Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Frequent Diarrhea A Sign Of Cancer

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When To Seek Medical Help

6 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Since diarrhea is such a common condition, many people do not consult a doctor when they experience it. However, now that you understand that diarrhea can be a cancer symptom, you must be more observant.

Go to the doctor right away if you:

  • Are suffering from 6 or more loose, watery stool in a day for 2 days or more
  • Have dizziness while suffering from diarrhea
  • See blood in your stool or your rectal area
  • Have diarrhea or cramps for more than a day
  • Are already experiencing weight loss due to diarrhea
  • Develop difficulty in controlling your bowel movement
  • Develop a fever of 38 C or higher

Remember that diarrhea, especially when its chronic, can lead to severe dehydration. For this reason, seek medical help if you suspect signs of dehydration such as dark urine, dry skin, sunken eyes, and rapid breathing and heartbeat.

Additionally, talk to your doctor, too, if your diarrhea is making it difficult for you to perform activities of daily living.

What To Do About Diarrhea

Narrator:What to do when you have diarrhea from radiation therapy.

Let’s listen in as support group members and the group’s leader, Janet, talk about coping with diarrhea.

Miguel:I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m beginning to feel like I live in the bathroom. Some days diarrhea keeps me close to home when I’d rather be out.

I’m glad you brought this topic up, Miguel. Many people getting radiation therapy to the pelvis, stomach, or abdomen have diarrhea. The good news is that there are things you can do to manage it. Let’s go over 3 steps that can help.

Miguel:Thanks. That would be great.

First, drink lots of clear liquids like water, ginger ale and clear broth. Most people need to drink more liquids when they have diarrhea 8 to 12 glasses a day. Check with your doctor to see how much liquid you should drink. Keep in mind that this won’t stop the diarrhea, but it will help replace the fluids you are losing.

Second, eat small meals every 2 or 3 hours that are easy on the stomach. Anyone ever heard of the BRAT diet?

Gina:Yeah. Let’s see “B” is for bananas, then there’s “R” for rice, “A” for applesauce, and oh, then there’s “T” for toast.

That’s it – bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.

Gina:Is there medicine that can help?

Yes, medicine can help some people. Ask your doctor or nurse about medicine that would be best for you.

Gina:Okay. Thanks for the information, Janet I think I can do those things you mentioned.

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  • Reviewed:September 24, 2021

You Now Know The 7 Main Signs Of Colon Cancer But What Should You Do

Having any one of these signs of colon cancer does not necessarily mean that you have it but obviously the more signs that you have the more likely it is. Only further tests arranged by your doctor will give you the answer.

We all worry when changes happen to our body and it is very easy to tell ourselves that if we ignore things that they will probably go away but this, although understandable is like gambling with our health.

If you see and experience changes that you cannot explain which could be signs and symptoms of colon cancer then it is always a good idea to get advice from your doctor.

If your main problem is diarrhea then this could be one of the signs of colon cancer but it could be caused by other things so browse this site for more information about the causes of diarrhea.

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Tummy Pain Or Back Pain

Tummy pain or back pain are common symptoms of pancreatic cancer. The pain may start as general discomfort or tenderness in the tummy area and spread to the back.

Some people have no pain at all, and pain can vary from person to person. For example, it may come and go at first but become more constant over time. It can be worse when lying down, and sitting forward can sometimes make it feel better. It may be worse after eating.

If you are over 60, have lost weight and have tummy or back pain, your GP should refer you for an urgent CT scan or ultrasound scan within two weeks.

Why Does Ovarian Cancer Often Go Undetected

Symptoms of Colon Cancer, Risk Factors and Causes

In its early stages, ovarian cancer may not present any noticeable signs. When symptoms do appear, they are often the kinds of symptoms you normally associate with more common conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and urinary tract infections.

For many people, this means that their ovarian cancer isnt detected until it has spread. This, ultimately, can lower the survival rate for this type of cancer.

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How Can Diarrhea Be Prevented Or Treated

There are steps you can take to prevent diarrhea or treat it before it causes other problems. Your treatment options depend on your symptoms and the cause of diarrhea.

Ask your health care team about medicine you can take to prevent diarrhea. These include loperamide as well as a combination of diphenoxylate and atropine . You may receive these to prevent diarrhea caused by chemotherapy.

Researchers are studying drugs for diarrhea caused by radiation therapy to the pelvic area. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved these drugs yet.

Sometimes, the pancreas not working well can cause diarrhea. This happens to some people with pancreatic cancer. If that is the case, replacing pancreatic enzymes that help digest food can help and may be a treatment option.

If you have mild diarrhea, consider these options to help manage it:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, dairy, fat, fiber, orange juice, prune juice, and spicy foods.

  • Avoid medication such as laxatives, stool softeners, and metoclopramide . Sometimes, doctors prescribe metoclopramide to prevent nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy.

  • Eat small meals. Choose foods that are easy to digest. These include bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. If chemotherapy is causing diarrhea, your doctor may recommend a low-residue diet. When you eat a low-residue diet, your body makes less stool. It includes low-fiber foods.

  • Drink water and other clear liquids to prevent dehydration.

Prognosis For Bowel Cancer

Prognosis refers to the expected outcome of a disease. It is not possible for any doctor to predict the exact course of the disease. An individual’s prognosis depends on the type and stage of cancer, as well as their age and general health at the time of diagnosis. This information will also help your doctor to advise on the best treatment options.

Generally, the earlier bowel cancer is diagnosed, the better the outcomes.

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Colorectal Cancer Signs And Symptoms

Colorectal cancer might not cause symptoms right away, but if it does, it may cause one or more of these symptoms:

  • A change in bowel habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or narrowing of the stool, that lasts for more than a few days
  • A feeling that you need to have a bowel movement thats not relieved by having one
  • Rectal bleeding with bright red blood
  • Blood in the stool, which might make the stool look dark brown or black
  • Cramping or abdominal pain
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Unintended weight loss

Colorectal cancers can often bleed into the digestive tract. Sometimes the blood can be seen in the stool or make it look darker, but often the stool looks normal. But over time, the blood loss can build up and can lead to low red blood cell counts . Sometimes the first sign of colorectal cancer is a blood test showing a low red blood cell count.

Some people may have signs that the cancer has spread to the liver with a large liver felt on exam, jaundice , or trouble breathing from cancer spread to the lungs.

Many of these symptoms can be caused by conditions other than colorectal cancer, such as infection, hemorrhoids, or irritable bowel syndrome. Still, if you have any of these problems, its important to see your doctor right away so the cause can be found and treated, if needed. See Tests to Diagnose Colorectal Cancer.

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What Should I Do If I Have Symptoms

What are the symptoms of colon cancer? – Dr. Kakoli Lakhar| Colon Cancer Specialist in Bangalore

If you have jaundice, go to your GP or A& E straight away.

If you have any of the other symptoms, you dont know why you have them, and they last four weeks or more, go to your GP.

Give your GP a good description of your symptoms. Mention anything unusual, even if you are not sure if it is relevant. If your GP asks you to come back and see them at a later date, make sure you do. Read more about visiting your GP, and our tips for helping you talk to your GP.

If you have symptoms of pancreatic cancer, its really important that you contact your GP, despite the current situation with coronavirus. Dont worry about your GP or the NHS being too busy at the moment, or it being unsafe.

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Change In Bowel Habit

Tell your GP if you have noticed any persistent and unexplained changes in your bowel habit, especially if you also have bleeding from your back passage. You may have looser poo and you may need to poo more often than normal. Or you may feel as though youre not going to the toilet often enough or you might not feel as though youre not fully emptying your bowels.

What The Patient Can Do

Ask the cancer care team if diarrhea can be expected after surgery or after getting any type of cancer treatment or new medication. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, some of these tips might be helpful for people with cancer.

  • Try a clear liquid diet when diarrhea starts or when you feel that its going to start. Avoid acidic drinks, such as tomato juice, citrus juices, and fizzy soft drinks.
  • Take medicine for diarrhea only if and as prescribed.
  • Track the amount and frequency of bowel movements.
  • Do not chew sugar-free gum or eat candies and desserts made with sugar alcohol .

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer might not cause symptoms right away. In fact, many of the symptoms of colorectal cancer can also be caused by other problems, such as infection, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, or inflammatory bowel disease.

It’s important to get checked if you have any of following problems. In many cases, people who have these symptoms do not have cancer. But you should talk to your doctor if you have any of them so the cause can be found and treated.

  • A change in bowel habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or narrowing of the stool, that lasts for more than a few days
  • A feeling that you need to have a bowel movement that is not relieved by having one
  • Rectal bleeding with bright red blood
  • Blood in the stool, which might make it look dark brown or black
  • Cramping or abdominal pain
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Losing weight without trying

Often colorectal cancer doesnt cause symptoms until it has grown or spread. Thats why its best to be tested for colorectal cancer before ever having any symptoms. Colorectal cancer thats found early through screening, before you have symptoms, might be easier to treat. Screening can even prevent some colorectal cancers by finding and removing pre-cancerous growths called polyps.

Unexplained Weight Loss Loss Of Appetite And Feeling Weak


Losing weight, losing your appetite or feeling weak are all possible signs of colon or rectal cancer along with many other unrelated conditions. In patients with colon or rectal cancer, these symptoms are usually related. Persistent diarrhea can cause weight loss. Stomach pain and nausea can reduce your appetite so that you dont consume enough food to maintain your weight. All these issues, as well as anemia, can lead to weakness.

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Change In Your Bathroom Habits

About 20 percent of people with ovarian cancer notice constipation, diarrhea, or some other change in their bowel patterns.

Ovarian cancer can also result in a need for more frequent urination or a greater sense of urgency about having to urinate. Around say they experienced urinary problems prior to their diagnosis.

In addition to urination frequency and urgency changes, also felt a burning sensation during urination, and others felt their bladder was still full even after they had urinated.

Ibs Or Colon Cancer: Signs You Shouldnt Ignore

MD, Assistant lecturer of internal medicine, Gastro-enterology, & Hepatology.IBS sufferer, Gut health enthusiast, and writer.

Your health matters, my content is not a substitute for the medical advice by your doctor. #Stay_Safe


Many times we -IBS sufferers- get confused about our gut pain.

Sometimes we expect the worst .

But you dont have to worry too much, as this may worsen your IBS

You only turn the red lights on when:

  • Having blood in your stools
  • Losing weight more frequently
  • Having a feeling of incomplete emptying or a mass in your rectumi
  • Vomiting a lot are getting a recurrent fever of unknown origin

Your abdominal pain or recurrent attacks of diarrhea alone is not a specific sign of colon cancer. So dont worry about them.

Actually, many cases of colon cancer have no symptoms. so you have to screen.

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When Symptoms Get Serious

Most cases of diarrhea are nothing more than a brief inconvenience. But sometimes, they warn of a serious condition.

Talk with your doctor if your child has diarrhea for more than 24 hours. If you have it for more than 3 days, make an appointment.

  • Severe abdominal or rectal pain
  • Blood in your stool

Also, be sure to let your doctor know about your diarrhea if you have cancer, or have had recent treatment for it.

What Is Stomach Cancer

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Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, affects your stomach. Located in the upper portion of your abdomen , your stomach digests the food you eat. Stomach cancer happens when theres abnormal cell growth in your stomach.

Over the last 10 years, doctors have seen a decline in stomach cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, stomach cancer accounts for about 1.5% of all new cancers diagnosed in the United States each year.

The main reason for the decrease in cases is likely that infections from Helicobacter pylori, a type of bacteria known more commonly as H. pylori, are being diagnosed earlier than they used to be. H. pylori is believed to be one of the major causes of stomach cancer because it can cause chronic inflammation in your stomach lining, as well as ulcers.

Now that were making the diagnosis of H. pylori earlier when patients get symptoms, theyre treated with antibiotics, the infection is eradicated and the overall risk of stomach cancer is decreased, Dr. Joyce explains.

But she warns that a particular type of stomach cancer called gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma is on the rise. This cancer starts in your esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach.

Theres a problem with obesity in the U.S., says Dr. Joyce. That causes more acid reflux in the esophagus, which leads to a condition called Barretts esophagus, and that can ultimately lead to cancer.

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When To Contact Your Doctor Or Nurse

Tell your doctor or nurse as soon as you have the first signs of diarrhoea. They will understand and want to help. They can advise you on how to manage your diarrhoea and might recommend some medicines.

Sometimes it can be hard to know when to call your doctor or nurse because you dont want to bother them. You might feel embarrassed about talking about diarrhoea but they are there to help.

  • Diarrhoea in adult cancer patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines

    P. Bossi and others

Is Frequent Diarrhea A Sign Of Cancer

Medically reviewed by Dr. Kenneth Knowles, MD on July 16th, 2021

Is Frequent Diarrhea a Sign of Cancer?

Diarrhea is a commonyet extremely unpleasantcondition. Although diarrhea is usually characterized by frequent loose or watery bowel movements, it can also cause symptoms such as a fever, abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, and nausea.

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Changes In Bowel Habits

Changes in bowel habits that can indicate colon or rectal cancer include the following:

  • New-onset constipation or diarrhea

  • Changes in frequency or size and caliber of bowel movements

  • A bowel that doesnt seem to empty completely

  • Stool that is narrower than normal

Occasional bowel changes can be caused by a dietary change, disagreeable food or a viral/bacterial infection. However, if you are experiencing something new and unexplainedand it lasts more than a couple of dayssee your doctor.

5 Things Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health

Ever curious what bowel changes could signal about your health? Poop may be a gross topic that no one likes to talk about, but taking a quick peek before you flush may give you clues about your health.

Change In Bowel Habits


While it is common for people to experience a change in their bowel habits from time to time, there are some changes that should be evaluated by a physician if they persist. If you notice any of these changes to your bowel habits, take note of when the changes began to occur and any other lifestyle changes may have occurred at the same time. This information will help your physician determine the cause.

  • Diarrhea. Loose stool and diarrhea are common occurrences. The condition can be caused by intolerance to certain foods, medication, stress, or exposure to bacteria . Most people will get at least a mild case of diarrhea several times per year. In most cases, the condition will resolve itself within two to three days. Your health care provider should investigate diarrhea that lasts more than three days.
  • Constipation. Constipation is defined as having less than three bowel movements in a week, and it is one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. Having constipation, however, does not mean you have colon cancer. A change in your diet, poor nutritional habits, stress, dehydration or lack of physical activity can also cause constipation. Physicians generally recommend that if you have constipation for more than two weeks, you should see your doctor so a cause can be determined.

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