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What To Do For Constipation During Pregnancy

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What to do about constipation during pregnancy

If you cant get relief through lifestyle changes, your healthcare provider may prescribe a laxative or a fiber supplement that can help. Always check with your provider before taking any laxatives or supplements, though. Not all of them have been tested for safety and effectiveness during pregnancy. Avoid home remedies for constipation, like castor oil or mineral oil, unless your provider recommends you take them.

What are side effects of the treatment?

Some laxatives can cause you to become dehydrated and imbalance your electrolytes. This is why its so important to be sure that youre taking the right laxative and that youre taking it for the right amount of time. Speak to your provider to be sure.

Constipation During Pregnancy: Five Ways To Get Things Moving Again

You expected morning sickness and fatigue during your pregnancy but constipation and hemorrhoids? Unfortunately, irregular bowel movements and constipation are common pregnancy complaints. And all that straining can lead to painful hemorrhoids swollen veins in the rectum.

Pregnancy isnt always the most comfortable time. Constipation and hemorrhoids can heighten discomfort even more. Being unable to have regular bowel movements can make you feel even more bloated and miserable. So, whats slowing things down?

Hyagriv Simhan, MD, a maternal fetal medicine specialist at UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital, says many things cause constipation during pregnancy. For one, progesterone relaxes the muscles of the intestines, which slows down your gastrointestinal tract.

Also, your increased blood supply requires more fluid intake. Not drinking enough can leave you dehydrated and contribute to slow bowel movements. The iron in your prenatal vitamins might also cause constipation.

How Is Constipation During Pregnancy Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider may ask you how much youre pooping and what your stools look like. Other questions about your daily habits can help your provider find out whats likely causing your constipation or making it worse. Your provider may ask:

  • What your diets like and how much youre drinking each day.
  • If youre exercising or getting enough physical activity.
  • What medicines or supplements youre taking.

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What Can I Do If I Become Constipated

The first thing to try is to increase the fiber in your diet, drink a lot of water, and exercise regularly. You can also try prunes and prune juice, as these things help to speed up elimination. If these things do not help, see the safe medications page during pregnancy. If you are unable to pass a bowel movement, have severe abdominal pain or rectal bleeding, you should contact your physician.

Causes Of The Constipation During Early Pregnancy

Constipation in Pregnancy

The main reason for the development of constipation is to delay the fecal masses and the impossibility of their removal outside. The reason is a violation of motility and intestinal motility. This may develop due to a decrease in intestinal tone, as well as with mechanical obstacles that arise in the path of movement of fecal masses. The reason may be hormonal alteration of the body, adaptation to the forthcoming pregnancy and childbirth of all the organs of the small pelvis, impaired enzymatic and hormonal activity in the body. Also, the reason may be in the expansion or displacement of the intestine.

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What Are Remedies For Constipation During Pregnancy

As constipation can cause discomfort during pregnancy, its best to treat or prevent it whenever possible. Some tips that may help to relieve constipation during pregnancy include:

Eating foods that are high in fibre, such as wholemeal breads and cereals, fruit and vegetables, and pulses, such as beans and lentils. You should aim to consume about 30 grams of fibre per day

Exercising on a regular basis. Walking, swimming or other exercise can help to stimulate your bowels

Drinking plenty of water try to drink six to eight glasses of fluids each day

If you’re taking iron and calcium supplements, these can make you even more constipated. You can discuss stopping taking these or changing to a different formulation with your doctor

Medicines. If lifestyle changes do not help, you may want to consider taking a medicine. Your GP or pharmacist will be able to advise you which medicines are suitable for you during pregnancy. Always speak to your GP or pharmacist before using any medicines during pregnancy

Can Constipation Become Serious

No doubt that almost every woman develops constipation during pregnancy. However, severe constipation is bad sign for the baby and the mother. Never ignore symptoms such as severe constipation, accompanied with alternating diarrhea, abdominal pain and blood or mucus in the stool. Moreover, constipation involves straining yourself for a complete bowel movement, which can lead to more problems. Passing hard stools frequently can cause and worsen hemorrhoids . Rectal bleeding and extreme discomfort can accompany them. Consult with your doctor immediately if you suffer from any of the described symptoms.

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What Causes Constipation During Pregnancy

In general, worry, anxiety, minimal physical exercise, and a low-fiber diet may cause constipation. Constipation during pregnancy is due to the increase in progesterone hormones that relax the intestinal muscle causing food and waste to move slower through your system.

Sometimes iron tablets may contribute to constipation. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water if you are taking iron supplements. You may need to switch to a different type of iron tablet, but it is important to talk to your health care provider first.

Symptoms Of The Constipation During Early Pregnancy

How to manage severe constipation during pregnancy if resistant to laxatives? – Dr. Shailaja N

The development of constipation may indicate the inability to empty in the presence of the urge to defecate. This may develop pain, burning sensation in the intestine and rectum, sometimes there is a feeling of pressure, and even pain in the rectum. Also, the whole process may be accompanied by chills, a feverish state, which alternates with chills and an excessive decrease in temperature. Gradually, pain may develop in the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, and other reproductive organs.

The first precursors, which may indirectly indicate possible constipation, are abdominal distension, pain and pressure in the intestinal area, or in the rectal area. Also, there is a headache, discomfort, tension, pressure in the bladder, ovaries. Quite often a feeling of bloating develops, both in the abdomen and in the reproductive organs.

  • Bloating, constipation in early pregnancy

This happens every second woman. This feature is that a woman may not know more about pregnancy, because the delay has not yet come. It is also worth noting that a lot of pregnancies are finally confirmed in the process of consulting a gastroenterologist, who accepts about abdominal bloating, pain, prolonged constipation.

  • Hard stools in early pregnancy

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How And Why Do Pregnant Women Get Constipated

The definition of normal bowel movement can vary from person to person. But when it becomes less frequent with hard stools and difficult to pass, you may have constipation.

The cause of constipation during pregnancy is not fully known. Many experts believe that there are several factors conspire to cause the problem. In early pregnancy , the occurrence of constipation is likely to be associated with the following factors:

  • The increased level of progesterone production. Its undeniable that this hormone plays a key role to causes changes what we see in early pregnancy. As the body changes for baby growth, you may experience some discomfort symptoms such as constipation, nausea, vomiting, and more. High progesterone may relax intestinal muscles, making them less capable of moving wastes.
  • Iron supplements. Pregnancy is one of conditions when you need more iron. For this reason, its recommended to eat more iron from dietary sources. If necessary, your doctor may also suggest taking iron supplements. But in some cases, iron supplements affect bowel movement too.
  • Other factors such as lack of physical activity, dehydration, stress, anxiety, etc. Most conditions that cause constipation in non-pregnant women can also contribute to cause pregnancy constipation.
  • At late stages of pregnancy, constipation is usually caused by the following conditions:

  • The same causes mentioned earlier .
  • Other factors such as pelvic pain and tailbone pain during pregnancy.
  • Prune Juice For Constipation

    Wondering how to cure constipation during pregnancy, prune juice is widely hailed as an effective cure for constipation. All you need to do is have prune juice, four to six times in a day to leave constipation and soften the stool. If the concentrated taste of the prune juice is too strong for you, they mix it with a bit of water and add a slice of lemon.

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    Home Remedies For Constipation During Pregnancy

    If youd rather not take a stool softener or your doctor has hesitations, rest assured there are a few ways to try to relieve constipation during pregnancy at home without medication. These include:

    • Upping your fiber intake. Fiber helps increase the weight and size of your poop while also softening it, making it easier to pass, according to the Mayo Clinic. One delicious way to do this is to blend your favorite fruits and vegetablesfrozen or freshinto a smoothie, Lamppa says. Give it a bigger boost by adding some chia seeds.

    • Drinking more water. Its important to make sure youre adequately hydrated while pregnant. This can help regulate many bodily functions, including your ability to poop. Whats more, water can soften stools, making them easier to pass, Greves says.

    • Getting more exercise. Being active can help move things along in your intestines as well. Increasing physical activity such as walking and low-impact exercise can be beneficial, Cackovic says.

    • Switching up your prenatal vitamin. You may want to take a break from the typical prenatal vitamin that contains iron, which can cause constipation to worsen, Lamppa says. Using a prenatal gummy thats iron-free for a while may help. But she adds this caveat: You dont want to do this for the entire pregnancy because supplemental iron is important.

    What Is Dangerous Constipation In Early Pregnancy

    Suffering From Constipation During Pregnancy

    First of all, the danger of constipation lies in the fact that it is accompanied by stagnation of feces. Feces can not move freely through the intestine, since there are various kinds of obstacles in its path. These can be mechanical obstructions that occur due to compression of the intestine, dysregulation of hormones, and disturbance of the conductance and sensitivity of the receptors.

    It should also be noted that the danger of constipation lies in the fact that during long-term stagnation fermentation and decay processes develop, which leads to the fact that rotting products accumulate in the body. As a result, toxins are formed, which have a toxic effect on the entire body. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract undergoes rotting, toxins are absorbed secondly, they enter the bloodstream, as a result of which toxins are transported throughout the body and cause intoxication.

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    When Does Constipation In Pregnancy Start

    Constipation in pregnancy can begin early and continue for months. It can start in the first trimester and even continue for days or weeks after the birth, Lamppa says. But dont worry, having early constipation in pregnancy doesnt necessarily mean youll be plugged up for months on end. Often, women will find that it can wax and waneor they get good control with their diet, activity, supplements or medications, Lamppa says.

    Symptoms Of Constipation During Pregnancy

    Some of the most common symptoms of constipation during pregnancy include:

    • Reduced bowel movements.
    • Feces become hardened, making their passage difficult.
    • A decrease in appetite.
    • Abdominal bloating and pain.
    • Blood splotches in the stool as a result of rectal injury due to hard feces.

    Constipation is a tiring condition in general. During pregnancy, it may take a toll on your health. Read on to find out when it occurs so that you are prepared to deal with it.

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    What Are Some Remedies For Constipation During Pregnancy

    • Olive oil and lemon: Take a tablespoon of olive oil and add a teaspoon of lemon juice.
    • Lime and honey: Dissolve a teaspoon of honey and the juice of a lemon in a glass of warm water.
    • Molasses: Blackstrap molasses is a good laxative.
    • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera juice can cool the digestive system and relieve constipation.

    Does Green Juice Help With Constipation In Babies

    Is constipation during pregnancy normal. If so, what can I do about it?

    Babies can also be given a few drops of fresh pear juice to treat constipation. 7. Broccoli Broccoli is an excellent baby food, rich in protein and fiber. Broccoli is also a good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and folate. Green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli make stools heavier and easier to pass through the intestines.

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    Why Is Constipation Common During Pregnancy

    An increase in progesterone during pregnancy slows down the muscles in the bowl which can cause constipation in some women. Other medicines taken during pregnancy can also make your constipation worse including those prescribed to treat heartburn, nausea and iron deficiency amongst others.

    According to The Department of Health, constipation involves infrequent, incomplete and difficult bowel movements which can cause abdominal pain and bloating. So if youâre suffering, donât hesitate to speak up! Your doctor may be able to recommend you medications or supplements that could help get things moving again.

    Constipation During Early Pregnancy

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    In obstetrics and gynecology, more and more often we have to deal with such a delicate problem as constipation during early pregnancy. At the same time, most women either do not attach importance to this issue or are embarrassed to raise this issue. Many women do not believe that this is a problem about which you should consult a gynecologist. Nevertheless, it is worth talking about this and clarifying the main points for yourself.

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    Simple Home Remedies To Keep Constipation During Pregnancy At Bay

    1. Lemon

    Lemon is one of nature’s best gifts that can do wonders to your body in a lot of ways. Avoiding and relieving constipation during pregnancy is one of them. Packed with antioxidant properties and Vitamin C, lemon can help flush out toxins and, more importantly, undigested food. Pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy can add the juice of one or half a lemon to some warm water and drink it once or twice a day.

    2. Increased water intake

    One of the easiest home remedies for constipation is to ensure that you drink enough water during the day. Intake of enough water allows for the food to move around the digestive tract better. This helps loosen the stool and avoiding constipation in pregnant women in the third trimester.


    Eating prunes can help ease and avoid constipation too. Prunes are rich in fiber, which help regulate bowel movement, and they also help increase fluid intake, which is also one of the important home remedies for constipation during pregnancy. If you find prune juice too strong for your taste, you can always enhance it by adding a dash of lemon and diluting it with some water.

    4. Pelvic floor relaxation

    5. Reflexology During Pregnancy

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    How To Deal With Constipation During Pregnancy

    What To Do About Constipation During Pregnancy

    Constipation is often an early sign of pregnancy, and sometimes it continues for all nine months . Here’s what you can do to get relief from pregnancy constipation.

    Both of Adele Hedricks pregnancies were marred by months of cramping, bloating and gassiness thanks to constipation, which affects 11 to 38 percent of pregnant women. It added so much more discomfort to pregnancy, says the Bowmanville, Ont. mom of two. When she developed painful hemorrhoids as a result of straining, Hedrick knew it was time to put some serious effort into softening her stools. I focused on drinking lots of water and eating whatever fibre I could get my hands on, she says. All-Bran was my best friend.

    What causes pregnancy constipationWhen you become pregnant, rising levels of the hormone progesterone slow your digestive system to a snails pace, and for good reason: your body is absorbing the extra nutrients and fluids it needs to grow a healthy baby. The result, though, is harder stools that are more difficult to pass. This happens so early that its a first sign of pregnancy for some women, says Suzanne Wong, an OB/GYN at Torontos St. Josephs Health Centre.

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    How Soon Can Constipation Occur In Pregnancy

    Due to the aggressive hormonal changes, some pregnant women may get constipated very early. In fact, constipation can also be an early sign of pregnancy in some cases. In a few cases, it may only be found in late pregnancy.

    So the answer varies from woman to woman. The same goes for how long it will last. Again, it can be attributed by several different factors.

    Constipation is quite common in pregnant women. Pregnancy hormone is to blame for the cause, though the exact cause is not fully understood yet. When does it occur in pregnancy? This can vary but in general, it can occur anytime over the course of the pregnancy.

    Cause Of Constipation During Pregnancy

    • Changes in hormones

    One of the culprits causing constipation during pregnancy is an increase in progesterone. This hormone causes the smooth muscle fibers to relax in the body, preparing mom and a baby for delivery. But it also smoothes the intestines, which means the peristaltic motion is not as strong, and food moves more slowly through the digestive tract.

    • Reduced food and water consumption
    • Changes in diet

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