Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Does Your Period Make You Bloated

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Intake Of Alcohol And Caffeine

Your Menstrual Cycle & Periods in 3 Minutes

When you are used to taking alcohol, you will realize that it increases or makes worse the level of bloating as you tend towards your period.

  • Alcohol will make most premenstrual symptoms such as breast swelling, bloating and mood swings worse.
  • It can also inflame the bowels leading to the overproduction of gas hence bloating.
  • Dehydration from alcohol intake is also common and it leads to the retention of water on the body.

On the other hand, caffeinated drinks such as coffee will also dehydrate your body with the result of retaining water and bloating.

Caffeineis also known to overstimulate the bowels and cause irritation leading to production of gas and eventual bloating.

When Does Bloating Happen

Most people who menstruate can experience bloating one or two days before their period begins. For some, it starts as much as five days before, and can affect everyday activities. One study done in 2011 found that people whose bodies retained the most water experienced worse bloating on the first day of their period. Once you start your period, bloating tends to dissipate and you may find some relief.

How Does Bloating Feel

Abdominal bloating can feel like your belly is full, or even swollen. It can feel tight, hard to the touch, and can be rather painful. You might also pass wind more than usual, frequently burp, or experience belly gurgles. For some people this will quickly pass and it wont be an issue, while for others, it can interfere with daily life and cause them to avoid social situations. If this is the case for you, you should speak to your GP about it so they can provide possible remedies.

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Menstrual Bloating Remedies To Feel Better Fast

When bloating comes on strong and all you want to do is live in yoga pants and stay in bed, there are things you can do.

Here are four natural remedies to help you get back to your life, bloating be gone:

1. Make Some Diet Modifications: The power of nutrition is incredible, and with just a few dietary modifications prior to and during your period, you may be surprised at how much less bloated you feel. Here are some nutrition hacks to beat period bloating.

2. The Power of Plant-Based Healing: We cant downplay just how amazing Traditional Chinese Medicine and potent, healing herbs are for countless ailments and symptoms like period bloating. And Elix can help with your menstrual bloating. Our Cycle Balance formulas not only help balance hormones and help get to the root of all your symptoms, but the herbs in our formulas can help reduce the water retention that often leads to that uncomfortable bloated feelingso you can feel better, faster.

In need of a natural remedy right away? Try using a chasteberry tincture or sipping on some chasteberry tea. Studies have found this berry to be incredibly beneficial for easing PMS symptoms including water retention and even cravings.

Dandelion leaf tea can also be great for period bloating. It acts as a natural diuretic to help reduce some of that uncomfortable fluid retention while also giving the body a little extra potassium boost.

Know When to See a Doctor

Cut Back On Caffeine And Alcohol

Why Do I Get So Bloated During And After My Period?

Pre-menstrually, alcohol can enhance PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, mood swings, and bloating, says Dr. Bitner. And coffee can overstimulate the digestive tract and irritate the bowels, not to mention dehydrate you, which causes you to retain water. Hey, you’ll save some serious $ by bypassing your morning latte, too.

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Since Every Person Is Different Tracking Is Essential To Get The Best Insight Into Your Specific Patterns

When you better understand your individual patterns, you can anticipate when during your cycle you can expect diarrhea or abdominal pain, and take steps to ease your discomfort.

If you continue tracking while adjusting your eating habits or physical activity, youâll get immediate feedback as to whether these changes actually improve your period experiences.

Keep Up Your Regular Exercises

Even though it`s perhaps the very last thing you want to do, specialists claim that getting the heart rate up is among the best methods of reliving PMS signs, bloating included. People who have a sedentary lifestyle have a tendency of having slower digestive systems. Sweating it out can reduce constipation and aid you feel active.

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What Causes Period Weight Gain And Bloating

As with most side effects relating to your period, weight gain and/or bloating is caused by a change in hormones which occurs around 5 days before you start your period.

As your hormonal balance varies throughout your menstrual cycle, so does this bloated feeling, meaning that these symptoms usually go away during the first few days of your period. If you are constantly feeling bloated or have a swollen abdomen, you should always check in with your GP for a medical opinion.

What Causes Period Bloating

PMS and Bloating: Top 10 Remedies for Period Bloating!

There are several causes of bloating, Dr. Alyssa Dweck, MD, tells Woman’s Day. First, progesterone the hormone produced in larger amounts from mid-cycle until menstruation affects intestinal motility, she says. In other words, a change in the amount of progesterone in the body can impact the way your intestines move waste through and out of your body, by either speeding the process up or slowing it down. If the intestines move faster or slower, symptoms may occur including gas, bloating, constipation, or loose stools,” Dweck explains.

In addition to hormone changes that occur during menstruation, Dweck says that the lifestyle changes that typically coincide with one’s period can also cause bloating. You may find yourself craving saltier or sugarier foods around your period, for example, thanks to a spike in both estrogen and progesterone. While those foods are undoubtably comforting, they can also lead to bloating.

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Why Do I Get So Bloated During And After My Period

Bloating during the menstrual cycle of a woman is a rather frequent occurrence, but why does it happen?

Bloating typically happens in the premenstrual, follicular or period stages. Period bloating is also known as fluid retention and provides a sensation of fullness around the waist region. It`s really uncomfortable and annoying sometimes.

It isn`t really the same thing as menstrual cramps and isn`t responsible for other menstrual signs like fatigue, headaches, emotional swings or back pain. Bloating isn`t a very serious medical condition, but it`s somehow irritating that each woman wants to stop experiencing it.

During a woman`s menstrual cycle, there`s a big hormonal fluctuation, particularly progesterone and estrogen, and this leads to a retention of fluids, swelling and bloating. Women in fact gain a few pounds of water now because of the estrogen`s ability to cause fluid retention.

Generally, by the 3rd day of the period, the blood, waste and excessive water are flushed from the body and it can be considered that the woman no longer experiences this condition.

However, for those a couple of days, life can become quite uncomfortable for lots of women who deal with bloating and water retention. Bloating increases when the levels of estrogen and falls when the levels fall.

Preventing Bloating And Weight Gain:

So can this bloat be prevented along with the fluid retention and weight gain that at least 40% of all women suffer monthly? The best ways to attempt to prevent extreme bloating is to limit the outside factors that can add to it. You cannot prevent the increases in hormones but you can eliminate factors that will increase the fluid retention and therefore the bloat.

Some things to consider are:

  • Reduce your dietary intake of salt which in itself leads to fluid retention.
  • Reduce your dietary intake of sugar, alcohol and caffeine around the middle of your cycle because these items can also be responsible for some additional bloating.
  • Drink at least 8-10 eight oz. glasses of water which will lead to reduced bloating. We realize this is counter intuitive but the more water you consume the less bloating you will have.
  • Exercise will increase blood circulation if done on a regular basis and will help prevent bloating.
  • Avoid rich, fatty and gassy foods. These foods are hard for the body to digest and therefore will add to the sluggishness of the digestive system and add to bloating. Avoid red meat and dont overeat and avoid any unneeded fats such as adding oils when cooking. No fried foods, chips or nuts. Avoid the gassy foods that are mostly in the vegetable family such as broccoli, beans, cabbage, lentils, cauliflower, milk, corn, potatoes, peas, artichokes and wheat bran in order to prevent period bloating and menopausal bloating.

Period Vitamin

Menopausal Bloating:

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Dietary And Lifestyle Factors

So, what simple steps can you take to limit the pre-menstrual bloat? I describe some of my top tips:

  • Water Drinking plenty of water is crucial on any day of the month, but especially around the time of your period. Plenty of water will help to keep your bowels moving and regular bowels allow for a flatter tum. Also, drinking plenty of water means you are less likely to suffer from water retention
  • Keep salt at bay Keep salt to a minimum is important. Salty foods flood your system with excess sodium, which causes your cells to swell. Watch out for the salt content in processed foods, not to mention the refined sugar content too as this wont help your waistline either
  • Include magnesium and potassium rich foods Magnesium and potassium keep your cells hydrated but protect against water retention, unlike excess sodium. Eat plenty of fresh foods including fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains
  • Exercise Exercise can help to keep your bowels moving and helps to release feel-good endorphins which can give your serotonin levels a boost this can help you resist cravings. Remember to drink plenty of water after exercise to avoid dehydration.

Why Do You Get Bloated On Your Period


There just isnt much that is pleasant about being on your period. And reallyeven the days leading up to it can be just as annoying. For many women, its not just bleeding, cramping, and psycho mood swings: it also means bloating. You might be one of the 70 percent of women who deal with bloating during their cycle. If you look in the mirror and feel like your boating makes you look pregnant, you are not alone.But why is this happening? Is there anything you can do? Thankfullyyes! Well give you our favorite tips and tricks, but its also good to understand what is happening to your body so you can give yourself the best chance of feeling like a human being during your period.

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Bloating During Period And Weight Gain

Gaining weight and bloating before and during your period is mostly contributed by the retention of water and overproduction of gas.

As the body experiences an increase in the levels of progesterone and estrogen hormones, a lot of changes will occur which contribute to gaining weight in preparation for a pregnancy. These changes include

  • Thickening of the endometrium.
  • Slowing down the digestive system.
  • Retaining water in the body and many other processes.

Most of these processes cause abdominal bloating and bloating in its general meaning.

Period Poop Is A Real Phenomenon

Youâre more likely to hear about period cramps or menstrual fatigue when people talk about their period woes, but digestion can also change throughout the cycle and be bothersome. Women and people with cycles often report abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion, constipation, and reflux around the time of their periods, particularly on the first day of bleeding . People with existing irritable bowel syndrome may have aggravated gastrointestinal distress, leading up to and during their period .

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When Does Period Bloating Occur

Youll likely experience bloating well before the start of your period. Bloating is considered a very common symptom of PMS. Symptoms of PMS can begin a week or two before your period starts. You may bloat every month, once in a while, or not at all. Relief from bloating may occur immediately after you start your period or a few days into it.

You may have other PMS symptoms. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists state that up to 85 percent of women report physical symptoms related to their period. Besides bloating, other common symptoms include:

  • cramping

You should talk to your doctor if your bloating:

  • does not go away after your period
  • is severe enough to affect your daily activities

Severe bloating may be a sign of a medical condition or may need to be treated differently.

When Is Period Bloating A Sign Of Something More Serious

Bloating | How To Get Rid Of Bloating | Reduce Bloating

Symptoms of bloating should be short-lived, lasting only a few days, Dweck says. They usually resolve with onset of flow. But there are moments when bloating may warrant a trip to a doctor, especially if your symptoms are starting to interfere with your day-to-day activities.

Certain ovarian and gastrointestinal conditions can present with persistent bloating, and this should be evaluated by your doctor, Patrusky explains. And while these issues can be serious, Dweck says it’s best to avoid falling down a Google hole of anxiety, especially if you think your bloating symptoms are a sign of a potentially grave health issues.

Dr. Google will surely scare many readers about bloating and ovarian cancer, she explains. Ovarian cancer is rare, but difficult to diagnose early, and is often associated with vague GI symptoms. She does say, though, that any persistent, worsening or increased severity in bloating warrants a trip to your doctor. This also applies to PMS or menstrual bloating that doesnt resolve cyclically, Dweck says.

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Do Your Jeans Start To Feel A Bit Tighter In The Days Leading Up To Your Period Many Women Notice A Slight Fluctuation In Weight And Bloating Throughout Their Cycle

Period bloating and sometimes weight gain are unfortunately just other symptoms of PMS. This usually occurs just before you start your period and may extend a few days into it. But remember that around 70% of women experience bloating as a PMS symptom, so theres no need to panic as its just part of the natural cycle of the womb that many people tend to experience.1

Even though bloating may cause some discomfort, its important to realise that this physical change is temporary and tends to ease off during, or as soon as you start your period. In the meantime, read on to find out exactly why you may gain weight just before or during your period, along with some tips to help relieve and control bloating.

Changes In Levels Of Progesterone And Oestrogen Levels

Period bloating may occur as a result of changes in levels of progesterone and oestrogen levels. The change in the balance of these sex hormones, which occurs about a week before your period starts, causes the body to retain more water and salt/ As a result of this, the bodys cells become swollen with water thereby giving you that feeling of being bloated.

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Cramps And Bloating But No Period

There are cases when you observe cramps and bloating but without a period. In such a case, the most probable underlying issues include:

  • Medication
  • If you are under medication such as antidepressants, chemotherapy treatment and birth control pills, you may experience occasional cramps and bloating in the abdomen.

  • Ovarian cancer
  • Cancer of the ovaries will also lead to symptoms such as bloating and cramps in the abdomen even when there is no period to be observed. While ovarian cancer can lead to bleeding, it would not be a period and it would be lighter and more random compared to a period.

  • Fallopian tube blockage
  • Having a blockage in your fallopian tubes can lead to bloating and abdominal cramps. This can be caused by a tumor or ectopic pregnancy. It is a dangerous situation which requires urgent medical attention.

  • Ovarian cysts
  • Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid that may develop on the ovaries. These sacs have many symptoms including pain during sex, bloating, nausea and vomiting. At times, you may experience painful bowel movements when you have ovarian cysts.

  • Pituitary gland and thyroid problems
  • When either the pituitary gland or the thyroid glands or both have problems, you may experience some symptoms since they are responsible for a lot of hormones in the body.

    When they produce too much or too little of specific hormones, you may experience side effects such as bloating and abdominal cramps.

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Menopause
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • You Might Be Constipated Between Periods Too

    Bloating: why and how?

    Another period-related hormone, progesterone, can cause diarrhea in some people and constipation in others.Progesterone is responsible for the growth and thickening of the uterine walls, and it peaks right before ovulation. A buildup of the hormone can cause bowel issues.

    Progesterone typically promotes constipation, which tends to come around ovulation or a couple of days after, he says.

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    Get Ready Here It Comes

    Knowing when the bloat is about to begin can help you take steps to stop it before it starts or at least keep the pressure and puff to a minimum. In general, you can count on PMS symptoms to start up around 5 days before your period is expected to start and ease up around when your period arrives.

    Of course, every womans cycle and pre-period experience are a little different. If you track your symptoms for a few months, chances are youll start to uncover a pattern for when your bloating typically starts up.

    Keep a journal or use a period tracker app as long as youre consistent about recording your symptoms, either will get the job done.

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