What Are The Symptoms Of The Common Cold In A Child
Cold symptoms start from 1 to 3 days after your child has been in contact with the cold virus. Symptoms often last about 1 week. But they may last up to 2 weeks. Symptoms may be a bit different for each child.
In babies, cold symptoms may include:
Trouble sleeping
Watery discharge from the nose that thickens and turns yellow or green
Extreme tiredness
These symptoms may seem like other health problems, such as the flu. Make sure your child sees his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.
How To Treat Diarrhea And A Cold
The best way to treat diarrhea caused by a cold or the flu is often with plenty of rest. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so its also important to drink plenty of fluids and to replenish lost electrolytes. A few sources of electrolytes that are easy to digest include:
- soup broths
- prepackaged electrolyte mixes
Who’s At Greatest Risk For Flu Complications
While anyone can get flu, infants, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with chronic ailments such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and HIV are at highest risk for flu complications. Despite advances in flu prevention and treatment, the CDC estimates that deaths related to influenza range from 3,000 to 49,000 deaths in the United States each year.
Specific strains of flu can be prevented by a flu vaccine, either a flu shot or nasal spray flu vaccine. In addition, antiviral medications are available to prevent flu. These drugs may help reduce the severity and the duration of flu and are best used within the first 48 hours of the appearance of flu symptoms.
For in-depth information, see WebMD’s Flu Complications.
How Is The Flu Diagnosed
Healthcare providers generally diagnose the flu on the basis of symptoms and their clinical judgment, according to the CDC, which says most doctors opt not to use a flu test because the results generally wont affect treatment.
When doctors decide to use a test, they have a number of different types to choose from, which range in speed and accuracy.
Is The Stomach Flu Worse In Some People
In general, most people recover quickly from the stomach flu. Symptoms can be worse in babies, young children, older adults or anyone of any age that is immune-compromised. Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration within just a short period of time, depending on the circumstances. Signs of dehydration include:
- Extreme thirst.
- General weakness.
Is The Vaccine Only In The Form Of A Shot
Expert answer: The flu shot is the most effective way to prevent the flu, but there is a nasal spray made of attenuated live flu viruses. In the past, pediatricians have used it for children, however, due to data showing an ineffectiveness of the nasal spray, the CDC has recommended not using the nasal spray to treat the flu.
Side Effects Of Cold Medications
Pickle said she already takes several strong medications for IBS, so as a general rule she doesnt take cold medicine. She says the cold symptoms are easier to handle than the side effects of cold medication.
Russell Cohen, MD, associate professor of medicine and co-director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center at the University of Chicago Medical Center, said ingredients in some over-the-counter cold medications can cause an upset stomach. Here are some particularly troublesome side effects:
Guaifenesin. It helps relieve chest congestion and is an ingredient in dozens of cold medications, including Mucinex. It works by thinning mucus so it is easier to cough up. Medication side effects can include nausea, Dr. Cohen said.
Dextromethorphan. It helps relieve coughs from colds and flu. Its an ingredient in many cold medications, including Robitussin Maximum Strength and Vicks Formula 44. Cohen said medication side effects can include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Also remember that some cough suppressants with the sweeteners fructose and sorbitol can cause diarrhea.
Pseudoephedrine. It helps relieve nasal congestion and can be found in medications such as Sudafed. It can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea and can keep people awake, among other side effects, said Cohen.
Nondrug cold remedies could help your symptoms. Using a humidifier at night may help calm a cough. A neti pot can help irrigate and clear nasal congestion.
How Long Does Stomach Flu Last
The stomach flu usually lasts less than a week. Be sure to stay home if you have symptoms, and continue to practice good handwashing afterward. The virus can still be in your stool for up to two weeks after youve stopped having symptoms, so be extra careful with your bathroom habits. Always wash your hands after having a bowel movement, and wash any soiled fabrics in hot soapy water.
What Are The Symptoms Of The Flu
Unlike cold symptoms, which develop gradually, flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. Cold and flu symptoms may overlap, but the latter tend to be more severe. There is also a greater risk of developing complications, such as pneumonia, in people who get influenza.
youre sick for a longer period of time, and recovery will take a long time. Getting your energy back can take a couple of weeks, even in a healthy individual, says Catherine Troisi, PhD, an associate professor in the management, policy, and community health division and the epidemiology division at University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston.
According to the CDC, symptoms of the flu typically include:
- Fever
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Fever or cough that improves, then returns or worsens
- Worsening of chronic medical conditions
The flu usually lasts for several days or occasionally weeks, with the most severe symptoms improving after two or three days. But weakness, fatigue, and dry cough caused by influenza can persist for six to eight weeks, according to the Merck Manual.
With or without a fever, influenza is highly contagious. While people with the flu are most contagious in the first three to four days after the illness begins, they can infect others as early as one day before their symptoms set in and up to a week after becoming sick. Some people, including very young children and people who are immunocompromised, may be contagious for even longer.
Lets Talk About Diarrhea
To begin, here are some questions that you can answer:
- Does your stomach rumble?
- Did you visit the toilet to poop more than three times now?
- Is your stool soft, loose and watery?
If you answered yes to at least two of those, then you have diarrhea. There are two types of diarrhea depending on the duration of the disease. It can be acute, which lasts for only one to two days, or chronic. Chronic diarrhea lasts for at least four weeks and this is a serious problem.
Some usual causes of diarrhea include:
- A bacterial or viral cause
- Presence of parasites in food or water
- Overstimulation of the gut from caffeine
- Medicines like antibiotics, antacids or magnesium-based medicines
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Irritable bowel syndrome
What Are Common Cold Symptoms
Cold symptoms usually begin with a sore throat, which usually goes away after a day or two. Nasal symptoms, runny nose, and congestion follow, along with a cough by the fourth and fifth days. Fever is uncommon in adults, but a slight fever is possible. Children are more likely to have a fever with a cold.
With cold symptoms, the nose teems with watery nasal secretions for the first few days. Later, these become thicker and darker. Dark mucus is natural and does not usually mean you have developed a bacterial infection, such as a sinus infection.
Several hundred different viruses may cause your cold symptoms.
What’s The Difference Between A Cold And Flu
The common cold and flu are both contagious viral infections of the respiratory tract. Although the symptoms can be similar, flu is much worse. A cold may drag you down a bit, but the flu can make you shudder at the very thought of getting out of bed.
Congestion, sore throat, and sneezing are common with colds. Both cold and flu may bring coughing , headache, and chest discomfort. With the flu, though, you are likely to run a high fever for several days and have body aches, fatigue, and weakness. Symptoms of the flu also tend to come on abruptly. Usually, complications from colds are relatively minor, but a case of flu can lead to a life-threatening illness such as pneumonia.
More than 100 types of cold viruses are known, and new strains of flu evolve every few years. Since both diseases are viral, antibiotics cannot conquer cold or flu. Remember: Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections.
Four antiviral medications are available to treat flu. But there are no medications that specifically defeat the common cold. Antibiotics may be helpful only if there is a secondary bacterial infection.
For in-depth information, see WebMD’s Flu Treatment.
Loss Of Taste Or Smell
On the CDCs list of common COVID-19 symptoms, one stands out. In addition to fever, chills and a sore throat, the public health agency recognizes new loss of taste or smell as evidence of a coronavirus infection.
People who have colds, if they get a really stuffy nose, they may complain of lack of smell, but, you know, thats sort of an unusual right now in the absence of COVID, UCSFs Winston says. But it may be one of the best indicators of a coronavirus infection.
A study published in the journal Nature Medicine tracked more than 2.5 million participants who reported their potential symptoms of COVID-19 on a smartphone app. About 65 percent of people who tested positive for COVID-19 reported loss of taste and smell, making it one of the strongest predictors of the illness among those studied. Similarly, researchers from the University of California, San Diego, found that smell and taste loss were reported in 68 and 71 percent of COVID-19positive subjects, respectively.
Is Stomach Flu Contagious
Viral stomach flu spreads easily to others. You can catch a stomach flu virus any time of the year, but the common norovirus is more widespread from November to April when people tend to be more indoors. Because a variety of viruses can cause stomach flu, you might get different versions of gastroenteritis many times throughout life.
Its spread from person to person by coming into contact with tiny, invisible particles from a sick persons stool or vomit if you:
- Touch a surface and come in contact with the germs and you touch food or your mouth.
- Eat or drink food or beverages that have a sick persons germs.
- Have close contact with someone who has stomach flu .
What Are The Symptoms Of A Common Cold
Every year, adults in the United States have between two and three colds, on average, while children have more, according to the CDC.
Cold symptoms typically appear about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus, with most cases peaking within two to three days.
Early signs of a cold may include fatigue, sneezing, and a sore throat. During the first day or two, you may feel as if you have an itch or something stuck in your throat. Then you may begin to sneeze more than normal. When nasal symptoms start, the nose produces clear mucus, but the discharge may later change to white, yellow, or green.
Symptoms of a cold can include:
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Watery eyes
- Fever
The full life cycle of a cold is usually between 4 and 10 days, according to the Merck Manual, although some people may have a cough that lasts into the second week. A cold may last longer or be more severe in people who have underlying health issues.
The contagious period for a cold can vary, but is usually at its peak during the first day or two after symptoms develop.
RELATED: 8 Home Remedies to Stop a Bad Cough
When Do I Call The Doctor With Flu Or Cold Symptoms
If you already have flu or cold symptoms, it’s important to call your doctor if you also have any of the following severe symptoms:
- Persistent fever: A fever lasting more than three days can be a sign of another bacterial infection that should be treated.
- Painful swallowing: Although a sore throat from a cold or flu can cause mild discomfort, severe pain could mean strep throat, which requires treatment by a doctor.
- Persistent coughing: When a cough doesn’t go away after two or three weeks, it could be bronchitis, which may need an antibiotic. Postnasal drip or sinusitis can also result in a persistent cough. In addition, asthma is another cause of persistent coughing.
- Persistent congestion and headaches: When colds and allergies cause congestion and blockage of sinus passages, they can lead to a sinus infection . If you have pain around the eyes and face with thick nasal discharge after a week, you may have a bacterial infection and possibly need an antibiotic. Most sinus infections, however, do not need an antibiotic.
In some cases, you may need to get emergency medical attention right away. In adults, signs of a crisis include:
- Symptoms that were improving and then suddenly worsen
- Fever with a rash
Can I Prevent Flu Or Cold Symptoms
The most important prevention measure for preventing colds and flu is frequent hand washing. Hand washing by rubbing the hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds helps to slough germs off the skin.
In addition to hand washing to prevent flu or cold symptoms, you can also get a flu vaccine to prevent seasonal influenza. Seasonal flu activity in the United States generally peaks between late December and early March. Within two weeks of getting a flu vaccine, antibodies develop in the body and provide protection against flu. Children receiving the vaccine for the first time need two doses delivered one month apart.
Antiviral medicine may also help prevent flu if you have been exposed to someone with flu symptoms.
What would you like to learn about next?
How Long Do Cold Symptoms Last
Cold symptoms usually last for about a week. During the first three days that you have cold symptoms, you are contagious. This means you can pass the cold to others, so stay home and get some much-needed rest.
If cold symptoms do not seem to be improving after a week, you may have a bacterial infection, which means you may need antibiotics.
Sometimes you may mistake cold symptoms for allergic rhinitis or a sinus infection. If cold symptoms begin quickly and are improving after a week, then it is usually a cold, not allergy. If your cold symptoms do not seem to be getting better after a week, check with your doctor to see if you have developed an allergy or sinusitis.
What To Eat And Drink When Fighting A Cold
Drinking plenty of fluids is important in recovering from a cold, said Puetz. But the type of fluid can make a big difference, as certain beverages can trigger IBS. Soda, apple juice, and grape juice contain sugars that can increase gas and cause diarrhea, he said. Water is a safe bet.
Be careful about what you eat too. Often people will resort to comfort foods such as bread or pasta, but these starch-containing foods produce gas and can make bloating worse,” said Puetz, who recommends rice as a good substitute. He added that in general, if you have digestive issues, steer clear of IBS triggers. While only you know your unique triggers, common ones include fatty foods, high-fructose foods such as onions, pears, and sweetened drinks, foods with sorbitol , and dairy products.
The old remedy of chicken soup and rest would be an ideal choice, said Puetz. Pickle agreed that rest is perhaps the best medicine: Know your limits based on your IBS under normal conditions and slow down allow your body more time to rest and fight the cold.
Articles On Flu Symptoms & Diagnosis
Sometimes people mistake symptoms of stomach flu, or gastroenteritis, for the viral infection we commonly call “.” But theyâre not the same.
Stomach flu happens when your stomach and intestines are inflamed and irritated. Causes range from bacteria, viruses, and parasites to food reactions and unclean water.
The comes with symptoms like fever, congestion, muscle aches, and fatigue. The cause is the influenza virus. More severe cases can lead to life-threatening illnesses like pneumonia.
Antibiotics are sometimes used to treat bacterial gastroenteritis, but they don’t work against flu viruses.
Key Points About The Common Cold In Children
The common cold is one of the most common illnesses. Most children will have at least 6 to 8 colds a year.
Most colds are caused by rhinoviruses.
Your child can catch a cold through airborne droplets from or through direct contact with a sick person.
Sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose are common symptoms. Symptoms often last about 1 week.
There is no cure for the common cold. The goal of treatment is to ease symptoms until your child feels better.
Colds can be prevented by washing hands often.
Are There Different Types Of Flu Viruses
Researchers divide flu viruses into three general categories: types A, B, and C. All three types can mutate, or change into new strains, and type A influenza mutates often, yielding new strains of the virus every few years. This means that you can never develop a permanent immunity to influenza. Even if you develop antibodies against a flu virus one year, those antibodies are unlikely to protect you against a new strain of the flu virus the next year.
Type A mutations are responsible for major flu epidemics every few years and for the major pandemics that can occur, though rarely. Type B is less common and generally results in milder cases of flu. However, major flu epidemics can occur with type B every three to five years.
Type C causes infection but does not cause typical flu symptoms. Both influenza A and B have been linked to the development of Reye’s syndrome, a potentially fatal complication that usually affects children and teens under age 18. Widespread outbreaks of Reye’s syndrome have occurred with influenza type B and also with chickenpox, but other viruses have been implicated. The risk of Reye’s syndrome is increased when taking aspirin, so anyone under age 18 should not take aspirin if they have any viral symptoms or are recovering from the flu or any other virus.
For in-depth information, see WebMD’s Types of Flu.
Great Alternatives To Cut Soda Consumption
It makes sense to avoid or limit the amount of soda you drink for many reasons, especially if it upsets your stomach and leads to diarrhea.
A review 30 of studies published in December 2017 in the journal Obesity Facts showed that regularly drinking sugar-sweetened beverages leads to obesity in children and adults. Fully 93 percent of the studies in the review found an association between the onset of overweight or obesity and drinking sugary beverages in children and adults.
Substituting no- or low-calorie drinks such as water and low-fat or fat-free milk for sugary sodas can help aid weight-loss efforts, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These are also better choices to ensure good hydration. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that women aim for about 11 1/2 cups of water each day and men aim for about 15 1/2 cups. These recomendations include water from both beverages and foods.
“If soda gives you diarrhea, ginger ale may be a better choice,” Dr. Bulsiewicz says. “If you get real ginger ale, it contains ginger, which has medicinal properties that can calm an upset stomach, and it is caffeine-free.”
Though unpleasant, diarrhea from soda is probably not dangerous, but “if you have a change in bowel habits, see blood in your stool and are experiencing weakness, fatigue and unexplained weight loss, or if these symptoms are chronical and escalating, see your doctor,” he adds.
Chills Cold Feet Cold Hands And Diarrhea
- Medical Author: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD
Reviewed on 10/9/2020
Coldness in the extremities can be related to circulatory issues, hormonal problems, or a cold environment. Diarrhea is a fairly common symptom that occurs in a number of different physical conditions. Medication side effects are another possible explanation for many physical symptoms. Be sure to ask for a doctor’s advice if you are concerned about any symptoms.
While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:
Feeling Sick Use This Symptom Checker For Common Fall And Winter Illnesses
As the weather cools, viruses have a tendency to spread with more ease. Thats because people tend to spend more time indoors, where germs can circulate from one person to another through the air or close contact. This fall or winter, if you find yourself sniffling and sneezing, or experiencing an upset stomach, you could have a common virus.
Weve created a symptom checker to help you tell the difference between cold and flu symptoms, COVID-19 symptoms and norovirus symptoms. Read on to learn more, and remember to always call your doctor if you have any concerns about your health.
Is It Flu Or Cold Symptoms
How do you know if you have flu or cold symptoms? Take your temperature, say many experts. Flu symptoms often mimic cold symptoms with nasal congestion, cough, aches, and malaise. But a common cold rarely has symptoms of fever above 101 degrees. With flu symptoms, you will probably have a fever initially with the flu virus and you will feel miserable. Body and muscle aches are also more common with the flu. This table can help determine if you have cold or flu symptoms.
Symptoms |
Sinusitis, bronchitis, ear infection, pneumonia; can be life-threatening |
Prevention |
Wash hands often; avoid close contact with anyone with a cold |
Wash hands often; avoid close contact with anyone who has flu symptoms; get the annual flu vaccine |
Treatment |
Decongestants; pain reliever/fever reducer medicines |
Decongestants, pain relievers, or fever reducers are available over the counter; over-the-counter cough and cold medicines should not be given to young children; prescription antiviral drugs for flu may be given in some cases; call your doctor for more information about treatment. |
Usually, the time of year will give you some sense of what you’re dealing with. The standard flu season runs from fall to spring of the next year.
What Should I Do If I Think I Have The Flu
Expert answer: See your doctor as soon as possible, especially if you have been around someone with the flu. If you are going to get medication, it needs to be earlier rather than later for it to work properly. Other than that, rest and stay hydrated until it runs its course. If you cant keep fluids down and feel dehydrated, seek immediate medical care.
How Can I Get Rid Of Stomach Flu
The most important things you can do to feel better faster are rest and staying well hydrated. Between diarrhea and vomiting, your body loses a lot of water and electrolytes. If your belly is still upset, you can take small, frequent sips of water, sports drinks, juice or broth, or chew on ice chips. It is important to know that water alone may not be enough to keep you hydrated in severe cases of diarrhea so make sure to take in electrolyte balance hydration . Eat a normal diet when you feel hungry again.