Ibs Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a term many of us have become more familiar with as medicine has learned more about it. It can be brought on by infection, stress, or any other host of issues. Fortunately, its often very treatable.
For sufferers of IBS, gluten, cows milk, wheat, and soy can be highly problematic, though other foods can certainly be at issue, too. IBS can cause discomfort and bloating as well as gas and may have a large overlap with food intolerance.
If IBS is the issue, then maintaining a healthy gut biome is a priority!
What Causes Foul Smelling Gas
Common causes of foul-smelling gas can be a food intolerance, high fiber foods, certain medications and antibiotics, and constipation. More serious causes are bacteria and infections in the digestive tract or, potentially, colon cancer.
What causes extreme intestinal gas?
Excess upper intestinal gas can result from swallowing more than a usual amount of air, overeating, smoking or chewing gum. Excess lower intestinal gas can be caused by eating too much of certain foods, by the inability to fully digest certain foods or by a disruption in the bacteria normally found in the colon.
How do you get rid of chronic gas?
Does Your Gas Occur After Eating
There are many common foods that may produce gas. These include beans, sodas and other carbonated drinks, sugar substitutes such as sorbitol and other artificial sweeteners, milk and dairy products, cabbage, bran, cauliflower and broccoli. For some people, having gas after eating these foods is perfectly normal. On the other hand, if your gas is particularly bad after eating foods such as these, you may have irritable bowel syndrome.
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Stressful Life Events Or Trauma
We already mentioned chronic stress reducing stomach acid and other digestive juices. But single, acutely stressful or traumatic events also affect how the nervous system interacts with the gut and can contribute to IBS symptoms. Here are some interesting links :
- At leasthalf of IBS sufferers identify a stressful event that happened just before symptoms began.
- Early life stressors and trauma have been linked to IBS and other GI conditions.
- PTSD has been linked to IBS.
- Traumatic brain injuries from car accidents, severe sports injuries, etc. can cause Leaky Gut and other GI dysfunctions that could result in IBS symptoms
One Of Your Medications May Be To Blame
Sad but true: All sorts of prescriptions, OTCs, and dietary supplementseven those meant to ease stomach issuescan affect your farts, says Ferraz Valles.
NSAIDs , antacids, diarrhea medications, chemotherapy drugs, multivitamins, and fiber supplements can cause changes in flatulence frequency and odor, she says. Its inconvenient, yes, but not necessarily anything to be concerned about.
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It May Be A Sign Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome, a condition in which dysfunction in the large intestine causes digestive issues like bloating and abdominal pain, and bouts of diarrhea and constipation, is yet another common culprit behind particularly smelly farts, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Though frequent gas alone is not enough to diagnose IBS, changes in gas odor and production are common factors, says Dr. Ravella. Often, managing IBS involves making healthy diet and lifestyle changesand addressing stress.
Or Noshed On Some Fodmaps
FODMAPs, a family of short-chain carbohydrates found in all sorts of foods, can also cause digestive issues that stink up your gas. FODMAPs are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, osmotically active , and are quickly fermented by gut bacteria, says Dr. Ravella. For sensitive people, this can lead to moreand worse-smellinggas.
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Unfortunately for sensitive stomachs, all sorts of foods contain FODMAPs, including certain fruits and vegetables , high-fiber grains, onions, dairy, and the list goes on, says Dr. Ravella.
Youll also find FODMAPs like sugar alcohols and fructose in lots of processed foods, Ferraz Valles adds.
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Gas And Abdominal Pain Could Be Diverticulitis
Gas that strikes along with severe, sudden pain in the lower left area of your abdomen may be a warning sign of diverticulitis, inflammation of small sacks in your large intestine called diverticula.
Diverticulosis, which is the formation of the diverticula, often causes no symptoms, but it may trigger excessive bloating, abdominal pain, cramping, and constipation. When those diverticula are inflamed, diverticulitis kicks in. Without treatment, diverticulitis can trigger potentially serious complications.
Additional reporting by Jordan Davidson.
Why Does Ibs Cause Flatulence
There are a number of possible explanations as to why IBS can cause flatulence.
A characteristic feature of IBS is abnormal and uncoordinated bowel contractions. When these are too rapid, we may experience diarrhoea. If too weak or too slow, the result is constipation.
If bowel transit time is too quick, food is only partially undigested. Natural bacteria residing in the gut feed on this and a process called fermentation starts up, which produces gas and gives rise to flatulence. In addition, food moving too quickly through the digestive system may also cause pockets of trapped gas, worsening the problem.
Certain foods are more prone to producing gas because of how they interact with gut bacteria. This list includes beans, pulses and certain vegetable such as brussel sprouts.
Another aspect to consider is that strains of bacteria in the gut, also known as microbiota, may differ in people with IBS compared to those in an average person. Generally, gut bacterial strains can be categorised as good or bad. If the bad strains dominate the good, undesirable symptoms associated with IBS such as diarrhoea and flatulence may result.
A more simple explanation is when bowel contractions are weak, the passage of waste material in the gut slows and gas becomes trapped. This can result in bloating and flatulence.
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Urgent Advice: See Your Gp Urgently If:
You have other symptoms, including:
- a change in your bowel habits that has lasted for more than six weeks, especially if you are over 50 years of age
- unexplained weight loss
- a swelling or lump in your stomach or back passage
- bleeding from your back passage
These can sometimes be a sign of a potentially more serious condition.
You should also tell your GP if you have these symptoms and a family history of bowel cancer or ovarian cancer.
There Is Hope How To Fix Ibs For Good
This story is proof that it is possible to fix IBS and live virtually symptom free.
Far too many people suffer for longer than they need to because theyre bootstrapping their healing with IBS diets, probiotic supplements, and cookie cutter protocols that worked for others, but may not address their own root causes.
If you really want to fix your IBS, you have to figure out what your root cause or causes is/are and address those. The list above can help you narrow it down, but I highly recommend working with a licensed practitioner experienced in IBS to help you get some good gut testing and develop a comprehensive plan to resolve all of your root causes and minimize your risk for IBS recurrence.
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Does Your Poop Look Like This You Could Have Ibs
Do you suffer from chronic gastrointestinal pain or cramping? Do you have frequent diarrhea, constipation, urgency to go or all of the above? You may have irritable bowel syndrome , a condition that affects up to 15% of Americans and tends to be more common in women than in men.
If youre one of the millions of people affected, the chains that bind you can be debilitating.
You may avoid going places where restrooms arent easily accessible. You may be forced to cancel plans or decline invitations due to sudden onset symptoms. And you may steer clear of the foods and drinks you love in order to prevent your chronic bowel problems from worsening.
Many people delay seeking care out of embarrassment, the assumption that its all in their heads or the hope that their issues will eventually resolve. So, how do you know when its time to call your provider? Recognize the symptoms of IBS and yes, take a closer look at your poop.
IBS Types and Symptoms
There are three types of IBS, which include:
- IBS with constipation is usually marked by abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, infrequent bowel movements and hard stools.
- IBS with diarrhea usually comes with abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, urgency to go, frequent bowel movements and loose, watery stools.
- IBS with mixed bowel movements is accompanied by constipation and diarrhea.
The Bristol Stool Chart
- IBS-like symptoms accompanied by a fever
- IBS-like symptoms accompanied by dramatic weight loss
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The Answer Is Blowin’ In The Wind
There’s no one solution to this problem but forum posters have come up with several suggestions, several of which are supported by medical evidence. Charcoal tablets seem to be a popular choice. They can be bought over the counter and are meant to absorb gas in the bowel. They are not the answer for everyone, however janus13 found they only helped if plenty of water was drunk and they didn’t work for JeNean_L at all. Nora21180 got some benefit from a pair of underpants with a charcoal pad to absorb the smell. Carbon underwear is said to be more effective.
Paints recommended Pepto Bismol®. This is OK when taken occasionally for social occasions, but side effects such as constipation and dizziness limit its use.
Kasia96064 found peppermint useful. This has an effect on the movement of muscles in the gut. Other medicines with this effect are available on prescription.
Mebeverine and alverine combat gut spasms and are available over the counter. Simeticone may also be worth a try. It is also available over the counter and is said to break up bubbles in the stomach but the scientific evidence supporting it is weak.
There. I managed to get through this feature without any unintentional double entendres. Hopefully, you’ll find it helpful in getting to the bottom of your problem.
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What Natural Or Home Remedies Help Relieve Excessive Flatulence Or Gas
Flatulence is most often related to diet, and sometimes to those habits that cause a person to swallow air. One home remedy is to begin to try to remove problem foods from the diet. For many people, this is a trial-and-error procedure on how to relieve and/or prevent excessive gas or flatulence.
Natural and home remedies may or may not cure or eliminate chronic, increased, constant or extreme flatulence . In some people, home remedies may help reduce symptoms. Individuals are encouraged to discuss home remedies and gas symptoms with their health-care professional.
Key Points About Giardiasis
- Giardiasis is an infection caused by a parasite called Giardia. It causes diarrhea. Symptoms include explosive, watery, greasy, foul-smelling stools, bloating, nausea, pain, gas, fatigue, and loss of appetite.
- Several medicines are available that cure the infection.
- Prevention includes good personal hygiene, and avoiding drinking water, fruits, and vegetables that may be contaminated with the parasite.
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When To Seek Relief
Most minor fluctuations in gas and bowel habits are normal, but if you experience excessive or persistent gas or bloating, its time to seek medical attention, cautions van der Linden. A little gas is probably healthy, but a lot of gas, that could be a problem, he says.
Talk to your doctor if gas symptoms change suddenly, become severe, begin to interfere with your normal activities or are accompanied by other symptoms. A physical exam, stool tests, blood tests and imaging tests, which may include an endoscopy or colonoscopy, might be performed to help rule out or diagnose an underlying health issue. Your physician will also review your symptoms and family history and may recommend keeping a food journal or eliminating certain foods from your diet.
Dietary changes, such as eating more slowly, not gulping food or drinks and avoiding or limiting certain foods or beverages, can help relieve some uncomfortable symptoms. Adding even small bouts of exercise to your day can help push gas through your system and ease bloating. Stress management techniques, like yoga or meditation, can help keep you from unintentionally swallow air when youre talking, which can happen when youre upset or nervous.
Red Flags You Shouldnt Ignore
Gas is usually not a medical emergency, but when accompanied by certain worrisome symptoms, its a good idea to speak with your doctor. Colon cancer is one potential concern, van der Linden says. If is in the lower part of the colon and causing a partial blockage, it could make things back up a little bit easier, he says.
Additional warning signs of a potentially serious health issue that requires medical attention include:
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Milk And Dairy Products
Milk and dairy products are foods that cause foul-smelling flatulence if you have untreated lactose intolerance. Lactose is a sugar present in milk that is normally broken down by an enzyme called lactase.
Probiotic gut bacteria, like Lactobacillus, are able to metabolise and absorb lactose. This can lessen the symptoms of lactose intolerance, especially in people whose diets contain a flatulent non-digestible carbohydrate, known as galactooligosaccharide, , which is found in beans.
See how your bacteria influence lactose digestion The Atlas Microbiome Test detects bacteria that can alleviate lactose intolerance.
When Should I Worry/consult My Doctor
Mucus in stool with IBS is usually a benign condition that is a part of your IBS. If you habitually pass mucus in stool with IBS attacks, you dont have to worry.
The mucus in stool with IBS is usually clear white, or yellow. It is not associated with blood or pus.
Consult your doctor if you experience one of the red flags:
- Passage of pus with severe tenesmus.
- Passage of blood with mucus.
- Diarrhea associated with fever and/or vomiting.
- Diarrhea with mucus that awakens you after sleeping.
- Persistent vomiting.
- Recent antibiotic use.
- Passage of mucus without stool with severe distension and persistent vomiting .
All the above-listed flags dont naturally occur with IBS mucus. Instead, they indicated that the underlying cause of mucus in stool is not your IBS.
If you dont experience any of the above red flags, then the mucus in your stool is primarily due to IBS.
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Gallbladder Problems Like Gallstones Can Cause Gas Pain
Excessive gas may be a warning sign of gallbladder problems if it’s accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, chronic diarrhea, and stomach pain. When the gallbladder is functioning improperly, problems like gallstones or inflammation of the organ, known as cholecystitis, may occur.
In some cases, gallstones may not cause any symptoms at all. Gallbladder problems can be serious, so it’s important to seek immediate medical attention for these symptoms.
When To See Your Doctor
If your gas and bloating concern you, get in touch with your doctor to discuss your symptoms. They will check your history and symptoms to see if they point towards a health condition that can cause excessive gas. Many of these are treatable.
Before your visit, keep a diary of what you are eating, drinking, and doing. Write down when you have excessive gas and see if you can can count how many times you fart per day.
Let your doctor know about any new or uncomfortable symptoms you are having along with gas. Your doctor will explore your symptoms, general health, and medical history while making their diagnosis. They may also ask to do diagnostic tests depending on your symptoms.
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Or Lactose Intolerance Could Be The Issue
Lactose, a natural sugar found in dairy products, is famously difficult for many adults to digest.One of the most common reasons people may suffer from excessive gas is lactose intolerance, says Ferraz Valles.
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This can cause excessive gas and other gastrointestinal distress. According to the National Institutes of Health , approximately 65% of people have difficulty digesting lactose.
Since different dairy products contain different amounts of lactose , people may notice worse symptoms after eating different types of dairy, says the NIH. However, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and lots of smelly farts 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating dairy indicate lactose intolerance.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth :
Originally thought to be an abundance of bacteria growing in the small intestine, SIBO is now better understood as small intestinal dysbiosis that includes overgrowths of some organisms alongside undergrowths of others. SIBO often occurs when the bodys internal means to maintain microbial balance are disrupted, as can happen with low stomach acid, reduced GI motility, or inadequate immune defenses.
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What It’s Like To Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome
The disorder is as mysterious as it is smelly.
I wake up one morning certain that Ive become three months pregnant overnight. The farting starts immediately. I skip breakfast, spend a half hour searching for pants I can zip over my bloated stomach, and then hurry to work and sit at my desk by the door of a tiny office crammed with four editors. My belly doesnt rumble, but buzzes and shrieks. I shift in my chair to hide the cacophony.
Four hours pass. I take trips to the bathroom to stand in the stall and let it all out. My boss calls me into her office and I rise, suck it in, and waddle to her. Yes, of course Ill look at the brochure. Lunch time arrives. I cautiously eat some bread and peanut butter, then smell something rankish and panic. Did I just leak gas without knowing? No, someone is heating a cheesy burrito in the microwave.
Exhausted at the end of the day, I flatulate my way back home. I eat my first real meal of the day and continue to pass wind every 10 minutes, like clockwork, until bedtime. The funk makes it hard to sleep. The next morning, I rush to the bathroom, decide to risk breakfast, then stop at the door on my way out to run back for round two. I arrive 10 minutes late to work, tired already, and endure the same routine for two weeks before my bowels settle down and declare defeat.
What if I was bloated in the morning? What if I farted in the office? Would I get fired? Who would care?