Thursday, July 25, 2024

Do Probiotics Cause Heart Problems

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Can I Get Probiotics From Food

Fungal Probiotics May Decrease Heart Disease Risk

You can absolutely increase beneficial microbes in your body from the foods you eat. Certain foods have probiotics in them and can benefit the health of your microbiome.

These foods can be introduced into your diet at any point of the day. You may even be regularly eating them now and not realize that they contain probiotics. You will want to check the food label for live and active cultures. A few suggestions for just some of the probiotic-rich foods you can add to your diet and some times to try them include:

For breakfast, try:

  • Powders.
  • Liquids.

Probiotic supplements may be combined with a prebiotic. Prebiotics are complex carbohydrates that feed the microorganisms in your gut. Basically, prebiotics are the food source for the good bacteria. They help feed the good bacteria and keep it healthy. Prebiotics include inulin, pectin and resistant starches.

When you have a supplement that combines a probiotic and prebiotic, its called a synbiotic.

They Can Increase Infection Risk For Some

Probiotics are safe for the vast majority of the population, but may not be the best fit for everyone.

In rare cases, the bacteria or yeasts found in probiotics can enter the bloodstream and cause infections in susceptible individuals .

Those at greatest risk for infection from probiotics include people with suppressed immune systems, prolonged hospitalizations, venous catheters or those who have undergone recent surgeries .

However, the risk of developing an infection is very low, and no serious infections have been reported in clinical studies of the general population.

It is estimated that only about one in one million people who take probiotics containing Lactobacilli bacteria will develop an infection. The risk is even smaller for yeast-based probiotics, with only about one in 5.6 million users getting infected .

When infections do occur, they typically respond well to traditional antibiotics or antifungals. However, in rare cases, deaths have occurred .

Research also suggests that people with severe acute pancreatitis should not take probiotics, as this may increase the risk of death .


People with compromised immune systems, venous catheters, recent surgery, acute pancreatitis or prolonged hospitalizations should avoid taking probiotics.

Is It Dangerous To Be Constipated Latest Research

Theres no question that constipation is uncomfortable, but is it dangerous? In most cases, no.

Before diving in, what exactly classifies constipation? Medical professionals diagnose it as being unable to pass a bowel movement for more than three days, according to Dr. Mehmet Oz. But, he notes that everyones bathroom schedule is different, and if its taking longer than normal or if youre straining about a quarter of the time, then youre probably constipated.

Some believe Elvis death was due to complications from not being able to poop. Pixabay

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Despite maybe feeling like youre going to die, this common GI problem likely wont kill you. However, Dr. Oz explains that some people can experience a fatal heart arrhythmia from holding your breath while straining as you poop. This can cause a change in heart rate and blood pressure, which confuses the body. As your system works to correct the problem, it can over-correct, resulting in a heart arrhythmia from high blood pressure and erratic heart rhythm.

Constipation can also lead to gastrointestinal perforation, basically a hole in your large bowel, but these complications are rare and generally only impact the elderly or those with heart conditions, the popular TV doctor claims.

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They May Also Reduce Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is another risk factor for heart disease, and it may be lowered by certain probiotics.

One study of 36 smokers found that taking Lactobacilli plantarum for 6 weeks significantly reduced blood pressure .

However, not all probiotics are effective for improving heart health.

A separate study of 156 people with high blood pressure found that two types of probiotics, Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, had no beneficial effect on blood pressure when given in capsules or yogurt .

However, other large reviews combining the results from other studies have found an overall beneficial effect of certain probiotics on blood pressure.

One of these large studies found a reduction in blood pressure, especially under the following conditions (

  • When blood pressure was high originally
  • When multiple types of probiotics were taken at the same time
  • When the probiotics were taken for more than 8 weeks
  • When the dose was high

A larger study that combined the results of 14 other studies, including 702 people in total, found that probiotic fermented milk also significantly reduced blood pressure in people with high blood pressure .

Summary A number of studies have shown that certain probiotics can significantly reduce blood pressure, especially in people with high blood pressure.

/8breakfast Options You Need To Avoid

Are Probiotics Good For Your Heart, Or Do They Cause ...

We have all felt the burning sensation in our food pipe and chest when the contents start to rise up from our stomach at some point. This happens when an acidic environment is created in our stomach, causing acid reflux and heartburn. Did you know that there are certain foods that can trigger this painful and uncomfortable condition? Consistently eating such foods can cause acidity to become serious and long-lasting, taking the form of gastroesophageal reflux disease . Gastroesophageal reflux or acidity that causes burning sensation in your throat happens when the LES is weak or relaxes inappropriately, allowing the stomachs contents to flow up into the esophagus. Lower esophageal sphincter is a bundle of muscles at the lower end of the esophagus, where it joins the stomach.

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What Is The Relationship Between Indigestion And Palpitations

Indigestion and palpitations of the heart are not always directly related, and can be caused by separate health conditions. When a person is experiencing both symptoms at the same time though, it could be an indication of a more serious medical condition that requires medical attention. When a person has what he believes to be both palpitations and indigestion, the real cause of both conditions can be either heart disease or a heart attack.

Every person can experience both indigestion and palpitations for various reasons. Indigestion occurs when someone eats foods that are spicy, greasy or contain too much caffeine, or if the person eats too much food at one time. Indigestion typically manifests itself in different ways, but people generally experience pain in their upper abdomen. Since indigestion can cause a burning feeling in a persons chest, it is also called heartburn.

People might commonly experience heart palpitations without serious consequences. A palpitation is when a person feels his heart skip some regular beats. The sensation of the skipped beats might be felt by someone in his chest or throat, and can be a startling event for the person.

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Are Peanuts Safe During Pregnancy

Peanuts are perfectly safe to eat during pregnancy as long as you are not allergic to them. You only need to avoid eating peanuts if youre advised to do so by a healthcare professional .

Some pregnant women are concerned about aflatoxins in peanuts because some animal studies have linked high levels of aflatoxins during pregnancy with impaired fetal growth .

Aflatoxins can contaminate peanuts when they are not stored properly. Its far more prevalent in Asia and Africa but is very rare in the USA and Europe due to stringent regulation and production standards .

Additionally, roasting peanuts or otherwise cooking them can greatly reduce aflatoxin content .

So what should you do if youre eating peanuts during pregnancy? The best thing is to opt for peanuts grown or processed in the USA and Europe, and additionally, eat cooked or roasted peanuts.

Even if you choose to eat raw nuts , the chances of aflatoxin exposure are still very low.

The risk of contamination is so small, it shouldnt stop you from enjoying peanuts when youre expecting especially as they have several benefits, which well discuss below:

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What Are Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations can feel like a racing heart or fluttering feeling in the heart. There are several possible causes of heart palpitations, including stress, intense exercise, caffeine, hormonal conditions, and medications. There are also causes that could be of medical concern, especially if you have increased risk factors for cardiovascular disease , such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol levels, or high blood pressure. A condition called atrial fibrillation can also be a cause. So if you are experiencing heart palpitations, its important to follow up with your doctor or a cardiologist, even if you think its in relation to your keto transition.

In the context of a keto diet, heart palpitations are one of the many symptoms of the keto flu, which includes a variety of unpleasant side effects that may occur while your body is transitioning from using glucose for energy to using fat for energy. Other common side effects include constipation, bad breath, muscle cramps , and fatigue.

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Does Peanut Butter Cause Gas And Bloating

Oral Microbiome – Mouth Probiotics, Heart Disease, and Autoimmune Risk

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Bloating and intestinal gas is a subject that you may find hard to discuss, not to mention embarrassing. Surprisingly, most people actually pass gas around 13 to 21 times every day, according to the US National Library of Medicine. You may feel gassy and bloated after eating certain foods, such as peanut butter.

Peanut butter consists mainly of fat and protein, hence, it is not likely to cause bloating and gas. However, high-fiber effect and ones sensitivity to peanuts may result in digestive reactions, including gas and bloating, after consuming peanut butter.

People who experience gas and bloating consistently after eating peanut butter should consult with a qualified medical professional.

You can learn more about peanut butter and the digestive problems it may cause here.

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Probiotics And Vaginal Health

Probiotics may also be of use in maintaining urogenital health. Like the intestinal tract, the vagina is a finely balanced ecosystem. The dominant Lactobacilli strains normally make it too acidic for harmful microorganisms to survive. But the system can be thrown out of balance by a number of factors, including antibiotics, spermicides, and birth control pills. Probiotic treatment that restores the balance of microflora may be helpful for such common female urogenital problems as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, and urinary tract infection.

Many women eat yogurt or insert it into the vagina to treat recurring yeast infections, a “folk” remedy for which medical science offers limited support. Oral and vaginal administration of Lactobacilli may help in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, although there isn’t enough evidence yet to recommend it over conventional approaches. Probiotic treatment of urinary tract infections is under study.

Probiotics are generally considered safe they’re already present in a normal digestive system although there’s a theoretical risk for people with impaired immune function. Be sure the ingredients are clearly marked on the label and familiar to you or your health provider. There’s no way to judge the safety of unidentified mixtures.

What Do Heart Palpitations Feel Like

Heart palpitations can cause a fluttering sensation in the chest or a feeling that your heart has skipped a beat. You may also feel like your heart is beating too fast or is pumping harder than normal.

If you have GERD, you may sometimes feel tightness in your chest, but this isnt the same as having heart palpitations. Some symptoms of GERD, such as air being trapped in the esophagus, may cause palpitations.

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Balance Is The Secret To Natures Success

When you think about the jungle, it may be tempting to remove everything you consider unpleasant so you can enjoy an exotic hike when youre on vacation.

So lets say we had a way of removing all the mosquitos, spiders, and other pesky insects, as well as lions, and snakes, and gila monsters. That does make it sound like strolling through the jungle would be so much safer for us

Halting The Progression Of Atherosclerosis With Probiotics

Healing Heart Disease in Menopause with Probiotics

Atherosclerosis is a build-up of plaque within the arteries. It is commonly the cause of most types of cardiovascular dysfunction, including hypertension, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, high blood pressure, angina, congestive heart failure, and heart attack, amongst others. The plaque is made up of a mixture of fats, white blood cells, proteins, and cellular waste. Too much of these floating around in the blood leads to the thickening and hardening of arterial walls, decreasing the diameter of the vessels, hence decreasing effective blood flow.

A big driver of atherosclerosis is inflammation. C-reactive protein , is a marker for inflammation that may raise the risk for atherosclerosis and heart disease. Furthermore, damage to the arteries’ inner walls, caused by toxins, free radicals, high homocysteine, amongst other factors, seems to trigger inflammation and help plaque grow even further, creating a vicious cycle.

One of the ways this inflammation can be managed is through our gut microflora by increasing the balance of beneficial bacteria , we can keep in check pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and parasites.

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Probiotics And Gut Health

The best case for probiotic therapy has been in the treatment of diarrhea. Controlled trials have shown that Lactobacillus GG can shorten the course of infectious diarrhea in infants and children . Although studies are limited and data are inconsistent, two large reviews, taken together, suggest that probiotics reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea by 60%, when compared with a placebo.

More common than diarrhea is the opposite problem constipation. In a search for studies on the benefits of probiotics in treating constipation, researchers found that probiotics slowed “gut transit time” by 12.4 hours, increases the number of weekly bowel movements by 1.3, and helped to soften stools, making them easier to pass. But the jury is still out on specific recommendations when it comes to the benefits of

Probiotic therapy may also help people with Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Clinical trial results are mixed, but several small studies suggest that certain probiotics may help maintain remission of ulcerative colitis and prevent relapse of Crohn’s disease and the recurrence of pouchitis . Because these disorders are so frustrating to treat, many people are giving probiotics a try before all the evidence is in for the particular strains they’re using. More research is needed to find out which strains work best for what conditions.

Should I Give Probiotics To My Kids

Probiotics can be beneficial for both adults and kids. If your child has an illness that requires an antibiotic medication for treatment, taking a probiotic can help shorten symptoms. Probiotics can also be used to help relieve constipation, acid reflux, diarrhea, gas and eczema in children.

Introducing probiotics into your childs diet through food is typically a safe way to give them probiotics. Foods like yogurt and cottage cheese are often part of a balanced diet and can add in good bacteria without much risk.

There are commercially available probiotic supplements specifically designed for infants and children. However, it is important to talk to your childs pediatrician before giving them any probiotic supplement or changing the childs diet to include probiotic-rich foods.

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Are There Any Storage Instructions For Probiotics

Several probiotic strains are very fragile and need to be protected from heat, oxygen, light and humidity. The probiotics might start to break down or die if they are exposed to these elements. Because of this, you may need to refrigerate your probiotics or store it in a particular place. Refrigerating certain probiotic strains ensures that theyre still viable when you go to use them and will still provide the full benefit of the probiotic. Always read the labels on any probiotic product you purchase to make sure you store it correctly and use it within the expiration date.

How To Prevent Heart Palpitations

Heart Disease and Gut Bacteria â Update on TMAO

A heart palpitation is the feeling of an irregular beating pattern of the heart. Usually, an episode can last between a second and up to a minute. A palpitation can be categorised into four different types:

  • A rapid heartbeat This is called Tachycardia and accounts for most heart palpitations associated with anxiety.
  • Heart skipping a beat very common in most people but people with anxiety are particularly sensitive and prone to it.
  • Chest flutters or medically known as a Premature Ventricular Contraction .
  • A slow heartbeat This is called a Bradycardia.
  • An anxiety condition and the occurrence of heart palpitations seem to exist almost synonymously. Around 90% of the clients I have worked with have shared complaints of a rapid or distorted heartbeat whilst living with their anxiety condition. It is also extremely common for heart palpitations to exist alongside other symptoms of anxiety, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. bloating, exhaustion, insomnia, chest pains, etc.

    Heart palpitations in most cases are harmless and act as an offshoot symptom of an anxiety problem. It is important to state that if you do have concerns then you should consult with your General Practitioner / Doctor as this is merely a representation of my opinion. Many of my clients have experienced palpitations for years and have found they die down completely when the core of the problem is addressed the anxiety.

    Anxiety causes heart palpitations for several reasons:

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    What Is The Mechanism

    The link between gas and palpitations is vagus nerve. It is a cranial nerve that connects the brain, the heart and the gastrointestinal tract.

    Vagus nerve sends signals from the body to the brain to let the brain know how the body is doing. Because it sends messages both ways it is also called mixed nerve.

    The mechanism how can gas cause heart palpitations is as following:

    1. The gas expands the stomach, which puts the vagus nerve under pressure. Being under pressure, it is unable to function properly, and thus fails to transmit neurotransmitters that lower the heart rate and oppress stress responses.

    2. Gas expands the stomach, by increasing its size. The increased size of stomach, is a stimulus that urges the heart to beat faster in order to send more blood to the stomach, to digest the eaten food. The accelerated heart rate is perceived as palpitations

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