Friday, May 3, 2024

Can Ibs Wake You From Sleep

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Risk Factor: You Took A Lot Of Antibiotics When You Were A Kid

âIf you wake up, and you can’t get back to sleep…” WATCH THIS!

The GI tract is host to trillions of bacteria, both good and bad, that perform important functions, such as digesting otherwise indigestible carbohydrates and aiding in the production of vitamins, like K and B. A good balance of bacteria in the gut is crucial for the optimal functioning of the immune system. According to Dr. Quigley, epidemiological evidence suggests that antibiotic use in childhood is connected to the later development of IBS. The theory is that the antibiotics caused changes in the gut microbiome that are relevant to IBS, he says.

The Cycle Of Poor Sleep And Painful Symptoms

You can count on feeling lethargic after a sleepless night with IBS pain, but the effects of a poor sleep can reach well beyond the morning.

In fact, one night lost to pain can quickly become a string of sleepless nights and your days can become progressively more painful. The sleep/pain cycle is predictable, and hard to break:

If you suffer from IBS with constipation and are looking for ways to manage the symptoms, these five simple lifestyle changes may help.

1. Pain Prevents a Restful Sleep

This fact probably comes as no surprise. Even if you can manage to get to sleep, abdominal cramps or spasms in your colon can rouse you from your slumber before you hit the deep sleep phase the most restorative phase, when your muscles repair, your energy is restored, and important hormones are released to stabilize hunger and mood. This phenomenon is known as sleep fragmentation and can have all sorts of negative consequences.

2. Less Sleep Equals More Stress

When you dont get a solid stretch of shut eye, your tissues cant regenerate, and your body releases more cortisol . Too much cortisol is responsible for a host of problematic processes, from weight gain to premature ageing to mood swings.

3. Stress Leads to Abdominal Pain

Sleep deprivation also increases both your perception of pain and your sensitivity to pain, which means any IBS symptoms youre already experiencing can feel a lot worse after even one sleepless night.

Is This Ibs The Answer: No

Sometimes a person may have symptoms that they think are IBS. But, in fact, theyre not. An individual may have sudden diarrhea or constipation and abdominal pain, as well as other symptoms. Their symptoms go away after a few days and dont come back. These symptoms may be due to changes in the diet, eating spoiled food, or something else, but not IBS.

It may mean something more serious if a person has symptoms that are like IBS, along with low iron in the blood , blood in the stool, weight loss, a fever, a family history of colorectal cancer or inflammatory bowel disease , or symptoms that started after age 50. The person should contact their doctor for an appointment.


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Is Diarrhea At Night A Sign Of Covid

Researchers have found that diarrhea is a symptom of the COVID-19 virus. In an April 2020 study, the scientists found that half of the patients in the research group who tested positive for the coronavirus had diarrhea as the main gastrointestinal system.

As we covered in this article, though, diarrhea can result from multiple factors, so experiencing loose bowel movements doesnt mean you have contracted Covid. The best thing to do is monitor your symptoms and get tested if you notice no improvements.

What To Do If You Think You Have Ibs

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If you have symptoms of IBS that interfere with your quality of life, visit a primary care doctor near you, who can help diagnose IBS and rule out other diseases that mimic it. If you dont already have a physician, you can use the Healthline FindCare tool to find a provider near you.

IBS is diagnosed by recurrent abdominal pain for at least 6 months, combined with weekly pain for 3 months as well as some combination of pain relieved by bowel movements and changes in frequency or form of bowel movements.

Your doctor may refer you to a gastroenterologist, a specialist in digestive diseases, who can help you identify triggers and discuss ways to control your symptoms.

Lifestyle changes, such as a low-FODMAPs diet, stress relief, exercise, drinking plenty of water and over-the-counter laxatives can also help. Interestingly, a low-FODMAPs diet is one of the most promising lifestyle changes for alleviating symptoms .

Identifying other trigger foods can be difficult, as these are different for each person. Keeping a diary of meals and ingredients can help identify triggers (

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Causes Of Stomach Pain

Cramping abdominal pain arises from hyperactivity of normal intestinal peristalsis, also known as muscle contractions, and can be caused by excess gas, irritation of the intestines from infection or inflammation, blockage, and even stress.

Constant abdominal pain can arise from an inflammation in any of the organs in the abdominal cavity, ulcers, blockage of the gallbladder by stone, and infections called abscesses.

There are many other causes of stomach pain that can wake you up at night. Some of them are listed below:

Acid reflux

Acid Reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease , is a condition where the acidified content of the stomach backs up into the esophagus. This can damage the esophagus and upset your stomach.

Food poisoning

Sometimes, stomach pain can occur when you eat raw or contaminated food, resulting in diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Most people experience these symptoms a few hours after eating the contaminated food.


Stones developed in your gallbladder can block your gallbladder duct, causing constant abdominal pain. These tend to develop after a large, fat-heavy meal, and a gallstone attack can occur while youre sleeping.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is defined as abnormal discomfort and pain associated with altered bowel habits for at least three days per month during the previous three months. Cramping abdominal pain is the most common symptom.

Menstrual cramps

Stomach ulcer

Relationship Of Disturbed Sleep And Gi Symptom Data In Ibs

Number of waking episodes during sleep was utilized as a representative measure of sleep disturbance . Significant relationships were found between waking episodes and abdominal pain ratings as well as GI Bother and daily abdominal distress as shown in . Greater number of symptomatic days also were related to disturbed sleep . Sleep disturbances did not, however, have significant relationships with bowel pattern or with other bowel symptoms such as daily reports of bloating, mucus, gas or urgency . Similar results were obtained when comparing waking episodes during sleep and GI symptoms. In contrast to what was seen with IBS patients, healthy controls had no significant relationship with sleep disturbances, any of the measures of abdominal pain or bowel pattern . Self-reported sleep on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index , including the total PSQI score, sleep disturbance, and sleep latency domains correlated well with self-reported GI pain ratings, including bloating and daily rating of abdominal distress. As with PSQI data, self-reported sleep disturbances correlated with abdominal pain on the GSRS , but demonstrated much weaker associations with other GI symptom domains, including bowel symptom Bother and Frequency as well as GSRS non-pain symptoms .

Correlation matrix between GI symptoms and actigraphy, subjective sleep report in IBS patients

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Other Conditions Affecting Sleep Quality And Ibs Symptoms

Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that affects roughly 20% of the population. Sleep apnea can interrupt sleeping patterns and lessen the quality of sleep. Common symptoms include snoring, witnessed temporary episodes of not breathing at night, and waking up with dry mouth. Researchers found that people with sleep apnea were more likely to have IBS than patients without sleep apnea. However, increasing severity of sleep apnea was not linked with IBS. These findings show the importance of following a treatment plan for diagnosed sleep apnea, and discussing symptoms with your healthcare provider to determine if testing for sleep apnea is necessary.

Mood disorders are commonly linked with IBS. Sleep trouble is a classic feature of psychiatric and mood disorders and likely play an important role in the link between sleep disturbance and IBS. Psychiatric include treatment and or conditions relating to the mind, behaviors and emotions. It is important to recognize uncontrolled psychiatric symptoms and discuss them with your healthcare provider.

Cutting Out Potential Triggers Without An Experts Help

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Figuring out your triggers will probably mean systematically cutting things out, especially foods, with the help of your doctor. As frustrating as this is, try to stick with it.

One thing I tell people is, dont expect overnight results, Poppers cautions. For example, if you stop eating, say, cruciferous vegetables, dont expect that this time tomorrow youre going to feel 100% better. If you do, thats fantastic. But it can take several days it could take longer. One reason for this is that you probably have multiple triggers. Even if youve found one, there could be other factors affecting your symptoms.

Its also important not to go overboard when youre cutting out potential triggers, particularly when that comes to food. As Buxbaum points out, if you try to eliminate every possible dietary trigger, Thats going to be hard to follow. If you do it all the same time, its a bit restrictive.

Both Buxbaum and Poppers instead recommend working with your doctor and an expert such as a registered dietitian to eliminate the different FODMAP elements one at a time. I dont like to overly restrict foods initially, because I want people to be able to enjoy what they enjoy, Poppers explains. The other reason I advise against restricting multiple things at once is that if someone is improving, its very difficult for me to determine what has actually made the difference if theyve changed too many things at once.


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How Your Sleep Habits Might Affect Your Poop

A lack of sleep could leave you struggling in the bathroom. Here’s why.

Not getting enough sleep can throw off your entire day. But a lack of sleep is more than just a mood ruiner. Its also associated with some pretty negative effects on your healthand, believe it or not, your bathroom behavior.

Digestive health experts have long believed that sleep quality and GI symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea are connected in some way, especially among people with irritable bowel syndrome . Research even suggests that sleep disruptions might trigger flare-ups of inflammatory bowel disease. Sleep disorders and poor sleep may also affect the immune system and, in turn, GI health.

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But theres still some uncertainty around whether a lack of sleep or low-quality sleep can be considered a direct cause of poop problems, Kyle D. Staller, MD, MPH, an instructor at Harvard Medical School and gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, tells Health.

Certainly, he says, people who already deal with IBS or other gastrointestinal discomfort may very well notice that their symptoms get worse when they arent sleeping well: Poor sleep is likely going to exacerbate or worsen certain GI issues. Its possible, he says, that you could go several nights without quality rest and notice an increase in discomfort, diarrhea, or suboptimal poops in the following days.

When To See A Doctor

Most cases of nighttime stomach pain are not reason for immediate concern.

If symptoms occur more than once a week or become long-term, a physician should be consulted. If symptoms interfere with everyday activities, especially healthy sleep, medical attention should also be sought.

Certain symptoms, regardless of their severity or frequency, should be assessed by a physician.

Symptoms associated with nighttime stomach pain that require medical attention include:

  • severe or ongoing pain that does not lessen with over-the-counter medications
  • fever
  • swelling or inflammation of the stomach region
  • abdomen that is painful to touch
  • yellowing of the skin and eyes
  • ongoing nausea or vomiting, especially if vomiting blood
  • blood in the stool
  • pain that occurs during pregnancy
  • joint and muscle aches

Though rare, severe stomach pain that occurs suddenly and without a clear reason may be a sign of serious health conditions.

One life-threatening condtion is appendicitis. In some people, the appendix becomes inflamed and infected. It can burst, causing severe infection that requires immediate medical attention and surgery.

Often, appendicitis starts as pain that begins around the belly button and travels downward into the lower right side. It then usually worsens with the slightest activity or movement.

Other conditions associated with intense, unrelenting stomach pain include:

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How To Tell If Your Child Has A Stomachache

That said, constipation can be painful and girls can painfully ovulate during menstruation, but they don’t want to lose sight of appendicitis. Therefore, any pain in this part of the abdomen must be controlled. 7. The child has a high fever and a heavy cough. Pneumonia can sometimes cause stomach upset.

What Causes Cramps And Sharp Pains In Stomach

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Produces gas. Gas is a common problem that usually goes away on its own. stomach virus. Stomach viruses such as norovirus cause severe attacks that may come and go. Muscle aches and pain. Liver And Gallbladder Problems Indigestion. to swear. Menstrual Cramps Ovarian Cysts Ovulation. Labor or Braxton Hicks.

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Relationship Between Ibs And Sleep Disturbances

Robert Burakoff, MD, MPH, is board-certified in gastroentrology. He is the vice chair for ambulatory services for the department of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, where he is also a professor. He was the founding editor and co-editor in chief of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

Many IBS patients report a connection between the quality of their sleep and their IBS symptoms. Their observations are validated by research that shows that sleep disturbances are well-documented for people with irritable bowel syndrome. In fact, sleep disturbances are one of the most common non-intestinal complaints of those with IBS.

How The Microbiome Influences Sleep

Leaky Gut

If you think about the digestive tract, its really one long tube thats open on both ends. The only way that things can enter into the body is through the intestinal lining in the gut. The regulation of what is allowed to pass in through that lining is a highly important junction for chronic illnessyou want healthy nutrients to enter in and toxic junk to stay out.

Its considered the ground zero of most health disorders because how your body manages that juncture will dictate your risk for virtually every chronic illness, including all of the sleep-associated disorders. Hundreds of years ago, when Hippocrates said that All disease begins in the gut, he may have been right.

If you have an imbalance of beneficial and problematic bacteria in your intestines, the lining can become permeable, and you develop whats commonly known as a leaky gut. Leaky gut causes endotoxins and lots of other inflammatory compounds to leak into your circulation. These compounds continuously stimulate your sympathetic nervous system, also known as your fight-or-flight response.

This is especially problematic when it comes to sleep because you need your parasympathetic nervous system to activate at night so you can rest and digest. If youre constantly in fight-or-flight mode, youll have difficulty falling and staying asleep.

Low Levels of Serotonin-producing Bacteria

Accumulation of Inflammation



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Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Sleepless Nights

Are irritable bowel syndrome symptoms disturbing your sleep? Youre not alone. According to the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders , sleep problems and next-day fatigue – are common among people with IBS.

Members of myIBSteam confirm that pain, gas, cramps, indigestion, and the urge to go regularly robs them of a good nights sleep. IBS nausea kept me awake all night. I hate days like this! said one sleepless member. Been up since 2:30 a.m. with cramps and diarrhea. Im now good friends with the toilet bowl, shared another.

IBS Symptoms Worse at NightAccidents wake me in the middle of the night. I’m not getting any real sleep, lamented one myIBSteam member. I didnt have symptoms until this evening, then raced to the bathroom for hours, said another.

Severe pain and nausea can also make it hard to sleep. The pain is unbearable. Cried myself to sleep and woke up in severe pain, said one woman, sharing the experience of others.

Overeating, eating poorly or having a late dinner also has consequences. I had a yucky flare up Monday night . Pain, nausea, gassy, poop pains. My own fault. I ate the wrong foods at dinner, admitted one woman.

Another member regretted a night out with friends. We had a blast, but boy did I suffer later. I woke up five times during the night with pain and nausea. The past few nights have been brutal. Super tired, drained, fatigued, and weak.

What Will The Doctor Do

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Most kids get a stomachache, constipation, or diarrhea now and then. This doesn’t mean a kid has IBS.

But when a kid has these problems regularly, a doctor may think it could be IBS. Here are some questions the doctor might ask:

  • How often does the kid’s stomach hurt? Every week? Every 2 weeks? Every day? A kid with IBS will have a stomachache at least 12 weeks out of a year. That’s a lot!
  • What makes that pain go away? If the pain stops after the kid poops, there’s a good chance it’s IBS.
  • How often does the kid have to poop? With IBS, it could be more often or less often than usual.
  • Now the gross one: What does the poop look like? Sometimes kids notice that their poop looks different than usual. It may be a different color, slimier, or contain something that looks like mucus . That’s a real signal to the doctor that a kid might have IBS.
  • There is no test to diagnose IBS. Doctors often diagnose the problem just by listening to a person describe the symptoms. That’s why it’s really important for kids to talk with their parents and their doctor about their symptoms, even if it seems embarrassing.

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