Monday, September 16, 2024

Can Diarrhea Cause Hemorrhoids To Bleed

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Why Is There Blood In Diarrhea

Blood in the stool is not always a cause for concern. In fact the blood is often missed in the stool either because it is very little or it has degraded to the point where it cannot be identified. Therefore tests like the fecal occult blood test are done to confirm the presence of blood in the feces. If positive, it means that there is some source of bleeding within the digestive tract. The walls of the digestive tract have a rich blood supply so any break in these arteries or veins will allow blood to escape and eventually be passed out in the stool.

One of the most common reasons for blood in the stool is bleeding piles . It can be very uncomfortable but is usually not serious and does not typically occur with diarrheal stool. However, when bleeding in the digestive tract occurs along with diarrhea then it is a reason for concern. The same disease that may be causing diarrhea may also be causing the bleeding. The extent of the bloody diarrhea is also an indication of the seriousness of the condition. Diarrheal stool that is entirely bloody should be considered as a medical emergency.

What You Should Do

For non-severe cases of constipation, the best action you can take is to start eating plenty of fiber-rich foods such as leafy greens, fresh fruit, whole-grain breads, and nuts and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Also, try to maintain regular bowel habits.

To treat non-severe hemorrhoids, get up and walk around every so often if you sit a lot. Fiber-rich foods are also important when you have hemorrhoids, and avoid heavy lifting as much as possible. Also, when going to the bathroom, dont push too strenuously or for to long during a bowel movement.

If you experience severe abdominal pain or a fever with rectal bleeding, see a doctor as quickly as possible as this may indicate a problem that needs immediate attention. You should also see a physician if you experience black, tarry stool or persistent bleeding from the rectum or anus, or get dizzy while you have any of these symptoms.

How Are They Treated

For most external hemorrhoids, home treatment is all you need. This includes slowly adding fiber to your meals, drinking more water, and using over-the-counter ointments for a limited time to stop itching. You also may use stool softeners. The same home treatment can be used for most internal hemorrhoids.

If your internal hemorrhoids are severe, you may need other treatment. The doctor may tie off the hemorrhoids with rubber bands or scar the tissue around the hemorrhoids. These treatments reduce the blood supply to the hemorrhoids so that they shrink or go away.

Surgery to remove hemorrhoids may be done if other treatments don’t work.

Healthy habits can help you prevent hemorrhoids or keep them from getting worse. Eat foods that have lots of fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Also, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of exercise.

Video Capsule And Small Intestine Endoscopy

If neither an upper or lower gastrointestinal source of blood in the stool is found, the small intestine becomes suspect as the source of the bleeding. There are two ways of examining the small intestine. The first is the video capsule, a large pill containing a miniature camera, battery and transmitter that is swallowed and relays photos of the small intestine wirelessly to a recorder carried over the abdomen. The second way to examine the small intestine is with a specialized endoscope similar to the endoscopes used for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy. The advantage of these endoscopes over the video capsule is that bleeding lesions can be biopsied and treated, something that can’t be done with the capsule. Unfortunately, small intestinal enteroscopy is time consuming and not generally available. Patients often must be sent to centers where small intestinal enteroscopy is available.

Are There Any Foods That Can Change The Color Of My Stool In A Similar Way To Rectal Bleeding

Can Diarrhea Cause Hemorrhoids To Flare Up?

There are certain foods that can make your poop an unusual color. You can have green, yellow and even black stool. This can happen for a variety of reasons having too much bile during digestion, having a medical condition like inflammatory bowel disease or celiac disease, being on antibiotics, or even just eating foods with strong color pigments.

Often, blood can make your stool look very dark and almost black. Foods like black licorice, beets, dark berries and red gelatin can all make your poop look very dark. This can easily be confused for blood in your stool. If you notice very dark poop during a bowel movement, think back to what you ate recently. Theres a chance that what you ate could be the cause for the usually dark stool.

Should I See A Doctor

Any anal bleeding should be properly evaluated. If you have anal bleeding that lasts for more than 10 minutes, its best to see a doctor to make sure that something else isnt causing your bleeding.

Not all bleeding is due to hemorrhoids, so its important to not self-diagnose. Sometimes, bleeding can be symptom of a more serious underlying condition, such as colorectal or anal cancer.

Make sure to tell them if you have any of the following symptoms in addition to bleeding:

  • changes in stool consistency or color
  • changes in bowel movement habits
  • anal pain

When Should You Call Your Doctor

Common symptoms of hemorrhoids may be a sign of other serious health problems. Colon or rectal cancer and other conditions have many of the same symptoms as hemorrhoids. Call your doctor if you have symptoms like these:

  • Stools are black or tarry or change size and shape.
  • A lump or bulge that isn’t tender and that doesn’t go away forms at the anal opening.
  • Rectal bleeding becomes heavy or changes color .

If you have hemorrhoids, call your doctor if:

  • Moderate rectal pain lasts longer than 1 week after home treatment.
  • Pain or swelling is severe.
  • Tissue from inside the body bulges from the anus and does not return to normal after 3 to 7 days of home treatment.
  • A lump inside the anus gets bigger or more painful.

How Do You Treat A Bleeding Hemorrhoid

A bleeding hemorrhoid can refer to a thrombosed external hemorrhoid, where a blood clot has formed or possibly burst, or the common side effect of an internal hemorrhoid, which is painless rectal bleeding. 

Both can be treated by eating high fiber foods, taking a fiber supplement, and maintaining healthy bathroom habits, like not sitting on the toilet for too long.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Home Treatment Options

See one of the links below for guides on the best hemorrhoid products for each category or type of product. These are great treatment options for bleeding hemorrhoids at home. 

Most hemorrhoids can be treated at home with over-the-counter remedies. There are ways to change your daily habits that can treat bleeding hemorrhoids.

When it comes to bleeding hemorrhoids, you should consult with your physician or hemorrhoid doctor.

This is because rectal bleeding is also a sign of colorectal or anal cancer. Bleeding with pain can be a sign of an anal fissure or a tear in the skin at the opening of the anus.

Once your doctor has determined that your rectal bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids, there are several hemorrhoid treatments available for bleeding hemorrhoids.

Lifestyle and Dietary Changes Can Help

Constipation is a common cause of hemorrhoids, so avoiding it at all costs can be an effective treatment for hemorrhoids.

Proper diet and hydration are very important for overall health .

Plus, it’s very helpful when dealing with hemorrhoids.

The use of stool softeners can also be helpful in treating hemorrhoids .

Make sure you follow proper hygiene practices and avoid straining during bowel movements.

Internal Hemorrhoids Medical Procedures

Internal hemorrhoids that bleed can be treated with many different options. The rubber band ligation is one of the most common treatment options for bleeding internal hemorrhoids.

Things That Increase Your Risk

  • Constipation or diarrhea that does not go away. These conditions may lead to straining with bowel movements.
  • Being overweight
  • A family history of hemorrhoids. You may inherit the tendency to get them.
  • Being age 50 or older. Half of people who are older than 50 seek treatment for hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy and labor and delivery. As the fetus grows during the last 6 months of pregnancy, blood volume and pressure on pelvic blood vessels increase. The strain of labor also can cause hemorrhoids to start or get worse.
  • Liver disease, heart disease, or both. These conditions may cause blood to back up in the pelvis and abdomen.

Location Of The Bleeding

Bleeding can occur anywhere in the digestive tract and eventually be passed out in the stool. However, it is usually not visible as gross blood when it occurs higher up in the upper gastrointestinal tract . Bleeding in the bowels may appear as gross blood in the stool. This means that the blood can be identified by its red color if there is sufficient bleeding. However, if the bleeding has occurred higher than the small intestine, the blood is usually degraded by the time it is expelled in the stool.

The presence of fresh blood in the stool is referred to as hematochezia. Dark blood in the stool which causes black tarry stool is known as melena. However, it does not require much time for blood to become very dark red to black and degrade. With diarrhea though, the stool is expelled so fast and so often that the blood even from the upper gastrointestinal tract may sometimes still appear as bright red blood.

Can I Swim With Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Swimming is an excellent exercise for those suffering from hemorrhoids. 

You can swim with both external and internal hemorrhoids.  Swimming is a helpful activity because there are less chaffing and pressure on the existing hemorrhoids, lessening the symptoms of pain, discomfort, and itching.

Bleeding hemorrhoids mostly refers to the symptom caused by internal hemorrhoids. 

Swimming won’t result in hemorrhoid bleeding, but if you do suffer from internal hemorrhoids, you may see blood after a bowel movement. 

Exercise is encouraged to help subside hemorrhoid flare-ups, but it is essential to choose an activity that does not worsen your symptoms.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Home Remedies

Can You Pop Hemorrhoids At Home? can diarrhea cause ...

There are many home remedies that can reduce the irritation and inflammation associated with hemorrhoids that cause them to bleed.

The best way to treat bleeding associated with hemorrhoids is to ease their symptoms.

Sitting in a tub of warm water for 10-15 minutes can help reduce the swelling and irritation caused by hemorrhoids .

Some patients add Epsom salt or apple cider vinegar to their baths to help further reduce the hemorrhoids and their bleeding.

Better Bath Better Body Hemorrhoid Soak is a good product to use for hemorrhoids. Just add a little of the product to a lukewarm bath.

Witch hazel is an astringent that can cause hemorrhoid tissue to shrink.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of witch hazel have been effective in providing relief for many symptoms of hemorrhoids, which is why using witch hazel for hemorrhoids is a great idea.

Two products that use witch hazel, preparation h and tucks, cab be used.

Coconut oil for hemorrhoids can be used as it is a natural moisturizer that can help with the pain and itching that often causes hemorrhoids to become irritated and bleed.

Aloe vera plant has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body that can help provide relief from itching, burning, and swelling.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help provide temporary relief as well. The best way to treat bleeding hemorrhoids with home remedies is to find ways to change your lifestyle. This can include:

What Is Rectal Bleeding

Looking down into a toilet and seeing blood can be alarming. Your mind might go to many places as alarm bells ring that something is wrong. This is often rectal bleeding. A symptom of many different medical conditions, rectal bleeding can vary from being mild to being a sign of a serious condition like colorectal cancer. If youre experiencing rectal bleeding, you might see blood in a few different ways on your toilet paper as you wipe, in the water of the toilet bowl or in your poop. It can be different colors, ranging from bright red to a dark maroon to black.

The color of blood you see can actually indicate where the bleeding might be coming from.

  • Bright red blood usually means bleeding thats low in your colon or rectum.
  • Dark red or maroon blood can mean that you have bleeding higher in the colon or in the small bowel.
  • Melena often points to bleeding in the stomach, such as bleeding from ulcers.

Sometimes, rectal bleeding isnt visible to the naked eye and can only be seen through a microscope. This type of bleeding is usually found during a lab test of a stool sample.

Do Hemorrhoids Bleed Bright Red Blood

Yes, hemorrhoids are known to bleed bright red blood.  One type of hemorrhoids called internal hemorrhoids is the leading cause of bleeding. 

The cluster of veins and blood vessels inside of your lower rectum become inflamed, and occasionally, a hard stool will scrape the surface of the lining in this area. 

This tear of the tissue is the primary cause of the bright red blood you see after a bowel movement.

The bright red blood covers the stool either entirely or partially, drips from the rectum after a bowel movement, or you will see blood on the toilet paper while wiping. 

This bleeding is often painless and the only indication that you have internal hemorrhoids.

What Happens When A Hemorrhoid Bursts

When a thrombosed hemorrhoid becomes too full of blood, it can burst. This can lead to a brief period of bleeding. Keep in mind that a thrombosed hemorrhoid will usually be very painful before it actually bursts. Once it bursts, youll likely feel an instant sense of relief due to the release of extra pressure from built-up blood.

If you have some bleeding but continue to also have pain or discomfort, you likely just have a bleeding hemorrhoid, rather than a burst hemorrhoid.

Learn more about bleeding hemorrhoids and how to handle them.

Can Stress Cause Hemorrhoids To Flare Up

If youre under a lot of stress, hemorrhoids can be an unfortunate side effect.

First, stress causes blood pressure to go up, which can potentially damage the blood vessels of the anus, making them more vulnerable to hemorrhoids.

Stress also can lead to constipation, which is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. 

Stress is something that can have a very bad impact on our lives, not just with hemorrhoids. If you are feeling stressed, try meditation or exercising to see if that helps.

What Are Hemorrhoids Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment And Prevention

Hemorrhoids are enlarged and swollen veins around the outside of the anus or in the lower rectum. The rectum is the last part of the bowel and leads to the anus, the opening at the end of the bowel where fecal matter leaves the body.

Everyone has hemorrhoidal tissue in this area thats made up of blood vessels, connective tissue, and some muscle. These cushions dont always become enlarged or distended, but as we age, this phenomenon becomes more common causing what we call hemorrhoids, also known as piles.

Hemorrhoids can be caused in a number of ways, most commonly by straining to make a bowel movement. Lifting heavy objects, along with other activities that may cause straining, can also lead to hemorrhoids. Experiencing increased pressure during pregnancy and being overweight are other contributing factors.

Hemorrhoids may be painful and particularly bothersome if they are recurrent, but they’re not dangerous or life-threatening, and symptoms usually go away within a few days. There are plenty of effective ways to treat them, as well as options for the less common types of hemorrhoids that may be more problematic.

What Are The Symptoms Of Rectal Bleeding

The symptoms of rectal bleeding can vary depending on what is causing the bleeding. Most causes of rectal bleeding are treatable and not serious. In some cases, rectal bleeding can be a symptom of a serious disease, such as colorectal cancer. Because it can be hard to know the cause of your rectal bleeding at home, its usually a good idea to reach out to your healthcare provider if you have rectal bleeding.

Some symptoms you might have with rectal bleeding can include:

  • Feeling rectal pain and/or pressure.
  • Seeing bright red blood in or on your stool, underwear, toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.
  • Having stool thats red, maroon or black in color.
  • Having stool that has a tar-like appearance.
  • Experiencing mental confusion.
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy.
  • Fainting.

In some very severe cases, rectal bleeding can lead to shock. If you experience any symptoms of shock, call 911 right away and get help. The symptoms of shock can include:

  • Experiencing a sudden drop in your blood pressure.
  • Having a fast heart rate.
  • Not being able to urinate.
  • Slipping into unconsciousness.

So What Really Causes Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are caused when weakened blood vessels that carry blood to and from the anus and surrounding tissue becomes weakened and damaged, leading to swelling.

Hemorrhoids can be internal or external, and while internal hemorrhoids have minimal symptoms unless prolapsed, the swelling of external hemorrhoids can be accompanied by pain, discomfort, itching and burning.

Hemorrhoids are more common with age, because as we grow older, we produce less collagen, the protein that makes up the structural walls of blood vessels.

Because blood vessels become weaker, hemorrhoids are generally caused by anything that puts pressure on those vessels, including:

  • constipation

There are many different hemorrhoid treatment options to choose from.

When Should I Call A Doctor For Blood In The Stool

Bleeding Hemorrhoids in 2020

Any blood in the stool is not normal and should be reported to a health-care professional. However, there are certain circumstances that might be considered an emergency and medical care should be accessed immediately. These situations include:

  • Black, tarry stools that may be due to bleeding from the esophagus, stomach or duodenum . This is especially a potentially serious concern in patients with liver disease and/or portal hypertension who have esophageal varices. This is a potential life-threatening situation.
  • Maroon colored stool may be caused by an upper GI bleed or a bleeding source in the small intestine.
  • Lightheadedness, weakness, fainting , chest pain or shortness of breath may be symptoms of significant blood loss.
  • Bleeding that is associated with fever and abdominal pain.

Hemorrhoidectomy Versus Fixative Procedures For Internal Hemorrhoids

  • Fixative procedures are usually tried before surgery if hemorrhoids are small and stick out of the anus during a bowel movement but return to their normal position afterward .
  • Hemorrhoidectomy may provide better long-term results than fixative procedures. But surgery is more expensive, requires a longer recovery time, is usually more painful, and has a greater risk of complications.
  • Fixative procedures are the preferred treatment for people older than age 70 and for people in poor health.

You can help prevent the irritating and painful symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Can I Use A Suppository For Hemorrhoids With Bleeding

While many people love hemorrhoid suppositories, you should be careful using a hemorrhoid suppository when bleeding.

Make sure that you have bleeding hemorrhoids before relying strictly upon a hemorrhoid suppository. 

If you can confirm your problem isn’t more serious, then a suppository for bleeding is a good idea. 

My favorite suppository for bleeding hemorrhoids is from Boiron.

Can Diarrhea Cause Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, dilated blood vessels of the anal canal, are typically associated with constipation. Hard stools and prolonged straining with bowel movements are most common risk factors for hemorrhoid development. Chronic diarrhea is associated with prolonger sitting on toilet seat and straining and may also lead to hemorrhoid development and flare up.

Chronic diarrhea develops secondary to a number of factors. Controlling the underlying cause of diarrhea will help alleviate hemorrhoid flare ups and related symptoms. In some cases, hemorrhoid management requires additional measures like banding to eliminate symptoms.

Hemorrhoid banding is a safe and effective office-based procedure. It requires no sedation and patient goes back to work following banding. Success rate is more than 90% with a very low complication rate.

Let us remove your hemorrhoids gently and quickly

Signs And Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids

Seeing blood in your toilet bowl after a bowel movement is no doubt alarming, but its one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids. Other symptoms include:

  • Bright red blood on toilet paper or in your stool after a bowel movement
  • Itching in the anal area
  • Pain in the anal area, especially when sitting
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • One or more hard, painful lumps around the anus

If you experience any of these hemorrhoid symptoms, avoid excess straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus, which can make irritation and itching worse, and can even lead to bleeding. In addition, try to pat the area dry instead of wiping it.

Can Medication Cause Hemorrhoids

There are many medications especially opioids that can cause constipation, making hemorrhoids more likely to occur.

They change your body’s natural flow resulting in dehydration or increased pressure on the veins, which can lead to hemorrhoids.

Medications that cause hemorrhoids should be discussed with your doctor to see if there are any other alternative options.

If your doctor lets you know there aren’t any alternatives, you’ll want to do your best to prevent hemorrhoids by staying hydrated, eating healthy, and using good bathroom habits.

Hemorrhoid supplements can help people suffering from chronic hemorrhoids. We have a full list of hemorrhoid supplement reviews you can check out to see if one is right for you.

Related Conditions And Causes Of Hemorrhoids

Gastrointestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhea can lead to or worsen hemorrhoids. The prolonged sitting or straining that may occur when you’re dealing with these issues puts pressure on the hemorrhoidal tissue.

Hemorrhoids also often develop during pregnancy. This is similarly due to greater pressure in the area but can also be due to an increase in blood volume and as a result of hormonal changes that increase the likelihood of swelling. Constipation during pregnancy is a common cause of hemorrhoids.

What Causes Diarrhea And What Causes Hemorrhoids

Most cases of diarrhea are brought about by a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection in your bowels. These infections are mostly picked up from eating contaminated foods or water.

Diarrhea may also occur because of other reasons like:

Food Intolerance

Some people get diarrhea because of eating foods their bodies cant tolerate like lactose or fructose.

Underlying Conditions

You may suffer from chronic diarrhea if you have conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic bowel infection, or bowel cancer.


Diarrhea may occur when nutrients are not absorbed well and this can happen because of problems with the pancreas. 


Taking some medicines could result in diarrhea as a side effect. Antibiotics, for example, cause an imbalance in gut bacteria so they could cause diarrhea.   

Hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are caused by the pressuring of blood vessels in the anus and rectum until blood flow in them is interfered with. This causes a backflow of blood so the blood vessels swell with blood. This pressure may be caused by:


Struggling to pass hard stool is very taxing to the veins in the rectum and anus. It hinders proper blood flow so hemorrhoids may develop as a result. 


With age comes a lot of wear and tear of body organs including the supportive tissue of the anus and rectum. Thus, when little pressure is applied to the rectum and anus, hemorrhoids can easily develop.

Pregnancy and Childbirth

How Can Stress Cause Hemorrhoids To Flare Up Bleed And Digestive Problem

18+ Unutterable Bleeding Hemorrhoid Natural Treatments ...

Scientists are indeed still in disagreement when it comes to determining the exact stress cause of hemorrhoids; however, there is already a well-established estimation regarding factors that may increase the risk of hemorrhoids.

  • The question is, is stress one of them? Can psychological and emotional problems really lead to the formation of varicose veins in the humans rectum or anal canal? Read on to find out the answer.

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