Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Constipation Cause Shortness Of Breath

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Learning To Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing

Can stomach bloating cause shortness of breath?
  • Sit or lie in a comfortable place. Close your eyes.
  • Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen. The bottom hand should do the moving. The top hand should remain still or only move as the bottom hand moves.
  • Inhale through your nose for about 4 seconds, feeling your abdomen expand.
  • Hold your breath for 2 seconds.
  • Exhale very slowly and steadily through your mouth for about 6 seconds. The mouth should be relaxed.
  • Repeat for 5-15 minutes.
  • When first learning diaphragmatic breathing, it is common to feel some uneasiness or lightheadedness. Quicken your breath if you feel light headed. After a session of diaphragmatic breathing, allow yourself time to adjust to your surroundings do not stand up too quickly.

    Diaphragmatic breathing is an excellent tool for relaxation, but it is a skill that requires practice. With practice it becomes easier over time, and eventually can be done with eyes open, while sitting, standing or even walking or driving.

    The Connection Between Copd And Abdominal Bloating

    Bloating is a symptom that many people with COPD deal with on a regular basis, and it can make it more difficult to cope with the disease. However, despite how common bloating is among COPD patients, many doctors and patients don’t realize that the two conditions could be related.

    Sometimes bloating is a direct result of COPD symptoms or medications, and sometimes it’s a result of COPD-related lifestyle changes and complications. For example, COPD often makes it difficult to stay active and eat a healthy diet, both of which increase your risk for bloating.

    It also works in the opposite direction being bloated can make COPD symptoms like breathlessness worse. Bloating causes swelling in your stomach and intestines, which causes them to push up on your lungs and diaphragm.

    Many COPD patients also have enlarged lungs which require extra room to expand. This combined with the extra pressure that bloating puts on your lungs can make it especially difficult to breathe.

    Having a bloated stomach can also make your breathlessness worse when you eat, especially if your lungs are enlarged. Many COPD patients struggle to breathe when they eat because their lungs have less room to expand when their stomach is full.

    Bloating is usually described as a feeling of tightness, pressure, or stretching in the abdomen. It is often caused by gas trapped in your stomach or intestines, and it can even cause your stomach to visibly swell up.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Constipation

    Children who have chronic constipation gradually develop a stretched rectum. The stretched rectum then becomes filled with a stool plug. Over time the stretched muscles of the rectum cannot push all of the stool out of the rectum. Liquid stool seeps down around this stool plug and can seep out onto the underwear without the child being aware that there is stool in the rectum or that they are about to soil. This is frustrating and embarrassing for both the child and the family. While treatment can help the child solve the problem, it is a chronic condition that has taken time to develop and will take time to correct. Relapse often occurs if treatment is stopped too soon or withdrawn too quickly.

    Chronic constipation is not usually caused by medical problems. A blockage in the colon does not cause it either.

    Toddlers often try to hold in their stool after having a painful bowel movement. They often cross their legs and become rigid. They are determined not to have another painful experience and can often hold their bowel movements for days. This, of course, leads to large, hard bowel movements. This experience convinces them that having a bowel movement is something to be avoided. They may sometimes seem to be trying to have a bowel movement when they are actually trying not to go. Fissures and other painful conditions of the anus can also lead to this problem.

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    When A Diagnosis Is More Challenging To Detect

    If heart and lung conditions have been ruled out but you are still experiencing shortness of breath, it may be a circulation issue, says pulmonologist Dr. Zab Mosenifar.

    “When searching for an undetected cause of shortness of breath, we first look to the heart, lungs, and circulatory system,” says Dr. Mosenifar. “Then, we look for 5 signs that will guide us toward the right diagnosis.”

    Those 5 signs include infection, inhalation-related injuries, other injuries, immune system conditions, and idiopathic conditionsthose that spontaneously happen with no known cause.

    To rule out these conditions, Dr. Mosenifar typically puts patients on a stationary bicycle and collects gas samples from their mouths. These samples can often identify the root cause of a condition.

    What Is Diaphragmatic Breathing For Gi Patients

    What Causes Bloating and Shortness of Breath?

    Diaphragmatic Breathing, also called deep breathing or belly breathing, is a simple technique taught to GI patients to help them manage stress caused by GI conditions.

    Focusing ones breath is an effective way to encourage the body to relax. When practicing diaphragmatic breathing, the stomach, rather than the chest, moves with each breath, expanding while inhaling and contracting while exhaling. Deliberately paying attention to each breath serves to distract and quiet the mind.

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    Is It Gas Pain Or A Heart Problem

    Its perfectly normal to pass gas between 10 and 20 times a day. At the same time, its understandable to be worried if you feel chest pain after eating a meal. After all, if its gas, arent you supposed to feel it in your gut, not near your heart?

    While you may be simply feeling the sensation of gas pain in your chest, this pain could also indicate a serious heart issue. Learn how to determine if you or a loved one needs to seek medical attention.

    Please note, if you are still unsure if you are experiencing gas pain or a heart problem after reading this article, play it safe and go to the nearest emergency room to receive care.

    How To Treat Bloating Caused By Copd

    Aug 21, 2018 11:00:42 AM / byDuke Reeves

    Everyone experiences bloating every now and then, often the result of a big meal or a minor stomach illness. However, bloating tends to be a frequent problem for people with COPD for different reasons, and it’s a problem that is frequently underestimated.

    Bloating tends to be particularly uncomfortable for COPD patients because it can make it much more difficult to breathe. Common COPD symptoms like chest soreness and coughing can also feel much worse when your belly is bloated and tight.

    What many patients don’t realize is that their COPD bloating symptoms could be directly or indirectly caused by their disease. In some cases, treating underlying COPD symptoms can relieve and prevent bloating or at least make it much more tolerable.

    In this article we’re going to help you better understand the connection between COPD and abdominal bloating and what you can do about it. We’ll explain how and why COPD bloating happens, how to reduce bloating, and how to better manage your symptoms and feel more comfortable when bloating unexpectedly strikes.

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    A Stiffening Of The Heart

    Cardiac amyloidosis is an often overlooked medical conditionalthough it is becoming increasingly recognized. The most common form is usually diagnosed in men over the age of 70.

    Amyloid proteins build up in the heart, causing stiffness and pressure. The condition often leads to heart failure.

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    “The first symptom for many patients with cardiac amyloidosis is shortness of breath,” says Dr. Jignesh Patel, director of the Cardiac Amyloidosis Program.

    That’s because as amyloid proteins take up space in the wall of the heart, the heart’s ability to fill up with blood between heartbeats becomes more difficult, leading to breathlessness.

    Dr. Patel says that as many as a quarter of patients over the age of 80 may suffer from cardiac amyloidosis, but many aren’t diagnosed for an average of 3 yearsmaking it crucial to see a specialist if you or a loved one suspects the condition.

    To diagnose cardiac amyloidosis, patients often undergo a series of tests, including imaging scans of the heart, blood and urine tests, and in many cases, genetic testing.

    Treatment for the condition varies depending on the severity and type of the disease. It usually begins with medications, but can include a bone marrow transplant or a heart transplant.

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    Shortness Of Breath: When To See Your Doctor

    Natural Remedies for Constipation – SIBO and Breath Testing

    Sep 30, 2019Cara Martinez

    Shortness of breath can be brought on by many thingssome more serious than others.

    Causes can include aerobic exercise, intense physical activity, asthma, anxiety, or being in high altitude. And in some cases, shortness of breath can be the symptom of a lesser-known life-threatening condition.

    “When searching for an undetected cause of shortness of breath, we first look to the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. Then, we look for 5 signs that will guide us toward the right diagnosis.”

    Here, Cedars-Sinai experts explain some of the conditions responsible for shortness of breath and when you should see your doctor.

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    ‘red Flags’: 10 Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

    When it comes to some symptoms, your best bet is to see a doctor immediately.

    The phrase is repeated like a mantra in the halls and classrooms of medical schools and hospitals throughout the country. The reminder to young trainees is that time is of the essence the faster a diagnosis is made and treatment initiated, the less damage will have occurred.

    Yet it is often the minutes and hours before a patient decides to seek medical attention that play the largest role in the ultimate outcome. Any doctor will tell you that, given the presence of certain concerning symptoms, “watchful waiting” is never the right approach.

    Dr. Richard O’Brien, spokesperson for the American College of Emergency Physicians, says he often sees patients who have put off their trip to the emergency room for hours or days, ignoring worrisome symptoms. In many cases, these individuals had major symptoms which resolved. They ultimately seek help when the same symptoms return and don’t go away, he says.

    But why wait? It turns out that there are a number of barriers to keep people from seeking medical attention when they need it most — such as concerns about missing prior obligations, high hospital bills, or inconveniencing others.

    There’s no doubt that going to the emergency room is inconvenient, both for the patient and those accompanying them. Often, says O’Brien, people end up waiting “because they don’t want to bother anyone, especially their families.”

    Paying Attention to the ‘Red Flags’


    Acid Reflux Bad Breath

    GERD bad breath is an unpleasant manifestation of chronic heartburn. When stomach acid ends up in the mouth cavity, it can erode hard tissues and tooth enamel. This creates cavities that trap food where bacteria can feed and multiply.

    Often, your dentist can tell whether bad breath is caused by acid reflux or because of poor dental hygiene and smoking that also cause dysbiosis of the oral microbiome. GERD patients tend to have teeth erosion, redness around the tonsils, tongue and gum irritation, and sour breath.

    TIPProper dental hygiene and over-the-counter medications can usually alleviate bad breath in a week or so.

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    Alternative Treatments For Constipation

    Some people benefit from additional strategies to relieve constipation including:

    • Bowel training involves developing a habit of moving your bowels at the same time each day. Eating a meal stimulates your colon to move. Thats why you shouldnt skip meals when youre constipated. It also provides a good tool to use to train your bowels. Try training your bowels to move within 15 to 45 minutes after breakfast or dinner.
    • therapy retrains the muscles that control bowel movements. You work with a biofeedback therapist to identify these muscles and learn how to relax them to ease stool passage.

    How To Prevent Constipation

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    There are various things you can do to help keep your bowels healthy and avoid becoming constipated. If you are in any doubt, consult your GP or Healthcare Professional before making significant changes to your regular diet. A dietitian will also be able to guide you.

    • As a general rule, eating more high-fibre foods can prevent constipation. However, if constipation is a result of Colitis or Crohns disease, increasing fibre intake could have a detrimental effect
    • There are two different types of fibre soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre dissolves in the intestines to form a gel type substance. This helps food move along the digestive tract. Insoluble fibre is not dissolvable and moves through the intestines without being absorbed. This fibre adds bulk to bowel movements and helps to reduce constipation
    • Make sure you drink lots of fluids to keep the stools moist e.g. at least 1.5-2 litres of water based drinks per day
    • If you are taking any medicines ask your doctor or chemist if they could be adding to your constipation. If possible, try to remove constipating medications
    • If really necessary, try using a fibre supplement such as fybogel and possibly suppositories or mini-enemas to help regularise the bowels, but they should not be used long term. Some foods can act as natural laxative for some people, these include prunes, figs, liquorice, coffee/tea, spicy food
    • If possible, increase your physical activity as this helps to increase bowel activity

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    Where Do You Feel Shortness Of Breath

    Shortness of breath is felt in your chest and can manifest as:

    • Difficulty catching your breath
    • Feeling a need to breathe more quickly or deeply
    • Not feeling able to take a full, deep breath
    • Feeling huffy and puffy

    “You may first notice shortness of breath during physical activity. For instance, maybe you can no longer keep pace with someone you’re walking with or you can’t climb a flight of stairs. Previously, you could stop and take a deep breath and carry on, but that’s harder now,” says Dr. Safdar. “And shortness of breath can progress over time, to the point where you experience it even while at rest.”

    But not all shortness of breath develops slowly over time. Sometimes, shortness of breath hits suddenly, and maybe even severely.

    When shortness of breath is acute, it’s typically accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

    • Fever and cough
    • Pain in the chest, blurry vision and lightheadedness
    • Chest pain and leg swelling, especially after long travel

    How To Recognize A Pituitary Tumor

    Pituitary tumorsabnormal growths that develop in your pituitary glandhave several symptoms. These symptoms usually develop gradually but can eventually lead to other endocrine disorders, such as Cushing’s disease and acromegaly.

    Some of the symptoms of pituitary tumors are subtle, such as fatigue and weakness, so many people overlook their symptoms and may attribute them to something else .

    But sometimes when you have a pituitary tumor, your body produces excessive amounts of certain hormones .

    Most pituitary tumors are small. Those are called microadenomas. But larger tumors, called macroadenomas, can put pressure on your pituitary gland and surrounding tissues and cause changes in your vision, such as double vision and loss of peripheral vision.

    Other possible symptoms related to the pressure caused by a pituitary tumor:

    • Cold intolerance
    • Loss of hair on your body
    • Low blood pressure
    • Unexplained weight loss or gain
    • Vomiting

    Not everyone with a pituitary tumor will experience all of these symptoms. Symptoms vary based on what type of tumor it is , as well as its size and shape.

    Additionally, pituitary tumors can lead to certain endocrine disorders due to overproduction of specific hormones. These endocrine disorders can be associated with additional symptoms.

    Endocrine disorders related to excessive hormone production by the pituitary tumor:

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    High Or Persistent Fever

    The big worries: Fever is your body’s way of fighting infection. But “fever of 103 degrees and higher warrants a trip to the doctor period,” says David Bronson, M.D., president of the American College of Physicians. It may indicate a urinary tract infection, pneumonia, endocarditis or meningitis, which may require antibiotics to clear up. A persistent low-grade fever for several weeks with no obvious cause is characteristic of some infections, including a sinus infection, and some cancers, like lymphoma and leukemia. “Cancer is on the list of things we think about, but it is usually not the first thing,” says Ronan Factora, M.D., a geriatrician at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

    What else it might be: Fever can be triggered by a virus, which, depending on your health and other symptoms, may require hospitalization.

    Manage Your Copd Symptoms

    Histamine Intolerance and Shortness of Breath

    If breathlessness is causing you to get bloated or making you extra sensitive to bloating sensations, then the best thing to do is treat the underlying problem. Frequent bloating caused by shortness of breath may be a sign that you need to better manage your COPD symptoms.

    One thing you can do is talk to your doctor to see if your treatment plan needs adjusting. You may need to try a new medication or change your medication dosage to help you breathe better throughout the day.

    You could also try other COPD treatments to help you manage shortness of breath, including breathing exercises like pursed lips breathing. By helping you keep your breathing under control, these treatments could help reduce the amount of air you swallow and reduce your bloating symptoms.

    Another option is supplemental oxygen, which many COPD patients use to help them breathe while they eat. Oxygen reduces breathlessness and can help with bloating in two ways: it reduces the chance of erratic breathing, which can cause you to swallow air and get bloated, and it makes it easier to breathe, which can make you less sensitive to mild bloating.

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