Friday, July 26, 2024

Does A Hernia Cause Bloating

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What Is A Hiatus Hernia

Can Hernia mesh cause problems years later? Signs, Symptoms, Treatment – Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh

A hiatus hernia is a common condition where a part of the stomach slides or protrudes from the abdomen into the chest. Most hiatus hernias dont cause any problems, but some especially large hiatus hernias cause symptoms such as heartburn. There are treatments available, including self-help measures, medicines and surgery.

Signs And Symptoms Of Hernias

Hernias are often asymptomatic. The most common symptoms are pain or discomfort , weakness or heaviness in the abdomen, burning or aching sensation at the bulge. Hernias can be particularly felt during standing up, bending down or coughing. Hernias typically flatten or disappear when they are pushed gently back into place or when patients lie down. If the protruding intestine is not pushed back in place, the contents of hernia might be trapped in the abdominal wall, then becoming strangulated which cuts off blood supply to surrounding tissue that is trapped. If signs and symptoms of hernias are indicated, immediate medical attention must be sought in order to receive accurate diagnosis. Other conditions that might have similar symptoms include abdominal mass or tumor, lymphadenitis , hydrocele , testicular torsion and lymphogranuloma venereum, a sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis.

If the diagnosis is not readily apparent in some cases, radiological imaging tests such as an abdominal ultrasound, CT scan or MRI might be needed. Treatment plans are entirely depending on types and severity of hernias as well as patients overall health status. If hernia is left untreated, the size of protruding intestine might get bigger and become strangulated leading to the reduction of blood flow to surrounding tissue. Urgent treatment must be provided in order to prevent related complications such as bowel obstruction and necrotizing enterocolitis .

Hiatus Hernia And Heartburn

A hiatus hernia itself rarely has any noticeable symptoms. However, it can cause a problem called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease .

GORD is where stomach acid leaks into the oesophagus . It can occur if a hiatus hernia prevents the valve at the bottom of the oesophagus from working properly.

Your oesophagus can become severely irritated, because its not protected against stomach acid. This can cause symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, an unpleasant sour taste in your mouth, and swallowing problems .

You should see your GP if you have frequent and severe symptoms of GORD.

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Causes And Risk Factors

The causes of the structural weaknesses that lead to a hiatal hernia are not clear. One potential cause might be pressure on the diaphragm, the risk of which may be higher in some people due to certain genetic factors.

Several risk factors make a weakening of the hiatus, an opening in the diaphragm through which the food pipe passes, more likely. For example, hiatal hernias are more common among people over 50 years of age and those who have obesity.

Other risk factors include an upward force that occurs due to weightlifting, straining to empty the bowel, or persistent coughing or vomiting. These actions temporarily increase the pressure inside the abdominal cavity.

A hiatal hernia often occurs in women during pregnancy. The growing fetus pushes the abdominal organs upward, sometimes causing them to bulge through the diaphragm where it meets the food pipe.

A congenital anomaly in the diaphragm is another cause, but this type of hiatal hernia is rare.

Injury to the diaphragm, such as trauma from a fall or traffic accident, can also lead to a hiatal hernia. Some surgical procedures involving the food pipe also increase a personâs risk.

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What Foods Make A Hernia Worse

Bloating stomach: Could you have hiatus hernia  a

The following foods have a low acid content and are less likely to worsen hiatal hernia symptoms:

  • Apples with bananas.
  • Broccoli, green beans, peas, carrots, and green beans
  • Cereals , bread, rice, pasta, and crackers are examples of grains.
  • Milk that is low in fat or skimmed, as well as low-fat yogurt.

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When To See A Doctor

You should see a doctor if you:

  • Suspect that you have a hernia
  • Can’t get the hernia to go back in or it goes soft seek medical care right away, as this is an incarcerated hernia and can lead to organ strangulation.
  • Have a painful or noticeable bulge in your groin on either side of your pubic bone
  • Know you have a hernia, and you have symptoms of a strangulated hernia. Seek medical care right away.

Types Of Hiatal Hernia

  • The sliding hiatal hernia: Occurs when part of your stomach slides up to the chest through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm. This type typically presents with GERD . However, many cases have no symptoms at all .
  • The paraesophageal hiatal hernia: Another less common type, in which part of the fundus of the stomach herniates through the diaphragm into the chest. Vague and atypical symptoms characterize this type.

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Treatment Options For This Condition

This type of hernia wont go away on its own, and complications will eventually lead you to surgery. Surgery is the only way to repair an epigastric hernia. Its the recommended treatment, even for infants, due to the risk of the hernia enlarging and causing additional complications and pain.

To complete the repair, you might only need sutures, or you may require an implanted mesh. The use of mesh or sutures is determined by the size of the hernia and other factors.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Inguinal Hernias

How To Fix The Underlying Cause Of Hiatal Hernia & Much More By Houston Chiropractor Dr Gregory John

To diagnose an inguinal hernia, your doctor will ask about your medical history and symptoms and perform a physical exam. In some cases, doctors also order imaging tests.

During a physical exam, the doctor will examine your abdomen. The doctor may ask you to stand, cough, or strain while he or she checks for a bulge caused by the hernia. The doctor may try to gently massage the contents of the hernia back into the abdomen.

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What Are The Causes And Risk Factors For Developing A Ventral Hernia

There are many causes including:

  • Weakness at the incision site of a previous abdominal surgery .
  • Weakness in an area of the abdominal wall that was present at birth.
  • Weakness in the abdominal wall caused by conditions that put strain on the wall. These include:
  • Being overweight
  • History of lifting or pushing heavy objects
  • Straining while having a bowel movement/urinating
  • Injuries to the bowel area
  • Lung diseases
  • Prostatism
  • Older age

How Do I Know If I Have Sibo

Just as each persons gut microbiome is entirely unique to them, each case of SIBO is 100% unique to the person who has it. No two cases of SIBO are exactly alike making it hard to test for accurately, and even harder to treat.

The gold standard for determining the presence of methane in the small intestine one of two excess gases produced with SIBO is via an invasive test. A scope is passed via the mouth, through the stomach and into the second half of the small intestine where an aspirate is collected and then analyzed.

The threshold for the presence of small intestine bacteria has been considered 105 or greater colony-forming units per gram of jejunal aspirate, although now the consensus is that 103 or higher is clinically significant.

Unfortunately, the reality is that such an invasive test is not widely available and so the more common tool to measure small intestine bacteria is via the breath test.

Breath tests work by measuring the levels of hydrogen and methane produced as carbohydrates are digested, as an indirect reflection of the bacteria present in the small intestine.

However, breath tests are not 100% reliable. While methane producers generally exhale between 20-50% of the methane via breath, the exact threshold for measuring methane has been debated. But, methane producers generally have a concentration of 108 or higher of methane per gram of stool.

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Symptoms Of A Spinal Hernia

The position of the affected disc, as well as the size of the herniation, will affect the symptoms that you experience, according to the AANS. The pain doesnt always stay localized to the site of the slipped disc.

The pain sometimes extends beyond your neck or lower back, too. It might radiate down your arms or down your legs, typically in the areas to which the nerve travels.

The pain might get worse after you stand up or sit down or move in a particular way. If you develop radiculopathy, the resulting pain might be mild, but it can also be severe, with some people describing the pain as feeling sharp or electric.

Can A Hernia Cause Stomach Bloating

Hiatal Hernia: 10 Hiatal Hernia Symptoms

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Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

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Treatment And Medication Options For Hiatal Hernias

Treating a hiatal hernia can involve lifestyle changes, medication, or surgery.

Recommended lifestyle changes are generally aimed at reducing symptoms of GERD and may include losing weight, avoiding acidic, fried, or fatty foods, and quitting smoking.

Your doctor may also recommend the following medications to treat GERD:

Antacids These drugs neutralize stomach acid over-the-counter antacids include brands like Mylanta, Rolaids, and Tums.

H2-Receptor Blockers These drugs reduce acid production and include Pepcid , Tagamet , Axid , and Zantac .

Proton Pump Inhibitors

Fatigue Dizziness Fast Heart Beats

The parts of the hiatus hernia in your chest quickly get inflamed and ulcerated.

In 1986, Dr. Cameron first described linear stomach ulcers associated with large Hiatal hernias. Later, this type of ulcer was named after his name .

Cameron lesions can cause weird symptoms with a Hiatal hernia such as fatigue, dizziness, fast heartbeats, and shortness of breath.

You can have minor and recurrent needing from the Cameron lesions associated with hiatal hernia over a long period. This spotting has no symptoms in the short term.

Due to the small amount of blood, you will not experience symptoms such as vomiting of blood or passage of black stool .

You will experience weird symptoms such as palpitations, easy fatigue, shortness of breath, and dizziness in the long term. These symptoms are due to anemia from bleeding Cameron lesions.

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Symptoms Of An Epigastric Hernia

An epigastric hernia usually causes a bump to occur in the area below your sternum, or breastbone, and above your belly button. This bump is caused by a mass of fat that has pushed through the hernia.

The raised area may be visible all the time or only when you cough, sneeze, or laugh. This bump, or mass, can grow and become larger in some cases. You can have more than one epigastric hernia at a time.

An epigastric hernia can also cause tenderness and pain in the epigastric region. However, its common for an epigastric hernia not to show any symptoms.

Can A Femoral Hernia Cause Bowel Problems

Can Hernia lead to back pain & flatulence? – Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh

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Besides, can a hernia cause bowel problems?

Hernia complicationsA portion of your intestine could also become trapped in the abdominal wall. This is called incarceration. Incarceration can obstruct your bowel and cause severe pain, nausea, or constipation. If the trapped section of your intestines doesnt get enough blood flow, strangulation occurs.

Similarly, can a femoral hernia cause constipation? For inguinal, femoral, umbilical, and incisional hernias, symptoms may include: An obvious swelling beneath the skin of the abdomen or the groin it may disappear when you lie down and may be tender. A heavy feeling in the abdomen that is sometimes accompanied by constipation or blood in the stool.

Then, what happens if a femoral hernia goes untreated?

Nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain may occur with a strangulated hernia. This is a medical emergency. A strangulated intestine can result in necrosis followed by gangrene . This is a life-threatening condition requiring immediate surgery.

What are the signs of a femoral hernia?

Symptoms of a femoral hernia include a lump in the groin or inner thigh and groin discomfort. It may cause stomach pain and vomiting in severe cases.Strangulated femoral hernia

  • sudden, worsening pain and extreme tenderness around a hernia.
  • fever.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Get enough of the right exercise.
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    Frequent Belching Or Hiccuping

    Belching and hiccuping are common bodily actions. While sometimes embarrassing, they are rarely signs of a major issue. However, if belching becomes frequent, excessive, or accompanies bloating or pain, it could point to an underlying condition. Acid reflux, regurgitation, and heartburn may all occur alongside frequent belching if the cause is a severe hiatal hernia. The belches may also result in a stinging sensation in the throat or have a bitter taste.

    Sudden Or Worsening Pain

    Some hernias cause pain or sensations like aching, heaviness, or weakness. If you notice sudden pain or pain thats gotten significantly worse, it could be a sign of a severe hernia complication called strangulation.

    If you have a strangulated hernia, the organ thats pushing through your muscle wall isnt getting blood. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate medical treatment.

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    Is This The Solution To Sibo

    For some people, changing your diet is all you need to feel good again.

    Others weve worked with have had relief from SIBO after a course of antibiotics or herbal treatments.

    More often, though, we hear from people who struggle for years with SIBO symptoms and nothing works long-term.

    Jordan and I are passionate about sharing what works with our community and after hearing from so many of you about your success with Atrantil, we had to learn more.

    Our conclusion? If you cant get a handle on your SIBO symptoms, you need to give Atrantil a try.

    For some people, weve seen it give relief of major symptoms in just a few hours.

    For the Tough Cases we work with, it can take longer to see results up to a few weeks at the higher dose . You might also experience some die-off symptoms but this is actually a good sign as it means the methane cycle is being disrupted. Staying well-hydrated and getting plenty of rest can help during this time.

    We are dedicated to only sharing the best supplements with you and were excited to add Atrantil to the list of supplements we believe really help people.

    You can try it out here. .

    Leave a comment and tell us have you tried Atrantil? What were your results?


    Types Of Hernia Repair Surgery

    Struggling with Hiatus Hernia Pain? Completely Cure Your Acid Reflux

    This treatment option varies depending on the type of hernia and the severity of the injury. For example, open hernia repair requires opening up the body and pushing the hernia back into place. Laparoscopic hernia repair uses smaller incisions paired with a tube to insert repair tools carefully.

    With new advances in technology, robotic laparoscopic surgery is now available here in Tennessee. These procedures are far less invasive than open surgery, allowing the patient to recover in less time.

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    Why Youre Still Bloated

    So whats behind this bloating and why is it so impossible to get rid of? The answer may surprise you

    Its possible your bloating is caused by methane. Yes, were talking CH4, otherwise known by chemists as a colorless, odorless, volatile inert gas.

    Methane is the main component of the natural gas you might use to power your stove or furnace.

    But, humans can also produce methane in their intestines through a process called methanogenesis. And when this occurs, the result can be really uncomfortable gas and bloating.

    Methanogenesis depends on the presence of a special type of bacteria in the colon called methanogens.

    Causes And Risk Factors Of A Hiatal Hernia

    Hiatal hernias can happen because of weakening in the muscle tissue of your diaphragm, which allows your stomach to push up through the opening for your esophagus.

    The specific causes of a weakened diaphragm arent always clear, but the following factors may play a role:

    • Age-related changes to your diaphragm
    • Injury from trauma or surgery
    • Being born with a large hiatus

    A weakened diaphragm usually isnt enough to cause a hiatal hernia you also need increased pressure in your abdomen to push the stomach up through the diaphragm.

    Increased abdominal pressure can come from the following factors:

    • Coughing
    • Strenuous exercise
    • Lifting heavy objects

    Hiatal hernias can occur at any age and affect both sexes. The following factors, though, make it more likely that youll experience one:

    • Being 50 or older
    • Smoking

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    Q: Who Is At Higher Risk For A Ventral Hernia

    A: Anyone can develop a ventral hernia, but those whove had abdominal surgery have a higher risk. If you have an incision that disrupts the abdominal wall, the scar will never be as strong as the original tissue. This makes it more likely that youll develop a hernia, known as an incisional hernia, along the incision area. This occurs in up to 30% of patients who have open abdominal surgery.

    Pregnancy is a risk factor that makes women more susceptible to developing another type of ventral hernia near the belly button, called an umbilical hernia. The umbilicus is the thinnest part of the abdominal wall. Its a very common site to develop a hernia, whether youre a man or a woman.

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