Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Get Rid Of Bloated Tummy

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Eat Slowly So You Don’t Gulp Air

How to fix a Bloated Stomach naturally in 4 minutes

When you finally get home after a long day, you’re totally famishedwe get it. But that doesn’t mean you should scarf down your dinner in a hurry. Eating too quickly causes you to swallow excess air, which can lead to uncomfortable gas and bloating. Slowing down the chewing with your mouth closed, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect. Fight off the urge to engorge your entire meal by snacking on something like a small piece of fruit or an ounce of nuts before dinner is ready.

Undo Damage From A Night Out

If you knocked back a few too many drinks on the boardwalk last night and chased them with salty food, your stomach is probably feeling swollen from the alcohol and salt. The fix: drink 12oz of coconut water shortly after you wake up to rehydrate and help eliminate bloat. The potassium in the water helps balance sodium levels in the body and can help fight water retention, says Palinski-Wade.

What Are Complications Of Ascites

Ascites can lead to:

  • Abdominal problems: The fluid buildup may lead to pain, discomfort and difficulty breathing. These symptoms can interfere with your ability to eat, walk and do daily activities.
  • Infection: The fluids can become infected, called spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. You may have fever and stomach pain. Call your healthcare provider if you have these symptoms. Youll need IV antibiotics and long-term antibiotic treatment to keep the infection from coming back.
  • Hepatic hydrothorax, or fluid in the lungs: Abdominal fluid fills the lung, usually on the right side. You may experience shortness of breath, cough, chest discomfort and hypoxemia . You may need thoracentesis to remove the fluid.
  • Ascites-related hernias: The increase in abdominal pressure can lead to hernias, specifically umbilical and inguinal hernias. Your healthcare provider will discuss your treatment options.
  • Kidney failure: If cirrhosis worsens, it may lead to kidney failure .

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Baking Soda And Water For Bloating

Mix a little baking soda into a glass of water, and what do you have? A TikTok phenomenon. But what do the healthcare experts say about this potential remedy for bloating? This is essentially a DIY antacid, says Dr. Dweck, explaining that baking soda is basic in terms of its pH content. This neutralizes stomach acid along with bloating and discomfort. Dr. Dweck says, It may work, and its likely safe in a pinchbut yuck!

Its harmless, Dr. Farhadi agrees. It could be helpful, but its going to be very temporary. If you respond to the combination of baking soda and water, its likely that you have acid reflux and would also respond to antacids like Tums, which may be a more effective treatment.

If you really want to try it, mix ¼ to ½ teaspoon of baking soda into one cup of water and sip away. This remedy is safe for short-term use for most adults, but not for young children or women who are pregnant, says registered dietitian Nicole Lindel, RD, an advisor forEverlywell. Adults should not use baking soda for longer than two weeks at a time.

How To Get Rid Of Bloating Fast According To Dietitians

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Bloating happens to everyone. And while it’s not something you need to get rid of, if it’s causing you discomfort there are ways to find relief. In a perfect world, we’d all subscribe to a balanced diet filled with organic veggies, gluten-free grains like quinoa, and easily digestible proteins like chicken and fish. We’d trade in happy hour cocktails for water and manage to avoid any trace of fatty, salty foods. While a bit idealistic, this is what Charles Passler, DC, founder of Pure Change and nutritionist to celebrities like Bella Hadid and Adriana Lima, recommends for avoiding the common feeling of belly bloat altogether.

Unfortunately, busy schedules and the convenience of a quick takeout meal can make it difficult to stay on track. Add in other factors that may lead to bloating like dehydration, constipation, PMS, and you can be stuck with an uncomfortably bloated stomach despite your best efforts. Fortunately, there are ways to combat belly bloat for quick relief from even the worst symptoms of this pesky digestive problem. We spoke to Passler and other health experts on how to get rid of bloating fast, so you can get back to your routine and feel your best.

Here are 20 things to do the minute you feel bloated.

Other medicinal bitters that may aid with digestion include dandelion, gentian root, burdock, yellow dock, and Angelica.

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Remedies And Treatments For Stomach Pain And Gas

Most stomach pain and gas will go away on its own, but there are steps you can take to ease discomfort and prevent future gas pain. Gas-related stomach pain remedies include:

Pass Gas

The only way to get rid of gas is to pass it. Donât hold it in. If youâre worried about odor, try reducing foods that contain sulfur-producing compounds such as broccoli, cabbage, and beer.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Many gas-relieving products are marketed, but scientific evidence of their effectiveness is limited. Many people claim to experience relief, so they may be worth trying. The most common medications that claim to relieve immediate symptoms are activated charcoal and simethicone .

Herbal Remedies

Peppermint and peppermint oil have the best record as digestive aids, but there are many other foods that may help. In one study, Chinese herbal formulae outperformed placebos in soothing IBS symptoms. Commonly included ingredients are:

  • Wearing ill-fitting dentures

Enzymes Before Eating Certain Foods

Taking enzymes before you eat can help you better digest your meal. Most enzymes are only available for those with a medical condition that prevents them from producing their own. However, two widely available enzymes for problematic foods are:

  • Lactase supplements can help those who are lactose intolerant.
  • Alpha-galactosidase supplements can help people digest legumes.

Also Check: How To Get Rid Of Stomach Cramps

It Could Be Constipation

While youre spending a lot of time at home, you may not be moving as much as you usually do. You may also be eating different foods. This can lead to constipation. You may be constipated if you experience:

  • Fewer bowel movements than normal for you
  • Stool that is lumpy or looks like pebbles
  • Difficulty passing stool or a feeling that you still need to go after youre finished

Fortunately, you can make a number of at-home changes to help relieve your constipation. These include:

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What Does Inflammation Have To Do With Bloating

Inflammation has a LOT to do with bloating. So much, in fact, that Ive dedicated a video to the topic, which you can watch here.

Ive also written several posts about inflammation because it really can wreak havoc on your health.

I hope you find some of this information helping! If you are struggling with the discomforts of bloating, relook at the 10 simple tips Ive outlined above and try them out. Even bit by bit is fine.

The more steps you take, the better youll feel. Guaranteed!

This post contains affiliate links to products I use regularly and highly recommend.

Eat Slowly So You Dont Gulp Air

How To Get Rid Of Bloated Stomach | Reduce Stomach Bloating Instantly

When you finally get home after a long day, youre totally famishedwe get it. But that doesnt mean you should scarf down your dinner in a hurry. Eating too quickly causes you to swallow excess air, which can lead to uncomfortable gas and bloating. Slowing down the chewing with your mouth closed, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect. Fight off the urge to engorge your entire meal by snacking on something like a small piece of fruit or an ounce of nuts before dinner is ready.

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Side Effects Of Abdominal Bloating

Some of the side effects and complications of a bloated abdomen that call for immediate medical attention include:

  • A pain or pressure in the chest
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Vomiting blood or some black substance
  • Severe and intolerable abdominal pain
  • Rapid pulse
  • Signs of jaundice such as yellow skin or eyes

If you experience any of the above-mentioned side effects, visit your doctor immediately. This is because it can have a serious impact on your health if left unattended for too long. However, for mild to moderate cases you can go ahead and try out these effective home remedies for bloated stomach. And yes, do let us know if this article helped you by posting in the comments section below.

Document What You Eat

Since many foods may affect people’s digestive systems differently, keeping a food journal to write down what you ate and how you felt a few hours later can be useful. If a particular food is irritating your stomach or causing gas, bloating or water retention, consider an elimination diet. Remove a specific food in question from your diet for a few weeks and track how you feel and if symptoms subside. Then, document how you feel after you add that food back into your diet.

Four food categories, which fall under the acronym FODMAP, can cause gas and stomach bloating. FODMAP stands for fermentable , oligosaccharides , disaccharides and polyols . Monitor and adjust your intake of these foods if they irritate your stomach.

Read more:Which Foods Don’t Cause Gas?

Also Check: Probiotic For Colitis

Eat Less Salt And Potassium

A recent study indicates excessive sodium consumption can cause gastrointestinal bloating. Potassium-rich foods, like ripe bananas, help counteract effects of excessive sodium consumption because potassium regulates fluid balance in the body. The typical American diet can be very high in sodium, even some seemingly healthy foods can have high amounts of sodium!

Im Way Too Tired To Workout

How to Get Rid of Stomach Bloating in 5 Simple Steps

Your mind, when it comes to exercising, is like a spoiled child. If you give in to its demands without a fight, it will see weakness and prey on it often.

If you miss one planned session, youre much more likely to miss the next. The biggest journey always starts with one step and the biggest failings always start with one step backwards.

You need to show your mind whos boss. You wont always have lots of energy when you go to the gym but that doesnt matter. The only thing that counts is showing up and giving it a shot.

If youre too tired to workout, change your sleeping habits, not your workout habits.

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Causes Of Water Retention

Water retention, also known as edema, occurs when excess fluids build up in your body’s circulatory system and cause swelling in your extremities, such as your feet, ankles, legs and hands, as well as your face. Other signs of edema may include swelling or puffiness of the tissue directly below your skin, abdominal swelling, shiny or stretched skin or skin that remains indented or dimpled when pinched.

A diet high in sodium, carbohydrates and excess alcohol consumption can contribute to water retention. Being sedentary for long periods of time can also cause water retention, which is a common situation for travelers on long airline flight and bedridden patients.

Even taking long walks can trigger edema because your muscles generate heat, causing blood vessels to push closer to the skin surface, resulting in swelling. Water retention can also occur in women who are pregnant or before their menstrual periods.

Read more:Foods that Make You Retain Water

Edema can also be a symptom of a thyroid condition or kidney or heart disease. Certain medications for high blood pressure, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogens and diabetes medications called thiaszolidnediones can cause water retention.

Ask your doctor about all possible side effects when starting a medication, including interactions with food or drink. Seek immediate medical help if you experience unusual symptoms such as prolonged swelling, leg or chest pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

Skip Your Morning Cup Of Coffee

As much as we love the benefits of coffee, drinking it when you’re trying to get rid of belly bloat in 24 hours or less is a no-no.

“Consuming beverages that are high in sugar or caffeine can not only be dehydrating but, in some cases, can add to excess calorie intake, too,” explains Smith. When your body is dehydrated, it will hold onto water, which causes excessive bloating.

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Other Serious Causes Behind Bloating And Gas

There can be other causes of gas that are related to more pressing concerns, so you should always discuss problems with bloating and gas with your doctor if they come on suddenly, are extreme or very painful, result in weight loss, cause severe diarrhea or constipation, or lead to a disruption in your life. Some more serious concerns behind bloating include:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Colon Cancer

How To Prevent Bloating

BLOATED STOMACH REMEDIES – How To Get Rid Of Bloated Stomach

While there are many ways to alleviate bloating, it is best to prevent bloating in the first place. Some of the best ways to prevent bloating include:

  • Removing Sensitive Foods
  • Find out which foods you may be sensitive to and aim to eliminate these foods from your diet. You may have an allergic reaction to a particular food that could be causing your bloating. The best way to determine what foods you may be sensitive to is to try an elimination diet.

  • Chew Your Food Thoroughly
  • Many of us tend to eat food too fast without taking the time to properly chew and break down our food. This can put an extra strain on the stomach and may lead to indigestion, bloating and digestive discomfort. This can be avoided by simply chewing your food well.

  • Avoid Overeating

  • Eating too much food is a common cause of bloating. It creates sluggishness in the stomach and easily leads to digestive discomfort. If you want to prevent bloating, be moderate in your diet and avoid overeating.

  • Limit Water Intake with Meals

  • Drinking too much water with meals can lead to indigestion and bloating. Limit your water intake before, during, and after your meal. Try drinking small amounts of hot herbal tea with meals to aid in digestion.

  • Eat While Relaxed

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    The 6 Best Ways Reduce Stomach Bloating

    Now that you know the most common causes for bloating, lets talk about how to reduce or even eliminate it.

    Stop Drinking Carbonated Beverages

    If youre having problems with a swollen, gassy stomach, then you dont want to drink gas-infused liquids.

    I dont think this needs much more explanation.

    Make Sure Youre Not Constipated

    Constipation is known to exacerbate symptoms of stomach bloating and it has several possible causes.

    The one people most commonly believe is inadequate fiber intake, but research shows this isnt the case. In fact, increasing fiber intake can make the bloating worse and reducing intake can help alleviate constipation.

    Laxatives work, of course, but exercise and supplementation with magnesium are two reliable ways to get your bowels moving as well.

    Balance Your Sodium and Potassium Levels

    As you know, large fluctuations in sodium intake can cause bloating and water retention. Inadequate potassium intake can do the same.

    The key is maintaining a stable intake and proper balance of both sodium and potassium.

    Again, I like to stick with the Institute of Medicines recommendations, which is 1.5 to 2.3 grams of sodium and 4.7 grams of potassium per day.

    Take stock of your daily sodium intake and if youre like most people and its too high, here are some simple ways to reduce it:

    And yes, I know its kind of annoying to count/track yet another thing in your diet but its worth the hassle if youre struggling with bloating.

    Reduce Your Cortisol Levels

    Reduce Your Stress Levels

    Stress can be a big factor in IBS and is often a trigger for symptoms like bloating and diarrhoea. It can make indigestion worse too. So managing your stress may help reduce your physical symptoms too.

    Try things like soaking in a warm bath or a relaxing massage to help reduce stress. A tummy massage can be particularly helpful at relieving bloating.

    Psychological therapies can sometimes be helpful if youre very sensitive to gas in your tummy. Therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness may help overcome bloating.

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    About The Abdominal Muscles

    To gain a further understanding of the causes behind bulging abs, its important to understand what the different kinds of abdominal muscles are and what role they play in the human body.

    To start, abdominal muscles are a part of the bodys core or midsection. They typically feature a top and bottom, front and back, and two sides.

    This makes it helpful to look at your abdominal muscles like a box, Marko explains, as it contains different sides of muscles that help secure the midsection.

    Take Natural Magnesium Salt

    How to get rid of belly bloat overnight: With 4 natural homemade drinks ...

    Kunkel says this can help if you’re constipated. “We’re all supposed to be getting a recommended daily allowance of magnesium in our diet. Magnesium is this charged ion and what it does is it holds water, and that water will stay in your digestive tract and you’ll pass it. It will help make sure stool isn’t lumpy and dehydrated it keeps things soft. It’s available over the counter, as capsules or just powder. And it has all these other benefits: It can help with sleep it can help with headaches your muscles need magnesium.”

    But fair warning: If you have a kidney condition, you’ll want to stay away from magnesium because your kidneys might not be able to filter out the magnesium. causing an excess accumulation in your blood.

    And on the note of constipation, it’s not just that you can’t poop. “Sometimes, believe it or not, folks don’t know what constipation is,” Kunkel says. “They can be opening their bowels regularly. The key is are you having a full bowel movement? Is everything coming out? Because if you’re going, but you’re feeling like you’re not empty all the way and there’s something left behind, that’s a constipation symptom you’re constipated.”

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