work of teachers, students and schools, providing a statement of the aims and values of the IB and a definition of what we mean by international-mindedness.

“The learner profile unites us all with a common focus: on the whole person, as a lifelong learner. It applies to us all student, teacher, parent or administrator for we are all continually learning.”

What Is International Baccalaureate Programme

Customisable Course And Class Pages

Developing lifelong learners is not only about what to learn, its also about teaching students how to learn. The Learner Profile requires students to be Knowledgeable and Thinkers they should think critically and creatively, and explore knowledge across a wide range of disciplines and engage with issues that have local and global significance.

The Schoolbox LMS enables highly customisable course and class pages so that teachers can input all information that they think is relevant and important to a particular topic. For instance, teachers can choose to discuss issues of global significance and create an assessment that would require students to think critically to discover local solutions.

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The Aim Of All Ib Programmes Is To Develop Internationally Minded People Who Recognising Their Common Humanity And Guardianship Of The Planet Help To Create A Better And More Peaceful World

The International Baccalaureate learner profile describes a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success. They imply a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them. Each of the IBs programmes is committed to the development of students according to the IB learner profile.

The learner profile describes ten characteristics all IB students should strive to embody, which are illustrated here by our Grade 8 students:


We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.


We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.


We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.


We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.







The Profile Aims To Develop Learners Who Are:

ib pyp


Generating opportunities for inquiry and research is a primary goal of the IB program. Encouraging students natural curiosity leads to a sustainable enthusiasm about learning that will continue throughout their lives. All CAS Projects begin with a question and are realized through thoughtful interaction with existing information and theories about the issue.


By allowing students to explore knowledge across a range of disciplines, graduates of the IB DP are empowered to engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance. The 5 Stages of CAS reinforce the power and potential of sharing knowledge and exploring conceptual understanding.


In addition to the critical thinking skills nurtured by Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay, CAS provides opportunities to exercise creative thinking to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. CAS requires students to carefully consider their project outcomes and make reasoned, ethical decisions when undertaking the service component of their experience.


The emphasis on multicultural experience, international-mindedness, and language acquisition means that IB DP graduates can express themselves confidently and creatively in a variety of ways. The CAS projects collaborative nature grants students a firsthand appreciation for the importance of listening carefully to other perspectives.







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Continuous Feedback And Reporting

Developing Balanced learners is another aspect of the Learner Profile where students are required to understand the importance of balancing different aspects of their lives, such as intellectual, physical and emotional.

Tools like continuous feedback and reporting provide the opportunity for students to take ownership of their learning and acquire an understanding of their performance at any given time. This information provides students with an understanding of actions needed to improve or enhance their learning journey that is, take a balanced approach to their learning.

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In line with the IB Learner Profile, “Act with integrity and honesty”.

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Alternatively, sign up to our sites at which are specifically designed for self study and revision.

A quick introduction to the IB Learner Profile using 10 slides.This set of slides is part of the “10 slides” series intended to introduce teachers and students to key aspects of an IB Education. They can be used as a refresher or as a way of introducing new staff and students to some of the key ideas.Use the presentation mode on the PPT to get full view. The following pages also explore the IB Learner Profile in the…

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The 10 Ib Learner Profile

How does a student earn an IB diploma?

To earn an IB diploma, you have to enroll at an IB-approved school and take courses from the six subjects. You need to successfully comply with the requirements, pass the exams, and complete three additional core requirements.

During assessment period, a student can get a maximum score of 7 points for each of the six main subjects thus, the total highest score for all six subjects is 42 points.

Depending on the TOK and EE grades, a maximum 3 bonus points can be added, which brings the total maximum IB score to 45 points.

Is the IB Diploma Programme enough to meet the national requirements for the completion of a secondary or high school degree?

The IB Diploma Programme is currently being offered in almost 150 countries around the world, making it an internationally-recognized national qualification for university entry.

How successful are IBDP students in applying to their university of choice?

Students with an IB diploma have the privilege of being accepted to their university of choice. There are even academic institutions that completely waive general education requirements for students who have completed the full IB diploma.

IB programs are challenging. Teachers-to-GO! provides premier tutoring services via one-on-one online instruction. Get live IB DP help from an expert on-demand. Try it for free!

Resource Hub For The Learner Profile Traits

IB Learner Profile – Principled

The ten IB Learner Profile traits are universal ideals to develop lifelong learners and internationally-minded citizens. Scroll down to explore IB Learner Profile books and online resources to use in your classroom.

The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.


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Grades 11 & 12 Descriptor

Action is nurtured within the school day, often as outcomes from curriculum. At the PYP level, service opportunities stem from the Action Cycle. Students initiate ideas to make a difference and take action at any time. Proposals are vetted by teachers and the Principal, and action is celebrated at assemblies.

Action is nurtured within the school day and facilitated through Connections and OEE. They can initiate ideas that will make a difference and take action at any time. Proposals are vetted by teachers and the Principal, and action is celebrated at assemblies.

Service requirements are at least two, one-day events or one short-term commitment or one long-term commitment.

Service requirements are at least three, one-day events, or two short-term commitments or one long-term commitment.

At least two short-term commitments or one long-term commitment.

All service learning requirements are taken care of within the CAS program.

The Ib Learner Profile

The IB Learner Profile characterises how YOU should aim to be with regards to education and learning. It strives to teach people how to be life long learners education does not finish once your diploma has finished and it give you skills that should last you a life time.

It is also aimed at YOU whether you are in grade 1, grade 5, grade 12, a teacher, a parent or an administrator or school governor. But what are the characteristics of the learner profile?

The learner profile asks IB learners to strive to become:

  • Inquirers

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What Next

There are many ways to promote the IB learner profile traits. Let me know how you promote it in your classroom.

  • Do you embed the Learner Profile in your lessons and activities?
  • How do you display the Learner Profile in your classroom?
  • How do you model the Learner Profile in your own actions to your students?
  • What are your favourite picture books to highlight the different learner profile traits?
  • What IB resources do you regularly use in the classroom?

The IBO has a handy pdfwith descriptions of the Learner Profile. You can click on the link and save it for your reference.

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