Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Heartburn A Symptom Of Ovarian Cancer

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Change Your Urinary Habits

Know the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

If you suddenly change your urinary habits, you can have a risk of ovarian cancer. You will suffer from several changes such as the frequent urination, having spotting blood in urine or loss of bladder control.

The pressure caused by the tumor or fluid in your abdomen which is prompted by the appearance of the tumor is the reason causing urinary changes.

A study in 2004 had an analysis about the symptoms of ovarian cancer in 107 patients. The study showed that women having ovarian cancer of stage I and II commonly suffered from urinary urgency and abdominal pain.

For several women having a urinary tract infection or weak pelvic floor muscles, they may also suffer from these changes in urination. However, it is always recommended for you to consult your doctor.

See more: 9 Ways on how to stop frequent urination naturally at night

Other Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer

Other symptoms that could mean you have ovarian cancer include:

  • Getting tired easily and being tired a lot
  • Unexplained weight changes — losing weight without trying, or bloating that seems like weight gain
  • Unusual vaginal discharge or bleeding, especially after menopause

Keep in mind that even though these things can be signs of ovarian cancer, itâs more likely that something else is causing them.

Checking For Fibroids And Cysts

I was so youngjust 30 years oldthat I dont think anyone was thinking cancer. I wasnt pregnant so she sent me for an ultrasound to check for fibroids and cysts. Both growths are fairly common in young women, and they can become quite large and still be benign.

She called me when the results came in: I had a very large mass8.2 inches long and 3.9 inches wide. It was a huge shock, but my doctor remained optimistic and didn’t feel there was reason to worry just yet.

I’m in healthcare myselfI work as an oncology pharmacist managing medications for people with cancer. I figured, given my age and the large size of the mass, it wasnt cancerous. I clung to these hopes at first.

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You Have Crazy Heartburn

Again, if ovarian cancer is messing with your bowels, things get backed up, Westin explains. “Then things push up against your stomach and push reflux into your esophagus,” she says. “Everything goes in the wrong direction.”

Ovarian cancer is more common in older women, and your symptoms are likely due to something other than cancer, but its important to get it checked out, just in case. So, call your doctor and flag your concerns. Schedule a visit and ask them, Could it be my ovaries? says Deborah Lindner, M.D., chief medical officer of Bright Pinkit could save your life.

Painful Or Uncomfortable Intercourse

Pin on Hating Ovarian Cancer

This symptom is also medically called as dyspareunia. It is among early symptoms of ovarian cancer. Because of the tumor appearing around or in the ovary, it can make you feel extremely painful when you have intercourse. Besides, you may even be mild bleeding in the vagina after the intercourse.

This discomfort symptom is usually new for a woman. Hence, if you are in postmenopausal and suffer from painful intercourse, you must see your doctor to be checked and diagnosed. Besides ovarian cancer, dyspareunia may be a sign of a sexually transmitted disease , infection, or cervical cancer.

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What Is Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a cancer that forms in one or both of the ovaries. The ovaries are made up of three main kinds of cells epithelial cells, stromal cells and germ cells. Each of these cells can develop into a different type of tumour. Some cancers are called borderline as they usually are slow growing, confined to the ovary and are treated by surgery alone. About 15% of ovarian tumours are borderline and usually affect young women between 20 to 40 years. Very rarely do they spread outside the ovary, with a small risk of coming back or turning into a more active cancer.The three types of ovarian cancer are:

1. Epithelial

This type of cancer starts in the cells lining in the surface layer of the ovary epithelium

  • 90% of ovarian cancers are in this group
  • Usually occurs in women over 50 years of age.

Research suggests that many epithelial ovarian cancers may start in the fallopian tubes.

These cancers can be cystic and contain watery fluid or mucous-like fluid .

2. Germ cell

This ovarian cancer starts in the cells that produce eggs

  • 5% of ovarian cancer cases
  • Develops in women younger than 30.

3. Stromal cell and other rare types

Ovarian cancer that starts in the tissues that support the ovary and produce different cells. It also includes sex-cord stromal cell ovarian cancer, stromal tumours and sarcomas.

  • Rare
  • Occurs at any age.

Whats The Outlook Of Ovarian Cancer

After you have been treated for ovarian cancer, your healthcare provider will still have you come in for regular appointments. These appointments will be used to check in on any symptoms you may have and discuss any concerns. Its important to pay close attention to your body and let your provider know if anything unusual is happening. Observation is key after ovarian cancer treatment.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Ovarian cancer can be difficult to identify because it often develops without any symptoms. Without these signs that something is wrong, the cancer can grow without you knowing its there. There are also currently no tests that screen for ovarian cancer. Because of this, its important to know your family history and talk to your healthcare provider about any possible risk factors you may have for ovarian cancer. Knowing your risk factors can help your provider know what to look for and possibly do genetic testing. If you experience any symptoms of ovarian cancer, reach out to your healthcare provider right away.

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Going Through Surgery And Chemo

My doctor told me the tumor had engulfed my left ovary. So during surgery, he removed it along with the tumor, one of my fallopian tubes, and some lymph nodes.

I was lucky: My right ovary was OK. I could keep it and stay out of menopause, which was fabulous. Having my right ovary also meant I still had a possibility of being able to conceive.

After surgery, I had four cycles of chemo, spaced three weeks apart. It was an intense regiment to go through, but necessary to avoid reoccurrence.

Becoming a cancer survivorand a mom.

After the chemo I got CT scansfirst every three months, then every sixto check if the cancer had come back. Then, a year later, in the summer of 2018, I discovered I was pregnant, and stopped the scans because they aren’t safe for unborn babies.

When youre in your 30s and you only have one ovary, youre holding your breath, hoping you can conceive. We were able to do so on our own, without using any fertility measures. It was the best surprise to my husband and me.

My son, Max, was born on St. Patricks Day, which some people say is lucky. Through all the lows weve been through, its nice to be able to enjoy such a positive piece of life on the other side of my diagnosis.

Life after cancer.

There are highs and lows of being a cancer survivor.

“Some days, the treatment feels like something that happened in another lifetime.”

Now, after being diagnosed, I feel that this is what Im supposed to be doing: This is the path Im supposed to be on.

What Are The Treatment Options For Ovarian Cancer

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

After diagnosis, a doctor will suggest one or more options for treatment. The type of treatment depends on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease. If surgery has not been performed yet, the exact stage may not be known. The main treatments for ovarian cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation or a combination of the three.

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Change In Bladder Function

Typically, when women experience urinary problems, such as pain when urinating or urgency, they frequently think its a urinary tract infection. Often, it is.

But bladder-related issues can also signal a gynecologic or reproductive problem, like ovarian cancer.

Specific urinary symptoms associated with ovarian cancer include the following:

  • Feeling pressure or pain in the bladder
  • Frequent urination
  • Sudden, urgent need to urinate

If these urinary symptoms are new to you and last more than several days, thats a problem, says Ahmed. Talk to your OB/GYN or primary care physician and let them know you are concerned about both bladder problems and issues with your reproductive system.

Conditions With Similar Symptoms

There are many conditions that can cause the symptoms of ovarian cancer. These include:

Yes, a person can have ovarian cancer without knowing.

Doctors use to classify the advancement of ovarian cancer. In stage 1 ovarian cancer, the cancerous cells are only present in one or both ovaries or fallopian tubes. This can cause symptoms, but not always.

It is possible to find ovarian cancer early, but there is no reliable screening test as there is for cervical cancer. Getting regular pelvic exams can help gynecologists notice any changes.

People at high risk for ovarian cancer may be able to get tests, such as a transvaginal ultrasound or a special blood test, that can detect early signs of the disease. This includes people with BRCA gene mutations, people with certain genetic syndromes, and people with a strong family history of ovarian cancer.

If someone has any of the symptoms of ovarian cancer, they should speak with a doctor. This is especially true if the symptoms:

  • are persistent
  • are new or not typical

The American Cancer Society states that if symptoms occur more than 12 times a month , it is time to make an appointment.

It is also important to notify a doctor if symptoms of preexisting conditions change in a way that is out of the ordinary. For example, people with endometriosis are also more likely to develop a certain kind of ovarian cancer, so if their symptoms get worse or they notice new ones, a medical professional should perform tests to rule it out.

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Early Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer In Females

Women after 50 years old have a higher risk of ovarian cancer. This condition can happen in some parts of their ovaries, located on two sides of the uterus. Ovarian cancer may affect to the bowel, bladder, the lymph nodes, lining of the abdomen, liver, and lungs.

According to ACS, Ovarian cancer only makes up about 3 percentages of cancers which affect to women however, it causes the rate of death more than other cancers that affect the reproductive system of women.

It has no explanation for the exact reason causing ovarian cancer. Nevertheless, you can remember some certain factors putting you at higher risk of this disease such as the age of 50 or older, never giving birth, family history, having menopause after 50 years old, having menstruation early, smoking, certain medications, history of PCOS, and obesity. White women have a higher risk of this disease than African-Americans.

At the beginning of the tumor development in an ovary, its symptoms may be not apparent or vague, but during later stages, these symptoms become clear and more noticeable.

Plus, the symptoms can indicate numerous various conditions and are very nonspecific. This is the reason to call it as The Silent Killer.

Typically, women discover that they have ovarian cancer until it goes to the later stages because they do not apply the reliable screening method. Doctors often use blood tests, ultrasound scans, and pelvic exams for checking cancer-related markers to diagnose the disease.

Abdominal Or Pelvic Pain

How is ovarian cancer usually detected, and what are the ...

The tumor developing in an ovary can make you abdominal or pelvic pain. Because the pressure of the tumor is exerted around and on the ovarian areas, it causes intense pain. If you have ovarian cancer, this pain feeling persists for several weeks.

After the age of 50 or older, if you suffer from pain in your pelvic area and lower abdomen, remember to see your doctor to get a pelvic exam.

In addition, younger women having pelvic pain without being in a menstrual cycle should also see a doctor. This early sign may signal a problem of a benign ovarian cyst.

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If you want to know more about other signs and symptoms of various conditions and diseases, please go to visit our main Health page. After reading the writing about top 10 early symptoms of ovarian cancer in females, hope that it can help you to know the early and common symptoms of ovarian cancer in women. However, the article is only for the informational purpose therefore, you should see your doctor to get the best diagnosis. If you have any question related to any problem, please leave your comments below, I will respond you soon. Also, if you know other symptoms of ovarian cancer in females, please share them with us.

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Are There Different Types Of Chemotherapy

Two types of chemotherapy your healthcare provider may suggest include chemotherapy for platinum-sensitive disease and chemotherapy for platinum-resistant disease. People who had a good response to initial platinum-based chemotherapy and recur six months or more after completion of therapy are considered to have platinum-sensitive or drug-sensitive disease and have the greatest likelihood of responding to the same or similar treatment again.

In general, the longer the chemotherapy-free interval , the greater the response to second-line chemotherapy, although this treatment may not last as long as the first. The goals of second-line chemotherapy for recurrent ovarian cancer include:

  • Improving your quality of life.
  • Delaying the time for further cancer progression and development of symptoms.
  • Prolonging survival.

People that did not respond favorably to initial chemotherapy or with disease that recurred within six months of completion of initial platinum-based chemotherapy , are considered to have platinum-resistant or drug-resistant disease.

What Are Genes And What Do They Have To Do With Ovarian Cancer

Genes are a part of your DNA and are essentially the blueprint your cells use to reproduce themselves. Youre born with a particular genetic makeup. Your genes can be influenced by your family and by changes that happen to your genes over time. These changes are called mutations. Two of the most common gene mutations that have been pinpointed as being related to ovarian cancer are BRCA1 and BRCA2.

The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are inherited meaning you get part of each gene from each parent. Your genes are twin pieces . You could have a mutation in one part of the gene without having cancer. However, if both parts of the gene are mutated, cancer can develop. BRCA1 and BRCA2 typically suppress the growth of cancerous cells. Mutations keep these genes from doing their job and preventing abnormal cell growth. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are also linked to breast cancer.

Gene mutations arent always inherited. Throughout your life, your genes can change. A somatic mutation is one that happens over time. One common genetic mutation thats seen in ovarian cancer is a somatic mutation of the TP53 gene. The mutation changes part of the gene the protein called the p53 protein. This protein normally works to fight tumors and keep them from developing. However, when its changed by this mutation, it cant keep the tumor from growing. This same process can happen to many different genes in your body and they can all contribute to cancer growth.

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You Have Persistent Abdominal Or Pelvic Pain

This is generally a sign that ovarian cancer has spread, says Mitchel Hoffman, M.D., a gynecologic oncologist at Moffitt Cancer Center. “When we operate in ovarian cancer patients, the majority have metastasis,” he says .

“There can be quite a lot of tumors in the pelvis, upper part of the abdomen, bowel, and all the way up to the diaphragm,” he says. Ovarian cancer can also cause a fluid build-up in the abdomen called ascites, Hoffman saysand all of these factors can cause pain.

The 9 Signs Of Ovarian Cancer Every Woman Needs To Know

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Categories:Ovarian Cancer,Gynecologic Cancer

Ovarian cancer begins when the genes that regulate cell growth mutate and allow abnormal cells to thrive. These rogue cells multiply at a rapid rate and eventually form a tumor. Left untreated, ovarian cancer can spread to other areas of your body. Ovarian cancer rates are highest in women in their early to mid-60s.

Although ovarian cancer is considered rare in women under 40, it’s important to know that women of all ages can develop ovarian cancer. Fertility treatments, endometriosis, obesity, and a family history of ovarian, breast, or uterine cancer can increase your risk.

Only 19 percent of women who discover they have ovarian cancer are diagnosed in the early stages. Diagnosing ovarian cancer can be more difficult because there are no routine tests to effectively screen for the disease. That’s why all women should consult their physician if they experience any of the following signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.

  • Changes in appetite
  • Leg swelling
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    How Often Should You Be Checked For Ovarian Cancer

    More women die of ovarian cancer than any other gynecologic cancer. While testing methods are available, screening is not recommended for asymptomatic women who do not have a high risk of developing this cancer. Those who are at high risk of getting this cancer, however, need to follow the screening guidelines set forth by their OBGYN.

    Causes And Risk Factors Of Ovarian Cancer

    It is often unclear what specifically causes ovarian cancer, though doctors have identified factors that can increase the risk of the disease.

    Factors that can increase your risk of ovarian cancer include:

    • Older age Ovarian cancer can occur at any age, however, is most common in women ages 50 to 60 years.
    • Inherited gene mutations.A small percentage of ovarian cancers are caused by gene mutations you inherit from your parents. The genes known to increase the risk of ovarian cancer are called breast cancer gene 1 and breast cancer gene 2 . These genes also increase the risk of breast cancer.
    • Other gene mutations.Some other gene mutations that can cause ovarian cancer include those associated with Lynch syndrome.
    • Family history of ovarian cancer.People with two or more close relatives with ovarian cancer have an increased risk of the disease.
    • Estrogen hormone replacement therapy.Estrogen hormone replacement therapy can be a cause of ovarian cancer, especially with long-term use and in large doses. Age when menstruation started and ended. Beginning menstruation at an early age or starting menopause at a later age, or both may increase the risk of ovarian cancer.

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