Thursday, July 25, 2024

Which Fiber Is Best For Constipation

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Best Vegetables For Constipation

Best Fiber Supplements For Constipation | Pooping Made Easy

Eating lots of vegetables, including green leafy vegetables, is one of the best strategies for keeping your bowels moving regularly. In addition to getting that healthy dose of fiber, vegetables also provide a whole range of nutrients that are good for your digestive and overall health.

As is the case with fruits, you may find that your body responds in a more comfortable way to cooked rather than raw vegetables. Enjoy vegetable soup made with a variety of high-fiber vegetables.

The following vegetables are thought to be beneficial for easing constipation.

The Top 20 Ideas About High Fiber Smoothies For

Best High Fiber Smoothies For Constipation from The top 20 Ideas About High Fiber Smoothies

For a fabulously delicious meal that takes just minutes to make, merely saute garlic, onion as well as tender strips of chicken. Add artichoke hearts, tomato, feta cheese, parsley, lemon juice and oregano, and also throw with warm pasta.

Does Fiber Relieve Or Cause Constipation A Critical Look

Constipation is a common problem that affects up to 20% of people every year .

Its a difficult condition to define, as bathroom habits vary considerably from person to person.

However, if you have less than three bowel movements a week and your stools are hard, dry and difficult to pass, youre likely constipated.

One of the most common pieces of advice for people who are constipated is to eat more fiber.

But does this advice actually work? Lets have a look.

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Micro Ingredients Organic Triple Fiber

Micro Ingredients combines three different sources of dietary fiber: inulin, acacia, and psyllium husk. Its great if you want a versatile fiber supplement that can help support healthy gut bacteria, as inulin in particular is a very powerful prebiotic nutrient. The only downside is that the carb content is slightly higher than some of the other options out there.

Nuts And Seeds For Constipation Relief

The best insoluble fiber supplement for constipation (10 ...

Nuts are a filling food that is also packed with fiber to help ease constipation.

  • Almonds, pecans, and walnuts have more fiber than other nuts. Just 1 ounce of almonds contains 3.5 g fiber, 1 ounce of pecans contains 2.7 g fiber, and 1 ounce of walnuts has 1.9 g fiber.
  • Seeds are another good fiber-filled choice for constipation relief. A scant 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds contains 1.1 g fiber, while 1 ounce of pumpkin seeds has a whopping 5 g fiber. Sprinkle seeds on top of salads for added fiber and crunch.

Remember that nuts and seeds are high in calories, so keep portions small. Choose nuts and seeds that are raw or dry roasted, rather than roasted in oil.

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Best Drugs For Constipation

Expensive prescription drugs are rarely the answer. Simple over-the-counter options like Miralax, Ex-Lax, or Ducolax usually do the trick.

Based on all the ads for prescription laxatives, you may think that the country is gripped by an epidemic of hard-to-treat constipation. And the Food and Drug Administration seems to think so, too. It has approved five new prescription medications for the problem in the past four years.

But while constipation can be serious and require medical intervention, in many cases lifestyle and diet changes suffice. And when they dont, prescription drugs are usually not needed, says Arnold Wald, MD, a professor of gastroenterology and hepatology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

While all the new prescription products provide more treatment options, Wald says, most people dont need them.

Instead, over-the-counter drugs such as polyethylene glycol , bisacodyl , or senna are a far better choice. They tend to work at least as well, often have more evidence for their safety, and are much cheaper.

For example, generic polyethylene glycol costs less than $15 for a months supply. Someone without health insurance would have to shell out $500 monthly or more for many of the prescription drugs.

Heres what you need to know about treating constipation.

Make Time To Move Your Bowels

Try waking up earlier to eat breakfast and then move yourbowels. Food can stimulate the need to go, and you probably feel most relaxedin your home bathroom.

But dont get toorelaxed in there the more time you spend on the toilet, the more likely you areto strain for bowel movements. Do not take your cell phone into the bathroomwith you, or work on your computer or read a book, Dr. Zutshi advises.

And if you feel the urge to go when youre out an about,dont avoid using a public restroom. Delaying a bowel movement can actuallymake constipation worse.

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Fiber Is Generally Good For Digestion

Dietary fiber is the name given to the non-digestible carbohydrates in plants. It can be found in all plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds.

Its usually categorized into two groups, based on solubility:

  • Insoluble fiber: Found in wheat bran, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Soluble fiber: Found in oat bran, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and peas, as well as some fruits and vegetables.

That said, most fiber-rich foods contain a mixture of insoluble and soluble fiber in varying proportions.

Even though your body cant digest fiber, eating enough of it is thought to be very important for your gut health. This is partly because dietary fiber increases the size of your stools and makes them softer.

Larger, softer stools help keep you regular, as they move more quickly through your bowels and are easier to pass .

These two types of fiber help with this in slightly different ways.

Insoluble fiber bulks up your stool and acts like a brush, sweeping through your bowels to get everything out and keep things moving.

The soluble variety absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance. This helps your stool pass smoothly through your bowels and improves its form and consistency.

The fermentation of one type of soluble fiber, known as prebiotics, in the large intestine can also help maintain a healthy gut by increasing its number of good bacteria .

This could also improve your health by decreasing your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity .

What Are The Main Differences Between Benefiber And Metamucil

17 BEST Fiber Foods for Constipation, Weight Loss & Gut Health!

Benefiber is an over-the-counter soluble fiber supplement. The active ingredient in Benefiber is wheat dextrin. Benefiber absorbs water in the intestinal tract. This stimulates peristalsis or the repetitive contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscle. While this process ultimately moves intestinal contents, it slows the transit time through the intestine. Benefiber is available as a powder in packets or bulk packaging as well as oral or chewable tablets. There are sugar-free and gluten-free formulations available as well.

Metamucil is an OTC soluble fiber. Metamucil is made from psyllium husks, which come from seeds of an Indian herb known as Plantago ovata. Metamucil works in the same manner as Benefiber, stimulating peristalsis, and slowing intestinal transit. Metamucil is available as a powder in packets or bulk packaging as well as capsules. Some formulations are also sugar-free and gluten-free.

Main differences between Benefiber and Metamucil

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How Does Fiber Impacts Constipation

Dietary fiber is the non-digestible carbohydrate in plants. There are two types soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

Both types can help to treat and prevent constipation, but they do it differently.

Soluble fiber traps moisture in stool, making the stool larger and softer, which in turn facilitates its movement through the colon.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, bulks up stool, and this makes it move through the intestines faster.

Although your body cannot digest fiber, it is essential in your diet. Eating fiber-rich foods can not only relieve constipation, but it can also prevent it altogether.

Several studies have proven the use of fiber in relieving constipation. One of those studies has even shown that fiber to be as effective as laxatives in children with constipation.

Fiber Gummies For Kids

You may be wondering, is it safe for kids to take fiber gummies? Yes, it is safe, and even doctors recommend fiber supplement gummies for kids. In fact, about 3% of hospital setting complaints consist of constipation in children.

While parents should try to have their kids get their fiber from natural sources like fruits and vegetables, fiber gummy supplements can help assist kids in keeping regular and fulfilling their daily fiber intake.

There are plenty of fiber gummies that are made for children to take and have the appropriate dosage listed on the packaging label.

For kids, both insoluble and soluble fiber is important. Children with constipation should try fiber gummies with insoluble fiber and children suffering from diarrhea should try soluble fiber gummies to slow down the passage of waste.

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Manitoba Harvest Hemp Yeah Fiber

Manitoba Harvest offers an interesting combo of protein and fiber with just one ingredient. As it turns out, raw milled hemp protein has nearly equal protein and fiber content: one scoop of the loose powder provides 11 grams of protein, 13 grams of fiber, and a tremendous amount of omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9 fatty acids.

Foods That Contain Soluble Fiber To Relieve Constipation

Citrucel Fiber Therapy Powder for Constipation Relief ...

Constipation is a condition characterized by difficulty in emptying ones bowels, often due to hardened feces. The situation usually results from consuming too much protein and not enough soluble fiber. Additionally, some medications can cause you to become constipated.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, women should consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber each day. Men, on the other hand, should consume a minimum of 38 grams each day. Unfortunately, very few individuals consume the recommended dietary allowance when it comes to this particular nutrient.

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Is All Fiber The Same

No, some fibers are soluble in water and others are insoluble. Soluble fiber slows digestion and helps you absorb nutrients from food. Insoluble fiber draws water into and adds bulk to your stool, helping the stool pass more quickly through the intestines.

Most plant foods contain some of each kind of fiber. Foods containing high levels of soluble fiber include dried beans, oats, oat bran, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, peas, and potatoes. Foods high in insoluble fiber include wheat bran, whole grains, cereals, seeds, and the skins of many fruits and vegetables.

Berries For Constipation Relief

  • Berries are tasty and easy to eat so take your pick: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries – all are easy to snack on and full of fiber.
  • For example, just ½ cup of raspberries contains 4 g fiber to help relieve constipation.
  • Eat them alone as a snack, try them on salads, or puree and freeze them for a cool summertime dessert.

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Benefiber Vs Metamucil: Differences Similarities And Which Is Better For You

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Fiber is a key component of a healthy diet. Fiber helps with bowel regularity and colon health. Fiber adds bulk to the stool and holds water, making stools easier to pass. There are other potential benefits to healthy fiber intake such as lower incidences of heart disease, better control of blood sugar, and healthy weight maintenance.

Fiber is found naturally in foods you may eat every day. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber can be found in dried beans, oats, oat bran, citrus fruits, and apples, among other foods. Soluble fiber serves to slow digestion and therefore slow the bodys absorption of sugar. Soluble fiber also binds fatty acids and removes it from the body, therefore lowering the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Insoluble fiber helps hydrate and transport waste through the intestinal tract. This promotes bowel regularity and digestive system health. It is ideal to get your fiber from dietary sources because these foods are rich in other nutrients your body needs. However, if your diet does not contain enough fiber, you may need to take a fiber supplement such as Benefiber or Metamucil.

The Most Common Side Effects Of Fiber

The solution for constipation is a LOW FIBRE diet

Fiber supplements should be eased into, and the packing instructions on your fiber supplement, regardless if it is a powder, gummy, or pill, will guide you in taking the appropriate dosage.

You may experience side effects like bloating, abdominal discomfort or aches, cramping, or your body may produce excess flatulence.

If your doctor has suggested fiber supplements to aid your digestive health, he or she will likely instruct you to start slow, taking half doses until your body is adjusted to the fiber intake.

Too much fiber at once can cause a few common side effects:

  • Bloating
  • Temporary weight gain
  • Potentially reduced or low blood sugar levels
  • Follow the label’s instructions when beginning to add supplements to your diet to prevent common side effects.

    The daily-suggested intake of fiber is 30-38 grams per day for adult men and 21-25 grams per day for adult women. If you are starting fiber supplements, your body is likely not used to added fiber or is used to lacking it in your diet.

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    What Counts As Constipation Anyway

    Its a myth that a daily bowel movement is essential to good health, Wald says. But having fewer than three bowel movements per week, excessive straining, a sense of not being finished, or having hard, lumpy stools are signals you may have constipation.

    About 15 percent of Americans suffer from the condition for months and even years, studies show. Women are three times as likely as men to experience constipation, and seniors are also at high risk.

    Occasional constipation is quite common, says Brian Lacy, MD, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., and co-editor in chief of The American Journal of Gastroenterology. Many patients note a change in their usual bowel habits when they change their daily routine, travel, change their diet , or reduce their level of activity.

    But for some people the condition becomes chronic, with uncomfortable symptoms lasting three months or longer.

    How Many Fiber Gummies Per Day Should I Take

    If you are new to taking fiber gummies, you probably find yourself wondering how many of these delicious little fibers chews you should take in a day. Fortunately, the manufacturers are way ahead of you and list the suggested serving amount right on the bottle.

    Usually, fiber gummy brands recommend taking two gummies per day, but this can differ, so be sure to read the labeling before eating more gummies than you should be.

    If you are starting to take fiber gummies, it is suggested that you introduce them into your diet slowly. Take the fiber gummies every day to ensure their effectiveness, but do not take more than what the instructions advise.

    Talk to your doctor about the appropriate amount of gummies for your diet. If the gummies are for children, ask your doctor how many gummies they should be ingested to maintain regularity.

    Instructions on the product packaging will advise against taking more than the recommended number of gummies. Be sure to follow this warning, or you could experience adverse effects, like bloating, cramping, gas, or discomfort.

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    Flaxseed For Constipation Relief

    • Flaxseed can help with constipation and is a great source of fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Just one tablespoon of both brown and golden flax seed has 2.8 g fiber, both soluble and insoluble.
    • Most of the fiber is found in the husk of the flax seed, and ground flax seed is generally recommended for easier absorption of the fiber.
    • It’s easy to add flax seed to smoothies, on top of salads, or in oatmeal.

    Dried Fruit For Constipation Relief

    The best insoluble fiber supplement for constipation (10 ...
    • Dried fruit is a smart choice if you’re feeling constipated, as it actually contains more fiber than fresh fruit per serving.
    • An easy snack is raisins, with 7 g fiber per cup .
    • Aside from prunes, dried fruits such as figs, raisins, and dried apricots are excellent sources of fiber.
    • Add dried fruit to cereal, or bake it into bran muffins. Soak it in water to soften it if it’s hard to chew.

    Just remember that while dried fruit has more fiber than fresh fruit, it also has more calories.

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    Aren’t Prunes A Natural Laxative

    Often called “Nature’s Remedy,” prunes contain sorbitol, which has a natural, laxative effect in the body. Dried plums are also high in disease-fighting antioxidants and have both insoluble and soluble fiber. One cup of pitted, uncooked prunes contains 12 grams of fiber. Three dried plums have 3.9 grams of fiber.

    Foods That Contain Soluble Fiber Commonly Used To Relieve Constipation

    Are you one of the millions of Americans struggling with constipation? Then, you will be happy to know that adding more soluble fiber to your diet can provide some relief. Plus, you will lower your chances of developing worse gastrointestinal problems at the same time.

    For context, soluble fiber is a dietary fiber that helps stool retain more water, which makes it not only softer but also more significant. As a result, it can pass through the intestines and ultimately out of the anus easier. Some of the foods highest in soluble fiber include the following:

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    When Does Fiber Not Work For Ending Constipation

    A high-fiber diet ends chronic constipation for many people. But those who have slow transit or pelvic floor dysfunction may respond poorly to increased dietary fiber. If you have a change in frequency of bowel movements and develop acute constipation, talk to your doctor. The constipation could be caused by an underlying medical condition.

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