Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can A Bladder Infection Cause Bloating

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Does A Uti Make You Tired And Bloated

Can a urinary tract infection cause early labor. What should I do?

UTI can cause tiredness and malaise, but it should not be the only factor to consider while dealing with its symptoms.An overall feeling of being tired, sick, and tired can signify other diseases or conditions.

Therefore, it is essential to diagnose the cause, especially if a person is suffering from chronic fatigue, as some underlying causes might lead to serious health problems if left untreated. A UTI can induce overall sensations of exhaustion or sickness.

Causes Of Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are almost always caused by a bacterial infection. The infection most commonly occurs when bacteria from the anal or genital region enter the urinary tract and ascend through the urethra to the bladder and/or kidneys. It is believed that over 85 percent of UTIs are caused by bacteria from the bowel or vagina.

80 percent of UTIs are reportedly caused by the E. coli bacteria which is present in human and animal intestines. Most E. coli strains are a natural part of healthy, human digestion. However, some can cause illness when carried outside of the intestinal tract.

Usually, any bacteria that enter the urinary tract are flushed out by urine. In some cases, small amounts of bacteria remain in the system, and this can lead to a urinary tract infection. It is also possible to develop a UTI when a bacterial infection from elsewhere in the body spreads through the bloodstream, reaching the kidneys. However, this is much less common.

In rare cases, urinary tract infections can also be caused by viruses, fungi and parasites.

What Is Bladder Infection

A bladder infection, also called cystitis, is caused by an abnormal growth of bacteria inside the bladder, the balloon-like organ that stores urine. Bladder infections are one of the most common bacterial infections to affect humans, with up to one-third of all females having at least one infection at some point in their lives.

Bladder infections are classified as either simple or complicated. Simple bladder infections affect only healthy women with normal urinary systems. Bladder infections are rare in men who are otherwise healthy, so men are included in the complicated category with members of both sexes who have abnormal urinary systems.

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Can Ibs Cause Urinary Problems

Many people who suffer from IBS also experience urinary problems. These include overactive bladder syndrome and interstitial cystitis, also known as painful bladder syndrome. Men with IBS may also be prone to chronic prostatitis a swollen prostate gland that can lead to urinary problems.

A Japanese study from 2013 highlighted the overlap between the IBS and OAB specifically. It found that IBS affected around one third of participants with OAB. In comparison, it only affected 20% of those without OAB. Similarly, it found that OAB affected 14% of participants with IBS and just under 8% of people without. So, what is the link between IBS and bladder problems? Lets take a look.

Constipation And Bladder Infection Are Related To Each Other

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When you suffer from the urinary tract infection, usually it is caused by the E.coli bacteria. E.coli is the bacteria that reside in the large intestine. Unfortunately, often such bacteria get access to the urinary tract and then transfer to the bladder via the urethra. Hence, you suffer from the bladder infection along with constipation. This is how constipation and UTI are related to each other.

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What Can I Drink For Interstitial Cystitis

We all know that interstitial cystitis is a type of bacterial infection i.e. urinary tract infection. Hence, urologists and other doctors recommend you to stay hydrated yourself with the following types of fluids.

Consume Water In Enough Amounts As Possible: Drinking enough amount of water lets you diluting your urine and makes sure that urinate frequently. This helps in flushing out the harmful bacteria from the urinary tract before any infection starts.

Urologists have found a closed link between the hydration statuses of a person with his/her risk to suffer from urinary tract infection. The reason for this is that regular urination helps in flushing out the bacteria from the urinary tract and thereby, avoids infection. A research study conducted on patients using urinary catheters for a long time highlighted that low urine output was a prime risk factor related to UTI development.

Another study justified that low intake of fluids and infrequent urination was responsible to cause recurrent UTIs. Along with this, approximately 28 women self-monitored the hydration status with the help of a probe for measuring their urine concentration. These women found that an increase in hydration or water intake results in a significant decrease in the frequency of urinary tract infection. Hence, to keep yourself well hydrated and fulfill the fluid requirements, you should drink water during the whole day and always whenever you feel thirsty.

Heavy Protein Loss Via Urine

When heavy protein loss takes place in the urine, patients deal with abnormal kidney functions. Heavy protein loss in human urine i.e. more than 0.3 grams in one day with its accompanying fluid retention implies nephritic syndrome. This syndrome leads to further reduction in the albumin concentration in the human blood. We know that albumin plays a prime role to maintain the level or volume of blood present in blood vessels. Hence, protein excretion causes reduction in the actual amount of fluid present in blood vessels. Kidneys then identify the depletion of exact volume of blood and hence, put efforts to retain the salt. Thus, fluid moves within the interstitial spaces and causes water retention. Protein loss in the urine takes place in specific kidney problems and thereby, leads to the edema development. In this situation, doctors go for biopsy of the patients kidneys to diagnose the type of kidney problem and thereby, give the right treatment.

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When To See A Doctor

If you have symptoms of a UTI, see your doctor. They can use a urine test to determine if bacteria are present in your urine. If you do have a UTI, a course of antibiotics can help to clear up your infection.

If a UTI is left untreated, the infection may spread from your bladder to your kidneys. This can lead to serious complications like kidney damage and sepsis.

Its also important to remember that cramping and pain in your lower abdomen can be caused by other health conditions as well. Some examples of conditions that cause abdominal cramps or pain include:

Why Might A Person With Endometriosis Suffer With Bladder Or Bowel Problems

Can a Urinary Tract Infection Cause Sepsis?

The cells that normally form in the womb can form outside the bladder or bowel or burrow deeper within the walls of the bladder or bowel. These cells will react in the same way as they would in the womb leading to blood becoming trapped in these organs. It is the trapped blood that causes the pain as it becomes inflamed. It is more common for the bowel to be affected than the bladder. The pain experienced can make it difficult to urinate or have a bowel movement. If your bladder is affected then you may experience an overactive bladder, where you have feelings of urgency or frequency as well as pain. If your bowel is affected you may experience episodes of diarrhoea and/ or constipation plus uncomfortable bloating.

The NHS have created the following video about Endometriosis.

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What Is A Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection, often referred to as a UTI or urine infection, is an infection of the urinary system. Usually, a urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria from the anal or genital region spreading to the bladder. If left untreated, the infection can continue to spread, eventually reaching the kidneys in the upper urinary tract.

UTIs are a very common condition, mostly affecting women, although men can also develop UTIs. Symptoms can include frequent and painful urination, an odd smell to the urine, the presence of blood in the urine and pain in the lower abdomen. Fever, nausea and upper abdominal pain may be a sign that the infection has reached the upper levels of the urinary tract.

With prompt antibiotic treatment, most people recover quickly. However, if left untreated, a urinary tract infection can develop into a serious condition with a number of complications.

When To See A Doctor For A Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections usually require a visit to the doctor to confirm diagnosis and receive treatment. If a UTI is suspected, a doctorââ¬â¢s appointment is always recommended for the following groups of people:

  • Children
  • Anyone who has not had a UTI before
  • Anyone with blood in their urine
  • Anyone with symptoms of an upper urinary tract infection
  • Anyone whose symptoms have returned after treatment

Some people who experience UTIs on a frequent basis might be offered different management options by their doctor, such as long-term, low-dose antibiotics. In these special cases, the onset of UTI symptoms may be managed at home, and a visit to the doctor is not always necessary.

In very mild cases, a bladder infection/cystitis may clear on its own without the need for medical treatment. However, other conditions such as genital herpes or vaginal thrush can be mistaken for cystitis, so people who are unsure whether they have cystitis should still see a doctor.

Feeling unwell? People experiencing symptoms that may be linked to a urinary tract infection can carry out a symptom assessment using the free Ada app now.

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Ibs And Other Functional Gi Disorders

Functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome , functional abdominal bloating and distention, functional constipation, and functional dyspepsia may cause problems with gas symptoms.

Functional GI disorders are related to problems with how your brain and your gut work together. These problems can cause you to feel more bloating or abdominal pain or can affect how gas moves through your intestines.

Can A Uti Cause Bloating And Constipation

5 Reasons for Stomach Pain

Although symptoms such as fullness, constipation, and a frequent urge to urinate are usually linked to chronic illnesses, these could signify constipation and a urinary tract infection.

The bacteria E.coli present in the large intestine frequently access the urinary tract and, subsequently, pass through the urethra into the bladder. As a result, you can experience bladder infection and constipation.

Below are two main reasons why constipation raises the risk of a urinary tract infection :

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Treatment Of Kidney Infection

Most kidney infections need prompt treatment with antibiotics to stop the infection damaging the kidneys or spreading to the bloodstream.

You may also need painkillers.

If youre especially vulnerable to the effects of an infection , you may be admitted to hospital and treated with antibiotics through a drip.

Most people who are diagnosed and treated promptly with antibiotics feel completely better after about 2 weeks.

People who are older or have underlying conditions may take longer to recover.

When To See A Gp

You should see a GP if you have persistent pelvic pain or you notice a change in your usual peeing pattern.

These symptoms can have a number of causes, so it’s a good idea to get a proper diagnosis.

The GP can refer you to a hospital specialist like a urologist, a specialist in conditions affecting the urinary system, for further tests, such as a cystoscopy. A cystoscopy is a procedure to examine the inside of the bladder.

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The Link Between Gastrointestinal Issues And Kidney Stones

If youve been diagnosed with gastrointestinal issues, you may be surprised to know that they may increase your risk of kidney stones. Additionally, sometimes kidney stones can even cause symptoms that mimic gastrointestinal issues as well.

Thats why its so important to know the relationship between these two types of health conditions. AtPreva Surgicare – Surgery Center Of The Woodlands in Texas, our urology experts can help you understand your risk for kidney stones, while our specialized Stone Relief Center can help you treat them.

Food Allergies And Intolerances

Can Constipation Cause A Urinary Tract Infection?

Guidelines published by the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases conclude that neither standard blood nor skin tests are sufficient for making a diagnosis of food allergies. However, some healthcare providers have found that combining the results of these standard allergy tests with an elimination diet has helped those with interstitial cystitis develop individualized diet plans that can help control IC pain and bladder flares.

Urologist John Hubbard, MD and allergist/immunologist C. Steven Smith, MD, from Louisville, Kentucky, are studying the link between allergies and IC. In addition to seasonal allergies, the team is finding that food allergies are also common in IC patients.

Dr. Smith estimates that 35 to 40 percent of IC patients he sees have genuine food allergies, based on the results of their skin-prick tests and elimination diets. He found that their IC symptoms decreased when they removed those foods from their diets.

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Sexual Activity And Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Diarrhea and urinary tract infections could also result from certain high risk sexual activities and sexually transmitted diseases. For example, anal intercourse can result in injury to the rectum . This could be a cause of diarrhea. Bacteria from the rectum can gain access to the vagina if vaginal intercourse happens after anal intercourse.

The resulting infection in the vagina could then spread to the urethra that lies in close proximity. Infections could also spread through objects used during sexual activities. A sexually transmitted disease can affect both the vagina and the rectum. Urinary tract infections could then ensue from the vaginal infections.

Here Are Some Weird Signs And Symptoms Of Uti


Yes, its not all about the frequent trips to the bathroom!

Fact is, you could be suffering urinary infection and not even know it. This is according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. The symptom-free phase of this illness typically occurs in the early stages, as bacteria begin to make their way into your urinary tract and breed. Eventually, however, the symptoms of UTI will be more noticeable if the infection is left untreated. Like all other illnesses, its advisable to treat your UTI as soon as you discover you have one.


Although UTI in men is less common than it is in women, the symptoms in men could be more uncomfortable. Its been documented that some men have experienced a feeling of fullness in the rectum along with urinary tract infection. Sometimes, it could even lead to diarrhea!

Its unclear why this happens, although theres strong evidence that the anatomical structure of males could be the culprit.


While men get a sensation of fullness in the rectum, women on the other hand feel a constant pressure or discomfort in the abdomen. This could be directly related to changes in bladder activity.


When youre bloated, you may automatically think somethings wrong with your digestion. However, evidence shows that bloating could point to a urinary infection. Healthline lists bloating as one of the symptoms of UTI.


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Lactose Intolerance: Only Those With Lactose Intolerance Need To Restrict Dairy Products

There has been NO research suggesting people with interstitial cystitis have a higher risk for lactose intolerance.

Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk and dairy products. Some people have trouble digesting lactose. When they drink milk or eat a milk product, they feel bloated and may experience diarrhea and gas. Many people with lactose intolerance can enjoy small amounts of milk and dairy products without any difficulty. However, level of lactose tolerance varies greatly from person to person, so if consuming dairy seems to make your IC symptoms worse, you may want to consider getting your calcium and vitamin D from other IC-friendly sources:

  • Lactose-free, almond or rice milk with as few ingredients as possible
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes
  • Canned fish with bones
  • Fish
  • Hard cheese

Symptoms In The Elderly

15 Silent Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection

Most people who develop a urinary tract infection will exhibit symptoms, such as those listed above. However, elderly people are less likely to display classic symptoms specific to the genital and urinary regions. This may be due to changes in immune function as age increases, as well as the possibility of additional diseases and disorders affecting usual bodily responses.

Additionally, a urinary tract infection may cause certain behavioral changes in an elderly adult, such as confusion, agitation or disorientation. Such symptoms are often categorized as delirium. People with age-related issues such as delirium or dementia are especially at risk of developing a more severe UTI because they may not be able to communicate their symptoms and receive prompt treatment.

Although this connection between UTIs and delirium has been established, the reason why delirium may occur in elderly adults with a UTI is not yet known.

Good to know: If a urinary tract infection is suspected in an elderly person, always contact a doctor as a simple urine analysis test is usually enough to confirm the diagnosis.

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Signs Of A Kidney Infection

What does a kidney infection feel like? According to the NIDDK, the most common kidney infections symptoms are:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • But depending on a persons age, they may not experience all of these kidney infection symptoms. Children younger than two may only experience high fever as a sign of kidney infections, the NIDDK says, and people older than 65 might only present with cognitive issues, like confusion, hallucinations, and disorganized speech.

    Side And Suprapubic Pain

    Pain during urination is on the list of typical UTI symptoms, but other types of pain often arent mentioned because theyre less common. An uncomplicated urinary tract infection may cause mild to moderate suprapubic pain, a type of pain that most patients experience as a feeling of pressure or discomfort just above the public bone.

    You may also experience a more generalized pelvic pain or cramping in your abdomen. Short-lived pelvic pain may occur during your infection. It can also turn into chronic pain after the infection clears up.

    When your infection travels from the bladder to your kidneys, you can develop flank pain, or pain thats felt in your side. Flank pain arises as the infection causes swelling in the kidneys. When that happens, youll experience a steady, aching pain.

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