Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Heartburn A Side Effect Of Viagra

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Do Higher Doses Make Viagra Side Effects Worse

Dangerous Side Effects Of Viagra (Cialis, ED Pills)

Theres a small increase in your chance of getting side effects as the dose of Viagra goes up. Still, theres only a less than 2% chance of side effects across all doses.

This table shows the percentage of men who get certain side effects from Viagra, based on the dose they take. This shows that of the small percentage of men who get side effects, 16% of them will get a headache when taking 25mg of Viagra.

Common side effect;

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How To Reduce Side Effects Of Viagra

According to, the mild side effects of Viagra include headaches, flushing of the face and an upset stomach 23.Occasionally a man will experience a blue tinge in the vision, blurry vision or sensitivity to light.These mild annoyances usually pass quickly and can be treated with home remedies. Talk to your doctor about reducing Viagra dosage by half or one quarter if you suffer serious side effects 23. You may be able to take a smaller dose and still experience the positive effects.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Treat a headache with over-the-counter pain relievers such as Tylenol, Aleve or even aspirin, depending upon the recommendations of your doctor. Be sure to drink plenty of water when you take a pain reliever, because mild dehydration also causes headaches. A severe headache may happen, in which case you should definitely reduce your dosage.

Treat flushing of the face by applying cool cloths to warm skin or moving into a cooler room. Step back from the activity of the moment and take time to breathe deeply and relax. This will probably reduce the redness in your face. Deep, relaxing breathing will also help slow down your heart rate if you experience a racing pulse while taking Viagra.


Address the underlying cause of your erectile dysfunction under the supervision of your doctor or psychiatrist.


Take Cialis As Directed

Take the dose as prescribed. Read, understand, and follow the medication guide or patient instructions that come with the medicine. A pharmacist, doctor, or other healthcare professional can answer any questions or clear up any confusion. Above all, do not increase or decrease the dose without consulting your doctor. If effectiveness or side effects are a problem, talk to your healthcare provider about adjusting the dose.

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Serious Viagra Side Effects

An allergic reaction can occur while taking Viagra. If any of the following symptoms occur, stop what you are doing and seek emergency medical help right away.

  • Swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Hives

Other viagra side effects may occur that are not indicative of an allergic reaction but are still very serious. If any of the following symptoms occur, notify your doctor immediately.

  • Dizziness or nausea during sex
  • Pain, numbness, or tingling in jaw, arms, neck, or chest during sex
  • Feeling of lightheadedness or fainting
  • Erection lasting longer than 4 hours or is painful
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Overall ill feeling

Sudden Vision Loss

In a small number of people, Viagra may have caused sudden vision loss; loss of vision occurs as a result of decreased blood flow to the optic nerve. This occurrence is very rare and primarily affected individuals with the following conditions; high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and eye problems. Individuals who were over the age of 50 and were smokers were also among those affected. It is unknown at this time if Viagra is the culprit of sudden vision loss however, if you experience any changes in vision while taking this medication seek emergency medical help right away.

How Does Viagra Work

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Viagra is a pharmaceutical drug that is available to men who experience erectile dysfunction. This condition refers to a situation where a man finds it difficult to become erect when they participate in sexual activities. Some men may still be able to have an erection if they suffer from the condition, but finds that their erection goes away too soon during sex.

Viagra was the first drug to be approved for use in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The drug was initially developed in 1998 and has since helped millions of men overcome the dreadful symptoms that are associated with erectile problems.

The drug goes to work in as little as 12 minutes, but most men need to wait between 30 minutes and an hour before they will be able to experience the full benefits of Viagra. A single tablet will remain effective for up to 24 hours.

As the active chemical in Viagra, known as Sildenafil, enters the body, it causes specific muscles to relax and leads to an increase in blood circulation. Since poor blow flow is a prevalent cause of erectile dysfunction, the drug works to boost blood flow. In turn, more blood can flow into a mans penis when they become erect, leading to improved rigidity of their erection.

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What Can Be The Side Effects Of Taking Cialis Daily

These are just a few of the more common side effects reported by people who took Cialis daily in clinical trials:

For a list of side effects reported by people taking Cialis in clinical trials, including people who took the drug daily, see the Mild side effects of Cialis and Serious side effects of Cialis sections above. You may also view the drugs prescribing information.

* For more information about this side effect, see Side effect specifics below.

Interaction With Antifungal Medications

Cialis can interact with some oral antifungal medications used to treat issues such as ringworm and fungal nail infections.;

These medications, which inhibit the CYP3A4 enzyme, may increase your exposure to the effects of Cialis.

Oral antifungal medications include fluconazole, itraconazole and ketoconazole, among others. Some other medications that affect CYP3A4, such as the antibiotic erythromycin, and foods that affect CYP3A4, such as grapefruit or grapefruit juice, may also interact with Cialis.

If you’re prescribed these medications, your healthcare professional may adjust your dosage of Cialis to reduce your risk of developing side effects.;

The FDA recommends taking Cialis at a maximum as-needed dosage of 10mg not more than once every 72 hours, or a daily dosage of 2.5mg, while using medications that inhibit CYP3A4.

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Does Viagra Give Women Side Effects

Studies on women using Viagra show that they get similar side effects to men taking Viagra, and dont get any extra serious side effects. One instance of female genital bleeding was recorded, similar to the rare side effect of penile bleeding in men.

Even if some research suggests Viagra might be able to help with female sexual disorders, there isnt enough evidence to support treatment. Because of this, and the risk of side effects that comes with Viagra, doctors cant prescribe Viagra to women with sexual disorders.

Since women in the UK cant get approved for Viagra treatment, it means they cant be sure its safe for them to take it. Even if many women would only get mild side effects, if a doctor hasnt made sure its safe, taking Viagra could come with a risk of serious or even life-threatening side effects.

See our page on Viagra for Women for more information.

How To Prevent Viagra Side Effects

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Reducing your chances of side effects can help you get the most out of Viagra. You can do the following to keep any side effects to a minimum:

  • Take your Viagra exactly as prescribed: Your doctor chose the dose of Viagra they think is best for you. If you take your Viagra exactly as they described then you minimize your chances of side effects.
  • Dont drink alcohol whilst taking Viagra: Alcohol can make some side effects of Viagra worse, such as dizziness and sickness. For the best results dont drink alcohol when you take Viagra.
  • Dont take Viagra with certain medications: Medications like nitrates, nitric oxide donors , and riociguat can interact with Viagra and make some side effects more likely. Make sure you dont take any of these with Viagra.
  • Take Viagra with food: Food can slow down how quickly Viagra is absorbed. Taking Viagra with a meal means you may have to wait a little longer for it to take effect but you may experience fewer or milder side effects too.

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Administration And Dosages Of Viagra

Viagra is taken by mouth as prescribed and as needed for erectile dysfunction . Viagra should not be taken more than once a day, or more than once every 24 hours. It is supplied as a blue, film-coated, rounded-diamond-shaped tablet. It comes in three different strengths, including 25, 50 and 100 milligrams.

The dose can be adjusted as needed for effectiveness and tolerability. Viagra may be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours before engaging in sexual intercourse.

This medication can be taken with or without food. However, if Viagra is taken with a high-fat meal, it will take longer for its effects to work.

Adjusted Dosing for Certain Conditions

Does Alcohol Cause Side Effects

Alcohol doesnt have a serious reaction with Viagra so you can drink in moderation and use Viagra safely.

But, alcohol does make it more likely that you will get side effects from Viagra. Alcohol also makes it harder for you to get and keep erections,; so drinking alcohol can make Viagra less effective.

You can find more information on our page about taking alcohol and Viagra at the same time.

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How Should This Medicine Be Used

Sildenafil comes as a tablet and suspension to take by mouth.

If you are taking sildenafil to treat erectile dysfunction, follow your doctor’s directions and the guidelines in this paragraph. Take sildenafil as needed before sexual activity. The best time to take sildenafil is about 1 hour before sexual activity, but you can take the medication any time from 4 hours to 30 minutes before sexual activity. Sildenafil usually should not be taken more than once every 24 hours. If you have certain health conditions or are taking certain medications, your doctor may tell you to take sildenafil less often. You can take sildenafil with or without food. However, if you take sildenafil with a high-fat meal, it will take longer for the medication to start to work.

If you are taking sildenafil to treat PAH, follow your doctor’s directions and the guidelines in this paragraph. You will probably take sildenafil three times a day with or without food. Take sildenafil at around the same times every day, and space your doses about 4 to 6 hours apart.

Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take sildenafil exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the manufacturer’s information for the patient.

In Addition To Side Effects I Might Have From Taking Viagra Can The Drug Cause Any Side Effects In My Partner

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No, taking Viagra isnt known to cause any side effects in your sexual partner. It could only cause side effects in your partner if the drug got into your semen. But Viagra doesnt pass into semen in significant amounts.

However, if your partner takes Viagra themselves, they may experience the possible side effects of Viagra discussed in this article. Your partner should not take Viagra thats been prescribed for you, because it may not be safe for them.

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It Can Cause Severe Side Effects

The NIH warns that Viagra can cause severe side effects including sudden decrease or loss of hearing, ringing in ears, dizziness or lightheadedness, fainting, chest pain, blurred vision, worsening shortness of breath, erection that is painful or lasts longer than 4 hours, itching or burning during urination, or rash. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately.;

Is It Dangerous To Mix Viagra Connect And Prescription Drugs

Mixing drugs can produce unexpected and dangerous side effects. Its crucial to speak to your GP before mixing prescription drugs with any type of ED medication. Every case is different but as a rough guide, the following types of prescription drugs are usually more dangerous when mixed with Viagra Connect:

  • Medications that are given to treat heart attacks
  • Medications that are given to treat strokes
  • Medications that are given to treat kidney or liver failure
  • Medicines used to treat angina or low blood pressure

Viagra is sometimes taken with recreational drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy, and amphetamine, stimulants that inhibit erections. A growing trend, a recent study warns that combining these drugs increases the risk of developing heart problems significantly.

You should also ensure that you never use the recreational drug known as ‘poppers’ or amyl nitrate, with Viagra Connect. It can cause a potentially fatal reaction.

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Are Side Effects Worse For Older Men

There isnt a lot of difference in the side effects experienced by older men compared to younger men. Research shows even most men over 70 can tolerate Viagra treatment without any serious problems.

As you get older, your chance of getting other health conditions that could make Viagra unsafe does go up, so some older men may need to take lower doses of Viagra. Also as you get older your body may get less efficient at removing Viagra from your system, so side effects may last a little longer than they would for younger men.;

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What Are The Side Effects Of Cialis Vs Viagra

How to take CIALIS the RIGHT WAY | SIDE EFFECTS | Erectile Dysfunction | Must Watch before taking

Cialis and Viagra can both be prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction . These drugs contain the same active ingredient and belong to the same medication class .* So, these drugs share many of the same side effects.

The table below compares some of the mild side effects of Cialis and Viagra:

Can occur with Cialis

If you have additional questions about how Cialis and Viagra compare, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

* A medication class is a group of drugs that work in a similar way. For more information about this side effect with Cialis use, see Side effect specifics below.

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Avoid Using Alcohol Or Smoking With Viagra

Alcohol is a common mix with a romantic night, but mixing a few alcoholic drinks with Viagra could exacerbate the heartburn you experience.

Alcohol is known to increase the risk of heartburn, so mixing the two together could worsen symptoms.

Smoking can also instigate a heartburn episode, so steer clear to help reduce your risk of heartburn when taking Viagra.

For best results and less heartburn with Viagra or Sildenafil, avoid alcohol and smoking altogether while the medication is working.

The Dangers Of Mixing Alcohol With Viagra

Taking Viagra, a prescription medication most commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction, with alcohol can lead to negative and even dangerous side-effects.

Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the United States. Because of this, many people who abuse alcohol or are dependent on it also take prescription drugs, such as Viagra. However, some prescriptions are not safe to mix with alcohol, as the side effects of combining the two substances can be dangerous or have adverse effects.

Understanding which prescriptions a person is taking, the side effects and risks of the drugs, and whether they can be mixed with alcohol are all key to avoiding unnecessary adverse effects and recognizing if and when a person needs treatment for substance misuse.

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Ways To Eliminate Heartburn From Viagra: Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux symptoms include:

  • Burning sensation in the throat
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Stomach noises
  • Stomach gas

People with acid reflux often feel full and nauseous. They may also feel like they need to vomit .

When avoiding heartburn due to the use of Viagra, you can use an antacid, a drug that counteracts stomach acid to relieve heartburn and indigestion. This drug is available as chewable tablets or in liquid form.

Foods that can help with acid reflux include banana, yogurt, oatmeal, melons, and green vegetables. Drinking a lot of water may also help. On the contrary, alcohol, and smoking worsen symptoms.

Viagra Triggers Both Erections And Heartburn

Viagra and Heartburn: Mild Side Effects from Taking Viagra ...

Viagra is a household word. It is now available generically as sildenafil. This drug has revolutionized the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It works by relaxing smooth muscle in the penis. The result is inflow of blood to the corpus cavernosum. As this spongy erectile tissue expands, an erection can be sustained. The very process that permits smooth muscle relaxation can cause erections and heartburn.

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Sildenafile And A Tale Of Smooth Muscle:

A. All of the erectile dysfunction drugs can cause heartburn as a side effect. They work by relaxing smooth muscle that lines the blood vessels going into the penis.

However, smooth muscle elsewhere in the body, such as that in the lower esophageal sphincter in the digestive tract, also relaxes in response to these drugs. That promotes acid reflux.

Viagra Connect Side Effects

As covered in our dedicated blog post,Viagra Connect is the first ED treatment available to buy over-the-counter. Like normal prescription Viagra, it contains sildenafil citrate, an ingredient that helps men achieve and maintain an erection for sexual activity.

After extensive testing, it was passed safe for consumption by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency on November 28th 2017. Although rare, like most medications, Viagra Connect can cause side effects for a small number of people.

If you are in two minds about taking the medication, this guide answers the most common questions users have about Viagra Connect side effects.

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