Friday, July 26, 2024

Will Apple Cider Vinegar Help Heartburn

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Apple Cider Vinegar For Acid Reflux Gerd And Heartburn

Apple Cider Vinegar For Acid Reflux?

Home remedies often serve the purpose of healing digestive problems and are fairly effective most of the time. Among them, apple cider vinegar has been rapidly gaining popularity. Previously known for its role in diabetic treatments and weight loss, ACV may also be capable of dealing with gastrointestinal dysfunctions. But, does it work?

Acid Reflux Vs Heartburn

If acid reflux is the disease, heartburn is the symptom. When stomach acid reaches up to the esophagus, the acid tends to irritate other body organs. As the esophagus separates from the chest by merely a thin line, stomach acids cause a burning sensation in the mid-chest, below the sternum. This is called heartburn.

Frequent heartburns indicate a possibility of acid reflux. Recurrence of the reflux, in turn, could progress to GERD. This is how the three terms tie together.

Which Is Better For Heartburn: Acv With The Mother Or Without

If youre ready to try apple cider vinegar for your mild heartburn, definitely start with ACV that is raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized. That way youll benefit from the probiotics and good bacteria that the mother provides.

It used to be hard to find ACV with the mother, but its so popular now, you can easily find it online or in any grocery store.

Braggs Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar is my favorite. Not only is it organic, but it contains the mother so youll get all that extra good probiotic bacteria.

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The Takeaway: Apple Cider Vinegar Is A Good Natural Home Remedy To Try For Heartburn Reflux And Gerd

If youre experiencing mild heartburn, acid reflux or GERD, apple cider vinegar can usually improve your symptoms. ACV works by balancing the acid in your stomach if you suffer from low stomach acid.

It also can help relieve bloating as it helps balance the bacteria in your gut.

Its definitely worth a try adding it to your diet, so even if you dont want to drink it diluted, try adding it to salads or marinades as a tasty way to add ACV to your daily diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Gerd

5 Best Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

In the two sections above we discussed what apple cider vinegar can do for both reflux and heartburn .

However, whats going to happen within the GERD ?

In these cases, there are more symptoms, and the overall and the clinical picture is more complicated, therefore a greater number of contraindications may be present.

This because GERD occurs when typical symptoms are present more times per week, at least more than twice.

In these cases, its not so likely to experience good benefits from the use of apple cider vinegar, or at least we should not expect great success as reported in less advanced cases.

This is kind of a general rule but, once again, because of the lack of scientific proofs and the existence of many experienced-based uses, you dont have to take it as absolute truth.

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Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Help With Heartburn

If you have mild to moderate digestive issues, apple cider vinegar can be effective in reducing the symptoms of heartburn.

If you have severe GERD or reflux, you may not have as much success with this natural method. If you do have severe digestive issues, make sure youre talking to your doctor before you try alternative healing methods.

Apple Cider Vinegar Brands

There are many brands of apple cider vinegar out there.

Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar still contains parts of the “mother,” a stringy mass of yeast and live bacteria left over from the fermenting process, according to UChicago Medicine.

Because it’s fermented, apple cider vinegar is a source of probiotics . Despite manufacturer claims, there’s no evidence available that the presence of the mother means more probiotic bacteria.

Some of the common brands of ACV you may find are:

  • Aspall Organic Cyder Vinegar: The Aspall Hall Farm has been owned and managed by the Chevallier family since 1702, and they have made cider since 1725. Aspall has its own acetifiers , which is what makes this cider vinegar unique.
  • Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar: Bragg makes an organic, unpasteurized vinegar. It looks cloudier than standard vinegars because it hasn’t been filtered and contains an enzyme-rich substance called pectin, that’s referred to as the “mother,” per Bragg.

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Elevate Your Upper Body

Lying down can make heartburn worse. When it comes time for bed, adjust your sleeping surface to raise your upper body.

According to the Mayo Clinic, lifting your head with extra pillows isnt usually enough. Instead, the goal is to elevate your body from the waist up.

If you have an adjustable bed, set it at a suitable angle to provide relief. If your bed isnt adjustable, you can change the angle of your sleeping surface by using a wedge pillow.

Is It Safe To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Acid Reflux

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Acid Reflux?

In general, the risk of using apple cider vinegar for acid reflux is minimal. Many people drink it daily for blood sugar control, weight loss, and more without experiencing adverse effects. That said, no research confirms that it is safe to use in the long-term.

For some people, apple cider vinegar makes heartburn worse. Those who have a very irritated food pipe may experience further burning and irritation after drinking vinegar.

People who wish to try apple cider vinegar for mild reflux can mix between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of the vinegar into a glass of water. Taking this before or after meals may reduce acid reflux symptoms in some people.

It is not advisable to drink apple cider vinegar for moderate to severe acid reflux, heartburn, or GERD.

  • 2016 review paper , smoking contributes to acid reflux by relaxing the muscle between the esophagus and stomach. This allows acid to rise.
  • Elevating the head of the bed. The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders recommend that people with acid reflux use blocks or wedges to raise up the head of their beds. Gravity can help control reflux.
  • Wearing loose clothing. Tight clothing, especially around the stomach area, can push acid from the stomach into the food pipe.
  • Practice good eating habits. Practice portion control and eat slowly to encourage healthy digestion. Avoid lying down while eating or within 3 hours of mealtimes.

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Apple Cider Vinegar And Baking Soda

If you add baking soda to ACV, it helps neutralize the acid to only 7.0. If not, the acidity will lead to dental sensitivity and finally enamel erosion. When mixing ACV, baking soda and water, you can gain an effective home treatment for acid reflux.

  • Mix 2 tbsp of ACV, ¼ tsp of baking soda and 250mg of water
  • Stir them well and consume it twice to thrice per day on your empty stomach for about 5 days or more
  • In severe cases, you can mix 2 tbsp of ACV and 2 tbsp of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink twice or thrice per day
  • Repeat for a better result

Warnings And Precautions

When using apple cider vinegar for heartburn, some people might experience side effects which are:

  • Tooth erosion
  • Blood thinning
  • Reduced potassium

You had better consume a small amount of ACV and it should be diluted with fresh water. The solution should relieve burning sensation associated by the acid within the ACV.

To avoid the damage towards enamel on your teeth, you should use a straw to drink the solution. Consult a doctor if your heartburn symptoms do not improve or worsen overtime of using.


  • ACV might interact with some types of medications, such as laxatives, diuretics, heart disease medications
  • You should not use ACV in case you have an ulcer as it may aggravate your symptoms
  • Consuming ACV, even when diluted in water, could also wear down the teeth enamel.
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Apple Cider Vinegar For Acid Reflux

The form of vinegar produced by crushing, distilling, and fermenting apples is called apple cider vinegar. This low-calorie drink is high on acetic acid and is often credited for its numerous health benefits. ACV is considered an effective detox and cleanse solution for the body and is useful in the fields of skincare, haircare, weight loss, and as a potential natural remedy for gout.

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Apple Cider Vinegar For Heartburn What

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Apple cider vinegar has been a popular addition to kitchen pantries for generations. Its been used in both cooking and medicine for hundreds of years.

Recently, apple cider vinegar or ACV has been in health news and has been touted as a versatile and effective remedy for anything from insect bites to heartburn.

Yes, you read that right! It might seem strange that something that is basically an acid could help heartburn and indigestion. Read on to find out if apple cider vinegar for heartburn can really help if youre experiencing heartburn, acid reflux, or GERD.

Acid Reflux Is Caused By Many Things Such As:

How does apple cider vinegar help acid reflux IAMMRFOSTER.COM
  • Smoking
  • Increased pressure on the abdomen from being overweight or pregnant
  • Ingesting a very heavy or large meal
  • Eating or snacking right before bedtime
  • Eating certain food such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, other spices, onion, or fatty foods
  • Drinking certain beverages such as alcohol, soft drinks, excess coffee or tea
  • Taking medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen, muscle relaxers and some blood pressure medication

Reflux pain is no joke.

Acid reflux diagram

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What Are The Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

The acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar may provide several health benefits.

For some people, acid reflux may be a result of too little stomach acid. Proponents of this remedy claim apple cider vinegar might be beneficial because it introduces more acid into the digestive tract. This acid is also effective against several types of bacteria and acts as an antimicrobial agent.

Apple cider vinegar may also help people with diabetes manage blood sugar. Ingesting vinegar can raise your bodys insulin sensitivity. This allows the insulin to move glucose through your body and decrease your blood sugar levels.

Some Say Apple Cider Vinegar Makes Acid Reflux Worse

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented vinegar that is made from crushed apples. Many people who advocate for apple cider vinegar do not truly understand its chemical properties. They believe that the key to managing acid reflux is to lower the acidity in your stomach.

For a comprehensive / easy to follow plan, additional rationale, and the steps I took to resolve my reflux, get my #1 best-selling book ‘How I Cured My Silent Reflux | The Counterintuitive Path to Healing Acid Reflux, GERD, and Silent Reflux .’ Also available in audiobook!

Alternatively, if youre a do it yourselfer, I have put together a quick three page checklist that covers the three phase plan. You can get that here:

So to justify their theory, they explain that vinegar promotes a base response in your stomach. This is somewhat logical but its flat out wrong! To understand why read this article to understand the root cause of acid reflux. Furthermore, Healthline has a nice article titled Is Vinegar an Acid or Base? And does it Matter? In the article, they explain:

Although apple cider vinegar contains more alkaline nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, compared with white vinegar, its not enough to make it alkalizing.

Its more likely that its association with apples, which are alkalizing, explains why some people believe apple cider vinegar to be alkaline.

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Natural Remedy For Heartburn

Combining a few top-notch ingredients like apple cider vinegar and freshly grated ginger, with a dose of refreshing water and a little Concord grape juice for flavor and antioxidants, this drink is sure to please the palate, as well as the stomach.

For best results, use a raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar that contains the mother to ensure you are getting the most nutritional value.

Get ready to kick heartburn to the curb by drinking this remedy daily, so you can get back to enjoying life!.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Aid In Treating Heartburn

Apple Cider vinegar for GERD. How to use it.

A 2016 study by Arizona State University graduate students found that raw or unfiltered apple cider vinegar can prevent heartburn. But more research is needed to determine whether apple cider vinegar is a consistent and reputable way to treat acid reflux .

The acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar can provide relief from heartburn.

Sometimes, the stomach may not have enough acid or you may eat foods low in acidity, resulting in heartburn. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is a weaker acid than the hydrochloric acid naturally found in the stomach, and this acetic acid helps lower stomach acidity without compromising digestion.

Apple cider vinegar also improves the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. A weak sphincter would let stomach acids pass into the esophagus.

Also, though acidic in nature, apple cider vinegar has an alkalizing effect in your body, which is important for proper digestion. Plus, it contains pectin, which is a water-soluble fiber that helps regulate bowel movements. A healthy digestive system can prevent digestive problems like indigestion, gas, bloating, stomach aches and heartburn.

Apple cider vinegar also controls weight gain, which is one of the risk factors for heartburn. The acetic acid in it prevents the accumulation of body fat. Also, it may activate certain genes involved in breaking down fats.

Apart from boosting your metabolism, apple cider vinegar also curbs fat storage.

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Apple Cider Vinegar For Heartburn

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Ive always thought it sounded counterintuitive to use an acid to alleviate indigestion, but the number of times Ive heard people treat their symptoms of heartburn with apple cider vinegar is too large to count. So, I decided to look into whether this strategy works, and to do some investigation about the idea behind its use. To my surprise, there is no research published in medical journals that addresses using raw apple cider vinegar to treat heartburn, despite widespread use and recommendations from blogs and websites.

I’m Skepticalcan Acv Really Cure Heartburn

Okay, so “cure” is a strong word. The drinking-ACV-for-heartburn advice come from a few different websites and blogs, but most credit one college thesis paper from Arizona State University .

Still, the paper’s researchera graduate studentconducted a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over research study that had people either eat a meal with chili , take an antacid after a chili meal, eat chili that had apple cider vinegar added to it, or drink diluted ACV after eating the chili.

Those who had vinegar in any form seemed to do pretty well in the heartburn department but, the researcher said, more research is needed.

Other than that, theres no reputable research on this. Still, this move “works for some individuals with mild heartburn, says Ashkan Farhadi, M.D., a gastroenterologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center and director of MemorialCare Medical Groups Digestive Disease Project in Fountain Valley, Calif.

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How Do You Address Heartburn

When it comes to treating heartburn, the best way is to use medication known as proton pump inhibitors. This kind of medication reduces the acidity of the stomach acids, leading to less irritation. While it will not treat GERD directly, it reduces the inflammation caused by stomach acids. In turn, this allows the esophagus to recover.

That being said, the downside to proton pump inhibitors is that they cause your body to absorb fewer nutrients. For this reason, you must not take them for more than a month unless told so by your doctor.

Fortunately, many DIY methods can help reduce heartburn to allow your esophagus to heal. For instance, rather than eating large meals that can overfill your stomach, eat smaller meals more often throughout the day. Also, avoiding food that are known triggers, like spicy or sour foods, will help immensely.

Be Cautious About Acv Hype

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Acid Reflux

While there are health benefits to apple cider vinegar, there are also many claims with scant or nonexistent scientific evidence to back them up. In some cases, using ACV for these health conditions or concerns might simply be a waste of the liquid and your time, but in other cases, there could even be dangers as a result.

Take a look at these 21 claims that lack scientific support:

  • Acid reflux: While some people swear by apple cider vinegar and baking soda for acid reflux, there’s no scientific evidence to support this home remedy, according to Harvard Health Publishing. There’s limited risk to taking ACV for acid reflux, per the Cleveland Clinic just be aware that there’s also no reason to believe that apple cider vinegar for heartburn is effective.
  • Acne: Because a type of bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes contributes to acne, there’s reason to think an antibacterial agent will be helpful. But placing ACV directly on your skin can be harmful, potentially causing chemical burns, according to an October 2012 letter to the editor in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, which details a case where that happened to a young boy. But in a small study, which aimed to find out if ACV could improve the skin barrier, most participants experienced skin irritation from the diluted ACV soak, per July 2019 findings in Pediatric Dermatology.
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