Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Can Probiotics Cause Weight Loss

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Two Types Of Gut Bacteria Linked To Your Weight

Can Probiotics Really Make You Lose Weight? | What the Science Says

To understand the potential affects of probiotics on weight loss you need to start with an understanding of the key players. There are two first-families of bacteria in the gut: Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Lean individuals have a higher proportion of bacteria from the Bacteriodetes family, while obese individuals have more from the Firmicutes family, says Will Bulsiewicz, MD, a gastroenterologist in Mount Pleasant, SC. The implication is that by modulating our gut flora to maximize Bacteroidetes and minimize Firmicutes, we can optimize healthy energy harvesting from our food and kick our obesity problem to the curb. Put another way: If we choose the right blend of bacteria, the scale can tip in our favor, he says.

But which are the best probiotics for weight loss?

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How To Take Probiotics For Weight Loss During Menopause

People often wonder if probiotics can help with weight loss. There are many different strains of bacteria in probiotic supplements and their effects vary from person to person. Probiotics may not be the magic pill for everyone but they do offer some benefits such as improving digestion, boosting immunity, and providing nutrients that you might not otherwise get enough of in your diet. With these potential benefits, it is worth a try for those who want to live a healthier lifestyle or lose weight.

Losing weight can be very difficult during menopause. This is due to how your bodys metabolism changes during this time. It is important that you continue to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly but you may also want to consider taking probiotics for women who are struggling with losing weight during these hormonal changes.

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Probiotics Help Pregnant Women Avoid Obesity

The researcher Kirsi Laitinen and his colleagues from the University of Turku detected that pregnant the women who regularly drink probiotics during the first trimester of pregnancy have the low risk of having symptoms of growing fat in the waist after childbirth.

The study group consisted of 256 pregnant women that were divided into three groups. The first group was provided with probiotic supplements along with dietary advice the second group took a placebo along with dietary advice the last group took placebo together with no consult on a diet.

Results showed that the proportions of women who had fat waist after one year of childbearing in groups 1,2 and 3 were 25%, 43%, and 40%, respectively. The percentages of body fat in the groups are 28%, 29%, and 30%, respectively.

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How It All Started

Years ago, scientists discovered that the makeup of friendlygut bacteria was different in people who haveobesity than in people with an average weight.

To learn more, researchers implanted friendly gut bacteria from the different types of people into special mice without gut bacteria and found:

  • No weight change when the mice received gutbacteria from people of average weight.
  • Weight gain when the gut bacteria wasfrom a person with obesity.

Given these findings, it seemed possible that gut bacteriaplay a role in regulating weight.

In humans, the only comparison researchers have to the mice study is with gut microbiota transplants , Dr. Cresci says. Doctors perform fecal transplants for people who have an overgrowth of bad pathogenic gut bacteria called Clostridioides difficile. They place stool from a healthy person into the colon of the person with C. diff.

Researchers are finding that many naturally thin patients who receive a fecal transplant become overweight over time, Dr. Cresci says. Since 40% of Americans have obesity, its likely that 40% of the gut microbiota transplants came from a person with obesity, possibly causing this unexpected weight gain.

Is There A Recommended Probiotic Dosage Or Intake Suggestion

5 Best Probiotics for Weight Loss for Women

No. There is currently no research to suggest an ideal number of CFUs or preferred methods of consuming probiotics.

7 sourcescollapsed

  • Ãlvarez-Arraño, V., et al. . Effects of Probiotics and Synbiotics on Weight Loss in Subjects with Overweight or Obesity: A Systematic Review.

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The Old Chicken And Egg Problem

According to Dr. Shah has already been shown that obese people have a different composition of intestinal bacteria than lean people. However, it is currently unclear whether these differences are caused by the overweight are caused or whether the altered intestinal bacteria favor the development of obesity.

according to dr Shah also exists so far no clear scientific evidence that a probiotic helps with weight loss. However, there is no evidence that taking it is harmful in any way.

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They May Cause Unpleasant Digestive Symptoms

10 ).

It is not known exactly why some people experience these side effects, but they typically subside after a few weeks of continued use .

To reduce the likelihood of side effects, start with a low dose of probiotics and slowly increase to the full dosage over a few weeks. This can help your body adjust to them.

If the gas, bloating or any other side effects continue for more than a few weeks, stop taking the probiotic and consult a medical professional.


Some people experience an increase in gas, bloating, constipation or thirst when they start taking probiotics. These side effects should go away within a few weeks.

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Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotic

  • No specific clinical trials using this supplement
  • Does not offer bulk discounts or subscription option

Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotic is our top pick because it contains L. rhamnosus, a probiotic strain linked to weight loss.¹ Specifically, Culturelle includes the L. rhamnosus GG strain, shown in a clinical trial to reduce weight in mice fed a high-fat diet. Each capsule contains 10 billion CFU and 200mg of prebiotic inulin derived from chicory root extract. Inulin has also been shown in clinical testing to help with weight loss and blood pressure.

In addition to potentially helping with weight loss, Culturelle also has other health benefits, including

  • Reducing gas, bloating, and diarrhea
  • Supporting digestive health
  • Boosting immunity

For best results, take one capsule per day. But, if youre experiencing digestive issues, you can take two capsules daily, one in the morning and one at night. The capsules are vegetarian and do not contain dairy, wheat, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, or GMOs.

Culturelle states that their product is appropriate for people 12 years old and up, but we recommend consulting your doctor before giving a probiotic supplement to children. The company also cautions against using the product if you are immunocompromised.

The Right Probiotics May Help You Lose Weight

Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat?

6 years ago |Nutrition

Youve read it on the sides of yogurt containers, or maybe youve heard it from your doctor:probiotics or good bacteria are good for your gut. Now, research suggests that they may also help you maintain a healthy weight.

According to the National Institutes of Health , he physiologic functions attributed to gut microbiota have extended to extraintestinal tissues, such as the liver, brain, and adipose tissue, constructing novel connections with obesity and related disorders including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Thus, it has the potential to modulate energy regulation as well as systemic inflammation and should be considered as a biological feature that plays a role in the pathophysiology of obesity.

In a study comparing the effects of probiotics to a placebo, women who took probiotics for 12 weeks lost more weight compared to those who took the placebo. The study concluded that probiotics may help obese people sustain weight loss.

Another study, published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, that examined approximately 1,900 adults, suggests that consuming probiotics may reduce body mass index and body weight. The biggest reduction was found in the BMI of overweight adults who participated in the study.

And there are many types of probiotic strains. Some may specifically help with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

These strains include:

So What is UltraFlora Control?

Enjoy your healthy life!


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Health Benefits Of Imd

1MD Complete Probiotics Platinum provides 51 billion CFU per dose, making it the most potent option we have mentioned so far. However, the CFU consists of strains from 11 different probiotic species, most of which offer no support to people who want to lose weight.

Nevertheless, it does provide a couple of probiotics that do offer this type of help.

Where To Buy Yourbiology Gut +

You can only buy this probiotic supplement via the manufacturer’s website but customers who wish to do so can take advantage of some very good money-saving deals:

Order 2 bottles of YourBiology Gut +, get 1 extra bottle free of charge

Order 3 bottles of YourBiology Gut +, get 2 extra bottles free of charge

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Why You Should Trust Us

Can Probiotics Lose Weight Loss

Over the past two decades, Innerbody Research has helped tens of millions of readers make more informed decisions about staying healthy and living healthier lifestyles.

We extensively test each health service or product we review. Our content provides you, our readers, with an unbiased exploration of at-home health options, free of marketing jargon or gimmicks. We evaluate products and services based on their adherence to quality and the latest medical evidence and health standards. We ask ourselves two simple questions: Would we buy the product or service ourselves if it werent part of our job? Would we recommend it to family and friends?

Additionally, like all health-related content on this website, this review was thoroughly vetted by one or more members of our Medical Review Board for accuracy.

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What Do Probiotics Do

Probiotics are living microorganisms that may provide health benefits when people consume them. Typically, they come in yogurt form or specifically formulated drinks and supplements. They are also available in fermented foods such as kefir, tempeh, kombucha, miso, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

Probiotics can manipulate the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome refers to the collection and activity of microorganisms, including bacteria, that reside in the gastrointestinal tract.

Dietary choices can influence the gut microbiome in helpful or harmful ways to overall health. People can add beneficial bacteria, such as lactobacilli or bifidobacterium, to their gut microbiome by using probiotic supplements or formulated foods.

Best Probiotics Diet Weight Loss

What is the best probiotic diet or food for weight loss? Probiotic supplements may be costly but fortunately, there is a less expensive way to obtain them to restore a healthy digestive track. This is through cultures and fermented foods.

Adding the foods below to your diet can help regulate your gut flora:

  • Fermented Food Sauerkraut, Kimchi , collards, kale, celery and pickles
  • Lassi Indian yogurt drink
  • Natto Strong flavored Japanese delicacy, rich in beneficial bacteria
  • Tempeh Similar to dense veggie burgers, tempeh is made from cooked fermented soybeans
  • Fermented Raw Milk Such As Kefir Or Yogurt Always choose organic yogurt with live cultures, keep away from generic yogurts which are high in sugar and/or artificial sweeteners. According to Jenny Sansouci, a certified health coach with Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City. The amount and kind of live cultures per bite vary, but words like raw, lacto-fermented, or unpasteurized on the packaging will indicate that the bacteria havent been killed off in the manufacturing process.
  • Besides eating foods rich in healthy bacteria, you should avoid eating those that encourage the growth of bad bacteria.

    You lifestyle choices can also play a big role maintaining healthy gut. Avoid

    • Antibiotics when possible
    • Exposure to pesticides since healthy bacteria are sensitive to toxins.

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    The Link Between Probiotics And Body Weight

    Although there is still uncertainty on how probiotics affect our body weight, two recent studies indicate that there is a connection. The first study, published in 2018, asks: “Is It Time to Use Probiotics to Prevent or Treat Obesity?” and goes on to examine the link between gut health and obesity or the conditions that lead up to it, including weight gain, such high blood sugar, metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.

    The authors state: “Several studies have shown that in individuals with obesity, the gut microbiota composition can be significantly different from that of lean individuals,” and they posit that your gut ” bacteria can exert a fundamental role in modulating energy metabolism,” and pose “that modifications of gut microbiota composition can be associated with increases or reductions of body weight and body mass index. Based on this evidence, manipulation of the gut microbiota with probiotics has been considered a possible method to prevent and treat obesity.”

    A subsequent study in 2019 in the British Medical Journal, examined the effect of “oral intake of bacterial probiotics on 15 variables related to obesity, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.” The analysis found that “probiotics consumption improves anthropometric parameters and BMI,” as well as improving blood sugar, chronic inflammation, and triglyceride levels in the blood, as well as liver function.

    Does It Contain An Effective Dose

    Will a Probiotic Help Me Lose Weight?

    In addition to containing an evidence-based strain, probiotics for weight loss should contain an effective dose of that strain.

    For example, Bifidobacterium lactis B-420 has been shown to be effective at a dose of 10 billion CFU per day.

    Additionally, weight loss studies using a mix of L. acidophilus CUL-60, L. acidophilus CUL-21, L. plantarum CUL-66, B. animalis subsp. lactis CUL-34, and B. bifidum CUL-20 were effective at 50 billion CFU per day.

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    Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight

    There are many different microorganisms in and on the human body, mainly in the form of friendly bacteria. Researchers think that some of these bacteria may play a role in weight loss and gain.

    In the gut, the beneficial bacteria help break down and digest food. They also help create nutrients and vitamins for the body to use. The probiotic bacteria feed on fibers and turn them into helpful compounds.

    An unhealthy digestive system may lead to dysbiosis, which refers to an imbalance in the gut microbes.

    When too many harmful microorganisms grow, there may not be enough of the helpful bacteria available to keep these harmful organisms in check. It also typically means the diversity of bacteria in the gut is lower.

    Research from 2013 suggests that gut dysbiosis contributes to the development of obesity, though it may not be the underlying cause.

    As the author of a 2015 study notes, people at a healthy weight and people with obesity show marked differences in their gut flora.

    Their research found that changing the gut flora in animals caused them to lose or gain weight accordingly. However, in humans, changing the gut flora did not result in weight loss or gain.

    This evidence does suggest, however, that there is a shift in a persons gut flora when they gain weight. While changes are associated with obesity, they do not seem to be the underlying cause.

    The researcher identified the following factors that can change a persons gut flora from a thin to an obese pattern:

    Gut Bugs Are Personal

    If you want to learn more about the microbes in your gut, join the ZOE program, which includes the most advanced gut microbiome test in the world.

    We use the latest microbiome analysis to tell you exactly which bacteria call your gut home, and we provide you with personalized recommendations for foods that support optimal gut health.

    Unpublished research from the ZOE team shows that closely following our personalized nutrition program led to an average weight loss of 9.4 pounds after 3 months. And around 80% of participants didnt feel hungry and had more energy after their meals.

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    Best Probiotic For Weight Loss Faqs

    What does CFU mean?

    CFU refers to the number of colony-forming units probiotic supplements provide. CFU is generally measured in billions. Manufacturers use CFU to measure the potency of their products. Good probiotic supplements are generally 20-55 billion CFU.

    What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics?

    Probiotics are live bacteria. Prebiotics are the type of fiber probiotic bacteria eats. Although it’s possible to buy each option separately, all the top gut health products contain both.

    How long before I know my probiotic is working?

    This can vary from one person to the next. However, certain benefits, such as improved digestion, may be noticeable within a few days to a week. Others, such as reductions in anxiety and stress, may take a few months to become apparent.

    Is it safe to take probiotics long-term?

    Yes. That’s the best way to use this type of supplement. Probiotics are not intended to provide a quick fix, they are meant to deliver long-term improvements in health.

    When you take probiotics daily, they cause and maintain positive changes in the gut microbiome. If you stop taking them, the gut is likely to return to its former state.

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