Sunday, April 21, 2024

How To Create A Healthy Microbiome

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Rebalance Of The Intestinal Ecosystem

Gut Health | How to build a healthy Microbiome

Many therapeutic strategies have been developed to re-establish intestinal eubiosis, and new strategies are constantly proposed and investigated. The main and at present best known and most adopted therapeutic strategies include the administration of probiotic bacteria likely to displace potentially pathogenic bacteria and promote a rebalance of the microbial community; the administration of prebiotics to favor the overgrowth of probiotic bacteria; and the administration of probiotics and prebiotics combinations . More recent therapeutic approaches have been proposed, including phage therapy, fecal transplantation, BCT, and a still poorly investigated approach based on predatory bacteria. All of these strategies share the same goal of replacing harmful microbes with more favorable ones to restore eubiosis.

The Home Microbiome: We Are Living Beings That Evolved In Nature We Are A Part Of Nature

Studies show that homes with outdoor cats and dogs have homes with healthier biomes , which means that the people living there do too.;

Most people know by now to avoid the intensely artificial and harsh cleaning agents, but the reality is that natural ones can be just as harsh. Essential oils are a great example of natural ingredients that can yield profoundly anti-bacterial properties. Using too many of these antimicrobial essential oils , especially undiluted, can kill your homes naturally healthy biome.

As much as possible: keep it simple. Use soap and water, or opt for simple combinations of ingredients like vinegar, distilled water, and citrus rinds.;

Lets explore some of the critical rooms in our home and ways to create a healthy and non-toxic environment where the whole family can thrive!

If Youre Stressed So Is Your Gut

Stress negatively impacts many aspects of our health including physical, mental, and even gut health.

Your microbiome doesnt just affect your intestines, it influences other organs, including your brain. If youre feeling stressed out, your microbes can feel it too. It can even decrease the abundance of important probiotic bacteria like Lactobacillus.

Keeping beneficial bacteria at healthy levels can even improve your resilience to adversity. Thats because your gut microbes influence stress levels and mood hormones. Alleviate your stress by avoiding unnecessarily demanding situations, and try some techniques like breathing exercises and meditation.

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Ways To Optimize Your Gut Bacteria For Optimal Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, most diets focus on calorie reduction and exercise. While eating less and exercising more will usually result in weight-loss, Dr. Kellman says that if you get your microbiome healthy, you will lose weight. Its all about correcting the overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria, which is making you crave the wrong foods and triggering inflammation. This makes sense because when you change your gut bacteria, you change how your body produces and metabolizes energy.

This also explains why so many people lose weight only to gain it right back because the bad bacteria are still present in your gut. The bad bacteria remember when you were fat, and they want to continue to live, so they trigger cravings for the foods that feed them. ;

In addition to the steps I outline above, here are 15 more ways to set up your gut for weight loss:

  • Sweat every day. Your gut bacteria operate best when you exercise regularly. Thats because regular exercise promotes biodiversity of your gut flora. Research shows that exercise actually increases the good bacteria in your gut!
  • Get dirty. While being clean is fine, overly sterile environments dont promote biodiversity of your gut bacteria.; Go ahead and get dirty. And, skip the hand sanitizer.
  • Find time to de-stress. Research shows that prolonged periods of stress canimpair your gut bacteria and make you susceptible to infection.
  • The Gut Microbiome May Benefit Heart Health

    Gut Health & Microbiome Diet: How to Create a Healthy ...

    Interestingly, the gut microbiome may even affect heart health .

    A recent study in 1,500 people found that the gut microbiome played an important role in promoting good HDL cholesterol and triglycerides .

    Certain unhealthy species in the gut microbiome may also contribute to heart disease by producing trimethylamine N-oxide .

    TMAO is a chemical that contributes to blocked arteries, which may lead to heart attacks or stroke.

    Certain bacteria within the microbiome convert choline and L-carnitine, both of which are nutrients found in red meat and other animal-based food sources, to TMAO, potentially increasing risk factors for heart disease .

    However, other bacteria within the gut microbiome, particularly Lactobacilli, may help reduce cholesterol when taken as a probiotic .


    Certain bacteria within the gut microbiome can produce chemicals that may block arteries and lead to heart disease. However, probiotics may help lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

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    Supports Gut Barrier Integrity

    Gut microbes help maintain the integrity of the gut barrier by stimulating intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and regulating tight junction proteins, which bind intestinal cells together. They also boost the development of gut-associated lymphoid tissue , a type of tissue found exclusively in the gut that mediates immunity.

    The Home Microbiome: Summary

    Keeping a clean and healthy home requires a balance of tidiness, with an underlying understanding that not all bacteria are harmful. Promoting a healthy home biome is all about:

    • using non-toxic products
    • being mindful of things like the good bacteria that live in all ecosystems
    • cleaning up the air
    • opting for non-toxic products and furniture
    • being mindful of junk light and electricity
    • keeping the windows open and the air flowing

    Learn more here: );

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    If You Can Breastfeed For At Least 6 Months

    A babys microbiome begins to properly develop at birth. However, studies suggest that babies may be exposed to some bacteria even before birth .

    During the first 2 years of life, an infants microbiome is continuously developing and is rich in beneficial Bifidobacteria, which can digest the sugars found in breast milk .

    Many studies have shown that infants who are fed formula have an altered microbiome with fewer Bifidobacteria than infants who are breastfed (

    38 ).

    A number of studies have shown that vegetarian diets may benefit the gut microbiome, which may be due to their high fiber content.

    For example, one small 2013 study found that a vegetarian diet led to reduced levels of disease-causing bacteria in people with obesity, as well as reductions in body weight, inflammation, and cholesterol levels .

    A 2019 review noted that plant foods are rich in specific nutrients that can increase levels of beneficial bacteria and decrease harmful strains of bacteria to support gut health .

    However, it is unclear if the benefits of a vegetarian diet on the gut microbiome are due to a lack of meat intake or if other factors may also play a role.


    Vegetarian and vegan diets may improve the microbiome. However, it is unclear if the positive effects associated with these diets can be attributed to a lack of meat intake or if other factors may be involved.

    How A Healthy Microbiome May Prevent Coronavirus Infections

    Gut Health & Microbiome Diet: How to Create a Healthy Microbiome with Naveen Jain

    When your gut is healthy, you have a much better chance of staving off infections. So, it makes sense that a healthy gut microbiome could prevent you from severe COVID-19 infection. In addition, people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity have the worst outcomes when they become ill from COVID-19 and other infections. And these conditions are associated with negative changes in the composition of the gut microbiome, possibly from medications as well as diet.

    A preliminary study showed that a less-than-optimal gut microbiome was highly correlated with proinflammatory cytokines and that certain gut microbiota can predispose individuals to severe COVID-19. The reason may be because the coronavirus enters the body by binding to the ACE2 enzyme, which plays an important role in the regulation of intestinal inflammation and affects the microbes that play a role in diseases of the heart and lungs. This may mean that a healthy gut microbiome prevents some COVID-19 patients from experiencing the cytokine storm seen in severe cases.

    Like everything else, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to your microbiome. You may be a strict vegetarian, eat the Paleo way or fall somewhere in between. The key is to keep supporting your microbiome with the foods that are healthy for you.

    How have you taken measures to heal your gut? Do you notice a difference in your overall health? Please share your comments below.

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    How Do Resident Bacteria Keep You Healthy

    Our immune defense is part of a complex biological response against harmful pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria. However, because our bodies are inhabited by trillions of mostly beneficial bacteria, virus and fungi, activation of our immune response is tightly regulated to distinguish between harmful and helpful microbes.

    Our bacteria are spectacular companions diligently helping prime our immune system defenses to combat infections. A seminal study found that mice treated with antibiotics that eliminate bacteria in the gut exhibited an impaired immune response. These animals had low counts of virus-fighting white blood cells, weak antibody responses and poor production of a protein that is vital for combating viral infection and modulating the immune response.

    In another study, mice were fed Lactobacillus bacteria, commonly used as probiotic in fermented food. These microbes reduced the severity of influenza infection. The Lactobacillus-treated mice did not lose weight and had only mild lung damage compared with untreated mice. Similarly, others have found that treatment of mice with Lactobacillus protects against different subtypes ofinfluenzavirus and human respiratory syncytial virus the major cause of viral bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children.

    Exercise In Your Gut Health Diet

    Who knew that getting the heart pumping and the sweat pouring was good for the diversity of your microbiome? Well it is, and heres why.

    Research has shown that individuals who lead a sedentary lifestyle have a less diverse microbiome. Therefore, its not just what you put into your body that counts, there are so many other lifestyle aspects involved in improving gut health.

    But dont despair, there are simple things you can do about it. Athletes, for example, have a more diverse gut than nonathletes. But you dont need to be an Olympian to make a difference. Walking, jogging, and dancing all count, just aim for 150 minutes each week alongside some strength exercises. Trust us, your gut bacteria will love you for it.

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    Healthy Microbiome Tip #: Keep It Fresh

    Sure, being a picky eater might make your dinner rotation simpler. Yet the truth remains that more fresh fruits and veggies, combined with a diverse range of meals, means a healthy microbiome.Similar to doing only one kind of cardio or performing one weight-lifting routine, eating the same set of meals wont necessarily hurt your gut flora, but it wont help them either. Thats because youre only fueling a small amount of gut bacteria, while ignoring or even starving others.

    Every week, try at least one new leafy green or bright-colored vegetable. Likewise, snack on new fruits and nuts between meals, and make your plates as colorful as possible when you sit down to eat. ;;;;;

    Tips To Boost Your Gut Microbiome

    More than a Gut Feeling: Inside the Microbiome

    Your gut microbiome is a vast community of trillions of bacteria and fungi that inhabit every nook and cranny of your gastrointestinal tract, and have a major influence on your metabolism, body weight, propensity to illness, immune system, appetite and mood. These microbes mostly live in your lower intestine and outnumber all the other cells in your body put together.

    Conceptually, we should view these microbes as a newly discovered organ, weighing slightly more than our brains and nearly as vital. There are some organs we can live without, including our spleen, gall bladder, tonsils and appendix, but we wouldnt survive long without our gut microbes. Intriguingly, no two microbiomes are the same we are all unique. And more than ever, were finding out just how important these microbes are.

    Read more about the microbiome:

    According to research, the richer and more diverse the community of gut microbes are, the lower your risk of disease and allergies. This has been shown in animal tests and also in human studies comparing the microbes of people with and without particular diseases. Examples from recent work at Kings College London include studies of diabetes, obesity, allergy and inflammatory diseases like colitis and arthritis.

    Meanwhile, there is mounting evidence that babies born via caesarean section miss out on some of the microbes they would obtain through a vaginal birth, which may make them more vulnerable to allergies and asthma.

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    In Short Heres How To Have A Healthy Gut

    Never to underestimate the importance of gut health when it comes to your body and wellbeing. Its home to trillions of bacteria, not to mention actual human cells, that work hard to keep you fit and well. Your lifestyle can have a serious impact on this balance.

    Making simple positive changes like more fiber in your diet, more exercise, and less unnecessary medication is how to get a healthy gut and wholesome gut microbiome. Just remember, you really do have the power to change, one step at a time.

    Give Your Gut A Rest From A Hard Days Work

    Giving your body a break from digesting food could protect from metabolic diseases and restore gut health.

    In fact, some beneficial bacteria, like Akkermansia muciniphila, actually enjoy a nice fast, and help strengthen the gut lining when they arent being fed by your food intake. Theres no need to be radical here, though, just lay off the midnight snacks and when you do eat, make sure you cram in wholesome plant-based carbs!

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    We Are Our Microbiome

    Our microbiomethe billions of microorganisms that live in our bodies with us, making their home in our gut, on our skin and surfaces with mucus membranescomprise a greater proportion of cells than we can claim as our own, and they provide critical support for virtually all aspects of our bodys functioning.

    Every one of the bacteria residing in our gut are living systems with the genetics and dynamic communication molecules wed expect from living beings. Each of them is an integral part our biological milieu, contributing to our genetic expression and profoundly influencing our function. Everything that makes us human is effected by the living microbiome;within usincluding our energy, our mood and feelings, and our minds.

    Healthy Microbiome Tip #: Dont Overly Sterilize Your Surroundings

    How To Foster a Healthy Microbiome

    Products like hand sanitizers, antibacterial soaps, scrubs, sprays, and household cleaning supplies are a whopping $60 billion-dollar industry in the U.S. And while this attention to cleanliness is very much rooted in modern medical and scientific breakthroughs, its not hard to see the pendulum swing too far.Over-sanitizing your house can actually have an opposite effect killing weak varieties of bad or harmless bacteria while strengthening the most series strains. This, in turn, dulls your immune systems response to foreign pathogens. This is especially common with kids and the elderly, and is one reason why you may want to rethink a religious use of hand sanitizer before snacktime. ;;;;;

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    A healthy gut means you have a stronger immune system, a better mood, effective digestion thats free of discomfort and a healthy brain and heart, says Sabine Hazan, M.D., a gastroenterologist, founder of Ventura Clinical Trials in Ventura, California, and author of Lets Talk S.

    Functional Problems Associated With Loss Of A Healthy Microbiome:

    • Increased levels of systemic inflammation, from gut to brain.
    • Abnormalities in gut functionpain, bloating and gas, constipation, diarrhea, and reflux.
    • Increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease.
    • Impact of inflammation and microbial metabolic products on brain functionleading to problems with mood , behavior, executive function, and thinking.
    • Detoxification impairment.
    • Problems with nutrient availability and assimilation.
    • Immune system problems, leading to greater illness.
    • Increased risk of autoimmune disorders.
    • Higher risk of environmental allergies and asthma.
    • Loss of critical energy reserve.

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    Alkek Center For Metagenomics And Microbiome Research

    The Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research at Baylor, based in the Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology, serves as an international hub for microbiome research including clinical and basic science applications and advanced bioinformatics analyses. The CMMR was established in 2011 and is directed by MVM faculty member Dr. Joseph F. Petrosino, a nationally recognized leader in metagenomic research. It was founded as an extension to Baylorâs involvement in the Human Microbiome Project and is supported in part by a generous donation from the Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation.

    The CMMR builds on the microbiology and virology expertise in the department and collaborates with the Human Genome Sequencing Center, headed by Dr. Richard Gibbs, and the Texas Childrenâs Microbiome Center for pediatric studies under the direction of Dr. James Versalovic.

    CMMR researchers are developing molecular and informatics tools and resources to advance diverse clinical and basic research projects pertaining to the organisms that comprise the microbiome, the genetic makeup of these microbes, how these microorganisms interact with human cells and tissues during the course of life and their impact on health and disease. The CMMR provides metagenomic, informatics, model system and molecular biology support and guidance to other researchers and clinical collaborators engaging in these areas of study.

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