Friday, July 26, 2024

What Does Bunny Diarrhea Look Like

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Things You Really Need To Know About Rabbit Poo

Blood in your poop: what it looks like & what it could mean

Did you know that rabbits often pretend they are healthy even when they are not? Luckily, theres one sign that they really cant hide. Can you guess what it is? Yup its their poo. Get to know all about your rabbits poo and how you really can help keep them healthy and happy.

Rabbits and their habits

Rabbits have to eat their own poo to stay healthy. Yes you read that right. The first time foods go through the digestive tract not all the nutrients are absorbed so rabbits need to eat the poo to send it through the gut for a second time. This allows the nutrients to be extracted and used in the body.

Getting to know poo, getting to know all about poo

Rabbits have two different kinds of poo. The first type of poo is called a caecotroph and this is the poo that rabbits eat most often nibbling them directly from the bottom and then giving them a light chew before swallowing. Sounds horrible but totally essential and normal for rabbits.

Caecotrophs look like sticky pellets all gathered together in a grape-like cluster so they are much larger than the pellet-poo you commonly see. Often a caecotroph is black and shiny. The second kind of poo is the single rabbit pellet poo that is commonly seen in hutches and runs it tends to be light brown, smaller and drier than a caecotroph.


Too much of a good thing?

Diet and nutrition to help your rabbit produce more good poo

Keep a clean bottom

Sticky situation

Rabbit poo facts

Causes Of And Cures For Rabbit Diarrhea

The first thing you should do if you determine your rabbit has diarrhea is to see a vet.

Vets can be really expensive, and your first instinct may be to hesitate in order to see if it will sort itself out.

However, rabbit diarrhea is a very serious situation. Do what youve got to do and take your bunny to the doctor.

That being said, here are some of the possible causes of the runs in rabbits.

What Other Animals Poop Seems Like Rabbit Poop

Deer. Deers also output small round pellets, very similar to those produced via rabbits, but extra oval in shape, having a slight point at one end, and bigger with a 2-3 cm diameter. And like rabbits, deer repeatedly graze on plants resulting in a manufacturing of a number of hundred pellets over no less than 10 bowel movements consistent with day

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Why Is My Poo Like Rabbit Droppings

If youâve noticed that youâre regularly passing stools that mimic rabbit droppings, you may be experiencing constipation. One of the most common symptoms of this issue includes small, hard pellets that may be painful to pass alongside stomach pain and bloating.

Constipation typically occurs when the stool moves through the large intestine very slowly, and too much water is then absorbed from the stool. This can make your poop hard, sharp and dry, causing it to break down in the intestine and therefore you experience pellet-like, painful bowel movements.

You may also be experiencing other symptoms of constipation, that include:

  • Passing a stool less than three times a week.
  • Straining when trying to pass a bowel movement.
  • Feeling as though you havent fully emptied your bowels.

Dr Kirstie Lawton, a registered nutritionist and registered nutritional therapist explains that constipation can affect anyone at any age, and persistent constipation can be detrimental to someoneâs overall well-being, even leading to some medical conditions. âExtended periods of constipation can lead to haemorrhoids and are linked to diverticular disease and colorectal cancer.

There are a number of typical causes of constipation which include:

Letâs take a look at some helpful methods to ease discomfort as recommended by Kirstie.

Soft Cecotropes Otherwise Normal

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A bunny with a healthy appetite and normal fecal pellets but frequent soft cecotropes should have their diet examined. They may also need to be evaluated for an underlying health condition.

Often a simple change in diet can alleviate symptoms altogether. So remember to give your rabbit free-fed grass hay or include fiber-rich vegetables in their diet.

Insufficient fiber is one of the most common causes of rabbits with diarrhea. As is giving your bunny too much of a good thing, like pellets or starchy, sugary treats.

Although soft cecotropes arent a medical emergency, keep your vet informed so that they can guide you in keeping your rabbit healthy.

Its also important to keep your bunnys hind end clean until theyre passing and consuming normal cecotropes. This can take a few days to a few weeks.

If a diet change doesnt do the trick, a trip to the vet is in order. Your bunny may have a condition thats slowing their cecotrope production or causing stress. Both can upset the normal digestive process.

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When Your Rabbit Has A Poopy Butt

Sometimes you may find soft rabbit poop or cecotropes that are mushy. This can be a sign of the intestines slowing down. You are going to start to notice something here your rabbit says they need more fiber a lot. So fill their world with hay.

When you see the poopy butt, this can mean your bunny isnt getting enough fiber and is having too many carbohydrates or sugar. This as well as an underlying illness can cause the delicate balance of bacteria in your rabbit to be disrupted.

If you are thinking you need to go start a bath for your rabbit, stop right there. Rabbits dont get baths the same way a dog does. Read this for the proper way to bathe that rabbit poopy butt.

What Are Deer Droppings

Deer droppings are usually pellet- or pill-shaped and are sometimes confused with rabbit feces. Since rabbit feces are noticeably larger, people are usually able to tell the difference upon closer inspection. In addition to leaving behind small droppings, deer also produce solid scats of clumped pellets.

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Normal Rabbit Poop Color

Rabbit poop color varies between different rabbits. One rabbit may have darker brown poop, whereas another might have light brown poop. What matters in rabbit poop color is consistency. A healthy rabbit will produce pellets of the same color. However, there may be some slight change if you change the rabbits diet on a large scale.

Rabbits in the same household and fed exactly the same diet may also have poop of vastly different colors. One may have tan pellets, whereas the other may have darker brown pellets.

Opening up a healthy pellet should reveal an interior that is lighter in color than the exterior. Occasionally, the interior will also be faintly green.

Normal, healthy rabbit poop should have little to no variation in color. Drastic changes in color between pellets and pellet piles are a huge sign that there could be some internal upset. Very dark, almost black poops are an indicator that there is too much protein in your rabbits diet.

The Scoop On Rabbit Poop

A visual guide to healthy poop

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I know, I know who wants to read about poop? Any good animal keeper knows that your critters poop can tell you all kinds of important information about the health of your animal. Rabbits are no exception. As animals that live at the bottom of the food chain, they excel at hiding illness. Rabbit keepers need to pay attention to subtle changes. It might not be pleasant, but until we learn how to speak rabbit, reading your bunnys poop is the next best thing to hearing them say Im not feeling well.

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What To Watch For

  • Small, watery, soft, mucus-like, scant or misshapen fecal pellets
  • Soft or liquid feces intermixed with normal fecal pellets
  • Foul odor to feces
  • Soft feces adhered to fur around the rear end
  • Sudden loss of appetite
  • Loud gut sounds (owners often say they can hear the “tummy rumbling”
  • Lethargy â excessive sleepiness, or decrease in activity
  • How Do I Know If My Rabbit Has Diarrhea

    The most common signs of diarrhea in rabbits are soft, wet droppings that are passed frequently and in large amounts. If your rabbit has diarrhea, he may also seem restless or uncomfortable, and may lose weight and appetite. In severe cases, diarrhea can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and even death. If you suspect that your rabbit has diarrhea, it is important to take him to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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    Tips And Tricks Newsletter

    If you are new to caring for rabbits, check out the Bunny Lady bimonthly newsletter. Right after you sign up, youll receive a FREE pdf rabbit care guidebook. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. Then you will receive tips and tricks about rabbit care straight to your inbox so that you know youll be taking excellent care of your new rabbit.

    Poopy Butt In Rabbits: Causes And Treatment

    The Poop Scoop

    Poopy butt is the less than eloquent term to describe a relatively common issue that affects pet bunnies. Poopy butt is, just as it sounds, a condition where a bunny has fecal matter stuck to his behind. This article will discuss ways to keep your bunny clean and in good digestive health.

    First things first if your rabbit has a messy behind, youll need to clean the area as soon as possible. A soiled bottom could invite fly strike, a very unpleasant and potentially deadly situation in which flies lay their eggs on your bunny, and the hatched larvae feast on your bunnys flesh.

    Baths can be very traumatic for bunnies, so if possible, try to avoid a bath, and just spot clean the area using a wet paper towel. However, if the feces have hardened and the area is very messy, the next course of action is a shallow bath. Fill a sink with a few inches of warm water and mix in a dollop of pet shampoo . Place your bunny in the bath and wash the soiled area until clean. Change out the water as necessary. Be careful when washing the area as the skin is very sensitive! Once your bunny is clean, rinse the soapy areas with warm water and then gently towel dry your bunny. Make sure your rabbit is not exposed to cold temperatures before fully dry.

    So if a change to a more fibrous diet does not stop the poopy butt from occurring, take your bunny to a rabbit-savvy vet to check for molar spurs, digestive ailments, parasites, or other infections.

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    Symptoms Of Digested Blood In Stools In Rabbits

    Other symptoms depend on the underlying cause, however, the following are symptoms often associated with blood in stools

    • Diarrhea or loose stools
    • Fecal staining around the perineum
    • Bleeding from the nose or mouth
    • Distended stomach in cases where obstruction or intussusception is the cause

    In acute cases insufficient blood circulation may result in shock.


    There are numerous conditions that may present with this symptom. They include but are not limited to:

    • Parasitic enteritis
    • Gastrointestinal ulceration: caused by stress or medication such as meloxicam
    • Swallowing of blood due to nasal, sinus or oropharyngeal lesions, trauma or abscess
    • Intestinal neoplasia
    • Obstructions due gastric stasis or foreign bodies

    What Does Small Rabbit Poop Mean

    Small misshapen poops can mean your bunny isnt eating enough. This can happen after surgery, if your bunnys teeth are hurting, or any other reason your bunny might not want to eat. Post surgery, this is a good sign your bunnys digestive tract is working, there just isnt a lot of food in there.

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    What Does Rabbits Poop Look Like

    Rabbits are one of the cleanest animals around and their poop is no exception. Because they are vegetarians their droppings are small dry and odourless.Rabbit poop is generally round and pellet-like.

    Rabbits are one of the cleanest animals around and their poop is no exception. Because they are vegetarians their droppings are small dry and odourless.Rabbit poop is generally round and pellet-like.

    Some people liken it to dog kibble or cat food. The pellets are usually about 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter and may be slightly pointy at the ends.The pellets are usually brown but can range in colour from dark brown to bright green depending on what the rabbit has been eating.

    If you see green pellets it just means that your rabbit has been eating lots of leafy greens!Rabbit poop is generally considered to be safe for gardens and plants and is often used as fertilizer. However if you have any concerns it is always best to check with your local gardening expert.

    Understand Your Gut Microbiome

    How To Take The Best Poop, According To Science

    Kirstie says that constipation can be a sign of imbalanced gut flora. âIf this is the case, you may need to consult with a dietitian, nutritionist or nutritional therapist who can support you with diet and lifestyle intervention and supplements to support regular bowel function.â

    Gut flora, also known as the gut microbiome or microbiota consists of trillions of microorganisms that live in our digestive tracts and help keep us healthy.

    There is a growing body of research that suggests an imbalance in this bacteria, known as gut dysbiosis, could contribute to a number of health concerns including IBS, chronic fatigue, weight imbalances and constipation.

    In this instance, you should consult your nutrition professional who can advise sufficient tests to help you identify the health of your gut, and make recommendations personalised for you.

    If youâre struggling with uncomfortable symptoms of constipation and need support, Kirstie offers both in-person and online nutritional therapy, and you can contact her directly via her profile. You can also use the advanced search to find many other therapists who can support you with constipation.

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    What To Do With So Much Rabbit Poop

    Accumulating rabbit poop is good news if you garden. It is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, but also gentle on plant roots. Other types of manure, such as steer, need to be watered in very well or composted before use. Also, if you have had the misfortune of living next door to someone who uses it twice a year as lawn fertilizer, you know that it smells bad.

    Rabbit poop can be used directly in the plant beds or pots, or it can be “brewed,” which is a large scoop of poop in a bucket or watering can filled with water. Either method is a great way to feed your garden. Of course, if you are a fan of composting, rabbit poop makes a good addition. For more information on how to compost, click here.

    Mushy Cecotropes Or Diarrhea

    There are two types of mushy rabbit stool. Cecal dysbiosis, which is unformed cecotropes, and true diarrhea, which is actual runny poops. The two types of mushy poop might be a little difficult to tell apart, but usually if it is the unformed cecotropes it will have a toothpaste-like texture, and they may still have some form to them.

    Cecal dysbiosis is much more common and less dangerous in the short term. This happens when the gut bacteria get out of balance. These mushy or unformed cecotropes are a symptom of another underlying disease or stressor that needs to be addressed. It will smell pretty bad, and may stick to the rabbits butt to form a ball of poop over time.

    The most common causes of cecal dysbiosis include:

    • A high sugar diet
    • Upper respiratory infections

    True diarrhea is not common at all, but if your rabbit ever experiences it, they need to see the doctor right away. In adult rabbits, diarrhea is almost always caused by some sort of parasite or poison. True diarrhea is more common in baby rabbits who have been weaned too early. They dont yet have the antibodies to protect themselves, and so their bodies cant fight against any dangerous bacteria they come into contact with.

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    When You See Mucus In The Rabbit Poop

    Mucus in your rabbits poop is often a sign of parasites, a severe overgrowth of harmful bacteria, or cecal impaction. To the vet bun-bun!

    Mucus covered bunny poop is a little less scary. This may mean something irritated the lining of the intestine. This can happen if your rabbit was recently on antibiotics or if they passed a larger mass from biting off more than they could chew.

    Deer Scats Are Typically Longer Than Rabbit Scats Rabbit Form Poop Are Smaller

    Milk Dud Meme

    The size of a deer is considerably larger than a rabbit, so it makes sense that their scat would be bigger. Deer Scat accumulates in the deers digestive system for a longer period of time than a rabbit, so the waste is more solidified. It is stored in the deers rectum until it is expelled. That gives it the appearance of being longer.

    Rabbit scats, on the other hand, are typically shorter. This is because a rabbits digestive system moves more quickly than a deers. The waste is expelled sooner, so it doesnt have time to accumulate and harden as deer scat does. That gives it the appearance of being shorter.

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    What Foods Give Rabbits Diarrhea

    The high level of sugar and starch in table fruit makes them too rich for a bunny except as a very small, occasional treat. A diet too rich in digestible starch is one of the most common causes of runny cecotropes in companion rabbits. A rabbit should be fed unlimited grass hay, such as timothy, brome, wheat or oat.

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