Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Can Lack Of Sleep Cause Constipation

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Take The Sting Out Of Heartburn

Can’t Poop? Do this 7 Things to Relieve Constipation Naturally!

Sometimes, stomach acid goes up into your esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth and stomach. Thatâs called heartburn.

If itâs also an issue, sleep with your head slightly raised. It may also help to avoid or limit:

  • Peppermint, chocolate, garlic, and tomatoes
  • Tight clothes
  • Meals within 2 or 3 hours of bedtime
  • Lying down right after a meal

When Should I Seek Help For Constipation

If you experience frequent constipation, or if your constipation doesnt resolve, its essential to seek help from a trained medical professional. At Prima Medicine, our team members are experts at treating constipation and helping our patients manage chronic constipation.

Your provider may recommend at-home treatment options in addition to medications and laxatives for mild to moderate constipation. Other interventions may be necessary for severe constipation. If left untreated, constipation can cause uncomfortable and problematic side effects.;;

To find relief from chronic constipation, book an appointment online or over the phone with Prima Medicine today. We also offer telehealth appointments, so you can meet with your provider from the comfort of your home.

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When To See A Doctor

See a doctor for constipation or nausea that interferes with your quality of life. This includes symptoms that prevent going to work, school, or completing everyday activities.

Also, see a doctor for constipation that doesnt improve after several months. You may have an underlying medical problem, especially if you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, but cant pass stools. This could indicate a blockage in your intestines.

Its also important to seek medical attention for constipation thats accompanied by severe pain, weight loss, or bleeding from the rectum.

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Research Into Patterns Of Sleep Disturbance And Ibs

Researchers;hope that a better understanding of the relationship between sleep and IBS will lead to a deeper insight into the underlying causes of the disorder. From the ongoing research, some preliminary findings have emerged:

  • A bad night’s sleep may lead to a bad IBS day: Morning IBS symptoms appear to be related to the quality of your sleep the night before. The worse you sleep, the worse your symptoms will be. That bad night’s sleep is also likely to affect how you are feeling at the end of the day. Knowing this, you may want to be prepared for more IBS symptoms if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep.
  • A bad IBS day doesn’t predict sleep the next night. Luckily, a bad IBS day does not seem to affect the quality of sleep at night. If you are experiencing symptoms during the day, you don’t need to add worry about how you’ll sleep that night to your list to things causing you stress.
  • There may be differences between IBS subtypes: During sleep, differences have been found in neuroendocrine levels between patients who have;constipation-predominant IBS and those who have;diarrhea-predominant IBS . Also during sleep, differences in autonomic nervous system functioning, as measured by heart rate changes, have also been found among the various IBS subtypes.
  • Depression: Sleep disturbances tend to be more pronounced in IBS patients who also suffer from depression.
  • Follow A Bedtime Routine

    Headache Because Lack Of Sleep

    A natural and effective way to fall asleep is to follow a bedtime routine each night. By doing the same set of activities in the same order each night, you train your brain to feel sleepy. It could be as simple as washing your face, brushing your teeth, and performing other grooming activities, or you might want to do something relaxing like take a bath or meditate.

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    Could Poor Sleep Be Aggravating Your Ibs Symptoms

    Its no secret that, as a nation, were pretty sleep-deprived. According to the Sleep Councils most recent Great British Bedtime Report, 30% of Brits sleep badly most nights and theres growing evidence that sleepless nights could be a particular issue for people with irritable bowel syndrome .

    Half of IBS sufferers struggle with insomnia and those that do get poor sleep may experience more severe symptoms the next day. For example, women with IBS reported experiencing stomach pain, tiredness and anxiety after a bad nights sleep, one study found.

    Is sleep part of the puzzle?

    IBS symptoms mainly include diarrhoea or constipation , stomach pain and cramps, as well as things like fatigue, depression, headaches and backaches and while symptoms tend to flare up in acute attacks or phases rather than being constant, the condition can have a significant impact on quality of life. Exactly what causes IBS isnt always clear, although we do know certain triggers exist, such as stress, gastrointestinal infections and imbalances in gut bacteria, while certain foods can aggravate symptoms too.

    Theres no cure for IBS. IBS treatment largely revolves around managing symptoms and avoiding IBS triggers so anything that enables us to understand these a bit better can be really helpful. Sleep, we already know, is vital for healthy gut function in general so could it be an important part of the IBS jigsaw?

    An aggravating factor

    Other Conditions Affecting Sleep Quality And Ibs Symptoms

    Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that affects roughly 20% of the population.; Sleep apnea can interrupt sleeping patterns and lessen the quality of sleep. Common symptoms include snoring, witnessed temporary episodes of not breathing at night, and waking up with dry mouth. Researchers found that people with sleep apnea were more likely to have IBS than patients without sleep apnea. However, increasing severity of sleep apnea was not linked with IBS. These findings show the importance of following a treatment plan for diagnosed sleep apnea, and discussing symptoms with your healthcare provider to determine if testing for sleep apnea is necessary.;

    Mood disorders;are commonly linked with IBS. Sleep trouble is a classic feature of psychiatric and mood disorders and likely play an important role in the link between sleep disturbance and IBS. Psychiatric include treatment and or conditions relating to the mind, behaviors and emotions. It is important to recognize uncontrolled psychiatric symptoms and discuss them with your healthcare provider.;

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    How Your Sleep Habits Might Affect Your Poop

    A lack of sleep could leave you struggling in the bathroom. Here’s why.

    Not getting enough sleep can throw off your entire day. But a lack of sleep is more than just a mood ruiner. Its also associated with some pretty negative effects on your healthand, believe it or not, your bathroom behavior.

    Digestive health experts have long believed that sleep quality and GI symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea are connected in some way, especially among people with irritable bowel syndrome . Research even suggests that sleep disruptions might trigger flare-ups of inflammatory bowel disease. Sleep disorders and poor sleep may also affect the immune system and, in turn, GI health.

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    But theres still some uncertainty around whether a lack of sleep or low-quality sleep can be considered a direct cause of poop problems, Kyle D. Staller, MD, MPH, an instructor at Harvard Medical School and gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, tells Health.

    Certainly, he says, people who already deal with IBS or other gastrointestinal discomfort may very well notice that their symptoms get worse when they arent sleeping well: Poor sleep is likely going to exacerbate or worsen certain GI issues. Its possible, he says, that you could go several nights without quality rest and notice an increase in discomfort, diarrhea, or suboptimal poops in the following days.

    Check Your Sleep Position

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    Avoid sleeping on your stomach. It compresses the organs of your digestive system. The best position is on your back with your head propped up by a wedge pillow. Alternatively, sleeping on your left side can increase blood flow and aid in digestion.

    View Our Guide: How to Properly Sleep On Your Back

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    Speaking With Your Doctor

    You should handle these symptoms individually if possible Your doctor will ask you about your medical history Theyll also ask about any other symptoms you may have and any medications that youre taking. When discussing your fatigue, your doctor may also ask you questions related to your mental health.

    You should handle these symptoms individually if possible Your doctor will ask you about your medical history Theyll also ask about any other symptoms you may have and any medications that youre taking. When discussing your fatigue, your doctor may also ask you questions related to your mental health.

    Its helpful to come prepared. You should jot down a list of any of the other medical and physical problems youve been experiencing. You should take note of:

    • the frequency of your bowel movements
    • the color of your stool
    • the texture of your stool
    • the feel of your stool

    Stools that are separate, hard lumps or are lumpy typically indicate constipation.

    You should also note any feelings of fatigue that you may be experiencing. You may want to consider:

    • when you began feeling fatigued
    • how often you feel fatigued
    • how long the fatigue lasts

    If your doctor suspects you may also have another condition, they may run more tests or refer you to a specialist. If youre a woman of childbearing age, your doctor may also give you a pregnancy test to see if your symptoms are due to early pregnancy.

    Follow these tips to help prevent fatigue and constipation:

    • Get regular exercise

    My Tips On How To Rest So You Can Digest

    Whether or not you suffer from a digestive disorder like GERD, IBD or leaky gut, its always important to consider your digestive health when organising your bedtime routine. Certain habits or sleeping positions can have a big impact on your digestive system so below Ive listed a few of my top tips so you can avoid upsetting your digestive system at night.

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    Build Some Good Habits

    This isnât all about what to avoid. Itâs also about positive things you can do that will ease your stomach so youâll sleep better.

    Do you eat two or three big meals a day? If you do, try eating three smaller ones with healthy snacks in between. Itâs easier to digest smaller amounts. Other things you can try:

    • Eat slowly and chew your food up well before you swallow.
    • Buy high-fiber foods, which move through your system more quickly.
    • Try to exercise before meals or wait at least an hour after a meal to work out.
    • Strengthen your abs; this helps prevent swelling.
    • Try relaxation techniques — think yoga or meditation — that might help you better manage stress.

    How To Treat Nausea

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    Several factors and conditions related to sleep loss can cause nausea. Some people get nauseous after drinking too much caffeine during the day to accommodate for their fatigue. Drinking too much caffeine can also make you dehydrated, which can leave you feeling nauseated. Likewise, some medications can cause nausea. According to WebMD, the following medications can cause nausea or vomiting :

    • Narcotic pain medication
    • Chemotherapy or other cancer treatments
    • Over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen
    • Antibiotics

    If you are on a medication that makes you feel nauseous or interrupts your sleep, ask your doctor to change your dosage or switch to another medicine. Staying hydrated can also help relieve nausea. Carry a water bottle with you and sip on it during the day. Limit caffeine by replacing coffee with herbal tea or water. According to a 2010 study, chamomile contains healing compounds that can help nausea among other gastrointestinal symptoms . Sipping on chamomile tea at night is a good way to reduce nausea and improve sleep.

    Fresh lemon can be used to settle an upset stomach. A 2014 study found that lemon essential oil improved nausea and vomiting symptoms in a group of 100 pregnant women . Drinking lemon water, biting into a lemon or inhaling lemon essential oil can help reduce nausea. You can also slice open a fresh lemon and smell it for instant relief.


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    You Have Nerve Issues In Your Rectum Or Colon

    “There’s a whole area of study we call gut motilityhow fast things are propelled through the gastrointestinal system,” says Poppers.

    Conditions that affect the nervous system, including multiple sclerosis and Parkinsons, can alter motility in the digestive tract, he explains. Or, a defecatory disorder may be to blame, says Poppers. ” has to do with the sphincter’s ability to relax and allow poop to come out,” says Poppers.

    Can Eating More Fiber Help With Constipation

    Yes. Fiber is the part of plant food that is not digested. There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber gives stool bulk. Foods that are good sources of soluble fiber include apples, bananas, barley, oats, and beans. Insoluble fiber helps speed up the transit of food in the digestive tract and helps prevent constipation. Good sources of insoluble fiber include whole grains, most vegetables, wheat bran, and legumes. Foods that have fiber contain both soluble and insoluble fibers. A good goal for dietary fiber is a total of about 20 to 30 grams each day.

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    What Happens To Your Digestive System When You Sleep

    One of the reasons that sleep is considered so important is that it allows your body time to rest and repair; it gives your brain the time it needs to consolidate new memories, it increases the blood supply to your muscles and it even gives new tissue time to grow. Your digestive system is one of the many systems in your body that benefits from this process, in several different ways.

    Firstly, it gives your digestive system a chance to rest. During the day your body will be crying out for glucose, your main source of energy, to fuel your muscles, joints, nervous system and healthy digestion. This means that your digestive system will be working constantly to break down your food to meet this demand however, when you sleep, your need for glucose is greatly reduced. As a consequence, both your metabolism and your digestive system will gradually slow down.

    It provides energy for your digestive system to function: Sleep gives you a chance to replenish your energy levels which, as Ive just mentioned, are essential for your digestive system to function properly. Without an adequate supply of energy, your digestive system wont be able to break down your food as efficiently, leading to a wide range of unpleasant symptoms.

    The Position You Sleep In Matters

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    Do you sleep lying on your stomach or curled up on your right side? If so, you may want to reconsider these positions as both can have unforeseen consequences for your digestive system. Sleeping on your stomach, for example, doesnt leave your internal organs much room, including your stomach, which can upset symptoms such as acid reflux. Sleeping on your right side also has its drawbacks too its believed that this position can worsen side-effects like heartburn.

    Overall, the best thing to do if you suffer from any digestive concerns is to sleep with your head elevated. If you sleep at an inclined angle it will help to prevent your stomach acid from reaching your throat during the night. Its also thought that sleeping on your left side may have some benefits too some believe that if you sleep on your left side it encourages healthy circulation and digestion, enabling better elimination and supporting your spleen function.2;

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    What Causes Bloating And Constipation

    Before deciding what to take for constipation and bloating, you need to find out;what causes bloating and constipation in your body. While taking medicine for bloating and constipation can provide bloating and constipation relief, it may not treat the reason for these. To avoid chronic constipation and bloating that can become severe, you must address the source of the problem.

    Bloating and constipation can be caused by different reasons, each may need a completely different treatment. The tables below show the most common;causes of bloating and constipation. We also included the suggested bloating and constipation treatment.

    See if these common;causes of bloating and constipation apply to you. You can also click on the links to the topics you wish to learn more about.

    Important: chronic constipation and bloating may also be caused by an underlying medical condition. If after reading these;causes of bloating and constipation you are unsure what is causing your bloating and constipation issues, we highly suggest that you consult your doctor.

    Does Poor Sleep Play A Role In Worsening Digestive Disorders

    Sleep deprivation is closely linked to a variety of symptoms, a few of which can have serious repercussions for your digestive system. Sufferers of IBD, Inflammatory Bowel Disorder, for example, sometimes experience a flare-up after experiencing a poor night of sleep and several possible symptoms could be to blame.

    • Sleep deprivation makes you more vulnerable to inflammation: Digestive disorders such as IBD and IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, are sometimes known as inflammatory disorders. IBD, for example, refers to a collection of digestive conditions, such as Crohns, and is believed to have a close link to inflammation. Some forms of IBD are often caused by a problem with the immune system, whereby the immune cells start to attack the intestinal tissue causing widespread inflammation.;Unfortunately, sleep deprivation may exacerbate this problem. In my blog, Is poor sleep making you more sensitive to pain? I explained how poor sleep can enhance your pro-inflammatory cytokines, resulting in higher amounts of inflammation throughout your body, including your muscles and joints, and your gastrointestinal tract.

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