Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Apples Give You Diarrhea

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When And How To Eat If You Have Diarrhea:

8 Popular Foods That Could Cause Diarrhea – (Eat With Caution!)
  • Try a clear liquid diet water, weak tea, apple juice, clear broth, frozen pops, or plain gelatin as soon as diarrhea starts or you feel it’s going to start. Clear liquids keep the bowels from working too hard and help prevent irritation.
  • Eat small, frequent meals. Your body may find smaller amounts easier to digest.
  • After 2 days of diarrhea, start a liquid diet and add low-fiber foods as you can tolerate them. This will help lessen bowel irritation and will give you some nutrients.
  • Drink at least a cup of liquid after each bout of diarrhea so you don’t become dehydrated.

Washing Hands May Keep You Well

Fact. According to public health experts, washing your hands is still the best way to fight the germs that cause diarrhea. One review of research found that good hand washing can cut the transmission of infectious diarrhea by almost 40%. Use soap and water — and scrub as long as it takes you to recite the alphabet.

Thebest Treatment For Ibs

Sometimes IBS is treated withmedications, but a change in diet is the first thing we try. A healthylifestyle with a low-fat diet, exercise and avoidance of alcohol andcigarette smoking often makes a great difference. For people who still needhelp, special diets like a low-FODMAP diet can provide relief.

While the low-FODMAP diet is often difficult for many to follow, it is often worth seeing if it will ease your symptoms, Dr. Cresci says. Working with a registered dietitian can help you make the best food choices and maintain a balanced diet.

Your doctor may find that medication is also necessary to keep your symptoms at bay. These therapies include anticholinergic medicines, which calm the spasms, and antidepressants to reduce stress.

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Apple Juice Causes Gas

In addition to causing diarrhea, drinking too much apple juice may produce gas, reports the Cleveland Clinic. Gas may manifest as flatulence, belching or burping. Because of the shortage or absence of the enzymes needed to digest sugars in foods like apples, the carbohydrates aren’t fully absorbed, an effect that can result in gas.

Apples have a high content of fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols , which are food components that cause digestive issues. If apple juice gives you gas, Harvard suggests switching to a low-FODMAP fruit juice. Alternatives could include grape or orange juice.

When To See Your Doctor

Treat Diarrhea with Apple Cider Vinegar

While many cases of diarrhea can be treated at home with OTC remedies, rest, and a temporarily restricted diet, if it lasts long enough you should consult your doctor. Call your doctor if your diarrhea lasts more than 2 days without improvement or if you get dehydrated.

If you get dehydrated or have other symptoms, you may need to go to the emergency room to get prompt treatment.

Other symptoms to watch for include black or bloody stools, severe abdominal pain, or a fever of 102°F or higher. You can call your doctor and ask what you should do if you experience any of these symptoms.

If your child has diarrhea, call their pediatrician and ask whether you should take them to the emergency room if they:

  • dont improve after 24 hours
  • havent had a wet diaper in three or more hours
  • have a fever of 102°F or higher
  • have a dry mouth or tongue
  • cry without tears
  • have skin that doesnt flatten if pinched and released
  • have a sunken appearance to the abdomen, cheeks, or eyes

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Foods To Eat When You Have Diarrhea

When you have diarrhea, the foods that you eat and the foods that you avoid can be critical to helping you recover quicker. This is where BRAT foods come in.

BRAT stands for bananas, rice, apples, toast. These foods are bland, so they wont aggravate the digestive system. Theyre also binding, so they help firm up stool.

Other foods that are included in the BRAT diet include:

  • cooked cereal, like Cream of Wheat or farina
  • soda crackers

Foods To Avoid When You Have Diarrhea

It is important to know what to eat for diarrhea. But it is just as important to know what not to eat when you have diarrhea. The last thing you would want to do is to make matters worse by eating foods that could potentially aggravate your stomach or cause you to have even more intestinal spasms. Doing so could lead to more misery.

  • Milk, cheese, ice cream, sour cream

  • Fatty, greasy foods

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Apples Can Help With Both Constipation And Diarrhoea: Here’s How

Apples contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. 64% of the fruit is insoluble fibre and 36% is soluble fibre, informs Makhija. “Soluble fibre is the one which forms gel-like consistency in stools and slows down digestion. So, if you have diarrhoea, you should have the pulp of the fruit without the skin,” she recommends.

Also read: Home Remedies For Constipation: Know How To Use Dried Figs For Better Digestion

The insoluble fibre in apples, on the other hand, is present in the skin of apples. It is the one which helps in forming the bulk of stools, eases bowel movements and relieves constipation. “One fruit, two purposes,” says Makhija in the Insta story which is now saved as highlights.

Fibre content of apples can also be beneficial for weight loss purposes. It contains high amounts of fibre and water, both of which make the fruit very filling in nature. Eating one whole fruit in between meals can make you feel fuller for longer and reduce overall calorie intake, thus aiding weight loss.

Also read: Weight Loss Tips: Get In Shape This Summer With These Foods And Drinks

Foods And Laxatives To Relieve Constipation

Can Fruit Cause Diarrhea? An Experiment.

To solve or prevent intestinal transit disorders, it is often recommended to supplement ones diet with probiotics, which naturally restore gut flora. But what does gut flora do? Why is it important to eat fibre every day? And what are probiotics?

Why fibre is important for fighting against constipationDietary fibre, derived from plants, comes from our diet. It is more or less fermented in the colon by the bacteria that feed off it and thereby contribute to the proper development and balance of gut flora. Plant fibre can be categorised into soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble dietary fibre, which is more fermentable than insoluble fibre, more effectively contributes to the nutrition and growth of bacteria contained in gut flora and indirectly provides energy for cells that make up the colon lining. All these actions combined improve intestinal transit and help relieve constipation. A high-fibre, balanced diet contributes to the proper functioning of the colon and is made up in 50% of soluble fibre and, in the other 50%, of insoluble fibre. OptiFibre® is a way of supplementing your diet in fibre and thereby improving your bowel movements. In addition to its short-term laxative effect, OptiFibre® has a long-term effect of restoring gut flora thanks to its composition comprising guar gum, which is particularly fermentable.

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How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Diarrhea

As with many at-home remedies, there isnt much scientific evidence supporting or rejecting apple cider vinegars potential health benefits.

Apple cider vinegar is acidic, so its important to dilute it with another liquid before drinking. Otherwise, the vinegar may wear down the enamel on your teeth.

A general rule of thumb is to mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a large glass of liquid. Try mixing it into cool water or juice. Or make a tea by pairing the vinegar with hot water and honey. Drink this mixture 2 to 3 times a day until your symptoms subside.

Alcohol Caffeine And Carbonated Beverages

For healthy individuals, beverages containing alcohol, caffeine, and carbonation do not generally cause diarrhea. However, each has the potential to be a GI irritant, and thus are probably best avoided until your system returns to normal.

Do not reach for flat soda either. Although your grandmother may have made that recommendation, the components in soda may actually make things worse.

A better choice would be an oral rehydration solution, like Pedialyte, or just plain water. When you have diarrhea, it is important to replenish fluids lost from those repeated bowel movements, so drink up.

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Sugar And Sugar Substitutes

Foods that are high in sugar can cause diarrhea. When people eat foods that contain a lot of sugar, water enters their intestines, which can result in very loose stools.

Fructose is a component of table sugar and is also found naturally in fruits. Some fruits contain more fructose than others. Some examples of foods high in fructose include:

  • apple juice
  • agave
  • soda

The body can only digest a certain amount of fructose at one time. Consuming more fructose than the body can absorb, may cause diarrhea.

Dr. Norton Greenberger, a gastroenterologist and Harvard Medical School professor, states that 75 percent of people who ingest more than 40 to 80 grams of fructose per day will get diarrhea.

Another source estimates that approximately 30 to 40 percent of people have trouble absorbing significant amounts of fructose.

Sugar alcohols, including sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and erythritol, are commonly used to sweeten foods labeled sugar-free or no sugar added. These sugar alcohols are not well absorbed by the body and can cause diarrhea in some people, especially if consumed in large amounts.

People should be sure to check the ingredients list of foods labeled sugar-free or no sugar added, such as chewing gums, candy, and protein bars, to see if they contain any sugar alcohols.

Eating When You Have Diarrhea

What are some home remedies for treating diarrhea?

Diarrhea can be a side effect of chemotherapy. If you have diarrhea that lasts for more than 24 hours, or if you have pain and cramping, call your doctor. Changes in your diet can help. Drink plenty of fluids that contain key chemicals and minerals so you don’t become dehydrated. Beverages with potassium in them, such as fruit juice and sports drinks, are especially good. Your doctor can prescribe medication if your diarrhea is very bad. Learn more about the causes of diarrhea and medicines that can help.

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Sugary Foods Make Diarrhea Worse

Fact. Some people reach for sports drinks or sodas to replenish lost fluids when they have diarrhea. But very sugary foods and drinks — even natural sugars found in fruit — may make diarrhea symptoms worse. During digestion, sugar draws fluid into the intestines, diluting the stools. Some sugar substitutes, like sorbitol, may have the same effect.

Path To Improved Health

The BRAT diet is a bland food diet recommended for adults and children. The benefits of using the BRAT diet to treat upset stomach and diarrhea include:

  • The foods used in the diet make your stools firmer. Thats because the foods are considered binding foods. Theyre low-fiber, bland, starchy foods.
  • The foods help replace nutrients your body needs and has lost due to vomiting and diarrhea. Bananas, for example, are high in the vitamin potassium.

Bland foods dont irritate your stomach. After you have diarrhea or vomiting, follow the BRAT diet to help your body ease back into normal eating. This diet also may help ease the nausea and vomiting some women experience during pregnancy.

You can add other bland foods to the BRAT diet. For example, you can try saltine crackers, plain potatoes, or clear soup broths. Dont start eating dairy products, sugary, or fatty foods right away. These foods may trigger nausea or lead to more diarrhea.

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Do Apples Help An Upset Stomach

Stomach upset is usually a major problem in many countries. However, it is problematic in children as well as in adults. Apple sauce obtained from apples is however a good source of fiber intake for babies. Like bananas and some other fruits, apples are much more beneficial to treat the upset stomach.

Most of the people are allergic to some foods that will cause allergic reactions like diarrhea, stomach cramps and indigestion problems. So, therefore, peeled apple are a good source to treat the stomach pain and indigestion. As the peel of the apple contains enzymes that will helps the stomach to digest easily. Apple peel also contains a compound called ursolic acid that is very helpful in muscle building and normal metabolism.

Apples are also known as to contain some chemicals that will kill the bacterias present in stomach. This will reduce the stomach upset and helps in proper digestion of food.

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What To Eat When You Have Diarrhea

An Overlooked Cause of Diarrhea

Whether your diarrhea is caused by allergies, food poisoning, a chronic condition like irritable bowel syndrome, or something else, diet and diarrhea are intricately linked.

Even if you have long-term conditions that affect the digestive system, the diet you eat can greatly affect your comfort levels.

When youre experiencing an episode of diarrhea, there are certain foods that you can eat to help your digestive system get back on track. There are also certain foods that you should avoid.

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Ways To Treat Diarrhea

Look for liquids with sugar and salt Pedialyte or full-salt soups work well,” he says. “If your urine is not clear, or you are not making much urine, you are not drinking enough.”

In terms of diarrhea treatment, Higgins says, if you dont have an infection and are not seeing blood, you can take over-the-counter loperamide to slow your bowel movements. But this kind of medication should only be taken for a day or two.

If diet and simple remedies aren’t working, and if symptoms persist for more than a few days and include bleeding, gas, and bloating, you should see a doctor. Your doctor can determine whether the diarrhea is caused by a more serious condition, and can recommend treatment.

Additional reporting by María Villaseñor.

High Fodmap Fruits: Apples Pears And Watermelon

An apple a day keeps the doctor awaybut wont keep that diarrhea at bay.

From Granny Smiths to Pink Ladies, a single apple serving is flagged as high FODMAP by Monash Universitys FODMAP Diet experts. Apples contain elevated levels of fructose and polyol-sorbitol, both of which intensify IBS symptoms and trigger diarrhea. The excess fiber apples are famous for, especially in their skins, can also irritate your gut.

Pears are equal opportunity diarrhea machines. No matter the type of pear – white, yellow, nashi, clingstone, packham, prickly itll aggravate your IBS symptoms. Similar to apples, pears contain high levels of the FODMAP polyol-sorbitol at a single serving size . And like apples, their high fiber means a high likelihood of extended bathroom time.

Everyones favourite BBQ treat, watermelon is arguably the most refreshing fruit to bite into and arguably the worst for your IBS food sensitivities.

This IBS trigger food has high levels of oligos, fructose, and polyols per single slice . For those keeping track at home, thats three of the four major FODMAPs that trigger IBS symptoms. There are less troublesome ways to hydrate yourself in the summer, albeit less delicious and satisfying.

Low FODMAP Alternatives :

  • Raspberries and strawberries

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Nutrition For Nausea Vomiting Or Diarrhea

Nutrition for nausea, vomiting or diarrhea consists of foods that are bland and gentle on the stomach. If you have nausea or vomiting, it may be hard to hold down food. Some foods may even make your symptoms worse. If you are experiencing diarrhea, the diet suggested below may help solidify your stools.

You may have heard of the BRAT diet which stands for Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Toast. The BRAT diet was often recommended for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but is no longer because of how restrictive it is. Below are lists of foods to focus on and avoid when experiencing nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, but there are many more foods that can be included.

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5 Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Diarrhea


  • Your child may be drooling more than usual.
  • They might be unusually irritable.
  • Your child may be chewing on their fingers, clothing, or toys.
  • They might have a consistent low-grade temperature of about 99 degrees F.
  • If youre able to get a look they have red gums at the eruption zone.
  • Interrupted sleep.

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Better Food Choices With A Low Fodmap Diet

Now that you know some of the foods to avoid with IBS, well leave you with some general food tips as you continue your path along a Low FODMAP diet.

  • To help with constipation, try boosting your fiber intake in small increments. Start with 2 to 3 grams per day, and build your way up to at least 25 grams per day or 38 grams per day . Look to whole-grain cereals and breads, beans, and low FODMAP vegetables and fruits.
  • Drink a copious amount of plain water every day.
  • Look for foods with soluble fiber. This adds bulk to your stools, limiting loose diarrhea excess.
  • Avoid eating foods with opposite temperatures at the same time. I.e. dont drink ice cold water with a boiling hot stew in the same sitting.
  • Reduce your portion sizes but eat enough to energize yourself throughout the day!

For an extensive list of high FODMAP foods, check out our dedicated high FODMAP foods list page here. And for the low FODMAP alternative, visit our low FODMAP foods list!


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